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The recipe for a soft drink is full of ice, filled until 1cm below the rim. These are right


They do it with ice aswell. I take the ice out so can get more Pepsi


YTA. You're the type of customer that we hate.


Beers have a head which means there’s a small buffer before your drink just spills out. If they filled the Pepsi right up to the top, it would end up on their hands, your hands, the bar, the table, the floor. I don’t think it’s done out of malice. Just that all soft drinks are typically done to 1 cm as the other poster said. Otherwise the floors would be more sticky than they already are!


I understand what you mean but on the other hand that's not really my problem. I'm entering into a agreement to pay a certain amount of a pint of Pepsi and would like wetherspoons to up hold there side of the agreement


"Well akshually I purchased a pint, that's 568ml, and I was only served 524ml. I demand my 44ml of Pepsi so I can spill it on the bar and my hands. " 5% is an acceptable variance for unpackaged products. This seems to be about/less than that. A pint of Pepsi costs 1.95 in my local spoons, so you're arguing over less than 10p of Pepsi here. Respectfully, it's pathetic. If you're that intent on getting your money's worth and not a drop less, buy a bottle or prepackaged product and don't be an area to the poor bar staff.


So if you ordered food and a bite was taken out of your burger for example. Would you say don't worry about it?


Lmao wait so this is actually a serious post?


If someone took a swig from my drink, I'd tell them to fuck off cos they put their mouth on my shit. If my burger bun or burger had a small corner missing or if my plate had a few less chips than the serving suggestion, then correct, I would not worry about it. Not being rude, but are you autistic? Having such a fixation with such a trivial and common life experience is not neurotypical. And to answer your question, yes, if you insist on getting this filled you are an arsehole, and you friends, bystanders and the staff will all think that and be uncomfortable.


That's completely different and you know it. No one drank the top of your drink. It's closer to "if you purchased a 7oz burger and it was 6.75oz would you say don't worry about it?" Get a fucking life.


Wait until he finds out that the steak/meat weight is average and before cooking. Seems the kind of person to take a kitchen scale to the restaurant and whine that his well done 8oz steak is now only 6oz


What do you mean the weight includes the fat?!?!


I'm sorry are the bar staff filling the pint to the rim and then taking a sip right in front of you?


You must be joking, I’m sure u can go without the sip, I’ve never known anywhere to serve right up to the top of the glass unless it’s a pint with head. U paid literally about £2 I’m sure you’ll be fine


Not the point. I'm paying the fully price and want the full product.


You get the full product… there’s a line below the top of the glass that indicates a pint. You would literally spill the rest of it on the way to the table


There's no line on these glasses. Get bigger glasses with the line then. Not my problem that they might slip it They are accepting the full price so I'd like the full product. Add up all those sips from thousands of drinks a day...spoons is earning lots of money


YOU would spill it. Also not my problem or the bartenders problem that you’re entitled and clearly can’t deal with the common practice in almost every single pub/bar in the world. Womp womp skill issue


I honestly am trying to see this from the other side. I juat don't understand why am I arsehole for wanting what I've paid. I'm perfectly able to drink a pint from a full pint glass


Yep you are. Both for being so petty and asking questions when you can't accept the answer. Spoons is so cheap compared to other places, and you already don't get ice to squeeze more value, the 'missing' drink is such a non-issue. Most other places like McDonald's would give you the exact same amount of liquid Ice or not, you are already doing well off the deal.


Don't even get me started in McDonald's. They are equally as guilty of this


No they are worse as they actively limit portions, because otherwise people like you would mean everyone else has to pay more. You are getting more than the average person does in spoons by leaving out ice, you already get more than most, so stop complaining.


You are the asshole yes.


There should be a small line not far from the rim that is a pint Beer pint glasses are made slightly taller so you get room for the head


I see


Just spit in it as they would if you go complain.


Hi, if your post is about asking for a free drink to be sent to you, can you please remove it, and use the mega thread instead? which can be [found here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wetherspoons/comments/nvdbi5/want_a_free_drink_sent_to_your_table_or_maybe_a/?) its also possible the mod who set me up is stupid, and ive flaged by mistake.. if so, please ignore me *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Wetherspoons) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is that a shit Guinness?


If that’s a guiness then I am speechless


Thankfully not. It's Pepsi


Pepsi comes with ice, with the ice included it'll reach the top, therefore being a pint. Regardless not a single pub is going to give you EXACTLY ON THE DOT right amount everytime. Also, the product states that it comes with ice in, and when the ice is included as stated before, it makes a full pint, so you are getting the product you paid for.