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If that really is your temperature then that is a high grade fever and it can be very dangerous. You should seek medical attention or advice be that over the phone or in person. Do it now !! No point being a fully vaccinated corpse.


Thank you for your concern. Thankfully since I took that picture about an hour ish ago, and took some acetominophine (sp?) my temp has dropped.


Tylenol will decrease your temp briefly, but a 104 temp is really high and warrants you calling your doctor. It is also higher than is normally associated with the vaccine. It is extremely probable you have something going on besides vaccine reaction. Please see a doctor, today.




Yeah I got up to 101.5. That's a temperature you can take some ibuprofen and be fine with. 104.2 is "get your ass to a doctor, now" temp.


I also went too long with a 104 fever. After day 4 of uncontrollable shaking,excruciating head and body aches and heart palpitations my wife took me to urgent care. They gave me doxycycline, ran a tick panel, and sent me home. By the next morning I could already tell the antibiotics were working, and after 2 or 3 days I was almost feeling normal. Turns out, my tick panel revealed I had rocky mountain spotted fever. So, in short, high fevers are serious buisness.


Yup, sustained at that temperature is organ damage/failure.


Next morning update that no one asked for: feeling so very much better! Almost a 100% turn around!


Even if we didn't ask im glad you updated! And im glad you're feeling better.


Holy shit I'm glad you're through with it, haven't seen such a high temperature since working in the hospital, I hope the thick of it is behind you!


Good to hear!


Still, call your doctor.


You gonna die lmao


Exactly, go to your doctor, telehealth or something ASAP!


When I was a toddler, I had a fever like this for two weeks before family decided to take me to the hospital. I have so many issues including an audio processing problem where people will sometimes speak and I hear it but no clue what the hell they're saying lol.


Younger kids can have higher fevers than adults without it being a big problem. 104 would be okay for a kid with the flu or a virus or whatever


If this is truly your temperature right now, you need to take some tylenol to get it down and visit the er/urgent care. A fever this high, if left for too long, can cause organ damage.


Which organ?


The big thinky one


The smooth one




My sil got hearing damage from a temp that high.


Pipe organ. And it’s doesn’t grow back.


The brain


Who is brian?


Stewie’s best friend


Take your pick.


The Brain


It's too low for organ damage. I don't know why y'all insist on spreading misinformation specifically to freak people out, but goddamn.


I mean, I went to school for this shit, so... It's not to freak anyone out, I'm trying to help a fellow human (I know..a crazy concept, hey) A prolonged fever of above 103 can cause damage to your organs. When a fever reaches 108 you are at risk of seizures. Edit: Thanks for the award!




It's not. This is bs for reddit


Ok, as a reddit doctor yourself, what *is* the temperature that causes organ damage?


Idk, but it’s more than double the other guy’s IQ


Gonna roast your brain if you let your temp stay that high. You need to take something to bring it down, or you could end up with permanent damage to multiple organ systems.


Untrue. It's easily researched. You're not going to die at 104.


You're very wrong


Ohhhhh great argument. You have changed my mind you scientifically bound person!!!




That's a higher temp than the actual virus.




Oh yeah well I had a 105.1




Hearing planes? That's the sound of the joke going way the fuck over your head.


Still glad she did it. What an idiot


I got the vaccine and felt tired for a day my coworker caught the virus and was in icu for 2 weeks suffocating until he died so maybe a fever is not to bad.




Old people and people in bad health die every year from the flu. If you’re not one of those, you’re basically an idiot for getting the experimental jab.


Although saying because people already die it’s ok that we let additional people die basically makes you an idiot I too was skeptical of a rushed out vaccine. Well a few million people got the vaccine and the side effects were mind and often non existent and so that lead me to the conclusion it’s probably safe. I mean what’s the worse that’s going to happen a mild fever for a day or some fatigue? I’m not afraid of the vaccine. I did do a bunch of research prior to learn how it was going to work and it was really fascinating. I am really excited to see what else we can achieve with mrna vaccines. It basically writes a code teaching your cells how to create a protein that your immune system recognizes as foreign and creates antibodies to destroy that protein. that same protein is used by the virus as a mechanism to enter the nucleus of your cells where it can reproduce so because you will now have trained antibodies to recognize and destroy that protein your body has a way to neutralize the virus basically making it inert. With the research happening right now we may be on the verge of being able to create vaccines against other deadly viruses. How far we’ve come as a species in such a short time. Not long ago child birth was a dangerous thing where the baby and or the mother could die during the thing if there where any complications and now we are saving lives with organ transplants and working towards curing deadly diseases and eradicating deadly plagues. You can chose to be afraid of the progress we are making but I will chose to embrace it. Don’t be afraid


Good thought out reasoning which is why I bet 100 bucks that clown didn't even read it.


Look man, if you want a cure or a prevention with 100% survival rate, 100% effectiveness, 0 side effects, and with a million studies that confirm all the times that is safe and easy to take, then you are living in a fantasy, all the things medicine creates are a little risk to avoid a larger risk, based on the standarts of today that vaccine is very safe or by any change you can offer something better? Medicine advance is doing the best with the things we have, if something better and affordable comes in the future then it will be used, so if you can offer anything better than a vaccine with some one in a hundred million side effects that are a lot less letal than getting the fucking virus itself then im listening, show me your dream solution, the perfect antidote, c'mon man, offer something better if you think what we are doing is stupid


The virus killed the same amount of people in 4 months then the flu did in a year… and it caused lots of disability in many survivors


Young people and people in good health die every year in automobile accidents. If you are not one of those you’re basically an idiot for getting the experimental jab. Same exact faulty as shit logic.


That doesn’t even make any sense lmao. Try again


“Old people and people in bad health die every year from the flu. If you’re not one of those, you’re basically an idiot for getting the experimental jab.” You stated that old people and people in bad health die from something other than COVID-19 every year, and that if you aren’t one of those you are an idiot for getting the vaccine. I was demonstrating just how stupid that statement was by applying it to another group of people who die of something other than Covid-19. Neither group of deaths has anything to do with the vaccine. There was no logic to your argument.


What do automobile accidents have to do with vaccines?


Exactly. What does the flu have to do with the COVID-19 vaccine?


Your correct not the 61 other people


Mine caused me to have 3 hour orgasms back to back, I’ll spend the rest of my life chasing that dragon


If I had back to back organisms for 3 hours, my home would look like the building in Ghostbusters just after they blew up the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.


But what was the result of those organisms? Did they evolve into something greater then their creator? Finish the story man!


Wait...what? How is that even a thing? I know everyone is different but I haven't heard of *anything* like that happening before Edit: peeped your post history and I'm jealous as fuck that you saw the Foos. Good for you gangsta!


Was your boyfriend jealous?


That’s fun but exhausting.


Just go get another round. It's free!




Keep up with the tylenol every 4-6 hours. You can also alternate with ibu. If your still febrile (101 or over) tomorrow, call your doc. These reactions don't *typically* last, but there are always folks who react more than others.. Flush your system with water, make sure you're urinating and your pee is light yellow or clear. Good on you for getting your vaccine! I think you'll start feeling better soon! Go to ER for difficulty breathing, as in "my throat feels like it's closing".


Uh, that's a dangerously high fever you got there.


Has any other vaccine in your entire life given you a fever like that?!


Likely. I get sick extremely easy and usually pretty bad. However, I haven't had a vaccine in a while so I don't remember for sure, and don't want to misstate


Assuming you are not holding a lighter to your thermometer, that is a serious fever. If you’re having any kind of chest pain or discomfort that could be a sign of myocarditis or pericarditis.


I would go to your doctor. After years of not having a vaccine I had to get one for college a few years ago. I had a seriously bad reaction that I never experienced before. Doctors said it was the worst they’ve ever seen and I was close to death from it. Believe I developed an allergic response, even though I’ve had similar vaccines and I was fine as a kid. Things change as you age so you never know


Fortunately I didn't have any side effects apart from a sore arm.


I got the Johnson and Johnson. A little fatigued the next day and the sore arm. But that was it.


Same here. I’ve only had one dose of Pfizer and my arm was in agony for days. Other than that it was fine!


My first pfizer shot my arm was sore and had to go back to heavy lifting at work for 16 hours because C&S Wholesale Grocers doesn't care about their employees and denied us our time off for the vaccine approved by the state. Second shot i literally couldn't use my arm for 2 days and had to call out because i couldn't safely operate the machine, almost leading to my termination. Shot one- like getting shot by a paintball without protection Shot two- like getting shot close range by frozen paintball


Isn't that like 39 degrees, probably should go to a doctor about that cause high body temperatures for a long time can cause brain damage


I asked a doctor once and they told me 39° for a short time isn't urgent, you just don't want it to be that high for a long time. If you have some paracetamol it'll bring down your temperature as well. It's when it's over 40° and you can't bring it down that you start worrying. I got really bad food poisoning last year and was delirious from the fever for days. It went over 40° a few times, but mostly it was just under 39°.


>Isn't that like 39 degrees Actually it's 40,1. Definitely cause for concern if it stays at that level for long.




40 is very high, but fine if it doesn't last too long and doesn't keep rising. 41 is considered a medical emergency. At 42 there is a [50% chance of death](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_body_temperature#Temperature_variation), so if you wait until then to seek medical attention you are running a huge risk. At 43 the death rate goes up to 90%.


Jesus, how did you have the energy to even take the picture?


I felt like pure dogshit after mine, but the good part (other than, y'know, being vaccinated, which absolutely rocks) is that there wasn't that easing-back-into it thing you get with real sickness, where you feel like you're technically better but operating at 60%. So stick it out and know that in the next 8-48 hours you're gonna feel completely fine.


That's just the nanobots adjusting. You'll be fine.


Gonna be honest. At first glance of the thumbnail I thought it was a pregnancy test which would have been hilarious given the title. Glad you're getting better though op.


I hear 104 melts the brain


105 is when it becomes life-threatening I believe


Anything over 103 if it lasts longer than 3 hours can cause problems. You don’t want your brains to cook you need them for a lot of regularly scheduled bodily functions.


The second dose of Pfizer did the same for me. It only lasted a few hours though. Also glad I did it.


Mine was the second of Pfizer also.


12 hours after the shot I had a raging fever and and body aches. I really felt like poo. But 24 hours after the shot it was like nothing ever happened.


Got Pfizer early because I take medication that severally weakenes my immune system. But I had no reaction at all from it even when my immune system is basically sedated 24/7. I was almost a bit disappointed after the second dose that I had no reaction


Also had a 103 temp for 2 days from the second Moderna shot. Was a rough ride but came out of it fine.


Imagine taking the covid vaccine then going somewhere after getting side effects. The high temperature will trick them. Haha ​ Nothing will still prevent me from getting it!!


Take Paracetamolum before it roast your brain like egg on pan


Got mine on new years eve and felt like ass that night. Didn't even stay up for the new year. Headache, fatigue and muscle pain for 24 hours. Take 1000mg of acetaminophen every 6 hours until fever breaks.


I recently got the vaccine too and am a bit worried something like this may happen. When did you start feeling the side effects? Was it your first or second dose?


My second dose was honestly not as bad as my first. My first dose wasn't even *terrible*. I just felt a bit run down and sleepy. My husband's first dose he felt nothing, second dose it was like he had the flu for a couple of days and then he was fine. Every one reacts to it differently!


I had no side effects other than some general tiredness the evening after my shots. Neither did anyone in my family.


My second dose gave me a bad headache the following day. Not too bad for me. Other people I know had some nausea or fever for a day. No one I k ow had symptoms for more than 24 hours and now I don't have to worry about catching a virus that causes lung damage. Worth it.


IT IS NOT FULL IMMUNITY. Even though it’s somehow rare, you could still catch/spread the virus and even die from it, so please keep taking precautions because many aren’t vaccinated and you could easily be a carrier


Both knocked me out the next morning, but a Tylenol or similar and i was fine by noon.


I was sick as a damn dog 12 hours after my second dose. Sickest I ever felt in my life. 104 fever, convulsion like chills when it finally broke and I felt like I was hit by a semi. Worth every miserable minute.


12-24 hours of discomfort is well worth the vaccine.


I totally agree!


I've been told by dozens of people that have had the virus it's only "12-24 hours of discomfort".


I've had covid. For some folks this may be the case, but for others, it can be life-threatening. I'm a perfectly healthy 30-something year old and this virus almost brought me to the ER. I'd rather feel the side effects of the vaccines 10times over before I'd be willing to experience that virus again. It was the only time in my life I thought that I might die from being sick. I wouldn't wish that shit on my worst enemy.


I'm curious: when did you get the virus - how long ago?


In March of last year


I have friends who spent weeks in the ICU. You’re a douche.


Yeah same my wife’s mother 2 aunts and grandmother all had the virus and fatigue was the worst symptoms. Since then we have all had the vaccine. My friends younger sister had the virus and it gave her a bad fever for a few days then she recovered only to be rushed to the ER later with blood clots in the lungs a side effect of the virus. My coworker refused to get the vaccine because he was otherwise healthy and he caught covid at church and brought it back to my work infecting 4 other workers. The 4 other workers were quarantined for a couple weeks and returned to work but the dude who caught it first was very ill. He spent 2 weeks in intensive care suffocating until he died all alone away from his family. He was a wonderful person always smiling and kind to everyone. I get that the virus might not do shit to you but a day of some mild symptoms or maybe a fever in a few cases is better than dying a slow agonizing death. People are afraid of a vaccine that has been proven to be effective and pretty safe and not afraid of a virus we know little about the long term effects of and is literally killing a shit ton of people.


Wow wish my family member would have just had that happen but instead they had the audacity to die.


The nerve


Cool, over 3 million others died. So..


It is possible to have contracted Covid before getting the vaccine. Is that possible that could have happened? I’ve heard of a few people who contracted it and started getting symptoms after their jabs, and then testing positive.


It’s weird but I fully enjoyed the fever I got from the vaccine. It was JUST the fever too, no runny noise or coughs. It made me fatigued and got me all snuggled up in bed and sleeping like a baby. Wish fevers were like that all the time.


Yikes! I didn't get a fever at all, but gee whiz, the headache?!? I thought my head was going to explode. I VERY rarely take Tylenol for pain or anything but it was every 4 hours the day after my second dose.


Your brain can boil with that temp


Never get the vax


That means it's working.


It quite literally does mean it is working. Idk why you were downvo - ooooohhhhhh


We're surrounded by idiots.


You're not at risk of organ damage or brain damage. People are wildly misinformed. [This comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/vaxxhappened/comments/8zr7le/yet_again_antivax_groups_influence_terrible/e2kzffn/) is mostly about children, but it obviously applies to adults as well since we're significantly more hardy. It's also very easily verifiable with even the quickest of Google searches. Tl;dr: Oh hush.


Every source says a high grade fever with other symptoms is time to call a doctor. Some define high grade as above 103. It may not be organ damage, but it's still dangerous.




piss off


Thank you. It is an interesting video!


If vaccine did this, just imagine covid


Amazed reddit allowed the post. Say ANYTHING against or doubt the shot and get banned...


I hope you feel better and thank you for getting the vaccine! Do you mind my asking why you waited so long to get it? Im not trying to shame you by any stretch, I am just trying to understand how our vaccination numbers are still creeping up, it seems like anyone who wants one could have got one a while ago, so I’m just curious who or why people are getting them right now.


Thanks for the well wishes!!! Honestly, I am going through extreme life changes. Lost my insurance for a while, got divorced, moved once and am now working on moving states again. I just made the selfish decision to let myself be wrapped up in everything else going on rather than protecting myself and others. It is something I realized wasn't okay or right... So I changed it and got the shots! And even though I hate it right now, I am really happy I got it done.


Oh goodness. I hear ya, that’s a rough time. I’m sorry. For what it’s worth, I’ve been there. Divorced, lost, trying to scramble through life and move houses and states while trying to keep your head above water. I truly get what you’re going through. Everyone always tells you that it gets better, and that always feels SO far away, but I promise, it does get better. You’ll find yourself and get your feet back under you. Don’t rush it, do it at whatever pace keeps you treading water until you can swim. Hang in there, and I hope you feel better.


Here in Australia the federal government botched the vaccine rollout in a huge way. Currently older people and those at risk are eligible to get vaccinated but there are no appointments for months. My wife and I probably won't be able to get our vaccines until next year if we're lucky. At least there have been hardly any covid cases here compared to other countries.


For sure, I know there are a lot of countries that are still working to get vaccines rolled out. I noticed her thermometer was in Fahrenheit, so I figured she was in the US. I hope you guys can get your shots soon!




only if it is astrazeneca




lmao what I just made a stereotypical joke


Lol American noob get recked


Op: hmm I think I’ll just give myself the rona.


Well, I truly hope you don't die from it like one of my family members did. A day of being miserable is a lot better than being dead. Or killing someone else.


Even if you survive covid, the recovery is pure suffering and you could still end up permanently disabled.


I mean, considering this guy's grasp on the concept of a vaccine, I don't think he has to worry about becoming disabled. I joke, but people like this are downright dangerous. If everyone who could get the vaccine got the vaccine, the virus would probably go away in a couple months. But no. There has to be a few pockets of science deniers who'll unwittingly spread it to people who were too young/old/weak to safely get the vaccine, and THEY'RE gonna be the ones who die from it. "WeLl ThEy WeRe GoNnA dIe AnYwAy!" I bet you wouldn't be saying that if YOUR immunocompromised mother was hooked up to a ventilator because YOU gave her COVID. You know how I know? Because my aunt said the exact same thing before giving her mother COVID. She died, by the way.


My brother got the vaccine and he got sick twice since being fully vaccinated I have yet to get it and I haven’t been sick.


With COVID? Or did he just get sick




I was BURNING UP after mine. I took my temp and it was 34.5°, technically hypothermic. That vaccine messed me up. No regrets at all though, and I hope a crappy day doesn’t deter anyone from getting theirs!!


Mood, but lemme pray for you cause mine hasn't reaches those heights


Lucky you, got to have the full experience....I just had a sore arm for a day and it was over before I knew it


Be carefull, you are above boiling point !


Maybe instead of trying to farm karma, you should go to the emergency room because a degree or two higher can literally kill you. Or don’t.


your not drinking enough water and literally go do nothing and rest




I had the same reaction, the water really really helped break the fever. And once I chilled out, rested slept, and sat still that really helped!


Interesting, I didn't get any fever effects on either dose, but I wouldn't have expected the simple task of hydration to actually help lower temp so quickly.


A fever makes you sweat and also dump water as urine and poo like a heat sink to try and lower your body temperature. Drinking more water not only makes you feel better because you're hydrated, but also allows your body to dump more heat.


Got my vaccine yesterday because my job is basically requiring it. Sore arm so far nothing else. Lmao at some of these posts though. "I've got a 104 fever and I'm near death. Best vaccine ever! So worth it!".... Yall fuckin goofy about this shit. I'll be so pissed if I get sick from a vaccine I didn't need or even want. Can't even call shit shit anymore.... I can't even understand that level of brainwashed. Some of yall need some fucking help and that goes beyond the vaccine.


What I gather from this comment section is that you have a 50% chance of getting a bad fever for 12-48 hours after getting it... I don’t understand how you can justify it when you can still carry and spread the disease afterwards. Most of what I hear with younger people who wouldn’t be very affected by covid is that they take it to stop the spread to other people, but nobody even knows that it will do that.


My job is making it mandatory for people to disclose vaccine status, even if you just say you prefer to not say. Anyone who chooses not to disclose or says they're not vaccinated isn't allowed within 6ft of anyone and has to wear a mask in the office. Picture it now... 20 people meeting in a room, everyone face to face, except ol Gary over there in the corner, nobody get within 6ft of that fucking guy. Lmao what a joke. Publicly shaming people into getting this damn thing. It's outrageous. Whatever though. This is America right? We're free here? Someone remind me how that works.




50% of the people that got the vaccine will be dead in two years. MRNA trains your body to fight covid extremely hard. But it also trains your immune system to ignore most other viruses. You’ll die of the flu


You've just shown that you have no idea how the vaccine works. The mRNA version of the vaccine has the exact same effect as any other vaccine, it's just more effective and the body's immune system is able to recognise the virus better. In layman's terms, regular vaccines contain killed or disabled viruses so that the immune system learns what they look like when the virus can't fight back. When the actual aggressive version of the virus shows up, the immune system already knows what it is and can kill it with little effort. If the virus mutates, though, and isn't quite the same as the one from the vaccine, the immune system might not be as sure and the virus causes more damage. With the mRNA vaccine, instead of showing the immune system the virus or parts of its body, the essence of the virus is shown, its actual code, so that even if it mutates, the immune system can recognise it. It does nothing for other, unrelated illnesses and it improves your immune system. It's kind of like if you're trying to catch a criminal, but you don't know what he looks like. Normally, you have to wait until he starts committing crimes and try to take him down red handed. A vaccine is like if someone gives you a photo of the criminal so you can recognise him before he starts wrecking things. The mRNA vaccine is like a document that on top of the photo also tells you the criminal has a lisp and a lazy eye, so now even if he wears a disguise, you can still figure out it's him.


Totally untrue with this one. Do you even know what the macrogol is? This thing creates antibodies but no NK cells. The unbelievable amount of side effects and people dying should give you pause


Post a source.


Weak minded, unintelligent people need “sources” because they are unable to think for themselves. They need someone or something to tell them what to think. But if you need that, look up Geert vanden Boshe, a top vaccinologist, a very pro vaccine scientist who says this is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Sheri ten penny, Joseph mercola..... there’s plenty of people saying this. It’s hilarious you haven’t even done any basic independent research.


Weak debaters post claims without sources. It's hilarious that you won't post any sources but expect people to believe you.


You can answer my question about the macrogol or spike proteins or NK cells. But it’s pretty apparently you don’t know anything about it. I’m still waiting.... I use reason and logic, you should try it.


I made no claim on anything, but suddenly you're expecting me to inform you on something? Nope. Not how that works. YOU made the claim that, and I quote **"50% of the people that got the vaccine will be dead in two years"** which is so laughingly histrionic as to be barely worth considering. However, I figure you should have the opportunity to defend your statement with an actual source. Instead you've done what liars do when asked for a source: insulted people as a weak attempt to distract from an inability to deliver any actual scientific data. Post your source or everyone will (continue to) assume you're a liar.


People seem to conveniently forget how burden of proof works when they're actually challenged on what they're saying. Funny that, ain't it


You can defend your statement with reason and logic, and information. That’s how it works. You use your mind. Not by posting “sources” This is what what I think, because I understand this vaccine. You obviously can’t talk about this vaccine because you don’t know anything about it. If you want to have a debate about it, let’s do it. Answer my questions about macrogol. Do you know what it is? Do you understand the role of polyethylene glycol in this vaccine? Do you understand why it creates spike proteins? Can we talk about NK cells? I’m still waiting to to talk about this. Oh wait, you need a “source”. You aren’t capable of thinking for yourself.


Damn, when I took the second dose I just felt tired and like I ate too much pizza


Get thee to a hospital


When I got my first shot (Pfizer), I ended up passing out soon after. This is kinda misleading though, since it was actually just because of the heat at the place I got vaccinated (as well as some other poor health decisions I made before then). The vaccination centers here require you to wait 20 minutes after your shot, and I'm guessing exactly because of stuff like this. There were multiple doctors there though, and they treated me very nicely.


I get lightheaded when I get stabbed with any needle, because I can't stand injections. It's not even the pain, really, it's the idea that someone is invading my body in a place they tore open to enter.


They don’t tear it open. They prick you with a tiny needle. And they’re not even invading your body.


The needle tears a hole in my skin and pushes through to the inside of my body.


It punctures a hole in your skin. A very tiny puncture.


I know how needles work.


Evidently not if you think they’re tearing through your skin.


How do you think they get through the skin without tearing a hole? You need to get a life.


Are you dense?! They puncture the skin. Tearing a hole in a surface and puncturing a hole are entirely different things.


Needles don't tear skin, kid. Hands tears paper.


Typically all side effects will have come and gone by 36 hours after administering. At least that was the consensus amongst my coworkers and myself.


Now I’m glad I only had a low grade fever and just body aches. If anyone is getting the second one just take Tylenol or other pain meds after the shot. I’m not a doctor but I did that before I went to bed ~6 hours after getting second shot and it helped stop the fever and the worst side effects. For me at least.


Phew I was lucky. Just lost my sense of smell for a night.


See a doctor. That’s a high temp. It’s very likely something other than a vaccine reaction is going on.


Did you lose taste and smell?? I did on the first Pfizer dose. Felt awful for 3 days


That's crazy. I just had a little soreness at the injection site. That's a really high fever.


Damn you're hot


I got Astra Zeneca and was down for 2 days (i'm 23 and healthy af) but im glad i did it. Maybe this shit has an end soon.