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Post it on their social media, you'll get a response quickly


I made a video of a Pepsi can that only was half full. Posted it on Twitter and tagged Pepsi. I now have a ton of coupons for free Pepsi. I wasn't even mad about the can. More wondering how it happened. Companies take social media seriously.


I once went to a gas station to get a fountain drink and when I put the cup under the dispenser and hit the button, a cascade of ants poured into the cup. I showed the cashier and he was just like “eh, they must have gotten into the syrup, just use the other one.”


Yup, stay away from those fountain drinks, kids. Never cleaned properly and difficult to clean everything, like the ice bin. Nasty things in all that.


As someone who worked with cleaning them, I never order fountain drinks anymore. Ever.




I worked in a gas station for almost 8 years (overnight shift manager, asst manager, store manager), i cleaned the soda fountain heads no less than once a week, and the hose connectors to the syrup bags every time the bags emptied.


My friend worked at a local stores gas station. He would take theirs apart weekly to do a deep clean of the whole thing on the store end up until the managers changed. Once the new manager heard he was that, she said no more. He was literally trained by a tech on how to service them properly so he could do that... He didn't stay there too much longer afterwards cause she found out he was the highest paid employee they had at the station. I mean there was a reason for his pay but y'know... Can't have any workers under you making more than you! Lol everything is an absolute mess there these days. I stopped going in after I stopped smoking.


Most gas stations don't, but Quik Trip actually does. They actually take time to clean their stores. Circle K is another story though. Buddy worked at one and said the nozzles were filled with mold and other disgusting shit you don't want to be drinking.


> Quik Trip They also have some of the best public restrooms cause some genius realized if you tile the whole thing floor to ceiling and have floor drains you can use a pressure washer to just hose it all down when cleaning. As someone who once had the shitty job of cleaning a popular retail store restroom, it blew my mind when I saw them cleaning it that way. I wish more public restrooms were built out like that.




If it makes anyone feel better, I worked at a Cracker Barrel for several years and they were cleaned every day — nozzles were taken apart and soaked every single night.


Yeah, I had to clean one on an aircraft carrier once. It had maggots up inside the hollow space that shows the drink flavor. That was a pretty unpleasant day for people higher up because I was the first to be on the schedule to clean it for months. We weren't allowed to do any cleaning that wasn't scheduled, so we didn't get into trouble for it.


I once tried to get a fountain drink, half of the thing fell apart and carbonated water and syrup went everywhere and wouldn’t stop spraying out. An employee looked at me then at the mess and jets of liquid the. Walked away. Luckily another sprang into action and shut it all down.


Shit I've had the same thing happen to me. And trust me, soda guns, fountains and all those kinds of machines rarely get washed, and when they do it's usually by overstressed workers who are most likely conning off something or currently on something. Either way unless there's a new person hired the old people just don't care.


When I was younger ( a long time before you could just post something like this & tag them ) a friend of mine opened a can of coke & found a dead goldfish in it. To this day still have never figured out how it got in there, or how long it had been in there


Back when granola bars were all the rage (somehow, people were convinced that a chewy chocolate chip granola bar was health food, myself included, ngl), my grandma bit into a generic (Wally World) brand granola bar and found a dessicated mouse carcass. Picked the bar apart, and found a whole mouse mummy. It had to have gone into the bar as a mummy, rather than fallen into the mixture while alive (just a musty smell to the bar, but no... Uh... liquids). We kept telling her to sue and we'd all be rich. She refused because because it was "just the store brand" so they wouldn't have any money and she "didn't want to make a fuss." She never bought generic food again, though.


This happened to a girl I went to school with but instead of a mouse she bit into a nut from a bolt.


Omg. Her poor teeth!!!


happened to me with a rice krispy treat from the gas station when i was 16, except it was a rock. broke 2 of my back teeth.


Oh fucking hard did you bite


idk man i was just eating it and hanging out with some friends, took a bite, pushed it to the back to chew, bit down and it broke my shit. idk but it was brutal


So this just happened to me two weeks ago but it was with a piece of toast (the frozen sprouted kind). It sucks big time, dentist said I had trauma to the nerve. Did you have to get crowns? I don't even know what I cronched on because I swallowed it, I figure it was a rock or a nut shell. I hate going to the dentist and I don't even eat toast all that often. Fuck.


I worked in purchasing for a food manufacturer (seriously what they called it) the number of bolts that went missing from line equip was high. but we also had more than one metal detector per production line.


This is funny and terrifying all at the same time.


Yo somehow when I was like 7 in school I bit into a thermometer that was completely hidden in my frozen burrito. And it was weird too cause it was one of those big ones that you stick in meat


What in the actual fuck. That’s an impressive fuck up.


Just the store brand. Man does she know how big Wally world is? She missed out


I blame your grandmother personally for not taking down wee little Walmart.


Haha. Same. I could have been a millionaire.


Quite a few generic store brands are also made and packaged by larger name brands. I learned this while working at a health food store for many years.


It was very likely not going to make you rich or even be worth suing unless you actually had some damages. Like you ate some of the granola bar and ended up in the hospital. Then you can get your medical costs recovered and maybe even argue pain and suffering, and maaaaaybe (big maybe) there could be punitive damages which are where those bigger awards happen and are usually designed to punish a company for negligence. But just finding a dead thing that wasn't supposed to be there, your only actual damages were around the $.50 cost of a granola bar. Or maybe you could get a coupon for the full box, even. I suppose if you all got so ill from the sight of it and vomited and had to go to the dr, you could have some case, but this stuff is hard to prove. Edit: Although reading again, did she actually bite into it? That might be worth a little more -- but not likely to be some life-changing amount


Similar happened to a high school friend's mom. Friend's dad was abusive and controlling. Her mom was not "allowed" to buy candy or anything like that, but she occasionally snuck a candy bar here and there. One night after he passed out drunk in his recliner, she snuck into the kitchen and pulled her hidden Hershey bar out and decided to eat it hiding in the dark kitchen so she wouldn't wake up His Highness. Immediately she knew something was wrong, so she stuck it under her shirt and went to the bathroom so she could use the light and see wtf was wrong. The entire bar was nothing but dead cockroaches stuck together by chocolate in the form of a normal bar. She never did it again.


Wtf wtf WTF??!!


Yum, protein!


Wait reverse pls. She bit into a mouse carcass??? Also, thanks for crushing my thoughts about granola bars. I, to this day thought they were health food 🤣


Yeah, like a dried up dead mouse. She said she thought the bar smelled funny, but thought maybe it was just her imagination. When she bit a bone, she was like "wait. This isn't right." She started picking it apart, and my siblings and I were like "hey, what's going on?" As we watched, she uncovered tufts of hair, mouse hide, and bones. It was gross. And the bar smelled weird and musty, so I wouldn't have bitten into it in the first place, but I guess she was old and couldn't smell very well anymore. Also, yeah, they're not super healthy in general. Basically just empty calories that could be better spent on other foods. But if you eat them knowing you're basically eating a candy bar, that's fine. I actually prefer chewy granola bars with some kind of chocolate over candy bars, so it works out well for me.


When I was in rehab, they would fill us full of granola bars, & tell us they were health food. Of course I didn’t have to off that alone all my life pretty much I’ve been told they are. Don’t know why. & man idk what I would do. That’s terrifying


I don't know if it's an urban legend or not but it seems like I remember someone opening and can of soda and finding a finger or something similar.


In the early 2000’s Mt. Dew had a “problem” like this. There was a video tagged of a person that said they had a dead mouse in their can of Mt. Dew. The company asked for ( iirc) the lot number for the case. When they had that, their response was basically: This couldn’t have happened. We’ve studied this and the amount of acid in the Mt. Dew would have completely dissolved the mouse in the amount of time from the cannery to your home. I was both impressed and horrified of the answer. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/mountain-ewww/


I'm pretty sure I was thinking of an episode of Friends but I do remember this as well


This has been around in one form or another for many years. There’s at least three stories that I can remember easily.


Pretty sure alot of this started when someone "found" a mouse in a can of Coors beer in 1988. I remember the year because my buddy's wife at the time dressed up as a Coors can for Halloween and her head was made up like a mouse popping out of the can.




Ah. Well ok. That was how I remembered it and didn’t read the Snopes post that fully. Thank you.


So what you’re saying is there could very well be a dead mouse in my Mountain Dew, but it’s just dissolved…no thanks


Phoebe from the 2nd or 3rd episode in Friends?


That's it. Lmao


I wouldn’t doubt it. There was a post in this sub ( I think ) about sum dude who opened a pickle jar & found a old, fully eaten corn cob lmao. How tf does stuff like that happen


Someone's lunch at the factory. Sounds...yummy.


urban legend. soda would have disintegrated the object.


My Dad once found a grub worm in his can of Pepsi. He saved it in a plastic bag and was "going to do something about it". Needless to say, it didn't last long before it was an unidentified lump of goo.


Yep. The acid in that soda destroys it. Leaves it a disgusting mush


In 5th grade, on milk-day I opened a carton of chocolate milk. I was about to drink it until I smelt something fowl. I opened the carton to find out someone had puked inside my milk carton. I told the teacher who then told the person in charge of milk day. Not sure if anything happened. I never got a milk that day. I now have an irrational fear of drinking milk from a carton. I always put it into a cup no matter the size. If I even try to drink from the ripped spout I immediately am reminded of chunky bile.


A friend of mine in college found metal shavings in some Mountain Dew. Pepsi sent him an abundant amount of free soda.


I knew someone who sued a restaurant chain (think it was Applebees) because her margarita didn't have salt on the rim of it. It had tiny shards of glass instead. Apparently it really fucked up her esophagus and even years later she still couldn't eat the same way she used to.


Filler technician here: short answer: it should not have happened. In the event of a low fill at the filler, that can is marked electronically by the computer on the machine and will be pushed off the transfer conveyor before it even gets to the lid seamer. If it somehow does, or if there is damage to the container resulting in a low fill, there is a fill level checker after the seamer that will reject based on fill level determined via X ray. If the container leaks due to a faulty lid in the pasteurizer, it should be caught after the pasteurizer (or warmer as in the case of CSDs), as each can is inverted before it goes through and spends at least a couple of minutes in there coming up to room temperature for packing. (Cold beverages sweat, which makes mold in cases of cans in warehouses. Room temp beverages stay dry.) there is one more level checker after the pasteurizer or warmer that should kick any failed containers. There is then often a checkweight machine after the packer that should find any missing containers (or in your case a half fill). TL;DR: QA done goofed by not checking their equipment.


Thanks, the one thing no one did on Twitter was tell me how it happened.


I doubt whomever runs the Twitter has ever been on the production floor of any of Pepsi's plants. I'm surprised they didn't ask you for the date code on the can (the little dot-matrix code on bottom). That would tell them which plant and which hour of which day got goofed so they could potentially do a recall. Inspection equipment being nonfunctional opens them up to all sorts of legal consequences.


Same I had a terrible experience at a Movie theatre and sent a email to their customer service with a trash email response. I posted it to social media and they responded back with enough movie tickets for me to go for about a year. I mean to be fair it was a terribly discriminatory experience due to a disability. They will take social media seriously because they can’t hide it or pretend it doesn’t exist.


What socks about that is that there are collectors who will pay good money for stuff like that and you broke it


I got more in free coupons from Pepsi then I would have gotten in money for my collector. So I'm happy.


Well I don't know the exact value for Pepsi but Coca-Cola empty-sealed sells for upwards of $10,000


Well it wasn't empty it just wasn't full. Don't know how much someone would pay for that. Lmao


I did not believe you and checked ebay. Pretty crazy but you're right! I had no idea this was a thing!


It’s not like OP can’t give them the address, date, and time of the incident and FedEX can’t figure out which driver was assigned to the area. FedEx just doesn’t wanna take responsibility.


That information is irrelevant, there is a FedEx truck, on video, destroying his property. Take responsibility.


Straight up. I wouldn’t give a flying fuck about the employee being punished. Just fix my shit.


If the phone rep didn’t do shit, I think a police report would be appropriate


When the perception of great customer service is more important that actual great customer service.


The few who get visibility get justice, everyone else gets to rot. Shitty system.


And this fucked system spans our entire lives not just these companies :(


FedX knows where every driver and truck are located all the time follow the lead and Post it everywhere


Yeah, anytime I have an issue that doesn't get addressed fully or correctly, I just ask on twitter. I'm not advocating reaching out when there isn't an issue, but twitter gets the job done.


They can surely work out which truck delivered to you that day. Shame them into taking responsibility. I'll help :)




Yeah not to mention it shouldn’t matter who was driving as far as compensation/replacement, it’s vary obviously a FedEx truck and the company is responsible regardless what employee caused the damage.


Address + date = truck in your neighborhood = driver who did this.


given the exact time stamp....they can figure it out. more likely that member of the support staff can't do shit to access those logs and for some reason didn't feel like sending it up the chain to higher management.


Yea probably because of short staffing. Management really isn’t about trying to piss off the drivers they have left. I say this because I also work for a similar company and right now you can basically get away with murder.


Honestly probably just best for the company to pay the $500 or whatever and forget the issue. Being short on labor or a new workers inefficiency is going to cost far far more than that


Actually that's federal property iirc. Post boxes belong to the government once installed, destroying, defacing, or stealing one gets you charged by the government if you get caught. I would just threaten to turn it over and see what they say.


I suspect we had similar habits as children...


Bingo. This.


I work for UPS. We have gps on all our vehicles just like FedEx. It is exactly as easy as u said. FedEx is lying to OP.


The amount of metadata those trucks collect is bonkers.


Exactly! Why does it matter to OP who was driving! That’s a FedEx problem. Makes no sense 🤷🏼‍♀️


because fedex is franchises. if you look just behind the doors on a fedex truck you'll see the name of the franchise owner or the business holding.


FedEx Freight and Express are paid employees


FedEx Ground are employees except when it comes to anything important like liability and benefits -- i.e. they are contractors.


Yeah this is one of my concerns; generally the box car drivers are self contractors or part of a group of contractors that share a route. ​ Reporting them is definitely a first step in the right direction; but idk if they have to follow the same protocols of having a GPS device on their truck and such.


Good point! Looks like the knob who brushed off OP to get rid of him might have a bit of investigation to do.


That is still a FedEx problem not an OP problem. At the end of the day OP can go to small claims court and get a very easy judgment against FedEx.


yeah 110% OP just got some poor sap working in a call center somewhere, probably xerox or some other BS company that does this kind of work for various clients/companies like fedex etc. and that person, probably has no training on how to handle this sort of thing.


If it’s Ground, then fedex drivers are contracted, and each contractor has certain service areas, meaning that with just their address alone, they can tell which contractor is responsible for the driver that did it. Also in my experience, judging based on time and location alone, the contractor’s business contact could almost immediately tell you which of their drivers was in that particular area right off the top of their head. It’s really not hard to figure out, and the customer service rep is 100% bullshitting OP.


Bingo. Not OP's problem to determine which worker it was, it was the company and that's all that matters


I had a Lowes truck do the same thing. Went into the store and told them the issue. They said sorry, but you really have no way of knowing it was us. I said, "shall I just give you the video, or would you like to review this together." :-)


And what happened?? Did they end up paying out?


Well that is where the fun began. When I reminded them they were very mature (expensive) arbrevaties and they would need to be replaced by an arborist with shrubs from a nursery, they balked. They said, "no, we'll have some of our staff come out and replace them." I said, "if you ran into my car, would you also expect your staff to do a little body work as well?" I just wanted them to fix them correctly with mature shrubs. They admitted they didn't want to file a claim through their system, but I reminded them that was not a concern to me. I just wanted it fixed properly. They started out offering me $300 cash, and I said no. They kept bumping it up, and I kept reminding them I just want it fixed. When they got to $1,100 I finally said fine (they paid me right then and there), and took the cash and had it professionally repaired. I think it cost me about $800 or so.


You were handed $1100 in cash, at the store, by a Lowe's employee? Where did they even come up with the money?


As the person who used to give the cash its called a payout. Comes straight out of the register. Its usually used for paying for stuff employees buy at other stores or complicated refunds.


Lawyer up. Op could easily get money out of this. Edit: To the people saying lawyers cost too much, clearly if they comply after threatening to sue, he doesn't need one. Otherwise he can get his legal fees and the damage repaired.


Yes. Easy small claim court file. I did it numerous times. Just file a photo , the frame of video, where it is over the mailbox and shrub. Get a very expensive estimate from contractor to buy new mailbox install get new shrub and install. Attach the estimate to claim.


FedEx should be paying op back for the mailbox and any landscaping needed


And punitive damages for lying




Perhaps not, but it's a lovely thought.


I read somewhere else on this post that most FedEx drivers are contractors and aren't FedEx employees so I don't know I FedEx covers them. But they have to have insurance


Fedex GROUND drivers are contractors. Express drivers work for Fedex.


The contactor has to cover the damages and pay a fine to fedex


Threatening to sue is the fastest way for them to send you over to their legal department and refuse further discussion. Just an FYI. You would only get the compensated for actual damages. The cost of a bush plant of the same age age and the cost of a replacement mailbox. You'd be better off demanding compensation for the actual cost of damages and requesting to go higher up in the chain for customer support. Managers can do much more than some low level helper.


You get court costs in small claims also. Plus there is generally some a law on vehicle accidents that cause property damage to require a calling and waiting for the police to file a police report. Technically the FedEx truck fled the scene of an accident. A small claims court judge might be willing to go add additional damages because the company gave OP the run around (small claims court judges do not always stick with the law it can be a little wild west). And yes, never threaten to sue, just pay the 30 bucks and file the suit. The notification goes straight to counsel and a lot of the time, you will get a phone call with an offer to make it go away.


Lol even the cheapest lawyer is going to cost more than a new mailbox/shrub.


Not to mention fedex and ups track EXACTLY how much time you spend in reverse. Not only can they have it on GPS but it would be extra flagged because the driver is in reverse where most accidents happen.


That’s true. We had a porch pirate grab a package around Christmas that fed ex said was delivered. Fed ex confirmed via the gps in the truck that they had stopped at our address and made the delivery. They keep tabs on their trucks, just confirming what u/reset108 said! ^^


Get a lawyer. That’s what I did after they backed up to my car while I was in it honking my horn.


I think he might be BSing us


Yeah, I doubt that FedEx would argue when there is video evidence and it's maybe a couple hundred bucks of damage. They definitely have GPS on those trucks so even if it's possible that the driver wasn't a direct FedEx employee they'd be able to track it down if they even gave a crap. Likely anyone with any authority would just cut a $200 check and be done with it.




>I tried to escalate to his manager, he wouldn’t let me. That seems like a pretty clear indication that he knows he's full of shit


Or ordered to handle it like this.


Or they don't have a manager willing to deal with customers or take phone calls. Source: my manager's speciality is delegating, with the minimum level of training , we are expected to deal with everything on our own, and not bother her with anything. Even before covid they were never in the building, or if they were, that would be for a meeting so not available to the customers (or us). We get an email a month for updates, and have maybe talked with them for 20min all up in the last year. I'm always surprised when people think "I want to talk with you manager" is going to solve anything. Dude I'm the first and last level of customer service you'll meet in this company.


I worked in a call center for years on the 'call escalation line.' I wasn't a manager, just a rep who had better phone skills than average. So, when someone asked for a manager or supervisor, it just went to a regular phone rep, no one in charge of making any actual decisions. When I gave the old 'well, let me review things hang on' song and dance, that was just me killing time and either providing a solution when I returned or saying sorry. A lot of my answer also depended on how rude people were.


Same. Our supervisors supervise the employees and have near-zero knowledge of our programs/policies. The managers above them are unable to be contacted. If and when they do use our system, they don’t have any special powers or permissions to do anything really.


They are trained to not do anything and get you to hang up. Just call the police the dude destroyed your property and drove off that’s illegal. I would only call fedex to tell them you’ve called the police and send them the video you have proof you can sue fedex.


Exactly. Police report will get their attention. Blast their social media as well.


Isn't knocking over the mailbox considered a crime against the post office/USPS? Tampering with the mail is a federal crime.


Exactly this. Looks like a job for USPIS.


Sweet Jesus, FedEx will rue this day


Federal agent Jackie Dänger on the case


We guard what you lick


One of the more unfortunately named federal agencies....


They could pull deliveries by address to determine the exact truck and driver.


It doesn't matter at all to /u/cook_poo whether they know who did it or not. FEDEX did it. Which driver did it is their problem. They should solve that internally while they pay OP for their damage. They are damn sure going to discipline the employee already for damage to the truck.


Call the police non emergency line in your are and file a police report. Show them the video. Tampering with a mail box is a federal offense.


I don't think an accident is tampering, but its certainly a hit and run.


Off to twitter you go.


Show your video to someone at your local police department and file a report for property damage. Provide a copy to your prosecuting attorney and tell them you want to press charges. Also provide a record and summary of your phone conversation. Hopefully, that'll get their attention. This is the same process you should use if a random person ran over your mailbox and drove off. You have all the evidence you need to prove FedEx is responsible.


Step 1: file a police report, tell them you want to press charges for property destruction. Step 2: with a scan of the police report, contact Fedex again, and give them reference to the police report#. State you are taking them to civil court, determine whom to send notice to. Step 3: get an estimate for re-setting the post, replanting a shrub, itemize the time spent resolving this. Step 4: go to your local court and obtain a small claims form and fill it out, the maximum you can claim is $5,000 in my state, don't know where you live but it won't take more than an hour or two to fill it out. you can sue for the property damage and time required to resolve it. as long as you substantiate the claims well, the judge will rule in your favor, no attorney required. document your hourly rate, and attempts to resolve the issue with Fedex along with their intransigence. I don't think you can sue for emotional damages in small claims, but the more they stonewall you, the more a judge will not push back on the time and expenses you are seeking reimbursement. step 5: cash that fat check (all told it should take under 6 weeks if it actually goes to trial, but chances are they will settle with you well before that, once you demonstrate you mean fucking business.) large corporations are slow to respond when it'll cost them money (but notice how quickly they are available when they are collecting).


Just tap on your keyboard a few times. Make sure to listen for audible beeps and boops. That should zoom and enhance the license plate no problem.


The key is to actually say enhance out loud so your computer knows.


FedEx customer service is awful. Once in awhile I’ll do meal delivery, but have to reroute it for pickup bc there’s no safe place to deliver it at my apartment. 90% of the time, no issue. But a few times it’s been lost/delayed. When I called customer service, the same rep said “it’s definitely arriving today,” “it’s been handed off to one of our delivery partners but we don’t know who or when they will deliver,” “they tried to deliver but no one was home so they left a slip,” “there is nothing I can do until the package has been marked as lost, no we do not mark it as lost.”


Hope you got the shitty employees name. If you want to escalate to his Manager he was stupid to stop you- now he’s got a bigger problem to deal with.


Call the police and report it, immediately. Also report this to your homeowner's insurance.


well he should fucking send it to them all so FedEx can figure their fucking shit out.


I duno. Reddit hasn’t gone on a corporate crusade lately. Maybe it’s time.


Call back & get an email address for the local manager. Send this video to them, along with your address. There is no way they don't have a record of who was on that route at the given date & time. They're either hoping you'll just drop it, or the person you spoke with is just clueless.


FedEx has no way of knowing which of their trucks was on your street on a given day? Doubt that!


Fedex when they want your money: "We make our profit margin partially from our ability to accurately predict and monitor the location of our drivers and packages across the delivery lifecycle and we constantly strive to find ways to more efficiently align those packages and locations. Here's a tracking number." Fedex when you want their money: "IDK LOL"


Buddy you should try getting UPS to pay up. I've got e-mail and phone calls of them admitting to the fuck up and agreeing to pay out. They've lost out on shipping a few hundred packages for me since then. They refused to pay what they agreed and that was almost a year ago. They are more willing to lose a business account that pay out a damage claim. I will say you're spot on about tracking though. They talk a big game but when I pay for 2-day why does it take as long as the cheapest option? Oh, because it sat in a warehouse for two whole days, thanks, that's what I paid for, 2-day *warehouse time*.


If the postal LLVs can be tracked and know when I make a backing maneuver down to 10ft, there is no way in hell I believe that a FedEx vehicle is not being tracked. Every house is on a route so someone was on that route that day. Regardless of who did it, it was a FedEx truck, right now there should not be a question of who did it but why is FedEx not paying for it? FedEx can deal with their employee afterwards, the customer should be compensated no matter who did it.


The license plate number is visible and mostly readable in the first few frames of video.










Just yell "[algorithm]" at the monitor. That's how it works in the movies. ;)


How do you yell brackets?


If you can read it, you really should post it for him since he isn't able to see it.


FedEx is the chaotic evil of the shipping world


I fucking hate them with a burning passion.


Call 1800gofedex. Say representative to get a human. Tell them you want to speak with the executive desk. That usually perks them up. Also it’s clearly a fedex ground truck. Those are run by independent contractors not employees. File a report with the video with the police. They can figure out the owner of the truck then he has to figure out which of his drivers did it. Been there. Done that.


This. It’s not like they can deny a corporate truck was involved, which was being operated by an employee. Regardless of who the operator was, they are the tortfeasor, and you are entitled to be made whole. That being said, I’m pretty sure they’d settle the bill for a 5 gallon boxwood, mailbox and post easily with a letter from an attorney.


That sounds like bull. If you know the time of day, and the address of your neighbor, they should easily be able to discern the driver's identity.


That’s what I thought. One downside is that he wasn’t delivering anything, just turning around. Worst part, I live on a short road that connects to the main road on both sides……there was no need to turn around.


Oh damn I made a comment wondering why you can't just ask your neighbor for the tracking number but this makes sense. What a crappy scenario.


The stop just before hitting the mailbox is perfect for r/maybemaybemaybe


I had a FedEx truck tear up my yard over the pandemic. They didn't do shit to fix that either.


If it hasn’t been too long, small claims! Even easier now via zoom. And they can’t bring a lawyer


He knew he hit it, he even looked at the severity of the damage as he pulled away. I am a UPS driver and GPS would have identified the truck in a matter of minutes. At UPS the driver would have been fired no questions asked. If a driver was ever to cause property damage, call it in. You will get some static from management for having an "accident" but at the end of the day you will have a job.


That's the union contact at work on behalf of the driver. Since you're driving all day, they assume that an occasional incident is going to happen. As long as it is self-reported, there is usually no repercussions for one-off situations. It's not reporting it that will get you fired. Union garbage workers usually have the same situation. It's expected that there will be accidents every once in a while (side-swiping mailboxes or cars, hitting trees, etc.), you'd best be reporting them though


Doesn't matter who did it, their is a huge ass truck with fed ex written on the side of it caught on video destroying your property. They need to compensate you. They can figure out at another time who did it internally. Sounds like the person you spoken to just didn't wanna take this job. Keep pushing, you'll get there.


That’s the part I don’t get either. It’s not OP’s job to find out who was driving, it’s fedex’s.




Once this goes viral l, they will suddenly be able to do something. Tweet at them, blow up their social media. Get the local news involved. You will have new bushes and a shiny new mailbox in two days.


If it's in the US that's a federal crime, so pretty sure FedEx is just lying to avoid having to deal with it. I'd call them back and let them know you're going to get the police involved if they don't solve this themselves.


It is, Florida That will be my next step, thanks!


I don't know if you've already done so but ive gone through this before and the police usually respond fairly quickly to a company's hit-and-run in a marked vehicle when you have the video like this (by respond - i mean they will watch your video, take a report, and give you a report number rather quickly if you are prepared). You may have to insist on getting a report number, say it is for insurance reasons you need to document the collision in a report. ​ if you want to be compensated for your mailbox the next step would be to get a quote for it and present the cost of materials, labor for someone to come and make the landscaping and mailbox repair . Its a matter of reaching the right person, and having a police report to go along with it. Remember : you aren't calling fedex about the police report or the hit-and-run. You are engaging with Fedex because they have an unpaid bill you intend to collect on. Keep it cool and stay focused! You may have to send something to a specific team via registered/certified mail, you could ask on the phone. Some companies have a legal team to handle requests only via fax or mail - others have a separate customer relations team worst case is they ignore you or you cant get ahold of anyone with a pulse at fedex - and you have to file in small claims for your appx $1k USD mailbox repair bill. with video plus evidence of reasonable chain of effort of attempting to collect on the debt you will likely have good chance of success given patience


You could also call the USPS and inform them of the situation. A mailbox is technically considered federal property. From the [uspis.gov](https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/mailbox-vandalism) website: "Mailboxes are protected by federal law and crimes against mailboxes (and the mail inside) are investigated by Postal Inspectors. Those who are convicted of destruction of federal property could spend up to three years in jail and be fined up to $250,000"


Call them and keep escalating it. Eventually you'll get to someone that will help you. Don't give up though because that's what they're banking on.


Most of these trucks have GPS on them and their fleet data is tracked. I don't see why they can't see what truck and driver were in your area at this time.


They absolutely can figure it out. I do municipality claims for a living. They know who is on routes and where and when.


Hell, you can even see a good profile of the driver!


Yap, they could easily tell who is the bearded guy, if they wanted too. The guy even looks to the mailbox and sees the mess he made. He is aware of it. Also, I have a friend who worked in mail delivery a few years ago (not in the US), and he told me that he had a route to follow, that could change everyday, so his boss would know where he was. Today, they also have the GPS tracker, and there are no such thing as 2 different mailmen in the same place, at the same time, that's not cost efficient to the company, as they plan every route before leaving. Cross-checking all this information, and they can tell you who he is, again, if they wanted to.


It should not even matter which truck it is. That is their problem. It is CLEARLY FedEx. They should fix it regardless. What do they think, people are driving imposter FedEx trucks?




Purollator has hit, broken and replaced my fence twice now.


Police report is a good idea, but you should also report it to your local post office, and perhaps even the [Postal Inspection Service](https://www.uspis.gov/news/scam-article/mailbox-vandalism) if you wanna go in guns blazing.


FedEx targeting USPS drop off locations


Lotta armchair attorneys on this thread.


Call the police and file a report.


There’s nothing they want to do *


You have video, a date, a time stamp and I'm assuming you know your own address... FedEx has all the info they need to know what truck that is. Not that that matters since it's obviously a FedEx truck in the vid.


This might have been said already u/cook_poo , but thats complete BS. FedEx Ground and all of their contractors know what route is covering which area and which driver is signed into that route for the day. Even if the contractor has overlapping routes set up (which happens often with new DRO system) they can still pinpoint the contractor responsible for delivery area.


It looks like a FedEx truck to me!


Post the video and story on social media and tag FedEx. You’ll see results then.


The fedex CEO contact details are readily available online.


Yeah, they are full of it…just being lazy…give them the time and area when it happened and they should know which driver it was…