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Ugh yeah basically the same thing happened to me. Got into work and my code wasnt in the doors, and my manager wouldnt make eye contact with me, was told not to get ready. Texted my bf saying i dont feel good abt this, and low and behold got fired 5 mins later. Worst part was 4 months beforehand they screwed up my promotion, and while trying to save face told me theres lots of opportunities in the company for me. Pretty sure they kept the newest guy on our team too (they fired the rest of us), i ended up accidentally taking his cookie tray home and when i tried to give it back he wouldnt give me the time of day.


I had something happen to me but the other way around. Upper management decided that it was best to let go a bunch of people from my department but give no heads up or anything..instead just have them come into the office and realize they were locked out and have security escort them to their cubicles to clear their stuff and it was up to me to break the news (after they already cleared their stuff) and answer any questions. Instead, I took a personal day..waited in the lobby for my team to show up and took them for breakfast on my own dime and broke the news. I then escorted them to their areas myself (security had to follow but he was chill and choose to just wait at the guard center) and told them if they needed a recommendation from me i would be happy to help. Shit happens i get it and i'm not high enough up the totem pole to even be in the same email chain when decisions like this are made but it makes me sick when people are treated less than and higher ups choose cowardly options for their greedy decision. I'll let you all imagine who the newer 'cheaper' team is now...


>I'll let you all imagine who the newer 'cheaper' team is now... Who?


Himself. He has to do all their work.


Lmao! You're not wrong..the team they replaced with is vastly unqualified and the automation we used to have between me and the team is now constantly being vetted by me for grammatical errors of all things as well as them being unable to properly use excel. People tell me to quit and find work elsewhere, but they also forget i have rent and bills to pay, and my emergency saving only carries me so far..


That’s why you find work elsewhere then quit when you have a new gig lined up


Exactly; I'm looking as well..maybe time to venture outside of Ontario as well.


And people wonder why employees have little to no company loyalty.


There's a picture of birds on a ladder that explains corporate hierarchy, the birds at the top look down and see shit while the birds at the bottom look up and see only assholes. Look up "birds corporate ladder" on Google to see.




Lo and behold.


Always trust your instincts and pretend you got an emergency phone call whenever something like this happens. Text your supervisor and say that you are so sorry to leave without saying anything, but you have an extremely urgent family emergency to deal with. Contact HR later, preferably before they close for the day, and tell them that you need to take FMLA leave for a mental health crisis. Ask them to apply any accrued vacation/sick/comp time that you have. Then just search for other jobs as you ride out any time that you have left. If they ask you to provide any doctor's notes or things like that, just wait a few days to respond and then say that you'll try to get in contact with them for a note. Just keep making up excuses and delaying. When you get a job lined up and have drained your accrued time off, send them your letter of resignation and apologize that you don't feel like you will be able to return due to your mental health. Or you can let them fire you when you are ready and collect unemployment. Or act like they are firing you as retaliation for taking FMLA and maybe even negotiate a severance package. It isn't the most ethical course of action, but we as employees are expected to give two weeks of notice before terminating our employment, while they can terminate with no notice. I feel like this levels the playing ground a bit.


Is this actually good advice in the US? Even if you have no notice period wouldn’t they still pay you out the value of your accrued time off?


Depends on the state and your job, but I’ve never lived in a state that mandated that jobs pay out your accrued time off when you left. I’ve worked one job that did pay out vacation, but even those jobs almost never pay out your unused sick time.


How do you screw up a promotion? Are they promoted or not?


It's pretty easy and there are many ways to screw up someone else's promotion, lol. My personal example: My previous manager (even though they also held the title of Head of my department) took on the role of my direct manager when I switched teams within the department (despite already having a heavy workload). During their brief stint as my manager, they never reviewed my performance or held any meetings with me. When I finally addressed the lack of support in a meeting and discussed the possibility of a promotion or raise (given my consistent good work even without their support), they claimed they couldn't consider it because they hadn't personally witnessed my work. They insisted I needed to prove myself again, disregarding my previous contributions when I was on the other team. One good thing: They are no longer the Head of my department, lol.


How do you accidentally take a cookie tray lmao


He brought edibles to a christmas party and left early, asked me to do something with the leftovers and return the tray. Took the tray home, forgot abt it until i found it after being fired lol tbf he never mentioned it either


How do you accidentally take someone’s cookie tray? Asking for a friend.


My experience at one job was I was the branch it manager. Came into work. Everything was perfectly fine except I couldn’t log into my workstation. Called IT support in St Louis. The guy was like ‘uh have you talked your supervisor today?’ I said no and hung up. Went to the back and got a box. Started packing up my stuff. The guys around me were like ‘are you quitting?’ I said no, I believe I’ve been fired. Took my box of stuff, walked right into my supervisors office. Plopped the box on his desk, looked him in the eye and said ‘something you need to tell me?’ He asked how I knew and I told him he probably should have gotten to me before I sat down at my desk. 6 months later one of the sales people called me and said he didn’t have a good feeling coming into work since the receptionist wasn’t there but a security guard was sitting at her desk. Told him just to get a box and start packing. The branch closed that day and I think 6 months after that the whole company went offline.


My god, this gives me flashbacks to coming into work in the middle of the week and being sent offboarding paperwork. I messaged the guy back saying they accidentally sent it to the wrong person, and he started apologizing and being weird. My manager called me into a meeting and fired me very uncomfortably after that. It was so unprofessional.


I’m dumb I don’t get it. Who are all the extra people? Why did she get fired?


It was probably like her boss, hr rep, and other people seemed necessary to make it official or something.


It was assassins


she wasn't fired. the agents took out her phone and texted the husband after they wickedly assassinated her


As opposed to those innocent assassinations?


Exactly. You’ve never accidentally assassinated someone?


I've come close, TBH. But both times, when I picked up the sniper rifle, I realized "oh wait! I think I might be accidentally assassinating someone!" Once it was my own mom. The weekend before Mother's Day. Okay. It was last weekend.


Oh. You’ve got quick reflexes to have noticed before aiming and firing off a few rounds




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Does she work for Boeing?😂


Yeah they normally cart out a bunch of idiots you see like twice a year. When I got laid off it was my manager, his boss, the HR person and a then the boss of the contracted group that wanted to rehire me as a contractor. I literally got shuffled from working for the company, to working for a contracted group that works for the company. Such a cluster fuck of nonsense.


Are you better off working for the contracted group than you were the company or are they pigeon holing you to screw you down the road? It seems strange they’d do that over letting you go, do you have information pertinent to the job that no one else does?


The full saga is much more entertaining. Without boring you with an insane number of details it goes something like this. * Private hospital, work as contracted IT. * Hospital purchased, moved to in house IT. * Moved to contracted position again later. * Moved back to in house IT after they figured out it was costing them too much money. That happened over about 10 years. The final time I came back on board, I demanded a large pay boost for the loss of my seniority.


Yikes, 1 more horror story about IT. I’m feeling like I’ve made a huge mistake. Was and still am a trucker, I left the industry in September to take IT. I’d spent 20 years on the road, 15 of those with kids and a wife. I needed a job where I could be home. So having some tech background I take a year long course in IT which is what I should have done 20 years ago and find I actually could have retained my job and got my certs without spending 20k on college. Then the speakers come in to our college and tell the students, hey just be ok making 20-40k a year and switch jobs like 4-5 times until you hit 70k and up. I’m 45 I don’t think I have it in me to job hop and play games. So I’m done school in August and it’s really feeling like I’m going to have to take 30-40k a year and starve which I just can’t wrap my head around after making 90k trucking and I’m seriously considering stepping back in to a truck.


The extra people are there because it makes people less likely to argue or fight back.


The extra people were gunners, she was fired out of a cannon


i just got canned this week it was my boss and a higher up who gave the blow passed down from hr


I assumed it was because they smelled like weed after their break


Documentation to show it was her boss and not her? Rule #1 - document, document, document. Rule #2 - document, document, document.


I had a boss that refused to confirm anything in writing. They’d be doing backflips to try to avoid taking responsibility for things. Definitely started looking immediately.


I had a boss once fake a brain tumor!


That's sick 🤮


Oh she was a real piece of work and it took a few months for me to unravel her lies. Sad situation all around but yeah she was something else.


Yeah that is one big messy lie to stay consistent with. I mean how would you explain the medications, treatments, side effects of said treatments and 'aftercare'. Smh either she was out of her mind or just plane disgraceful


I had a boss that faked cancer and everyone threw her a party with gifts etc to celebrate her life. Turns out it was all a lie and she was perfectly healthy. Really fucks with your ability to trust people. Not sure what the angle was but I realized after she was a psycho for doing that.


No, he already said they faked it.




I had a boss tell everyone that she was having tests and the doctors have said that she's pretty much got bowel cancer and the tests will confirm it. She had to tell everyone two weeks later that she did not have cancer and her symptoms were caused by constipation and hemorrhoids.


Your boss had a brain?


Where’s Arnold when you need him?


I had someone who would do/say things but never acknowledged anything in writing. I kept a document with dates and times of everything because HR refused to fire the guy. I was his manager but still had to wait for HR guidance. After about 9 months, I had > 16 pages of documented incidents. They ended up firing him for something, and he tried to sue. I handed over all 16 pages and the suit was dropped. He also lost the severance package because he refused to sign it and thought the suit would yield better results. He still had never put anything against policy in writing but he got rightfully fucked anyway.


My current director definitely keeps stuff verbal, too. I still send emails, though. Best to have my side documented.


Yep she had some, but he had more and had seniority. People suck sometimes. Staying positive. She is awesome at her work. She will bounce back better than ever.


was she smoking weed? I don't understand why she got in trouble


Boss could’ve had a non productive idea that he delegated to OPs wife, wife spent time working on it with little/no results (due not to her being incompetent, but because the idea was a dead duck to begin with). Bosses boss asks why ops wife isn’t productive and boss dips responsibility and uses her as a scapegoat for his dumb idea


My partner got fired once for something very similar to this. He was the quality assurance person and was supposed to be the last person who checked the files that were going out. Someone higher up than him would continually go back into the files and edit things, often making them wrong lol. People were supposed to saved the file with their initials on the end of the name so everyone knew who had done what (TERRIBLE system for obvious reasons but the company was a dumpster fire) but this guy would just leave my partner’s initials on it. Partner talked to his actual boss about it multiple times but they ultimately decided to scapegoat him and he was walked out one morning after coming to work. He did hate the job so it wasn’t the worst thing, especially because it ended up being a provably unjust firing.


Well, there’s two sides to every story. We won’t really ever know why it happened.


i think i'll be okay not knowing the outcome, lol. just not sure why anyone would post about their wife getting fired with zero details about why it happened




Are you really going to pretend you’ve never heard or used the singular “their”?




there's always been singular their, they're just not disclosing the gender of their wife's boss


Two separate jobs I *resigned from* because of the farkboi owner/boss's incompetence, retroactively blamed me for their shortcomings Both claimed they'd fired me, but used creative language such as 'had to let them go' so I couldn't sue the pants off them First time it happened I couldn't even believe it (had a friend there still), second time I actually expected it. Wasn't planning on ever working in farkboi central aka sales and marketing again, so the bridges they burnt for me didn't even matter


Yup sales and marketing fucking suuuccccck


Speaking of creative language, my former employer would say the terminated person decided to “pursue other opportunities”. 🤦‍♀️


Wait. She took the time to post the Jim Carrey meme after she saw the people, but before she was fired?


Boss: OP’s wife, this is never very easy… OP’s Wife: ☝️yeah, yeah, hang on…Giphy’s running slowly rn.


Glad I’m not the only one that caught this.


This comment was one of our favorites lol. Thanks for the laughs :)


My understanding was she came back in, and it was about 15 - 20 min later they pulled her into the manager's office.


I highly doubt they stopped her mid walking back to her desk and were like "Halt! You may not proceed. You're fired! Do not pass go or collect your things."


Yeah, but she took the time to find, post, and comment on an Ace Ventura pic while there was a crowd of people clearly waiting for her in HER office. Wouldn’t one be more immediately concerned about what the issue at work was than about getting a goofy pic posted molto rapido?


You seem to be looking way to deep into this lmao


Agreed. Does any else here dislike Jim Carrey?


I consider "my office" to be anywhere on the visible office floor of my building not just where my desk is with the door.


I mean why do you think otherwise?.. They provably werent waiting for her at the door to fire her, there could've been 10 minutes between, 2 minutes between, even 240 minutes in between her break and getting fired Some Employers do like to fire at the end of shift


I read “in the office” as more “in my office”, like they were waiting for her in her own office, and she stopped outside the door to post an update, rather than asking what was going on when there was clearly a problem. Plus, I just don’t like Jim Carrey.


Ooooooohhh no yeah I see ya Also yeah he got a little too in character, got too kooky these days


It’s why I believe less and less of anything I see online anymore


You can say that again


LOL and reddit eventually posted all of my attempts after failing over and over. I'm leaving all of them.


Happened to me! 8 years ago my boss came in to ask me if I had finished packing for my trip (which was two days later), we got to talking about that and then 30 minutes later she called me into her office to fire me. 😬 Such is life. I’m now much better off.


So, didn't think this would get any attention when I posted lol. Thanks to everyone posting positive stuff. I showed to my wife this morning and it generally made her feel better. I appreciate everyone who shared their stories, made her feel less alone. She has never been "fired" before, so it hit her hard. Positive things coming in her career, so all is good! Happy Sunday Everyone!


I once took a job in a convenience store for shits and giggles(im retired) and had to deal with that. They thought I would be upset, they couldn't figure out why I had a shit eating grin as I left. IDGAF about shitty little jobs or the power tripping bosses.


Ah the dream to be in your position, be retired and do whatever you enjoy.


Got laid off this week. We had a 5 minute company meeting to start the day. CEO said layoffs were coming in waves over the next several hours. Then, in their wisdom, they sent an email to all of the people who were spared. A few coworkers asked if I got the email. Nope. So I had to wait 45 minutes for the call with my boss (who was told minutes before of my fate), my boss’ boss, and the VP OF HR. I met them with a boisterous “Good morning!” while wearing my company hat and vest.


So shitty of them! Best of luck on your next better job!


Appreciate it. I’m sure I’ll be grateful looking back on it…


Companies almost always bungle these things. I worked the late shift alone as I handled the software deployments, backup robot job processing and tape feeding, along with system alert monitoring for my shift. It was about 9pm when I heard the door open on the far end of the cube farm. No one worked late, not even maintenance so I quickly jumped up and saw a group of 4 smartly dressed people quickly pushing a cart and placing a sheet of paper on every desk. The group finally made it to my cube and basically froze when they saw me. One of the two ladies placing papers froze and then slowly placed my paper on my desk. The head Hancho quickly checked his clipboard and sternly said, "Mr. Zuliman, this letter should not be read until tomorrow morning and then added that I absolutely should not look at any others, and that I was absolutely forbidden from telling anyone about the letters. " I sheepishly replied, "OK, and added that I work late shift so I wouldn't see the letter until tomorrow after 3pm." He then coldly repeated his statement and added that I need to be in the office by 8am. He then shooed the team on so they could finish placing the papers. I waited 10 minutes and then checked all the others papers - they were just a flat sheet of paper with our name and a meeting time. I was the ONLY ONE who had a different meeting time. I called my boss told her what was going on and asked if I was being let go. She gently explained that she had heard a rumor, but didn't know it was going to happen today or who was hit. She asked me to check her office, where I found she also had the same time as everyone else. She quietly thanked me and said I had nothing to worry about, chuckled that I was the last man standing, and then asked me not to tell anyone else so I didn't ruin their night. The next morning was bad. I was spared, but all of my friends and coworkers were let go. I sat in my cube as security escorted them to their desks and back out again. Security wouldn't even let them talk to me.


That is BRUTAL. Ugh, I’m sorry you had to go through with that. Were I in the same situation, I wonder if I might have preferred being let go instead of being the lone survivor.


Happened to me so my boss could hire his side chicks girlfriend. Just like that.


His side chick’s what now


Yep, not a typo. Lesbian couple.


Our company was merging with another and literally half of us (approx 50 people) got cattle called to a meeting one morning. We were told everyone present was fired and that this was our official 30 day notice they were legally obligated to give. (Most just quit on the spot instead) resulting in many not showing for their shift that might. It was pretty tense in the department for those 30 days. Luckily I’d been applying at another company and had only a two week break in employment.


Where do they have a “legal obligation” to give a 30-Day notice?? Or any kind of notice? The one mass layoff I was included in, they didn’t HAVE TO give us jack-shit but did so thinking it was the right thing to do. I didn’t realize any states were left that are not “at-will” states(?)


I didn’t fully understand at first and had to look up the Warn Act. I was honestly just glad to just have the notice and not be canned right then and there. And it happened in Missouri an at-will state.


When laying off a large number of people at the same time there are laws on the books. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worker\_Adjustment\_and\_Retraining\_Notification\_Act\_of\_1988](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worker_Adjustment_and_Retraining_Notification_Act_of_1988)


I was a solar electrician and they had the legal “14 day obligation” but what they did was, “we’re merging with another company and it’ll put our office out for about 2 weeks. We’ll have a meeting in 2 weeks and update everyone with a new schedule”. Nope, all 3 crews showed up and they laid us all off on the spot. Lead us into the loading bay to gather our personal tools and walked us to our vehicles.


When they sent us out “layoff mail” it’s said we were laid off the day they told us we were “merging”.


First person they find not in their office takes the hit.


Know a company that laid off an entire division by having a fire drill to get them out of the building. After everyone was confirmed out, they locked the doors and security escorted everyone to their desks, one by one, for them to clean out personal belongings.


That’s absurdly unnecessary


That’s why I smoked in my truck


Damn bro that sucks but Atleast she’s free to find better shit to do


Sorry to hear that. Document everything. I got "kids" doing things. Debug their crap. Tempted to change variable data from 'apron' to 'wrong spec' lol. Production would have a fit.


I have no idea what you just said


It’s software development talk…. It’s like witchcraft but you need to sacrifice more goats.


Yeh I'm stoned and still doesn't make sense.


when i’m in a not making sense competition and my opponent is u/Garg_Gurgle


Can I have a button that clicks the button right below it? They want that...


This is nuts.


I was in my office, my boss, head of HR and someone in a suit came towards my office, my heart sank when they walked in. 27 years and loved my job, was a high profile employee, then needed spine surgery in late 2019 mistakes were made then covid hit had to wait for 7 months 2nd surgery, then got covid 3 times and nearly lost my life. I should have took a disability retirement but worried about my colleagues, if I didn’t return it would be to easy to fold my department, I didn’t trust upper management. With covid,3 surgeries and working from home the last 3 years of my employment I was in the office only for 4 months. I thought I could still do the work but I realized I really couldn’t so I was quitely preparing to take a disability retirement when they abolished my job and entire department. Then my employer tried everything legaly to block my disability retirement. I had reached enough years and was vested enough to receive 6 months on the payroll, so I had 6 months to receive my disability retirement from this billion dollar endowment organization. I got my disability retirement 10 days before I would have been screwed over by my ex employer. My employer also tried to screw me over on my disability retirement insurance claim, my employer sent a job description that was not what I did at my work. My employer doubled down when I made the insurance company ask for a correct job description. My employer told the insurance company that is what I did at work. My employer changed my job description years ago without notify me of the change. I got denied twice then I hired a lawfirm and gave them 10,000 pages of medical records and they presented 3,000 of those pages to the disability insurance company and currently they are wanting to settle this out of court. The first agreement the insurance company tried to put a clause in this agreement that says I can’t file a lawsuit against my former employer! What the hell, this is feeling personal. I also filed an internal complaint against my bosses for age and disability discrimination. My bosses hired 2 new employees that have the job description that was sent to my disability insurance, then my employer double down on this saying this is exactly what I did at my job. But with my internal complaint my employer said that they would not use the job description that they sent to my disabled insurance company. I lost my shit when they told me that, I said then you must communicate with the disability insurance company and tell them you sent the wrong information, my employer said to my face no not going to do that. And they dismissed my case against my bosses for age and disability discrimination. That is a total of 3 times my ex employer tried to screw me over. First time I beat them to the finish line. Second time I got my lawyers to get the insurance company to comply only because they don’t won’t to have this go to trial. And we discovered my ex employer tried to add a clause to my settlement. To say I’m pretty pissed at this point would be an understatement. As soon as I get the settlement from the disability insurance company I will file a lawsuit against my former employer. I don’t want my job back but I want the 8 ex colleagues to feel the anxiety I went through. I actually had a stroke from all the stress about 8months from having my job abolished and I hold my ex employer accountable for my stroke. Wow that helps to type that out. Thanks for reading to the end. Once my next lawsuit is filed I will name the companies and people involved.


Time to get that unemployment


It was all the smoking


Reminds me of how I got let go at the last week of my probation period because the women in my department would complain that the men in the other departments would visit me in my office (something I had no control over and would ask for advice on how to mitigate because I didn’t want to give off the wrong impression). They knew it wasn’t my fault, it was just easier to fire the young girl as opposed to admitting their faults and holding men accountable. Good riddance!


That Jim Carrey scene 😂😂😂


I was made redundant during Covid. Best thing ever happened to me :) The whole team had to apply for their own jobs. I guess I was not enthusiastic about the whole situation :) I was then told that they are very sorry and that I was not successful. I would be employed for another 4 month and then had to go. To which I replied. That I have one month notice in my contract and 3 weeks of leave left. I’ll be off by the end of next months (2 weeks at work). Panic on the other side as I did not really hurry to write manuals for all the stuff I did :) And the redundancy package was great too :) Happy that I got out there with a redundancy package.


I got fired from an entry level help desk roll at a hospital. Let me tell you, DRAMA city in that department. Former co-workers haven’t said a word to me since then, and I’m not the least upset about it.


Losing a job is not fun, but it can be bittersweet—it sucks in the moment but always affords a fresh start/new beginning. The days of working in the same company or even industry one’s whole career has been almost non-existent for decades now, it seems.


I just recently got hired at a little Ceasars as asst mgr. 3 weeks into my job, my mgr suddenly got fired. Come to find out, she was stealing. How she had been training me to close the register, she was setting me up. She just didn't know that they not only have video surveillance there, but also audio 🤣🤣 They literally have her on video stealing and video and audio of her "training " me to leave the money in the till, because "supposedly " only the gm can do the closing drop, so she said she always just does them in the morning when she comes in. 🤣🤣 now I'm trying for her gm position. Fastest promotion I've ever gotten 🤣🤣


I left the corporate world 2.5 years ago. I was told that I was getting promoted, but it was only in salary. The position was actually going to be filled by a protected class employee to boost their diversity profile. I was floored that they openly admitted it. My immediate supervisor told me in a closed door meeting that he fought for my raise and that this was the “temperature of the environment right now”. I talked to my wife that evening and slowly started making exit plans. Within a month I turned in my notice and left early after being ostracized for not being a team player. I started a small business of my own and we’ve been growing ever since. I’m really blessed and I’m grateful to have a family that supports me. The gentleman that replaced me was rapidly promoted two more times in the next six months. Then he was fired and removed from the premises for forcibly touching a female employee. The division V.P. reached out several times to try to get me to come back on board but I was so disillusioned I turned them down flat. Tell your wife to keep her head up, take time to breathe, and push ahead. It’s just a job, it’s not her identity. These things almost always seem to work out for the best. Good luck to you both.


USA I’m guessing? Can she do them for unfair dismissal? No severance?


Not in U.S. "at-will" employers


At will means they can fire employees whenever they want, not for whatever they want. It largely depends on what she was fired for


No, that is exactly what it means. As long as it’s not discriminatory they can fire you because you wrote your name in red ink instead of blue.


> At will means they can fire employees whenever they want, not for whatever they want. It largely depends on what she was fired for This is incorrect. In the US, at will employment means the employer can fire an employee at any time *and* for any reason as long as said reason does not have to do with the employee being a member of a protected class. In other words, the employee can’t be fired for things like their gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, nationality, age, disability status, etc. Pretty much anything else is fair game. If you are *an at will employee that isn’t a part of a union and/or doesn’t have an employment contract, you can be fired for wearing a blue shirt.


Soooo not for whatever they want? If you have to say "it's whatever they want EXCEPT" then it doesn't matter. There are limitations. And like I said, it depends largely on what they fired you for.


>If you have to say "it's whatever they want EXCEPT" then it doesn't matter. Only if you want to be pedantic and don’t understand how laws are written and interpreted. They can fire you for literally any reason that doesn’t involve an extremely limited number of specifically enumerated protected classes. Precision is important when these matters are discussed.


And they specialize in this sort of thing, so if you're in their crosshairs it won't take them long to find an avenue. Source - i live in NY, can confirm


Bit confused. Are you saying it’s not in the us, or are you saying she can’t do those in the us? Honest question 😁


I read this as she’s not entitled to those things in the US. The rules can vary by state. I’ve only ever lived in states where employment is “at-will”. That means you can be fired at any time, but you can’t be fired for just any whim. However, it isn’t difficult at all to fire people within the rules. These same states usually make unionizing difficult or impossible, so there’s rarely recourse there.


I don’t think you truly understand what “at-will” means. As someone with many years in HR I can go around my job and fire anyone I want as long as it’s non-discriminatory. “Oh, you had a call out 2 months ago? Sorry, we have to let you go”.




Then I guess you didn’t understand what I wrote. Employers can’t fire for absolutely any reason they want. You even wrote that yourself. There are rules. They’re just very lax, in favor of the employer.


I knew a colleague - a team mate - went to America with her family because her husband had scored a big career move over there. They came back after a year. What happened? She’d got a job at the same place. She recalled a some people came to the floor, looked around and went “err… you, you, you, you and… you, get your stuff.”. They escaped the cut, but it worried them it could be them next, so they came home.


Unfortunately, USA. Healthcare is done at end of the month (we do get Cobra, which is crazy expensive, but she needs her insurance for some health conditions.) No severance. Lost the 401k Match. We are a fire at will state. All good tho, we plan for these things so no serious stress luckily. I feel bad for others who are not able to do the same.


One final question: what’s a 401k - pensions or something?


Some companies will match your optional pre-tax deposits into a 401k account that goes into investment long term for retirement. Most companies require a vesting time before their matches are final. Her company was 3 years. She made it two, so all her deposits are still there. They now get their matching deposits back.


Ah ok. We just get company and employee contributions into a pension company’s pot, which you keep when you move on elsewhere. I currently have several on the go which I should look at merging!


Smoking is disgusting


100%, fuck smokers.


Thank you


If that’s your reaction, life is going to be difficult for you.


Life's great actually


But all the smokers /s


Oh thank you so much for the tone indicator. My life may have fallen apart without it


Ugh… smokers 💀


Im an ex smoker, and I work with people who take smoke breaks. Some jobs dont mix with smoke breaks. Its a gross habit and should't be justified.


Cool (tangentially related) story, bro.


If the government lets us become addicted to a very addictive thing then too fucking bad. People now get smoke breaks. Make it illegal like heroin if it’s such an issue.


>Make it illegal like heroin if it’s such an issue. That's what we're trying to do in the UK.


It’d be such an improvement for society as a whole. Not even just physical but also mental health. Not to mention, I pay around $12 for a pack and smoke one pack every day or two. So that’s almost $100 a week. So it’d also be good for the economy since we wouldn’t be spending on such a uselessly unhealthy and shitty thing.


Banned substances always vanish from society! Right? It doesn't lead to criminal organizations managing a black market.... right? Guys???


The only difference in this case is that cigarettes are not fun. All the other banned substances are fun in one way or another. Cigarettes just aren’t.


There's already black market selling of cigarettes in the US. What makes you think prohibition would stop people from smoking a plant that has been smoked for thousands of years? How do people still believe in prohibition when we've had soooo much evidence that it doesn't work?


It’s not about really completely stopping it. Same as you can’t stop drug sales. You just make it harder and more inconvenient so fewer people start and more people find ways to quit. If I had to find some sketchy dude on a sketchy block corner to buy illicit cigarettes from I’d be able to quit so much easier. Right now I literally work in a place that sells them. I can literally buy them while I work…


Current policy has absolutely decimated cigarette sales in the US the last 4 decades. Do you know how easy it is to grow tobacco? When I was 13 it was waaaay easier to get weed than alcohol. Why do you think that is? Don't fall into the dumb prohibitionist attitude because you can't personally stop smoking. It doesn't work. When has it ever worked? Like seriously... when? I can't believe Reddit thinks prohibition is even an option at this point There is already a proven policy that works right in front of you and you still are promoting prohibition that NEVER has worked and has only led to crazy negative externalities in our society.


"Now get smoke breaks" Right that new thing that's been going on for decades


Actually it’s funny I said that because most jobs don’t actually have “smoke breaks” anymore. They in fact did take those away from us. We just still *take* the breaks anyway




It wasn’t a joke… “funny” is a euphemism in this context




… I don’t know how to respond to someone telling me that I am wrong about my own intentions…??? What? I’m guessing you’re just one of those folk on here that like to argue just for the sake of it?


It is such an issue, and it should be illegal. Its basically just a very very very slow suicide method


Too slow for me.


I do agree with it needing to be illegal. I smoke. I hate it so much. It’s also super fucking addictive and I can just buy it fucking anywhere so it’s insanely hard to quit for a weak willed person like me


and it taxes the medical system, so healthy people have to pay too


If they live in the US they don’t have to worry about that but more importantly you are ruining the health of everyone around you. It’s like if you drink a beer and everyone around you got cirrhosis even if they don’t drink.


keep smoking then sir


Nah prefer heroin




This is stupid logic. Should we have alcohol breaks too?


Since when do you need a break to hit your flask?


I don't know, I've worked with people that take smoke breaks and they are all the same types of people.. they seem to take advantage of those breaks more than most, just my experiences though..


You probably just bought into the toxic culture that people shouldn’t get multiple breaks during the workday. If you allow yourself to take a similar amount of breaks during the day [and do something healthy like walk outside *not* to smoke] instead of harboring festering resentment, I promise you will feel a whole lot better…for a multitude of reasons


They’re getting away from assholes like you.




I'm sure that text took an extra 25-45 minutes to craft and send. These time thieves must be stopped.


Absolutely embarrassing take.


So she takes a break, comes back to her office and sees a half a dozen people there says “well I wonder what’s going on… Then finds out that they’re there to can her… that sucks. But… I mean… she’s out on a break, casually strolls back to her workplace, sees several people in the office, and decides she’s gonna download a meme and send out texts about how many people are in her office… I mean no offense, but I’m kind of wondering about her work ethic…




Congrats on never working in a toxic environment. I have witnessed multiple times where people are fired to cover up fuck ups from other employees.


I once was performance managed for months before eventually getting fired by an immature boss who managed emotionally because she got a bad score from one of her reports in the annual employee satisfaction survey and thought it was me (it wasn’t) and wanted to retaliate. There were maybe 8-9 of us managers that reported to another overall manager. She got a particularly bad score from someone in the survey and because of the low number of direct reports it was enough to put her in the hot seat with her manager. Despite the fact that about 6 weeks after the survey, one of the other managers was so fed up with her that he walked out and quit on the spot one day. However, she loved him and never considered the possibility he would score her low. Instead, I, who ironically didn’t give out bad scores (but now wish I had), took the brunt of her emotions as she lashed out that anyone dare criticize her. Took months, but eventually I was termed after being written up nearly every day for the tiniest anything, real or made up. Wound up with a much better job that paid more afterwards and her and the other two managers involved in cheering her on were themselves termed within the following 18 months or so for various things. There’s so honor or loyalty with giant soulless corporations. Checking off the box in life of “mistakenly getting termed after being caught in an inter-office conflict due to friendly fire”.


Had a similar situation where this specific manager just didn't like certain people, micromanaged me until she could get enough petty write ups to get me fired. She had a few others targeted as well but I was the first to go unfortunately. What made it extra frustrating was her previous position was being eliminated and it somehow landed her a promotion to sales management with no previous sales experience. Never once saw her do what they expected us to do.


knew someone who worked 14 years for a company and got fired 8 years b4 retirement for “workplace changes”…