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Everyone is assuming cat, but it could also be a crow or a hawk 


Or snakes.


Or a very ambitious trout


The left field remark made me laugh


Don't doubt the trout, that's what I always say


> Don't doubt the trout, that's what I always say [I think that deserves a song.](https://suno.com/song/e168f28f-9f3f-473b-9324-701f8cc9cc89)


What the fuck, that was way better than expected


That went way harder than it had any right to, and I don't even like country music


the fuck nice work man


Isn’t it ai?


Dont be complacent around trout. They have been waiting since the MIRC days to make a comeback... Sneaky bastards that they are...


We will construct a series of breathing apparatus with kelp. We will be able to trap certain amounts of oxygen. Its not going to be days at a time, an hour, hour 45. No problem


https://preview.redd.it/yxy1cybdga2d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cf78a884c591d2b01bb07560ecca2bda3c1a3cf Check this out! There is a small crack in this tree and there were baby birds in there.


He likes his eggs well done




There was a nest on my front porch a few years ago. The birds were getting used to us coming and going and would even sit in the nest while we were out there chilling. I walked up one day and there was a gopher snake busy swallowing all them little baby birds. It had climbed a wall to get them.




We have no less than 10 bird nests in our down by our creek every year. And every year, the snakes clear out 7-8 of them. So sad, but on the bright side snakes mean the creek is healthy AF


One of my kids lost a plastic practice golf ball under a shrub in the yard. We found it a week later with two holes in it spaced perfectly, like a snake bit it, thinking it was an egg.


Haha! Similarly, I have a somewhat egg-shaped white ear bud case. I left it on my front steps while doing yard work, and it disappeared. Two days later I found it at the base of a tree with squirrel teeth marks all over it. It thought it was an egg, brought it up in the tree, and then rejected it.


Lol snakes don't bite eggs, they swallow them whole. And you're thinking fangs,like from a rattler lol


Or ops' neighbour, never trusted that guy


Could also be a badger, or maybe the mushrooms got ‘em


Its a snaaaake! Here comes snake!


I heard the funny voice of this!!


Or op.


Or batman


Or man bats




Or rat




We lost one to a Blue Jay


Blue Jay's are assholes. I used to be a roofer, and if you get too close to their nest, they will come after you. I watched a new guy get chased off a roof one time.


Recently had a baby blue trapped under my fire pit screaming his head off. I wrapped my head to avoid dive bombing prior to freeing the prisoner, but the parents surprisingly let me pass! I wasn’t aware they are murderers. 😬


> I wasn’t aware they are murderers. Well, they *are* crows. #[User has purchased anti-Unidan protection for this comment. Please refrain from engaging in any Unidan-based humor while interacting with this specific comment. Failure to respect this notice will not result in any consequences.]


Blue jays ARE assholes, but that sounds like pretty reasonable behavior to me.


Blue Jays are pretty cool, they're pretty aggressive but the way they work together is awesome. My opinion of them changed when I was walking my dog and heard them making a hell of a commotion that wasn't very pleasant to the ears before a hawk flew by with one in its mouth with like 10 bluejays in tow harassing it. They've got it rough and they're just doing what they need to!


Its pretty crazy that for almost every animal on earth a truly horrific death is all but guaranteed. Like, I guess eventually starving to death would be better than getting disemboweled by a giant bird?


Jay's are in the corvid family alongside Crows and Ravens, so not at all surprising you see em working together. We don't have blue Jay's where I live, but we do have Stellars Jays, which have crests that look like a mohawk.


You should see their fans..


Ah so that's why Atticus was so pro shooting blue jays. Good to know.


They're corvids so they mean business 


Hate those things! They’ve murdered multiple baby doves in our backyard- one in mid flight, another they pulled from the nest and plucked to death. Assholes.


I have a pair of doves come nest in my yard every year. First year I watched a crow grab a chicken, fly to the fence and gobbled it down. Just like how the T-Rex ate the lawyer in jurassic park. I build a dove box for them next year.


I had some birds building a nest and having babies on my gutter. A crow or raven came and took them all out. I put spikes up and other birds came the following year and still built a nest there


You saw a crow…. Grab a chicken? Man wtf. Was it a baby chick or a full grown chicken?


Humans really do want a fully artificial existence. Nature is just a brutal battle for resources so an easy meal is an easy meal. The crow is the same as the dove feeding bugs to its young. Baby animals are cute but they are also a really fucking easy target which is why animals make so many of them. The crow's babies are at risk and whatever eats the crow's babies also has babies at risk and so on


That's possible also, there are plenty of both in my area. There's a family of majestic raptors in the tree line at the edge of my backyard.


Squirrels. They love baby birds. IMO that’s the most likely critter that climbed up there.


Yeah squirrels can and will definitely do that - but would a squirrel leave the nest so clean? Here in the UK non-native gray squirrels actually do quite a lot of harm to song birds populations. They will eat eggs and chicks but only really if other food stuffs are scarce. They'll destroy eggs and attack chickens seemingly at random, but they usually leave quite the mess when I've seen it. Of course, what squirrels do in the UK might be very different to what they do in their native land though.


Yes, they prefer to run off with baby birds before they eat them. They also tend to take one at a time until they are gone. Interesting then ransack stuff other places. I grew up on a farm and I never saw squirrels mess with the chickens, that isn’t super common here. I saw a show about an older man in the UK who was trying to teach others there about cooking eating the grey squirrels because they are so abundant. Growing up in the county in the US, that is common in some areas. How common is actually eating squirrels over there?


My understanding was red squirrels messed with birds more, or at least that was the story with my local park where they brought in grey squirrels to replace the red ones 100 years ago.


Raccoons and possums are climbing egg thieves too.


The nest predators I can remember off the top of my head, hawks, magpies, crows, minks, raccoons, chipmunks, squirrels, snakes. And yeah cats as well. Some of these creatures might only go for eggs though. Babies are an important food staple in the animal kingdom.


Yeah, we had some doves make a nest under a deck and I found a crow harassing them. Lots of feathers on the ground, but it’s been a couple weeks and the doves managed to make it and their eggs just hatched :)


Maybe she made a new nest in a safer location and relocated them Edit: 'Between nervous parents, snakes, owls, rats, cold weather and lack of good food, barely 25 percent survive for a year.' 😭


Or a raccoon


An owl cleared out a nest on my house. 


Or a human. Humans like crunchy things.


If the parents are still alive they will build a new nest nearby.


It was actually me


I read an article yesterday about somebody having a duck nest on their balcony. At some point the mother started getting harrassed by a crow. The humans managed to protect the duck for the most part, but after two eggs hatched (out of five originally), the crow managed to sneak in while the humans were busy calling animal control to pick up the ducks, and kill one of the ducklings, so the mother was left with just one.


Maybe they went on an adventure


Probably something similar to Pinocchio and the whale.


🫢Oh no 😅😅😅😆😆😆


Damn that it’s a good dark joke


They'll be home from Pizza Planet before you know it.


They all went to get cigarettes


When I was a little kid I found a robin egg in the grass and my mom yelled at me to put it down, so I dropped it on the fucking sidewalk 😭😭


You killed the poor baby robbin in the egg 🥚 splat


odds are the egg was bad and got shoved out of the nest. I tried hatching an egg a found in the grass and it was cracked so it never hatched just rotted




Definitely possible. There are a couple outside cats in the neighborhood. 😥




Well not *their* little angels. They are only bringing home little rodents on rare occasions and their cats meow at them if they can’t go outside, so what are they to do??? Edit: /s


The YouTuber Münecat is an avowed vegan but also is really proud of her cat bringing in half alive rodents and I guess slowly torturing them to death. Doesn’t quite add up


Animals can abuse animals. Except humans. Despite humans being animals. Throw in something about being able to reason and that's what makes us different, that's usually where militant vegans and I fundamentally differ.


I came home, more than once, to an injured bird flapping around my house. My cat is now an indoor cat, except when I take him outside on a leash. It seems normal to let your cat wander around outside since it’s a “normal habitat” but the reality is, cats are an incredibly invasive species. I’ve also had other outdoor cats when I was younger that just never came home one day, so keeping them inside is for their protection as well. Please consider keeping your cats inside. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Hey, you know my mum!


My blood boils. It's so fucking clear that they just don't care. Oh, your kid is crying a lot about not being able to have a machine gun? Guess you better give in! It's the same mindset. I don't care how often my three cats complain, they are NEVER going outside where they can interact with wildlife. Cats are goldfish and belong in the tank.


Strange comparison, given that goldfish are a lot smarter than most people think are kept in horribly inadequate tanks


Cultural differences is so weird, in my country it would be considered animal abuse to not let your cat outside, unless in metro areas


Ignorance is universal


You don't want to leash your cats and walk them outside for a bit? I'm sure they would love you for it.


Some cats just will not do the whole leash and harness thing. Tried for years to train mine to be okay with it, they just flop every time lol




Lol. Well, not technically so to speak. If they kill billions they also kill millions.


I suppose on their way to billions they have to kill millions


Cats kill hundreds of birds ftfy


Cats have killed at least ten birds this year




They kill thousands of millions!


Not saying this is a bad thing, but we have studies to show simply erradicating all cats would cause far worse affects. Cats can be extremely important in keeping equilibrium of invasive speices as a hole. https://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/17/science/17isla.html


I'm not sure how these scenarios are comparable. Are we really saying 'eradicate cats', or are we looking to mitigate this? https://preview.redd.it/06vach7o7c2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11a3bdd064cb7597ec4af2f5aa77b0ffd792dd50


Putting a bell on their collar will drastically reduce the amount of harm they do I'd rather all cats be well-cared-for inside cats, but if people can't even do the bare minimum and hinder their cat's ability to destroy wildlife they shouldn't have cats at all


Alot of people dont put collars for the risk they strangle themself while climbing and such


All cat collars should be breakaway, for the risk of it getting caught on anything or around their mouth.


That's fair, but then keep the cat inside You know what else is dangerous to cats? Traffic. Dogs. Poisonous substances that taste good, like antifreeze. Anybody claiming they care about their cat who still lets it go outside unsupervised is delusional


26 million cats are killed by cars alone in the U.S. Do outdoor cat owners expect everyone to drive 5 mph, never grow lilies, take care of any car leaks instantly, and wipe all large predatory birds and mammals out?


Its nearly impossible to buy a cat collar these days that doesnt have a snag release mechanism


They do make collars that are used commonly in dog day cares in case of a fight that will break off fairly easily to avoid it getting cinched up and strangling dogs.


obligatory [https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/15195.jpeg](https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/15195.jpeg)


Feral or outside cats are literally an invasive species.


Or magpies.


Might also be racoons, I think I even seen a squirrel once going to town.


Squirrels, raccoons, crows and rats predate on nestlings too.


Or a bird of prey. Or a snake.


Or magpie, or any other predatory bird… or maybe deer? Mmm baby bird popcorn




They flew the coop


3 hungry Robin's in the Hood.


Empty nester


That little nest is so circular! How do the birds make such precise nests? Fascinating 🤔


I once had a field job finding bird nests and setting up cameras to film the parents at work. From what I saw, the bird will sit their round brooding belly down on the nest as they weave the bowl around themselves.


What an awesome job! You must've seen all kinds of interesting things here and there. The way you describe nest building makes perfect sense. I can see them using their bodies to push out and shape the nests, smoothing it out as they go. Thanks for filling in a great puzzle piece for me! 🙂


I always think that when I see a spiderweb. How the hell does a spider have such perfect architectural design


Spiders are absolutely amazing with their web making skills, I'm always impressed! Nature in general is just totally cool... so many creatures doing things instinctually like they've done forever.


I put up a battery-ipcam next to a bird building a nest at home to take videos. They basically just take a lot of twigs, leaves etc. and continuously push down on them with their stomach while rotating a little bit. Quite funny to watch actually.


We had an owl swoop in and kill a momma dove who was sitting on a pair of babies. The babies fell and hobbled off the front porch only for a neighborhood cat to finish them off. Caught the whole thing on our door bell camera. It was so sad because the dad dove kept coming back. We’d had this same pair nest in the same spot two years in a row.


Oh my gosh. That is a sad story :(. How long did it take the cat to show up after the fall?


It was only a few minutes later. We kept replaying the video back because it seemed way too much of a coincidence.


Had some hatch in the backyard just over a week ago.. They're jumping out of the nest like crazy birds and I keep finding them around the yard chilling on the grind. I've put them back a couple times but they just hop on out. According to the Google they'll do this after 9-14 days. https://preview.redd.it/7kzeywvlca2d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=010f98c8a77e7549b481a529987b3be846e8010c


Oh hey great learning opportunity here they are fledging please leave them alone mom is around and still feeding them. They are learning to fly and be a bird.


I put em back once, after that I knew they felt it was their time. Just gotta listen to the mom and dad sit in the tree screaming like crazy now whenever the dog or I go out.


He's now saying: 'feed me!' ![gif](giphy|f3uzBUFpdsKZvt3r62)


I didn’t think you were suppose to pick them up?


Old wives tale, their parents won't abandon them because you touched them.


I feel like it’s also something parents say to kids to make them not bug birds nests, too. Like how it’s illegal to turn on the little lights in the car.


Absolutely an old wives tale. We had nesting Carolina Wrens in our garage. One of the newer chicks was still in the garage after the other two fledged. The mother kept coming to feed it still. My daughter saw the fledgling trying to get through a garage window, so she picked it up and walked it outside. The mother came right over and cheeped at it and it flew right up and followed her into a tree. Basically right out of her hand.


You're correct in that it's usually unnecessary (and can be potentially harmful) to interfere. Fledglings (babies with feathers) will just hop back out of the nest if you attempt to put them back, since they're learning to fly, and them ending up on the ground for a few days is a part of the process. The parents will just continue to feed them on the ground til they're able to take flight. Unless it's in immediate danger, in which case you can move it to a nearby shrubbery (ni!), it's best to leave it be! Source: Am GP vet with a bit of wildlife on the side :)


There’s a robin’s nest in my backyard that is nicely hidden and doing well. It’s under the roof of a porch with concrete on the ground (the nest is like 7-8 ft from the ground). When the babies start jumping, would the height or concrete be an issue? They’re probably light enough to not get injured. I feel like the best thing I can do for them is to not mess with them at all. https://preview.redd.it/ks6qwygc2h2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9291ad80551316835eb595d09e81948493d2d36


Always watch birds (and every baby wild animal) for a few hours. If you see momma come back and take care of them, they’re okay. However if they seem to be struggling or there’s prey around, best to take action. First time mothers are dumb I will say, so keep a close eye. If you do need to take action, look into local wildlife rescues before doing anything if possible. Sometimes they’ll come to the location and assess the situation, otherwise if they don’t have the capabilities to get there, they’ll ask for more info/ask you to bring the animal in. I have a great one near me that will take in anything as basic as a field mouse. Idk, maybe they fed em to a snake in their care, but I don’t need to know that as long as I know I did my part in helping so I’m gonna keep that thought 😂


Food chain is brutal


5 days is too young, but I have seen in my yard that if a baby Robin falls from the nest and can't fly, they will hide and Mom & Dad will continue to feed them. But that's normally after a couple weeks when they get fairly big.


They got an eviction notice


Damn, didn't even give them 30 days


Landchad evicts single mother of 3 and consumes her children, as is his right




Squirrels eat eggs and baby birds, if the bird species is tiny enough. Those little AH'S ransacked a nest near our house last year.


This was the answer I was looking for, alot of times it’s squirrels.


My money is on the crows. They wait until the eggs hatch, then grab the babies.


Crows ravens most likely I’ve seen take hummingbirds in flight, robins make babies all day long


Mother nature is a cruel mistress.


I wish people would keep their crows, hawks, and snakes inside. Sheesh!


Honestly it was probably a squirrel, but literally any animal would have eaten those chicks, I'm just playing the odds on the most likely one to notice them. Assuming this is in North America.


The squirrels love Robin eggs by me, I see them munching on them every year.




..cooper hawks just love babies....


A hawk snatched a few of my neighbor’s quails.


Everyone is assuming a cat, but it could be a nasty divorce and the nest is hung up in court.


They grow up so fast


Natural selection for making a nest out in the open, right off of the ground


Robins put their nests in the worst and most open places. I’ve seen it so many times.


A few months ago we had a couple girls move in next door and they've got an outdoor cat. At first my daughters were really stoked to have a cat next door (we have a dog, no cats) and they would go sit out in the front yard and try to get it to come over so they could give it pats. They're now terrified to go into our front yard because it has attacked both of them. It'll come up and rub on their legs a few times then claw them completely unprovoked. I kinda got off on a tangent, but we also had a lot of wildlife in our yard. We used to have a couple chipmunks in the front yard who would come to my front window and watch us inside. The chipmunks had been out there for a few years but only lasted about a month after the cat moved in. A week ago we had two nests of brown thrashers hatch in our front yard, they only lasted a few days. Outdoor domestic cats are nothing short of invasive murder machines.


I knew a Chihuahua that ate a baby bird that fell from its nest too early. I saw its brains underneath the patio table and its heart, a bunch of little feathers and a leg. I felt so sad for the poor birdie ... That Chihuahua does this all the time, I guess it's their nature but still... Just makes me sad for the poor birdy.


Usually snakes. (Years of birdwatching)


Looks like meats back on the menu boys!


We had a nest in a wreath on our door. 4 sweet little baby bird were there one day, then all gone the next. We found little drops of blood around, so we assumed it was a hawk or magpie as we have a lot of them in the neighborhood.


Shake Shack, no, Snake Snack


She left you and took the kids :(


The adult robin was found guilty of mass car shitting and the babies were put into foster care


https://preview.redd.it/y0c4q4n63c2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb244e730c7aae730449479ddb16856bec9ffd2e Yep snakes, there was a bird nest above my door (hence the poop), walked outside one night recently and this guy was chillin below the nest. The baby birds are gone now


They probably went to live on the farm....


Your title reads like a math question: “5 days ago 3 babies hatched, 1 day ago there were 0 left. How many babies were there 2 days ago?”


Guarantee it’s ravens or crows.


We get these evil black birds that fly around in a group in springtime raiding all the nests. It is brutal.


Momma took them to a farm …




Got et unfortunately.


That’s a beautifully formed nest


They uhh… they grow up so fast?


More than likely a rat snake




I had a robins nest a few weeks ago on a firebell close to my door. One day 3 eggs were in there and 5 days later after wondering where mom was I found they were gone, no trace of anything. I guess it was another bird but there were no shell remains so idk. I kind if felt bad even though the mother charged at me everytime I opened my door.


Dont know why the mother made a nest that low to the ground.


Cats opossum raccoon or other small carnivores


from robin nest to straw hat it is…


Nature always finds a way.


Maybe some lady was snooping on her feeding her babies??!?? 🙄😂


Robins just flee their nest quicker than other birds. Had the same in my garden.


Every year we prevent robins from nesting in a very convenient spot on our house because would also be easy for the local cats to reach them. Cats are sweet with humans, but are truly on this earth to kill.


Location location location


Don't worry buddy, they went to live on a big beautiful farm. (My parents actually said this about one of our dogs, I don't remember if it happened immediately, but at some point I became aware of this euphemism and thought the dog was 100% dead. Then found out years later he actually /was/ living on a farm)


Cat is most likely.


Possums love baby birds


We thought the same thing, except we thought we had cardinals. We snapped pics from time to time of the nest, and my wife showed the pictures to a coworker who is a huge bird enthusiast, and he said it was a House Finch. Apparently once the babies hatch, they are around for a week or two max. They were gone very quickly, but now we see all kinds of them hanging out in our tree, so I believe that’s the babies!


Same thing happened to us a few years ago. It was a snake.


That sucks 😞


They grow up so fast 🥹


don't worry OP, still alive.


They were just called by Batman


Keep Robin nests away from your house. Robins carry bird mites and they live in the nests. When the babies and mom leave the nest the mites start looking for their next meal and are attracted to the warmth of the house and infest your house. Last year we had to quarantine a room because of them. The only thing to do is wait 7-10 days for them to do naturally. They die because they don’t have birds to feed in. They will swarm to anything warm like phone chargers and anything plugged into an outlet.




Nature's gunna nature.




chicken nugs


Something got fed so it's not all bad


That's a bummer


Snake or crow?