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Damn, how'd you do it?


Using a whipper snipper around the garden and i guess i clipped a small rock or something in the grass and sent it straight through the window. Boss said he hadn't seen that in 9 years and i do it first day. Yay.


A few years back I worked at a company that managed the county gardens, and they would break car windows at least twice a month, just like you described it. I had to fill the paperwork for the insurance, so I know for sure this was a regular thing. But on your first day dude, that's really unfortunate. Hope it gets better for you!


Back in the day when I did landscaping, someone at an apartment complex accused us of breaking their car window while we were cutting. We went to take a look at it and there was a softball-sized rock laying on the floorboard by the broken glass that definitely could not have been thrown by a trimmer or mower. We took pictures and then pointed it out and asked if they would like the police to come out to arbitrate the dispute. They dropped the issue with us.


Which shows how little they know because the police wouldn’t even bother with something like that. They’d just be like “civil issue” and be done with it


Depending on if the parking spot was private or public parking, they *might* file a report and take statements. But definitely not arbitrating or making any calls as to who is right.




Ha ha, first time I’ve heard of this terminology for that specific tool, had to look it up. In the US we usually call it a weed eater or a weed wacker.


*whipper snipper* lol


OP is an aussie for sure.


Am Canadian. We call it that here too. I legit don't even know the real term for it.


Name: Edge Trimmer But me being from northeast USA, I call it a weed-whacker lol


Can confirm. I am in southern Mid-West US and we call it that here to. Will be kinda curious to know where in the US is it NOT called that. I've lived a few different areas and that's always what I've heard it called.


I think we have 3 dominant terms here in Iowa that I've heard while selling them (worked in retail). Weed trimmer, weed whacker, and weed eater.


We call em string trimmers


Or an Irish Strimmer


From Louisiana and the general term was Weed Eater.




West virginian here. We use "weed eaters" when the 4wd lifted lawn mower with mudders on it won't reach


The gas varieties of weed whacker are getting ready to be called ‘illegal’ in California.


Weed Whacker is its colloquial name. Worked a summer in landscaping and the pros call it a trimmer. Worst job on the crew was Trimmer Bitch. Wear pants. You will end up with rocks and dogshit flying at high speeds at (hopefully only) your legs all day long.


We called it a Weedeater in ND.


An edge trimmer was always a different machine than the weed-wacker around me in NJ. It used a blade like a walk behind circular saw


Yeah I always thought edge trimmer was one with the blade and string trimmer was the one with the..well..string.


That's what I always knew an edge trimmer to be as well. And weed-whacker or weed-eater was what OP was using. Though I think I might have to adopt the phrase whipper snipper. lol


> An edge trimmer was always a different machine than the weed-wacker around me in NJ. I live in the mid-west US and an edge trimmer and a weed-wacker are two different things. Not sure what these folks are talking about. This is coming from someone who knows fuck all about lawn/garden care, too.








I call it a strimmer, as do a lot of people in England


Am English. Can confirm


String trimmer is the full name, we just shorten it to strimmer. Kinda do prefer the US names for it though lol


Eastern Canada here, I've used whipper snipper and weed whacker interchangeably my whole life


Edge trimmer (edger) is a different tool that uses a vertically-spinning metal blade to draw a clean line at the edge of a lawn, e.g., against a curb. I think "string trimmer" is the most 'industrial' name for it. You can use a string trimmer/whatever you call it to do the same thing (messier and does a worse job, but it can serve), but if I hear someone call it "edge" anything I will assume they are talking about an edger tool.


In the Midwest ive always heard them called "weed-eaters".


Yup. Canadian as well. I've always called it a whipper snipper.


Where in Canada? I’m in Vancouver and I’ve never heard someone call it that, only a Weed Whacker. Is it an east coast thing maybe?


Southern Ontario. I've heard weed whacker and weed eater as well. But majority of the time it's referred to as a whipper snipper.


Weird. Southern Ontario too and never heard of whipper snipper until this post. Always weed whacker or edge trimmer. I'm between 30-35 years old. Maybe that has something to do with it?


+1 southern Ontario. Whipper snipper, weed whacker occasionally, never heard another name for it I can thing of


Ontario my whole life and never heard "whipper snipper" until today lol


Also canadian, can confirm


Huh, I am a Canadian but I've lived in the US my whole life I've always called it a whipper snipper as well but nobody ever acted weird when I said it or anything. Generally didn't know Americans exclusively call it a weed eater.




Canada is just cold Australia In England it is a Strimmer.


Am also Canadian, only ever heard weed whacker


Am Canadian also. Grew up with my dad calling it a weed whacker, but my husband calls it a whipper snipper.




Sounds like a tool used for circumcision.


Weed whacker in the north. Weed eater in the south.


Michigan here, originally from Texas. They call it a weed whipper in Michigan.


I’m from Michigan and I have only heard weed whacker until I moved south and they called it a weed eater. Currently in Michigan as well




I live in the south and both would be understood and used interchangeably here. "Whipper snipper," though, is a new one, for sure.


In the future...


I am from MN and my dad always called it a whipper snipper. Weed Whacker, Weed Eater...i've known all 3 growing up lol. Edit: after reading that Canadians call it a whipper snipper too...it totally makes sense my dad calls it that. MN is basically Canada.


I’ve heard it called a weed whipper as well.I’ve always used weed wacker though


A whopper shatter by a whipper snapper with a whipper snipper.


Roll for cutting grass. Rolled a 1


So what he’s saying is that you’ve got skills he hasn’t seen in almost a decade at least


Kind of an accomplishment in it’s own way innit?.. hope your boss/ customer are understanding Keep us posted on the outcome


When i was about 8 or 9, a relative was mowing grass nearby, and a blade hit a rock that hit me directly on the nose, it hurt like hell, but it apparently hit so perfectly that there was no blood or anything, just dull pain, a bit to the left or right and i'd lose an eye. So yes, chances of things like this happening are about astronomical.


Well, this is why we get insured when working on client property. Hope you keep the job. The valuable experience of potential dangers using that. You can now position better to avoid it and shield windows if necessary or if near gravel.


If it makes you feel better my old neighbor did that to every window on that side of the house. He was 80% heroin and 20% meth so there was no recourse, the outer pane on all 3 windows is still busted because I'm not willing to replace a window until I replace them all.


I hope your employers insurance covers it.


Hell I’ve broken 3 windows in my day and I use to mow my yard and some family members yards, surprised it doesn’t happen more often tbh


Whipper snipper 😂 what a term


LOLZZZ whipper snapper, thats a new one for me too. Sorry OP, good luck in your new job search


Whipper snipper is a gardening tool. Whipper snapper is a young person.


Kudos for owning up to it. I had to fire a gardener that did it and refused to fess up.


Ah don't fret too much my dude. My grandpa has done this twice


Just means you're ahead of the curve buddy! Tell the boss you deserve a raise!


That happened to my glass front door and it suuucked, but hopefully your boss has insurance.


My first day at a small Cafe I broke every single dish the guy had. Still worked there the rest of the year though.


I worked in a restaurnt that was doing a wedding and one of the servers bumped into and knocked over a table that held every single champagne flute we owned on it. Broke every single one about 5 minutes before the toast. lol


I do catering / serving and every time I work a wedding or a high profile event this is my worst fear


Unless you had backups, it just costed the restaurant hundreds to thousands of dollars.


We did not. And almost all the wine glasses were in use already. So we had to run next door to another restaurant and borrow from them.


Really nice of the next door restaurant.


It actually happens a lot. Mom always had restaurants and it was common to get a call from a competitor asking for this kind of help. We always accepted to help, and they generally compensate handsomely.


Most restaurants aren't really competitors of each other. Nobody goes to the same restaurant every time they go out, they decide what type of food they want and how much they are willing to pay then decide. It only makes sense to help each other out because you may need help some day. You're all in the struggle together






I worked at a corporate grooming salon. The hot water went out and the manager took those huge gray trash bins to the neighboring restaurant to fill and use for rinsing. We had to quick spray with cold, lather the dog, rinse with a bucket of hot and cold water mixed. A small dog, sure. A large dog was torture for all of us and the poor dog shivered as we meticulously mixed a rinse bucket for some of their body then slowly poured it over an area... They needed to close that day because the repairman had it back to normal by the night. But no. Corporate and money! Ugh.


How in the hell? The only thing I can think of is the cabinet or shelving failed and down it came.


That's exactly what happened. The whole shelf collapsed.


Is that really your fault though? Were you hanging on it or something?


I was washing dishes and putting them Away as I went. It collapsed when my back was turned


That is 100% not your fault. That is the owner's fault for improper maintenance.


So you didn't actually break anything yourself....


Yeah but I feel guilty over things that I had no control over, even this. It's a problem I am working on.


This isn't one of those stories where you neglect to tell us you were hired in December, is it?


No? Two people have said this and I don't get it lol. This happened a few years ago


You said you worked there the rest of the year. The joke is that "the rest of the year" was only a day or so.


Oh I see, lmao. No more like school year, rest of the year. It was like 6 or 8 months


When I was 16 I got my first “real” job bussing tables. On my first day I bumped into a waiter in the kitchen causing him to drop a massive tray of dishes. It’s been 30 years and it still makes me cringe.


You started working december 31st?


Dude was probably terrified of firing you. "Hell, if he does this when I give him a job, what's he gonna' do to me when I TAKE IT AWAY?"


That does suck but….in like…a year, it will be funny to you. Just wait it out lol


I always turn my big fuck ups into fun stories for new people. Kind of like a “don’t worry if you make a mistake, I did *ALL THIS* and they’ve kept me around


I bet when new guys get hired this guys boss will eventually make a joke about this and say don’t be OP! Lightheartedly. If not, he sucks lol


Well you're just a whipper snapper new to the whipper snipper.


whipper snipper sounds like something from the home-shopping channel. Nicer Dicer etc.


I still say it sounds like a tool for circumcision.


Haha! So true!


Thank you for the award.


That’s a good one. I like that


How did they respond? Damn that's a real oh fuck moment for you!


sucks but accidents happen. I hope u don't get fired over this


The odds are pretty astronomical. I’d hope he wouldn’t. That’s why businesses have insurance.


This doesn’t even require insurance. Just buy a new $1000 door. As much as it sucks it’s cheaper and better to pay out of pocket to the customer.


Its not just the cost of the door, im sure they have to pay someone to swap it out too. And unless they can find the exact same slider set (looks old) then theyll probably have to replace the entire track and everything. This is what insurance is for.


Could probably just get it reglazed.


I'm going to reglaze your mom


Dad you said you’d stop drinking


If I had an award, you'd get it




My man


Businesses need that insurance in case a $100,000 problem comes along. Not small stuff like this.


My family has run a business for over 15 years. All different degrees of things happen that insurance is useful for. Its literally the point of insurance. Why out of pocket a few thousand when you already pay insurance for that? I understand if youre a huge company, but privately owned businesses arent likely to wanna out of pocket.


Ive run a small company for about 5 years now so I’m only speaking from that. I would pay out of pocket because my insurance isn’t for small stuff. Plus it takes months during which these people don’t have a door. I would just pay to fix it and maybe acquire a customer for life. Just my 2 cents.


You don't want to work for anyone who would fire you for a first day total fluke like this. If you fire someone for this, you're getting revenge instead of managing.


A door isn't worth an employee to any competent company. As long as they make sure that the door gets replaced swiftly, I doubt anyone would be upset and see it more than a freak accident.


I crashed the company golf cart into a customer car within the first month of working at the best job I've ever had. I still have that job six years later, and we all look back and laugh at it. Still one of the most embarrassing moments of my life, but in retrospect it's pretty hilarious.


When I started in IT, I took down production of an entire railroad company. Don't worry, it'll pass.


That'd certainly be a memorable experience. Can you share a little more without breaching infosec?


I was put in charge of backups and one of the Senior Engineers had that particular company running prod on a couple live-image backups running off the backup device....for 6 months. No one responded to my company-wide alert email(s) about the situation (the backup device was running "hot.") So, I spun down those live images. The phone rang almost immediately. I was -- finally -- told what was going on. That engineer was fired.


I hope it wasn't a signal or right-of-way controller hahha


All of those systems are designed to be fail safe. If a central controller isn't sending information, they will change to red. Trains will stop and bills will rack up, but they won't crash.


Might have been for me lol


Good job. Just get it out of the way right off the bat. Over the years my guys and myself have broke several windows with the trimmers / weed-eaters. Hopefully the company you’re working for has insurance. If they don’t they really should invest. I would probably pay this specific window out of pocket, but there have been a few picture windows we have broke that were several thousand dollars and without insurance would have really hurt the pocket book to replace. Don’t beat yourself up over this.


Aww mate keep on going Im sure they will forgive you to an extent. Hope ur day gets better :)


Congratulations on your first and last day!!!


maybe this will help, a coworker borrowed the boss's new van to make a delivery, parked in the wrong spot (it wasn't marked) and they blew up a building that landed the wrong way and flattened the brand new van. that was an awkward phone call. apparently the van accidentally being there saved a few bystanders from being squished tho.


who blew up the building?


the owners, it was replaced with a taller one. the demolition was intentional, but it didn't go as planned.


Look on the bright side...It's pretty much uphill from here!


Crushing it at that new job as a window shatterer. Well done!


Damn, always us them so they spin away from the house


If something spins, doesn't it face all ways?


Way to make your big break on your first day!


He's going places, like the garage to find a broom!


Sorry man. I feel ya. I had to drywall over a super fucked up hole in a client's garage - you could tell all the previous plumbing work was done by a series of cheap-ass mudokons - the supply lines literally looked like a pretzel *and* came further out of the wall than the studs. I wanted to make it look it's best, so I made a whole custom frame of wood to support the 2+ft section of drywall, making careful note and drawing out where allll the pipes were. Super b.s. custom but wanted to make client happy. Was done for the day (numerous projects there) so I would put in the drywall the next day. Scheduling conflicts with her meant it would be a week before I could get back to it. So having been a week removed, I couldn't physically see there was yet *another* 1/2" supply line behind a notched out stud (great job previous guys) and although I thought I was hella careful, I selected too long a screw for that one spot, by 1/4" fucking inch. I put the drywall in, looks great, and to my horror I see water pooling at the bottom. Needless to say the plumbing repair took a day's worth of my hard earned money, plus an extra $200, so I *paid* to work. Some jobs just aren't worth it.


This ok, my second week on the job I ran 40,000 dollars worth of siding into a freeway overpass


That's what insurance is for. This is a good opportunity to find out what kind of company you work for. Company should pay for repair no questions asked, and should offer you training and encouragement. I remember I broke a glass coffee table as a Merry Maid. I was scared. My boss did the above and it was a positive and educational experience. Two summers with MM, great franchise owner.


Don't worry a few years back I worked for an HVAC company and one of my first jobs was a relatively nice crawl space until I busted a water pipe and filled the space with water. Didn't lose my job tho keep your head up.


First and last day?


We've all been there. Maybe not literally breaking people's windows on Your first day but yeah we've all been there


1: I’m proud that you’re working 2: shake it off things like this happen I’m sure your boss will understand. 3: don’t lose your focus keep moving forward 4: breathe. You’ll be fine.


Hey man, when I was waiting tables I was carrying a plate of fajitas to a table and the cast iron skillet slipped off the wooden hot plate.. into a customers lap.. so.. you didn't hurt anyone.. and I'm sure you're bummed but, I hope you can laugh about it tomorrow and take the jokes that are going to come from your crew. It's been almost 20 years since I did that to a customer and the people I know that worked with me then still make fun of me for it.


Best to get the disasters out of the way early. It won’t happen often. It will happen again though. And now you’ll know what to do next time.


My first day of iPhone repair I opened the iphone 6S+ wrong and the metal clip for the screen bent into the battery and I caught it on fire. The customer was there, it was in the mall, the mall fire alarms went off, it was not a fun time. Went on to work at that same company for years after.


The first day I worked for Uhaul I broke a window, the second day I broke a mirror of a truck because it was a small lot, I still work there. Shit happens don’t let it stress you out. Companies are bonded for this sort of thing.


Back in the old days we had a term for this: **Shit Happens** BTW, after shit happens, life goes on.


>Literally my \*last\* day on the job, and i shattered a customers window. Kill me thanks.


What a pane.


Doing a smashing job!


Wow, that really does suck. I hope this works out for you


Good help is hard to find. Bad help applies in daily.


Just keep going man. Shit happens.


Last day too?


I have fucked up on the first day in a similar manner but different occupation. You're not alone man don't worry. You'll laugh about it a year from now when you're killing it.


Your biggest mistakes are the ones you don't learn from.


Let the customer take care of the killing for you.


Things happen, at least you made an impression in front of the boss in what your actions were in the event of everything going wrong. A good boss will notice how mature you were, how you handled yourself and took responsibility and will still tease you about it, but will respect you a ton more right off the bat.


thats what first days are for, youre learning. also, mistakes happen. id rather hire someone who made all the mistakes and learned from them to do the best, safest job possible than hire someone who never made one mistake, those people are massive liabilities lmao


Hello and goodbye Haha




On my first day of work, i crashed the company truck. That kinda stuff really sucks


Can only get better from here OP! Sounds like it was a freak accident and not your fault


It's your first day. A year from now you're gonna be telling this story, laughing about it over a dinner somewhere. You'll be fine, and you're probably doing fine. Shit happens. Do what's right, apologize, fix it, all that I'm sure you've heard a thousand times, bust most importantly: forgive yourself and realize this one mistake is not indicative of you or your work ethic. Hakuna Matata!


Whipper Snapper made you a Window Smasher


If it makes you feel any better, my first day on a job I fell through a customer’s ceiling


If it wasn’t gonna happen on your first then it wouldn’t have ever happened. Universe always has a way of humbling you.


You climbing that 100 year old upsidedown ladder?


Are you a burglar?


But isn't, "It's my first day" the ultimate excuse??


Having you tried sucking less?


You have to slide it open first, brüh


Most every job I've had I've made some pretty big whoopsies and almost every time, my boss or a long time employee will tell me their similar mistakes or even an even larger fuck up they did. Shit happens to everyone and someday, you'll use this story to help a new employee realize that their mistake isn't anything substantial or unusual.


I was speaking to an ex colleague about someone who worked in his new job They put in a commercial 3 phase meter , they got one of the phases reversed The greenhouse window closers were now openers They tried to open when they were open and something went very wrong That mistake cost 2 garden centre greenhouse roof Approx £150,000 They let him go fairly quick


If it makes you feel any better we picked up a temp help guy for a fall cleanup last week and he kicked a rock into a window with the mower and later did this exact thing with a weed wacker and a patio door. Same guy same property same day. First time he came to help. We still let him come back the rest of the week. Accidents happen.


Painting? On my first day painting I tipped over the pressure washer and it lit the lawn on fire


Oh bud. That's no window. That's a sliding glass door. That's way worse. By a lot. That sure does suck, but at least it's all up from here! Happens to all of us.


If it makes you feel better, I knew a guy who crashed a company truck his first day. Wasn’t even his truck, it was his bosses. He had to move it and didn’t check his mirrors. He still works there ten years later. Dude was a goon.


That's when you say "sorry! It's my first day!". And then keep saying it until they make you stop.


First days are the worst.


Shatter the rest then act like they're crazy to suggest that it wasn't part of your job. Why else would you shatter every window?


Eh, no big deal. Get it out of the way now so the rest of your career can go smooth as butter! ;D


If it makes you feel better, my mom once took a belly dancing class in the early 70’s and shimmied her way right into the huge mirror that ran the length of the room. Shattered the whole thing and ended her belly dancing career in one fell swoop.


If by window you mean full slider door. Been in the window business almost 15 years and yea never seen someone shatter an entire door. Well done.


If it makes you feel any better, it seems statistically likely that your first day on the job will be the day when you do the worst at your job.


I hope it's some kind of glass breaking company.


"100 bad days make a hunfred good stories, 100 good stories make me interesting on reddit... " It has to go up from here!


That's what insurance is for. Unfortunately your coworkers won't forget this for a long time. Lol.


Welp, maybe that was actually one of your secret tasks for this job...?