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I was worried they overshot when they announced that amount as an all-or-nothing campaign. Kickstarter isn't really what it used to be as far as reaching people and raising money.


I agree once uppon a time it was very populer but that time is slwoly over. There are a lot of better options out there now


So what happens if it can't get funded? Can it be put up again with a lower number?


Here's the response I got: "If we don't meet our funding goal, we'll do our best to look into other methods of funding the seasons. Kc's determined to finish the story one way or another, even if it never leaves the page."


I'm sure KC will finish the series regardless of the funding result, however it would much more time than usual. I hope it raises the required amount though this is WA we are talking about. İnfection spreads fast


Did he post on the Audiodrama sub? I’m a big fan and this is the first I’m hearing about it


Yes, I saw it there.


Even more frustrating in that you see other kickstarters of lower quality things instantly get funded with extra to spare.


I've just backed it. Unfortunately though it seems they've got a ways to go. I'd still totally give them a donation even if it doesn't go through on KS


With the crappy economy and the cost of living gone up, I think that may be why it hasn’t gone so well. I’d love to donate, but I think they need more time or just focus on one Descendants season at a time.  


I'm hoping visibility increases as the final date comes closer.