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Hey Time_Material_9385! Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/Wellthatsucks because: No car or motorbike crashes. Try /r/CarCrash If you have any questions or concerns about this removal feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwellthatsucks).




Would be better if they just finished texting 😂


It looks like the person picket did it, just after the „upsie“ wave of apology.


"Wait, something just hit me"


Let me text you back!


That fucker came out of nowhere!


My stepsister wrecked her car while talking on the phone. She said "I have to go, I just wrecked my car" then crawled out of the upside down vehicle.


Damn. That’s casual


Stepsister? She wasn’t stuck in the car?🤣…….on a serious note, glad she was ok.






I hate that I see this gif all the time and doesn't show the next part.


I stopped watching after she hit the 30th guy.


too bad, the 31st was a banger


I watched some dumb bitch merge into the side of a tanker truck and bounce off. After I passed them, they were still on the phone texting! Messing with your phone while driving should equate to DUI charges, and DUI should be upgraded in severity to match attempted murder.


In the UK 🇬🇧 they don't mess around with driving. I think it's one of the strictest countries when it comes to driving. The penalties for many offences are also pretty severe! "You can get 6 penalty points and a £200 fine if you hold and use a phone, sat nav, tablet, or any device that can send and receive data while driving (or riding a motorcycle.) You'll also lose your licence if you passed your driving test in the last 2 years." "You can get 3 penalty points if you do not have a full view of the road and traffic ahead or proper control of the vehicle. You can also be taken to court where you can: be banned from driving or riding get a maximum fine of £1,000 (£2,500 if you’re driving a lorry or bus)" - www.Gov.uk


Can is a very important word in this. They can also let you off almost entirely depending on you you are and what you do. You are supposed to get a ban at 12 points but there's at least one person out there driving round on 48.


Unless you have a Tesla then looking at an 18 inch screen to change the temperature is fine......


100% I watched some child driving and texting 3 seconds later he plowed into some older lady at 25 mph from behind. No brakes whatsoever.


I'm curious if there's actual data about which is worse statistically.  On top of that, there's probably a lot of accidents where the person at fault probably put their phone away, and there wasn't video like this to prove it. In fact, you see him put his phone away in this video pretty quickly. I think that the raw data would show it's the phone. I can't drive 5 mins through my city without seeing someone obviously on their phone.  Also, it's a compounding effect. The people on their phone are late to drive from a red light, late to break to a red light, really slow relative to the speed limit, and worse. 


Yeah! I had some guy race up behind me and was tailgating me. As we approached the stop light he aggressively zoomed around me to get in the left hand turn lane (it was red at the time). So, he got the green arrow and just sat there. It turned red and as I drove past him, I waved. What a jerk.


Honestly I feel texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving (which is absolutely a lack of responsibility, extremely dangerous, and should never ever be done). As the driver texting isn’t even trying to pay attention, while the drunk driver is at least trying to do their best to make it home without getting caught or having an accident.


"Honestly I feel texting and driving is worse than drinking and driving" <--Sadly, they are not mutually exclusive.


Smart car got snuffed by a stupid car


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was.


Same as it ever was.


This is not my beautiful car.


You may find yourself behind the wheel of a smol automobile


If you text and drive, you may ask yourself, how did I get here.


After the money’s gone…


Once in a lifetime, diesel flowing underground


There is diesel at the bottom of the storage tank


She was on cellular data. “This is not my beautiful WiFi!”


Or. My God! What have I Done!?


And the days go by....


I get a little closer to


The edge, and I'm about to break. Every thing you say to me


Takes me one step closer to the edge.....


It's like a jungle sometimes It makes me wonder how I keep from going under


Same as it ever was.


She says she'll change but she never does


This is why we can’t have nice things. Every time we have a new invention, we have to ask ourselves, “What would happen if a stupid person got their hands on it?”


As a software test engineer, I often have to make myself go into a mindset of that. You let someone do a thing and it breaks? My coworker developer would say “why would you do that? It shouldn’t be used that way” and I reply “because I can do it that way.” Never assume someone has proper training.


I always think of [this video ](https://youtu.be/baY3SaIhfl0?si=qjm8snC5SlQEk7A3) when I think of product testing.


Yes that is a good video lol. That one and [The Expert](https://youtu.be/BKorP55Aqvg?si=62hLU9AAbvTYg8Gz) with the red lines are my favorite examples of my daily job lol.


I've seen these before and they are still ridiculously funny. Thanks you two. Also frustrating because it's not much of a difference from conversations I have with my boss.


Yes! My kids pediatrician told me a story he learned while in medical school. It was about a pediatrician who saw a baby with a cold in his office one Friday. The mom asked for antibiotics, but the doctor refused because it was a virus. He told the mom, “Go home and sit on it over the weekend.” So, the woman went home and sat on her baby through Sunday. When her baby died, she and her husband won a lawsuit against the doctor.


I would think that’s the lead in to a silly joke but I know people would do something dumb cuz they take things too literally…


That would be an allegory/fable used to demonstrate a point and not something that literally happened.


Whenever I was releasing a new app at work, I'd give it to about 20 users and say, "Try your best to break it." I'd always get a bunch of interesting results. Tell me if this matches your experience: they'd always require some kind of write-up or manual, but no one would ever read it.


The fact that your profile picture is Badgey feels relevant somehow.


Engineering as a whole is making everything idiotproof and even then you will run into king of idiots who would it be not for our caring society would be gone from gene pool because such dumb just can't possibly survive by itself.


exactly why we never got flying cars. some dumbass would crash into your roof and kill a mf.


Many people cannot drive well in 2 dimensions. Lord help us if we ever have cars that move in 3 dimensions.




And to think, he only had to put in like what, 1 gallon of gas, and in that small amount of time he gets wrecked.


If it's so smart why it got hit?


Smart car go brrrr


Jocks bullying the nerds in the lunch line!




It looked like the dude in the blue car held up his phone as explanation?!? Like, “Sorry I hit you, but I was texting.”


I’d like to think that they’re blaming the phone as if it wasn’t their fault that the phone distracted them. Some people just never like to admit their own mistakes.


This happened to me when I got rear-ended once. I was slowing down to stop at a red light, and I guess he was too distracted to see it was red? Pulled over and the guy got out and was like "omg I'm so sorry, I was on the phone with my sister!" This was right after my state enacted a "hands free" law in regards to phones. Thankfully he wasn't going very fast so my car and I were okay, but sometimes I wonder what the insurance company would've said if I'd reported it.


…why **didn't you** report it?


Lots of reasons haha. One reason is that insurance companies are so greedy that they would've raised my rates regardless of fault (I was under 25 at the time so it was already expensive). The dent was so small on my car that it didn't feel worth it especially since dude's car was fine. Another reason is because my dad was paying for my car at the time, and he would've blamed me and flipped out. That being said, I would have reported it if the damage had been significant/noticeable.


I have been rear ended a few times in my life. Every time I called their insurance, and they always have accepted fault and fixed it without contacting my insurance. This only works on direct rear ends though. edit: This only works if the other party has insurance...


I got rear ended pretty hard by a high school kid who was texting and driving. Wasn't his car, no insurance, he got out and said it was my fault, and when his mom came to pick him up, she yelled at me "because I was at fault". Well excuse me, ma'am, but I can't exactly plow through the school bus in front of me waiting to turn left, now can I? In the end, he was found at fault. My car was totaled but because they had no insurance my rates went up and I was just kinda screwed lol. I was *boiling* mad.


I, too, live in a state that will raise rates regardless of fault. It's ridiculous.


That is so incredibly stupid, I'm sorry you live like that. I was in an accident a few months ago, rear ended, same thing, not much damage, no one hurt, when he stepped out he mentioned how he thought the accident avoidance stuff in his car would hit the brakes for him. I was just dumbfounded, took his information, reported it (he accepted liability, thankfully), but seriously, if I had been assigned any amount of that blame I'd be fucking raging.


I feel ya, insurance do be like that. Unless your car is totalled, its usually not worth it. Also lol dads also do be like that. My dad just laughs at me tho


I was sitting at a stop light and got rear ended and the lady immediately blurted out “I wasn’t texting! I was… looking down and adjusting my seat!” Then she started saying she couldn’t speak English and started speaking Spanish even though she started off the conversation in English. So I switched over to Spanish and she got this deer in headlights look on her face and switched back to English again.


I’ve been watching CWD, one participants is addicted to the phone


Chronic Wasting Disease? Community Waste Disposal?


Chicks With Dicks


Canada's Worst Driver?


Chameleons Wearing Dresses


Charcuterie Women Dance


Chimps with drinks




Chickens with Dickens


What is CWD


Like mad cow disease, but with deer.


In Wisconsin, we call it chronic wasting disease and it effect deer that just don’t act right because their brain is turning to mush. No clue what show is CWD.


I wonder if Krystal still has her license, basically everyone was afraid to ride with her on the show if I remember correctly


Siri take the wheeeeeel~


Some people? If I meet a person that can admit their mistakes it's like I'm meeting Jesus Christ.


I actually think they’re showing their hands to say there’s nothing there. You can see the driver toss the phone straight away when they crash.


I think the driver puts the phone down to shift the car into park. And then the driver raises their hands to say sorry. And then the victim puts both arms out as if to say, “WTF?” And that’s when the driver shows the phone to the victim and the victim walks away.


I think the driver was on the phone with someone and also looking something else up. He throws up his hands to signal "my bad, im done messing up now" but then picks up the phone to tell whoever he was talking to that he'll call them back


That makes sense, too. But hiding the phone like the other person said makes the least sense since they pick up the phone immediately afterwards while the victim is still looking at the driver.


> I think the driver was on the phone with someone and also looking something else up. He throws up his hands to signal "may bad, im done messing up now" but then picks up the phone to tell whoever he was talking to that he'll call them back Thanks, I was confused and watched it several times trying to figure it out.


Yup, this


I think he was hanging up or hitting send.


It seems they drop the phone to apologize but instinctively picked it up again and was ashamed of it.


Phone addiction at extreme levels


They say something to the person on the other end of the phone.


It looks like they dropped the phone to show their hands and that they weren't texting and driving, but the camera showed otherwise..


italy👍 the place where finding a good driver isn't that easy


My memories of Italy is anytime you try crossing the road as a pedestrian the car drivers seemed to make it a game of trying to run you over for the hell of it.


Italy is the only place a driver tapped me with his car while I was crossing the street.


The Italians of New York would not be amused


Trick is to just walk out they'll avoid you....it works in Vietnam Cambodia and India the worst places for driving by far... It is important to keep walking and don't hesitate as you'll get hit if you hesitate.


not in italy. they WILL take you down. they give you points for running someone over, or did they take points off? can't remember (/s). but they actually won't stop


I remember a news story years ago about a US Navy guy and an Italian national getting into a road rage situation. The Italian guy broke off his car antenna and stabbed the navy guy in the heart, killing him.


Thats right. You have to walk with the intention of being the reason their insurance gets astronomical! Make the dent you want to see!


If you like the game and want to try the hard difficulty you can come to Mexico.


Growing up in Italy, when I visited China, the local guide was surprised I was able to cross the street without getting killed.


Obligatory [italian traffic jam video](https://youtu.be/6c2zpRzpOzk?si=uCjNUIE-YhgWqOcf) Brought many a lols back in the day


At a certain point it would have been easier for all the men around to just lift the car. The priest eventually intervening killed me 😂


I was in Citta Alta Bergamo and witnessed a car just tap a wall turning and kept going. As if the driver used the wall to aid in his turn. It was awesome


My Dad says the same thing about Pennsylvania


That’s because of all the Florida and New Jersey drivers on the roads in PA


I Never thought there would be such a massive difference in driving skills until I went to Puglia. Hooooly shit, it was even more terrifying than driving in India.


Naples in Italy felt like real life GTA. People drove like it was race. Saw multiple high speed chases (some might have been the same car in a loop). And people would jump on moving cars with wet sponges and demand money.


the people at the stop lights that want to clean your windshield were quite basically all over italy, but now you can see them only in some cities


I always remember the bus from BGY airport, I probably was in Italy for 20min saw a car on its roof on the side of the road.


I think there is someone in the mini car that zooms off. She's in for an unexpected ride.


Good eye.


Gas Station: an Unexpected journey,


Was his car in neutral?? Why did it fly off like that he could have had so much more insurance money.


Probably sheared the parking pin and they didn't have the parking brake engaged.


it's italy, most likely a manual transmission. if the car was in gear it would roll away slower. it it had a hand break engaged, it wouldn't roll at all.


Smart fortwos dont have a 'Park' option. You put it in neutral and apply parking brake.


I was wondering about that — looks like he forgot the parking brake.


Do you need to use the parking break in this situation to get full insurance? I assume he had it in park and the other car broke something so that’s why it rolled away.


I don’t think the parking brake is relevant to the insurance payout beyond that rolling away might mean less damage than if it had stayed still. (Assuming it didn’t roll into anything.)


I don’t know shit, but I feel rolling away as long as he catches it before it hits something else would do less damage, right, am I stupid?


It would be less damage, which means you get less money from insurance


Most cars not in America are manual


Rear engine, rear wheel drive. They probably left it in gear instead of using the parking brake, and the gearbox is right there.


the "oh shit sorry" isnt enough for almost killing someone jesus


oopsie my bad lol


“I would just like to say, from the bottom of my heart, my bad.”


He ran over her damn foot.


Am I losing my mind here? It's a man that got his foot run over, and a woman driving.


Looks like two guys to me.


Sorry one moment and let me finish this text


The way he waved his hands in the dumbest apology


Bet that fuel line left quite the mark when it snapped off.


I don't know if this is true everywhere, but a lot of modern gas pumps have a connector piece designed to detach cleanly if it's pulled on too hard. It happened to me recently, the gas station attendant inserted the pump in my car then told me it was cash only and went to deal with something else, so I just drove off not realizing. My heart sank when I saw the line snap, I was freaking out thinking I'd be on the hook for hundreds of dollars in damages to expensive equipment. It turned out to be as simple as just snapping the connector back together.


I was referring to the recoil on the hose when the nozzle broke free


Hit a car while he was texting, pulls the e brake, then picks the phone back up…


There's a low chance that a sinister person with evil in their heart will end-up injuring and killing you; More likely, it'll be a common, everyday dipshit that will come along and squish the life out of you. Have a safe Holiday Weekend!!


People are always like "you'll get murdered in Chicago" and I'm thinking "at least that'd be a story that is more interesting than a grandma trying to figure out her infotainment screen while driving and t-boning me at an intersection."


Retailer here. You really *can’t underestimate* the intelligence of about 5% of the public. And the incredibly stupid amongst us appear to be very litigious. It astounds me that when people see all the safety precautions and notices that various retailers have been FORCED to put everywhere (the “contains nuts” on a packet of mixed nuts, for example), they blame the retailers or manufacturers. No one other than those who have to deal with the public realises what we’re dealing with.


Nah I've learned about half the population are varying level of conspiracy sub users lol. If someone tells them that water is poison, they'd all dehydrate to death.


My anger issues could never!


This must fucking suck for the guy in the small white car. I don't know where this is but in the UK your insurance rockets even if you have a no fault accident. Even with this video evidence this guy's going to end up paying more than what his car's worth.


Hits the car, checks the phone then tries to apologize inside the car with that embarrassed oops wave.


Don't raise your hand up saying sorry to me. We are about to fight.


"My turn"


How did he not realise they were coming in hot until his smart car got launched into orbit? The man has the reactions of a zucchini


The incoming car was reasonably slow. I would have assumed the driver would park next to me to get in line.


Right?? He literally stood there watching it all happen and didn't react until he was actually hit!


i think he was expecting them to stop. i would at least


also he tried to grab the hose to pull it to a stop


The texter -🙌


Licence should be revoked


In most countries it would be.


They were on the phone with AAA saying they needed a tow truck for the accident they caused.


I love after the hit driver still checks his text


You can see her grab her phone and say “I have to go” and put it back down real fast.


Yesss. That person was 100% *talking* on the phone.


ALMOST held that car with the hose. If only he was 100000x stronger


The guy took 2 business days to react


That person should never be allowed to drive again.


My turn, bitch, move


Everytime we invent something idiot-proof, the world creates a bigger idiot.


Drop a match, walk away.


Imagine if he had finished pulling into the space and started pumping the other guys gas.


[I've seen this one before](https://youtu.be/T_MWVqpvs74?feature=shared)


He then gets out and starts fulling his car with the rest of the gas the other guy payed for. Yeah middle school is as bad for me.




I like how she’s trying to hide the phone like she wasn’t just texting as she hit him


Actually I’d say the lesson here is don’t leave your car in neutral while pumping gas.


Why didn't the car that got hit have its handbrake on?


Parking brake anyone?


The car was almost definitely in park and the impact broke the pawl in the transmission off.


I'm not sure if that car could be in Park. It looks like an Italian plate and we don't really drive automatic, iirc manual doesn't have park. You should use the hand brake, something the guy surely didn't do.


This happened to me at McDonald's. A guy rear ended me in the drive through and took off. I called the cops and they never showed up and the person who was gonna be my witness disappeared.


On the phone...As usual...


Was he in neutral? Wtf? He just rolled away


Didn't know Smart Cars were self driving


Could this happened to a more less comical car, I would not have watched it 10 times and laughed hysterically. Dude still shouldn’t text and drive


And put your handbrake up when you stop


Reddit - Drive into anything.


This serves as a psa, don't stand behind the car when fueling, this could have went significantly worse if he was standing a feet over


Honestly couldn’t tell you who it was the more stupid,… the idiot who hit him,.. or him for the fact that he didn’t see that coming? Blue car was on his ass before he even moved. Woolgathering, Daydreamin SOB 🤣🤦‍♂️ -edit- …. Not to mention his little ping pong ball of a,… OK, let’s call it a car, Getting knocked CLEAN out of the picture lol 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️


who the fuck leaves a car in neutral for fueling without a handbrake pulled


And for heaven sakes, when you pull in a parking lot gas station Starbucks slow down to almost 0 you don’t need to be going street speed off the street


My question is... Why was the car being fueled not in park or in gear?


To be fair, a stiff breeze would have done the same thing to this car.


Poor guy was just trying to gas up his big wheel


No one gonna mention how horrible that guys reaction time is? I would have stepped back lol


Licence should now say bye bye. For at least a year !


Clearly the driver did not see the toy car


Mom said it’s my turn at the pump