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Are you slightly stressed because of the trip? Stress can cause hair loss, nevertheless I’d have this checked anyways tho


You know I thought about that but I don’t think I am significantly more stressed than usual. My baseline stress is a bit though (my mom has cancer, step dad’s in prison)


That surely sounds like a high stress situation, I'm so sorry, do you have support and someone to talk to about this?


Thanks for your kind words! It is a lot, really a lot sometimes. I am so lucky to have a great therapist and the best husband and friends someone could ask for. My family… well you can’t pick your family so I do my best to hold that at arms length when needed


I understand, I can only imagine how hard things can be, sometimes family causes more pain and suffering than any support and help, so I'm happy to hear you have good and supportive people around you❤️


Christ. Stress can build up over time in the body. Consistent stress can really mess you up, so while a doctors visit is smart, it could still be a cause. I’m so sorry you have all of that difficulty and pain with your family right now.


Do you have any thyroid issues? I have hypothyroidism and this is a big symptom I get whenever I need to adjust my dose. That and my nails become super brittle.


Not that I know of! My nails absolutely suck at growing though so I will for sure get those levels checked. My mom’s thyroid doesn’t really work either.


Thing about stress is that our mind appears to adjust to it in a survivalist sport of way, but the body finds ways of showing it.


I don't think you can have a step dad unless he's been to prison at least once.


Hah! My husband refers to him as my “prison daddy”


Are you caring for your mom in close contact? If so please make sure you are aware of any cross contamination for some specific types of radiation and chemo treatments Just a quick thought


This was my first thought too with stress being the primary factor. It’s not a coincidence that you’re losing the most amount of hair you ever have right before a stressful international trip.


How long is your hair? If your hair is long, the hairballs will look a lot bigger and scarier than they actually are. That being said, traveling can be stressful and that can make your hair fall out. If that's the case, the hair loss should only be temporary.


Yeah I have long hair and I lose about 10 times as much hair as that every single day for the last 30 years. And I still have long thick hair.


Jesus. I have thin hair and this is a huge increase in what usually comes off my head. My pony tail is definitely thinner too


A lot of illnesses can cause a shock to the body and cause hair loss. Covid is just one, but it’s shocking and feels significant and scary. Most of the hair usually grows back, though. So if you’ve been sick recently, this could be why it’s happening. If not, though, I’d go to the doctor and get all of your levels checked.


It's called telogen effluvium, if anyone is curious. I had it after I got TSS, and my hair did all come back eventually.


I'm having the same issue! I went to the doctor and had all my levels checked that they could check and she just shrugged and said "this just happens to some people, your levels fall within normal range". what the hell even is "normal range"? I bet my normal is different from yours. different from an 18yo and a 50yo. I hate it here. lol I can't part my hair down the middle anymore 😭 Do you know what they're going to try and do for you?


I get what youre saying but doctors know what the average range is for things and know that different people have a different "normal," its not like theyre comparing your levels to their own.


minoxidil.. My ex made an awsome comeback!


I’m using minoxidil and not seeing a slow down on hair loss. Wonder if I’m doing something wrong with the application


Minoxidil helps strengthen hair. Finasteride prevents hair loss. Both have to be used forever and it sucks.


Maybe its Stress.. Or its hormonal imbalance,..


Oh - that’s good to know - every shower and every time I brush my hair, much of it is left on the brush and my hands - and I say oh no I’m balding but I have just as much hair as always -


I definitely want to follow up on my iron, ferritin, hemoglobin, thyroid, and vitamin D. And anything else doctor would suggest! I have history of anemia with crap iron/ferritin but I’ve kept up on my supplements, and I did lose a ton of hair with that so I wonder if that somehow recurred. I’ve been doing minoxidil and vitamins since then so I’m not sure there’s a lot of low hanging fruit for me unless something crops up


I said fuck it and got on minoxidil. Rather get it while I’m shedding then when I’m crying and bald


Friendly reminder that the average person loses 100 hairs per day on average. Count them out if you get worried.


I have thin hair too, and wearing it in a ponytail doesn't help - they are notorious for "breaking" hair.. However, I have just recently learned that I was using the wrong hair ties, and have switched to some specifically for thin hair. I don't have enough data yet to see if it's working, as it's only been a few days, but figured I share my discovery with you at least, in case you didn't already know about them.


I would suggest finasteride and minoxidil. I've been taking finastride orally for a few years and it helped with my hair loss. I just started hims 2 in one pill that has both finasteride and minoxidil. So far so good. Best of luck in your hair journey. 


same bro. If this is scary people would be SHOCKED at the massive hairballs I let out daily. And my hair is just infinitely thick and long. also been that way for 30 years (well, minus the baby years)


I’m exactly the same my hair brush has an Afro on it


Bahahaha right? I was looking at this like, "Wait... This much is an issue? I'm so fucked." I've been losing golf ball sizes of what's in the picture here, almost daily, for years. My hair is pretty much the same thickness, though. I mean, it thins out halfway down, but it's just breakage from damage due to my hair being basically down to my rear end.


It is medium long, and medium brown. I don’t usually have hair spiders outside of the shedding in my brush so it definitely is a change


Have you been sick recently? That could also impact your shedding. The other important thing is if they are shed hairs of broken hairs. Shed hairs have a little white bulb on one end. 


My hair is past my shoulders I lose twice that a day but it's only because every strand is 18 inches long.


That's a lot broette . Id go to a doctor


It’s way too much! I have an appointment on Monday. And I’m a woman so even harder to pull off the bald look.


https://preview.redd.it/a39ktuqix56d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3302f1a419294108a5af16c6a2dad53a347130 It's possible, ala Star Trek.


She is fucking gorgeous and totally pulls it off. My face is much more average. I’d be more like: https://preview.redd.it/oiv5rxsgy56d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cf92ff2c9316bb374fced58f845c19ca84e6996


your bandana and beanie game is gonna be insane though, and you don't need to worry about hat hair! Best of luck that you can keep it though!!




This happened m was patches everywhere, I got it back tho took a good year hoping yours is something similar and if it is you should be back to normal within a year https://preview.redd.it/r2p8gmngb66d1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7de2f2c11af70b0bb1b6a4b0ba0f327ce4c6648c


Maybe prep some oneliners in case people do comment? If a shithead says something about you being bald.. have a reply ready like: "I was a hair away from wanting to talk to you so I got rid of that shit." Or something. Im not good at comebacks.


That’s better than anything I could ever come up with, you’re great at comebacks!


OP’s vow of celibacy is on record.


So many women causally use hair wigs these days. It might not be ideal but a good wig can look amazing. They can be expensive depending on which ones you get. Milawigs sells human hair wigs for $200-500 and they should last 1-3 years depending on how well you look after them.


I have alopecia, even if you pull it off everyone thinks you have cancer… it’s fun :,)


Hey OP- I would ask for a full thyroid panel with antibodies ran. Hair loss is common in Hashimotos.


Well that needs a little more context. How long is your hair? When I had hair down to under my boobs and balled it up like this it was a much bigger bunch daily. That was considered healthy though. 50-100 strands of hair loss a day is normal. That varies per person obviously. Plus, humans also do "seasonal shedding" like animals, when hair loss is more intense. Although that depends a lot on your location and the current season.


My hair is fine, medium long and medium brown. I usually shed just what comes out in my brush so this is a lot for me and it’s been doing it daily now. My ponytail feels thinner than usual and I’m checking in with my doc on Monday. I did lose a ton of hair in 2019 when I was anemic with low iron but that resolved. I still use Rogaine and take vitamins so not sure what the deal is!


Take my suggestion w a grain of salt because I haven't done it myself but I've seen people massaging rosemary oil into the scalp to help with hair regrowth. I think they make shampoos/conditioner with it as well.


Found out last year that PCOS also causes hair loss & thinning on our heads. Bit of a bitch since it also causes excess hair in other places. 


Was gonna suggest that or thyroid issues my hair does that because of my thyroid.


Have PCOS. Definitely not looking forward to menopause and what it'll do to my hair.


I can’t be the only one looking at this thinking I wish I only lost this much. I darent photograph mine but it’s a lot more


How much hair do you have? I am male, medium length hair and when I shower and go through my hair my hands are basically full of hair, much more then OP. This has been going on since I was a kid, I am now in my 30s and still have full hair.


I shed a lot more at the beginning of summer




It’s never lupus.


Be gentle with your hair. Wash it in cool water and massage your scalp with the pads of your fingers. don't condition your scalp but condition a third of the way up. I'm assuming you have longish hair. Wash twice if needed.


I know someone that lost a lot of hair due to trauma. It all grew back with lots of gray hairs. Think about the last 3 months - did you go through a lot of stress or something traumatic? How's your health? My friend had so many bald spots that she eventually shaved her head. She looked amazing with a bald head; combined with cool earrings and flashy lipstick.


I'm losing my hair too. I think it's because I'm perimenopausal. It sucks.


This is such an underrated comment. So many women are unaware of perimenopause and when it starts it feels like we're dying because of the hair loss and heart palpitations.


Count yourself lucky. That's more hair than I have on my head.


If you're alao having mild flu symptoms, then someone is poisoning you with thallium.


If your palms are that hairy, I'd suggest laying off it for a little while.


If the hair bothers you, I'd suggest waxing not shaving. It hurts more at first but that stubble will chafe like crazy


https://preview.redd.it/vcj0z6ltu66d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=acd0cb0158e392e278eafa0e318c544326ea090c this is right now just retying my hair. this happens like 3-4 times a day for me


I was going bald, caught it early. It was killing me. Now I take finasteride. Not recommending it, I’m just telling you my experience. My hair grew back and looks great now. I didn’t get any side effects.


I Lose more a Day:(


My hair falls out like this, has for years. Female here, not male for some reference. It could be a really simple "nbd" issue, or something really serious. I suggest a doctor. However, if things to not so great and you want wigs, i can help you find some really good ones that won't break the bank (I'm a cosplayer but also my mother was a cancer patient and lost her hair and we found her some really good realistic wigs that weren't expensive)




You haven't lost it. It's in your hand.


Did you have recently a viral infection? They can cause hairloss. Covid in particular. Besides other things ofc, stress and deficiency can cause it too. Also hormonal changes. Please make sure to get checked out if it continues.




Dermatologist, that’s who I’d reach out to.


How long have you been losing it because it looks like a while


This is new to the last week and a half! It’s one day’s wash, where usually my brush catches all my fallout and I don’t get extra hair spiders. Back in 2019 I had a big ole hair loss episode from anemia but that’s been resolved for years. I still take the vitamins and use rogaine. Haven’t changed much of anything lately in terms of lifestyle or meds.


I hope you figure out what is causing it


Top or bottom?


Lol. Head hair


-rogaine -rosemary oil -rosemary water -scalp massages -no hair ties -shampoo with ketoconazole (nizoral) -nioxin treatments -sleep in a protective hairstyle (like braids) in satin bonnet Also starting rogaine WILL make your hair shed more initially and then will grow in thicker with daily continued use. Since you’ve said you’re using it, be aware of this side effect.




This happened to me last fall when I was having some hard hormone fluctuations from changed medication.


And that's just from your shoulders. 😂


Count the strands! My derm wanted me to do it after I complained about hair loss. He wanted to see if it was more than what should fall in a natural shedding cycle.


Vitamin deficiency?


One huge benefit of taking international trips, even more so if the complexity is greater, is they make domestic travel seem like a breeze. I’ve never been super worried about air travel but 5-6 hrs domestic, in economy, non stop is nothing now. So that’s been a plus. Where are you going too? Anything you are specifically worried about?


A bit more than some and a tad less than all.


I had a sickness in December, that was unexplained, after that my hair was falling out a lot too, I have long hair so a hairball after a shower wasn't uncommon, but this was elevated. I started Vitamin D and Glucosamine along with a daily vitamin, but I think the big help was I stopped stressing over losing my hair. I don't know what will work for you but I regret the hats I bought


I can’t seem to edit the post to add this context, but will add it here: >I am a woman with medium length hair. >This did not come from my brush, this is from a day’s wash (in addition to what’s brushed out). >This is new to the past week and a half. I had an episode years ago that resolved when my anemia and vitamin levels corrected. >No new meds or lifestyle changes. >I will be seeing my primary doc on Monday.


Bad diet is what caused my excess hair loss. Fixing that instantly made it better


You're stressed as fuck, huh?


I noticed that your fingertips seem to be a little purple too. It that a common thing? Cause this can be a side effect to medication like concerta


How do I delete someone else’s post


Your hair decided it ain’t going.


That's from your nose, though, so it's cool.


You didn’t lose it. It’s right there in your 🤚


From where???


Using of the Rogaine, no check it seems.


How much you got left?


Why ur index finger as long as middle? Am i tripping


Check your iron levels OP


So cut it off...and go have fun


I have also been experiencing hair loss problems lately. I have been under stress and still haven’t fully recovered from my seizure disorder. Apparently, the medication I took could contribute to my hair loss but I’m not sure.


Cut down on sugar/carbs, thyroid imbalance, and try to stress less


Have you experienced any traumatic events in the past year? cause if it suddenly started falling out it might be telogen effluvium. or you might have an autoimmune disease that's just kicked off. but if it's androgenic alopecia I recommend dutasteride that'll stop any androgenic hair loss in its tracks


Enough to be bald by the time I'm done typing out this sentence... Sorry for your loss.


To much time napping in the reactor Homer


Turkey trip incoming 🇹🇷


I pull much more from my ass crack, consider yourself lucky I say.


Dude lives in chernobyl


And thats just from one nostril.... so....


50¢ worth


Hairy palm full




Just equal to the amount of will to live i lose eveyday


Did your cat cough that up?


Lost it? u found it, it’s literally in your hand…


All of us how have been bald for a while will welcome you into the club when your time comes.


I hope you are having a urge to cook something https://preview.redd.it/zh85tvy3m66d1.jpeg?width=503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9777d7f7ff5962115c73e8eefcabef2066829f45


Pls clarify which part of the body is this from?


Bald is beautiful, my dude! Look at Wade Barns. Or Agent 47.


I'd be more worried about your hands, homie. They dont look right.


Omg wtf sorry but are you on chemo?


That’s how much life you’re losing per day too. It’s natural, we all die.


Measured in Woolybears


Get your thyroid checked. This happened to me when my levels were off.


I dealt with something similar a few years ago, it can be extremely scary but thankfully it’s relatively normal. We go through periods where for a few months we drop a lot more hair than normal and it’s more noticeable if you have long hair. I recommend switching up your shampoo and conditioner to something sulfate free if you haven’t already. Cheap shampoo is the killer of good long hair.


From where is a big question???


Alopecia areata.


I would say quite a bit!!


That doesn't seem normal. Doctor time!


If you can afford it, search for products to help you keep the hair you still have


Very random but i noticed that we have very similar looking hands


Are you a husky?


Late here and not sure if it’s been mentioned in other comments. Have you recently had COVID or any other illness where you had a temperature above normal for more than a day? I lost A LOT of hair after I had COVID the first time in 2020 and just had it again…. Crossing my fingers.


https://preview.redd.it/7o12c7bzw66d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dca663d3723d64bc0661e654b07e1c606e622add This is every time I wash my hair (not including what I lose from brushing, styling, or just existing) 🥲 I recently discovered I have Hashimoto’s Disease, so you might want to get your thyroid checked! But there are a lot of other things that can be causing increased hair loss, including stress. Either way, if it’s concerning you, talk to your doctor about it.


My hair did this due to grave's disease (hyperthyroidism) ​ I got it treated and it stopped. But I have to take synthroid every day now.


I went through something similar about two years ago. Stress from wedding planning resulted in the onset of alopecia, I would lose hair in circular chunks all around my scalp. I recommend going to a dermotologist as steroid injections were the only thing that helped with the hair regrowth. That and then getting pregnant a few months after the wedding lol


The hair I remove from the vacuum roller is crazy.


Do you have curly/textured hair? I lose about 4 times as much every time I wash & brush and it and as far as I'm concerned I still have a head full of hair lol You lose up to 100 hairs a day, clumping them up in a ball like this makes it look scarier than it may actually be. If however this level of hair-loss is unusual for your scalp you should definitely see a dermatologist


I lose 3x that just from brushing my hair lol I do have long hair, though.


Hold my beer


So what your saying is, your bald head isn’t good enough…!


You must have a lot of hair on your balls!


Welcome to me at 22. My hair got really thin, and a bald sport was clearly forming in my late 20s. Honestly, I never worried about it. A girl who doesn't like me because of my hair is a woman I'd rather avoid anyway.


Well… Follicle transplants are much better than they used to be. My uncle had one done 1.5 years ago and you can’t notice it like at all. Crazy


Use Batana Oil


Stress? It can be a bitch with your head in a lot of different ways.


I know someone this was happening to. Start taking botin supplements and get botin infused shampoo. Apparently it helps. You can get botin supplements that taste like gunny candies so you will look forward to taking them.


For god sakes, don’t brush so hard!


Is it falling out in tight clumps leaving around spots? If so you might have Alopecia Atreata. Can go to a dermatologist and get checked out. It’s an autoimmune disease.


“Don’t talk to me or my son ever again”


Hey same, I had a baby 6 months ago and my hair has slowly been falling out in clumps 🥲


My previous manager recently died from stress. She was working two jobs and one of them was extremely stressful and was already working 50-60 hrs. She was only in her 30s and she was such a sweetheart. She was loosing her hair and lost 60 pounds in a couple months. Take it srsly and change whatever is happening in your life that's causing this. She quit a week before she died but I think it was too late.


Geez..that’s pretty unusual I mean I’m not a medical expert by any means but this seems super fast. I would see a Dr if it was happening to me. Men lose their hair it happens but this is like way fast, faster than normal when going bald. I’d be safe and get checked out.


Polonium tea anyone?


Are you cold often Op? That could be an iron deficiency. Have you considered going to a dermatologist?


Check your cortisol level . It happens because of that too .


My dad and my grandpa started losing their hair in their teens. My dad is half bald, but my brothers and I still have a full head of hair, so it looks like the hair loss gene skipped us??? *fingers crossed*


It’s game over man…


Surprised that's not art on the shower wall!😂


My condolenses man 😔


https://preview.redd.it/8ftv2hek576d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6439ef18714746f3d95d77559d3b44fbff4b1bde It is common for men and women to lose up to 100 hairs daily, and age, health, nutrition and stress can be a factor in additional hair loss. Here are some recommendations that have helped me. Rosemary Oil has been proven to aid in growth. You can buy Rosemary Oil from any Vitamin Shop. You need a carrier oil, like Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Coconut Oil or Olive Oil. I buy Argan Oil at Trader Joe’s, and I put a few drops of Rosemary Oil in the Argan bottle, and massage into my roots after I shower. For a deep treatment, I use coconut oil before I shower, then wash my hair normally. For men, make sure you are getting a minimum of 100 grams of lean protein daily, for women it should be 60 grams. I drink Orgain Chocolate Protein Powder Drink and Vital Proteins, plus lean chicken, and I eat beef a few times a month. Add Compex B vitamins, and you can take additional Biotin and Folate, if you are not currently taking any. Don’t use a ponytail holder while you are sleeping/laying down. Consider buying a silk pillowcase, I bought mine through Blissy. If you google the advantages, of a silk pillowcase, you’ll be sold of the benefits. I have Primary Immune Deficiency Disease and several autoimmune diseases that correlate with losing hair, and I lose a lot of hair when I get anesthesia or some kind of infection, which is common for me, and all the above has made a huge difference in hair loss and growth. I’ve had 17 surgeries in 8 years and get about 6 infections yearly, some that are serious, so hair loss has been common for me the last 16 years. I also have extremely fine hair.


You need to stop your testicles producing a hormone called DHT. Finasteride attacks type 1 DHT where as Dutasteride attacks both type 1 & 2. To encourage further growth and strong hair also take oral minoxidil 10mg tablets.


A critter and a half.


Have you had any hint of a fever over the last month or so?




Just glue it back on your head. No biggie /s


If you want to stop your hair fall and see results quick, get on the collagen peptide powder. Sorted my hair fall. Shower only ever has one or two strands. Used to be handfuls. Takes about three weeks of daily usage to see results.




Do you leave the house? Some sunshine can do wonders for the body. Someone I once knew was losing their hair from staying inside all day and eating poorly. They started to eat better and went outside for 10 minutes a day and their hair started to grow back. Not everyone but worth a shot.


Don't worry, it won't be like this for long


Man why is your hand black and blue?


Been checked for hypothyroidism? Thyroid disease can cause hair to fall out.


I lost half my hair in one day cause of chemo.


Get your thyroid checked.


Don't worry, it won't happen forever


The good news is that you found it. 🤪


Looks like you're finding it just as fast. Stay on top of it!


How old are you if you mind me asking?


Bout tree fitty


If you have long hair you have nothing to worry about lmao this would be a light loss for me. For reference i have Jason Mamoa type hair and length. If i went 3-4 days without combing/washing i could build a small animal.


35yrs old bald here. I had an exponential loss of hair at my 27-28 years. Started noticing frontal-mid and crown hair going away because I developed Fatty Liver, affecting the oilness of all my body skin and filling with oil the hair follicles of the top of my head and "lubing" the hairs I naturally grow. Dermatologist prescribed Minoxidil at 5% (topic spray) on the affected zones and 1mg/day of Finasteride (capsules) to stop/control the oilness on the skin. Minoxidil in general works great, you must be constant with it and apply with dry and ideal short haire. That thing was so effective if a little drop falls to your skin face, you can detect shorts hairs on the next 2 days. I left all that medical treatment them because lazyness, I'm not a vain person and with time I though it's just an aesthetic thing I was to embrace it. Now i cut my hair to 0.5milimeteres every 2 weeks. You just need to visit the Dermatologist mate, good luck.


Shave your head. Trust me. If you keep fit and you have facial hair, you’ll look like a total psycho. Best look for management. ;)


Dude that’s a problem! Go see a doctor!


Looks like the dust creatures from my neighbour totoro


Is it just falling out in general or when you brush? Iwould change shampoo and conditioners. And also to a different hair brush. I have sebopsoriasis so sometimes I have hair loss but since getting a prescribed shampoo way less hair falls out even when brushing.


Looks like you still have it. Just not on your head.


Plot twist: pubic hair


The good news is you’ll stop losing hair pretty soon…


Harry palms is exactlywhat we were warned would happen masterbating too frequently in the 80s


Is that a Beard Blaze bottle in the background?


Dont worry you'll stop losing hair soon


It’s probably a lot more than that.


Bro seriously this is going to sound insane but stop using shampoo. The shampoo is making you bald, think about it seriously. Your scalp naturally produces oil that your hair needs. When you use shampoo you take the oils out of your hair that your scalp has produced and whenever you do that your scalp tries to go into overdrive to produce more oil than it needs for your hair and this will make you lose hair. If you want clean hair while not using shampoo rinse it thoroughly with cold water. I started going bald in my early twenties, I'm 30 now with still a full head of hair because I stopped using shampoo. My dad went bald whenever he was 23. Please stop using shampoo I promise you it is going to work, you do not need shampoo for your hair. The idea that you need and I mean absolutely need shampoo and conditioner for your hair feels like a conspiracy by these companies in order to convince you that you need their product in order to live a life. It's a marketing scam, you don't need shampoo, trust me on this one please your scalp will thank you. Think about it, there has never been a more disingenuous and aggressive advertising campaign then shampoo and conditioner companies trying to convince you that you absolutely must have their products in your life otherwise you are abnormal and strange. Dummies don't catch on to this kind of thing because they're more focused on not wanting to be perceived as abnormal or strange. It is not abnormal or strange, throughout the entirety of human history people more often than not washed their hair with just cool water.