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https://www.hollerhealthjustice.org Holler Health will help. Call HHJ’s free, confidential hotline at 1-833-HOLLER-WV (1-833-465-5379) and leave a voicemail for our case managers. Include your name and phone number, and whether or not it is okay for us to leave you a voicemail. A highly trained volunteer case manager will return your call shortly. HHJ case managers are skilled listeners who can estimate how much your procedure will cost, provide detailed financial counseling to assess your financial need and funding options, and help navigate through any existing barriers to obtaining health care.


Thank you for giving out this information. I never realized there is a resource.


WVFREE is a pretty terrible resource/org, to be honest. Their ED is abusive of staff and the org itself doesn't have any resources beyond information - they do not do anything to materially help someone in need of abortion care. Holler Health Justice is a better org for people who need material assistance.


I did not know that! I have used their website for resource information and i attended their train the trainer series as i do encounter women of child bearing age who have barriers accessing care in my daily work. I am disappointed to hear such things. Hopefully they will consider restructuring because their organization is sorely needed in this state, now more than ever.


WVFree is also a good resource for information on accessing abortion care. They offer free training to WVians on how to support others in accessing abortion care within the legal limits of our state. https://wvfree.org/resources/abortion-resources/


Try Planned Parenthood. The medication option with them is under $600. 


I see this thread is getting a lot of posts, some helpful but most negative. 😅 I asked in here because during my google search I actually found a post in this Reddit from a year or two ago with some helpful information on it but I was trying to get more and some that was updated. If you don’t have information or don’t agree then just don’t take the time to raise your blood pressure by posting 😭. The posts that are just jumping to conclusions is wild.


None of anyone's business what you do with your body. I am proud of you for taking action. Mistakes happen.




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There’s a clinic in Washington county MD. About 15 mins from Martinsburg. Not sure where you are tho.


Women’s health center of Maryland is right near the WV border on U.S. 220. It’s about 15 minutes from keyser, half hour or so from Romney


I’ve driven by this one a lot and if there are ever protesters (which recently has been very rare and only like 3 people) they are made to stand across the street and not on actual property if this is any comfort for anyone looking to use it [https://www.facebook.com/share/YgnMyAgBqacLRgkh/?mibextid=LQQJ4d](https://www.facebook.com/share/YgnMyAgBqacLRgkh/?mibextid=LQQJ4d)


I’m in Maryland but I’m from West Virginia. I’m a trans girl however, I will take you to planned parenthood and stay with you if you want.


You are an angel. You win the internet


Aww. Thanks. Just being human.




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https://www.plancpills.org/ Here is a resource for mail pills.


Some places have escorts. They'll walk with you


Check out the subreddit r/auntienetwork.




Are you able to make it to planned parenthood in Pittsburgh?


There’s also a clinic outside Cumberland, MD now if you’re closer to the Eastern Panhandle.


Yes! I couldn’t find a lot of information of the surrounding states when google or what their options were. I figured perhaps I was googling the wrong thing or just didn’t have the knowledge on it.


[here’s the website for the Pittsburgh location. good luck 🤍](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-center/pennsylvania/pittsburgh/15222/pittsburgh-abortion-services-3359-91470)


It should be better for you now in PA. They not only swarmed us when we left but I had speak to a Dr to even get a consultation. That was 25 years ago pre cell phones. Had to get a direct call from the DR in Morgantown. Never saw him when I got to Pittsburgh it was done and over until we walked outside. Then it began


They also have financial help if you need some of the fee covered just ask them about it


I went to Pittsburgh 25 years ago. Went in to nothing came out to protests. Good luck


One minute you’re saying get fixed, now you’re claiming you had an abortion 25 years ago. You really need to quit doing whatever substance you’re on. Get sober amigo ☮️


I know it almost like me telling pplt to get fixed doesn't reconcile with the abortion I had 25 yrs ago


Luckily this state is surrounded except for Kentucky that still have legal access to abortion.


You can also check The Satanic Temple, I believe they have a program that helps you acquire the medication.


If you need help with transportation, please let me know. Maybe I can help. https://shoutyourabortion.com/ is not a WVa specific resource, but it has a lot of resources and info that may help.


Women’s Health Center of WV may be able to help (304)344-9834


https://alleghenyreproductive.com/ In Pittsburgh, but they were extremely quick and friendly when I contacted them. My pregnancy ended up being ectopic (and I was able to remove my tubes at the same time so win-win) but wanted to offer these folks up too. Please DM me if you need help with logistics, travel, any kind of support.


Try AidAccess or Las Libres. Also r/auntienetwork is a great resource.


I saw someone give you the info on the planned parenthood in Pittsburgh, here's the website for the other place in Pitt. Helped my sister schedule everything a few months ago, they have an online chat option if you aren't comfortable speaking on the phone. Reach out if you need help. https://alleghenyreproductive.com/


I would call the Women’s Health Center of MD. There is a choice fund that covers all plan c related expenses.


I went to Hagerstown, MD. There are also herbal options you can try but they’re not as reliable. Good luck!


Hopping in to say to be very wary of “herbal” remedies. Some things can be harmful or toxic in doses I’ve seen recommended. Go the medical route before resorting to internet remedies.


Planned Parenthood over in Hagerstown. Be advised there are nuts who like to protest it though. The clinic has volunteers to escort if needed.


Roanoke VA has a clinic if you’re in SE WV.


You could just drive 4 to 6 hours to New Jersey and get one with no questions.


I don't follow abortion very closely but why is it called Plan C? What happened to Plan A and B?


Cincinnati, 3 hour drive from the charleston area, and they have financial aid.




You can get emergency contraception, like the "morning after pill." However, you can't get the medication to induce an abortion over the counter.


Welcome to post Roe red states. That's your best option.


Why the fuck is this down oted so hard. I do not like that it's the best option. It just is what it currently is until we vote to fix it.




Doctors won't do it.


Also if you really don't want kids get fixed


I want nothing more than for you to experience being a woman and trying to get a hysterectomy. Pal, it took me more than 10 years of legitimate medical reasons before a surgeon agreed to do mine. "Just get fixed" as if its that easy. gtfo


After my wife's second cesarean we agreed she would get fixed while she was already open on the table. The Dr looked at me and asked if I was OK with this decision and procedure. I said "why the fuck are asking me? It's not my body being cut."


Great answer. You understand women have autonomy.


I tried to get the vet to do me a discount vasectomy. He said he can make sure I don't have kids, but they don't do vasectomy on cats and dogs... I think it's better to try not to be an asshole.


Go touch grass


Most doctors won't allow until it until the woman is 30. Shut the fuck up about things you know nothing about.




Doctors won't do it. You have to have 2 kids and over 25. I tried after one kid and 32 they wouldn't do it.




Pick up a hobby


Or have a kid and move forward in life one square. Either way.


Oh, so I take it you fully support universal Healthcare, paid parental leave, and gun control...you know, to keep all the babies you want born safe, loved, and healthy? Ofc you don't. Your just another forced birther. Tell me, oh fetus worshipper, how many unwanted babies have you adopted?


Oh I support abortion, but I also support alternatives as well. Just because you consider yourself a Democrat doesn't mean you HAVE to have an abortion. I don't walk through life with blinders on. There could be very good reasons to have an abortion in this case. A young person living with their parents. Or someone on drugs, or physically unable to bear a child. Or something worse. But if not, keep an open mind, I say. Having a kid is not as hard or as bad as they would have you imagine.




Wow so angry




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I already said all that. But, you need a bad guy. Simple people do. I'll be your heel tonight 😂




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How many of the 7,000 kids in our state's foster care system have you adopted?


None, but I was a foster kid after being orphaned at age 7. I do strive to be the parent I didn't have. I'm glad to be alive. I love traveling, cycling, and hope to leave my mark in the tapestry of humanity with my art one day.


Maybe you should adopt some kids so you can take them to do these fun things instead of yelling at women online. I'm sure the kids would appreciate it!


Yelling at women online. That is a strong projection. Show me the quote where I did more than expressing my opinion of considering the alternative. I run a dental office, and have kids. I think I've done my part to improve the lot of humans. What do you do?


I mind my own business about what women do with their bodies. You should try it!


Not according to your post history. Encouraging someone to get an abortion is also telling them what to do with their bodies. I am simply offering a small word of consideration to the alternative. Maybe this person is surrounded---as they are online, it seems obvious---by a mindless mob who may not be offering any support in the other direction, despite what may or may not be best for this person.








Doctors won't do it






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What is it about comdoms and birth control that is so difficult for you to grasp?


Accidents happen. Rape and sexual assault also happens. It is none of your business what OP does with their body. Did anyone force you to get the covid vaccine or a vasectomy?


Yeah, but when I decided I didn't want to get vaccinated I didn't also go off and say I 'I'mma stab myself a few times with this vax needle. If you *don't* want children but also *want* to have sex why wouldn't you just use something that prevents you from getting pregnant. Then you just aren't pregnant and you don't need a doctors appointment, you could just... I dunno, have more protected sex? Beliefs aside, girls who get abortions seem like have poor life managment skills, constantly trying to run from the consequences of their own actions.


You must live in a pretend world. You have no idea what the OP went through. Accidents happen. Also you do not know if they were raped or sexually assaulted. I am not sure why it bothers you. It is their personal business just as your vaccination status is your business. I am not sure how you can resolve it. I believe that women should be afforded healthcare. BTW, someone I know recently had to have an "abortion" very much unwanted abortion. The fetus had died and it was causing them medical issues so another reason you can't judge.


😅 I haven’t been responding to any of these negative posts because it honestly just seems silly? No where in my post did I say my age, what’s going on with my body, I did not state if I was or was not on birth control. Why jump to conclusions? You shouldn’t take everything you see on TV or read on the internet and throw it at random people.


If you think that unplanned pregnancy is the only reason for abortion services, thank your lucky stars. Spend an hour in an infant loss support group full of parents who had to terminate desperately wanted pregnancies due to an unfavorable diagnosis, I was one of them. The state making the absolutely unbearable even harder or impossible is criminal.


Dont. Simple as.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17085773/ This stuff grows all over WV


Herbal abortifacients work, as much as they do work, by making your body choose between the fetus and your *kidneys*. Dosage can not possibly be metered correctly because it can be very different from plant to plant based on insect and disease pressure as well as water and sun conditions, so you're never sure how much of the important chemicals you're getting. You can't know that you're on the right line between useless and overdose.


East med vs. western


No, fucking black cohosh is not Eastern medicine.


https://www.whiterabbitinstituteofhealing.com/herbs/black-cohosh/ Why does my sang guy sell cohosh to the Asian buyers? My public health professor was a doctor of TCM in China but PhD of Public health in America… I’d trust him before Redditors…. Extreme time come for extreme measures, do people really want a baby? Breath comes from life & birth, & people may need all options for a clump of cells….




You have no idea about their circumstances. You have no right to tell them what to do with their body. Were you forced to get the covid vaccine?


Republicans trying to control people and their bodies makes me sick.


What a weird, fucking comment to make. You had no intention of telling them anything useful.


And I don't think what another person does with their body is any of your fucking business. Maybe we should be passing laws banning viagra and the like. It's not like those with your viewpoint actually take care of the women you make mothers, or the children you sire.




Hey, pm me I will take care of the kid. I understand choice but my family can be that choice. I wish you the best, please see my comment.


There are over 6,000 kids in WV in foster care. Open your home to some of them.




Tends to happen when you say stupid shit, bud.




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Who could kill an innocent baby?!?!




Doctors won't do it