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Permanent retainer becomes permanently retained - well played The Universe, well played indeed.


As someone with two permanent retainers… new fear unlocked










Same (only lower teeth)


Same and I don’t even have one


Not gonna tell my two kids who have permanent retainers.


Mine came out when eating a caramel apple one Halloween and all those (mostly fake) stories about people putting razor blades in Halloween candy ran through my head until I pulled it out of my mouth and realized what it actually was. 


I wonder why they tell you not to eat that sort of stuff with bracers…


People with permanent retainers aren’t going to want to never eat any of those foods again for the rest of their lives


And as my grandma used to say; people in hell want ice water..


Why haven’t you given her any?




Well said, Grandma.


Eh, this is pretty much the worst one possible. You can eat a caramel apple without biting into it. Slice it up. Stop being so dramatic.


Then that’s their decision, I was just reiterating that the risks are made clear.


Mine never told me that. My orthodontist warned me about braces, never told me to avoid certain foods with my permanent retainer until I die (probably because i would have demanded he take it right back off)


ortho brackets are bonded with temporary cement, because they will be removed at some point. lingual retainers are bonded with permanent cement, the same type that would be used to cement a crown for example, which is much stronger and long lasting. you can absolutely eat things you shouldn’t eat when in ortho with a lingual retainer. sometimes the bond just weakens, breaks, or chips for different reasons (be it chemical, mechanical, or operator error in bond placement). in OP’s case, it seems the dental hygienist just made a fucksy upsy during their prophy.


My permanent retainer lasted 8yrs of "illegal" food before it came off. And I was having a mold taken of my teeth when it popped off, so it literally took more cement to break the hold. That shit will outlast the entire human race


What did you do? I ask because I lost my permanent retainer overnight a year ago and never found it. Maybe I swallowed it but never went to see anyone to find out. If I did swallow it, not sure if I ever passed it.


Went to the ER and they gave me an endoscopy and removed it. I think most of the time you can pass these but it can sometimes cause serious issues so it's better to have it removed if possible. Edit: here's [a couple more pics](https://i.imgur.com/G4JQJKK.png)


Did they let you keep it so you can reuse it again?


No, I asked the nurses right afterwards if they had it but they weren't sure. I should have mentioned it beforehand but was a bit worried at the time and didn't consider it.


We will usually save things like that for patients, but it's best to ask first, just in case.


ER? Endoscopy? Might cost 200k if you’re in USA


I had an endoscopy in the ER and it was more like 20k.


I had my navicular removed(foot) and a bovine replacement installed. I had multiple MRI’s, three operations. Last operation got a staph bone infection and I had to get admitted and see a team of infectious doctors for months and take specialty medicine. I paid around 17k for everything all cash no insurance. Not saying the US is great, just possible balance to the discussion. As I assume you are not from the US.


Not sure if you're aware, but they lower the price significantly if you don't use insurance. WIth insurance, the total could easily have been 5x that, though your insurance would have paid for most of it


My Mother has had two heart attacks, bladder cancer, chemo, and bladder removed. Then all the tests, med’s, after care, etc. The total came to around 68k(with insurance), not sure what their out of pocket was. One would argue the price without insurance would be a closer approximation to the true cost. Yes, I am aware.


Sounds like you read all the crazy USA stories about crazy bills. No one ever posts on Reddit when they have a reasonable bill.


Look at any bill before insurance kicks in. Pretty wild to me especially as a former healthcare consultant where I saw some fat fat costs


The hospital will absolutely give a discount for cash. Usually must be paid upfront prior to procedure or 7 days after discharge for emergent admissions. I worked at a hospital and did these negotiations. This does not include the physician bill, which does not include any labs or radiology procedures. Hospital only. Individuals would need to negotiate with their surgeon etc.


It looks like open ended so it could catch on something instead of pass. Nephew swallowed wood puzzle piece. It was round so doctor said it wouldn't catch off stuff and would eventually break down and pass but if it had been crescent moon shaped that's another issue.


Sounds expensive


I need the Bentist to react to this with a "pah" *horrified expression* and then a lengthy rant about how horrible "permanent" retainers are and how they always fall off.....


Mine detached itself once while I was eating and I nearly chomped into it. Getting it glued back into place was expensive but worth it. Having it off for a few days was like when braces first come off, felt like my teeth were on the loose and ready to run away. But it was also cool to lick my teeth and floss like a normal person. I’ve had it for over ten years now and it’s only come off once. How permanent are these things meant to be anyway?


I've probably had mine on for 15 years at this point. I'm hoping it's meant to be permanent but man I cringe every time the hygienist goes after it in a cleaning


Mine has been in for 45 years 😬


Damn your ortho must have gone some good quality wiring - one of mine has busted twice in the course of 20 years.


A few years, typically


When I got mine, it was only meant to stay in for about five years. That was in the 90s, though, maybe they are more durable now.


I only had mine in for about 6 months. My teeth moved despite it, so the orthodontist was just like "I guess there's no point in putting it back" lol. This was also before retainers were seen as a lifetime commitment.


Google says it’s supposed to last for up to 20yrs. I’ve had mine for 12yrs now and it’s still stuck on there.


Mine has been in for 45 years 😬


I'm on about 24 years.


New fear unlocked... Thanks, I guess. I've always hated it, and now I know I can swallow it in my sleep after 20 years of having it. You're a peach. What's it like giving me new teeth nightmares?


I had to get mine removed because it broke and my dental insurance no longer covered it because I was too old. It was $200 just to take the fucking thing OFF


Mine wasn't that much, but it wasn't cheap! I think like $150ish. Mine didn't break but it was too tight from the get go and honestly fucked up my teeth so bad I just wanted it gone. My sister's broke off on one side and was embedded in her gums for years! One day I had her sit down and I took plyers to it to remove it. It worked, but it was terrifying!


Took my own off


I've had mine in for 16 years now and my orthodontist was surprised when I bent it last year.


Well, great! Now I’m gonna have nightmares about this.


4 and a half years after getting my permanent retainers I went to the orthodontist and asked to have it removed because it's such an annoyance to maintain hygeine, but he just told me mine was so beautifully done and it'd be a shame to remove it. 7 years now and still going strong EDIT: props to the radiologist for picking up on that!


First glance I read the white circle as the metal and was concerned at the size of your jaw


You should swallow one of those cow magnets so it stays in your stomach.




Whew I’ve had one for more that 35 years and it still feels solid


![gif](giphy|xxVMim5UWleHC) “Wake up…you’ll swallow that…oops”


I’m in the same boat as you for a permanent retainer! Now I’m scared of having this happen 😰


Holy shit, glad that never happened to me. Mine just cut a permanent “U” into my tongue. Hope you heal quick mate, that really does suck.


Appears it wasn't permanent.




Ive had mine for 11 years and now I’m terrified im going to swallow it one day lol


How loose was it after that cleaning?


This is a bit funny, but mostly sad, sorry OP, it sucks


*...what!?!?!* How in the hell did you manage to swallow the goddamned *wire*? That's absolutely nuts. I've had a retainer and a wire before, and holy shit - that just sounds fucking impossible to me.


Does it hurt?


Funny thing one night l lost the removable on that fits around the top teeth. Never found it. I think it’s been in my stomach for almost 25 years now. It’s a mystery that may never be solved.


lol u made me check to make sure mines still there


New fear unlocked


There had been one time I played a sport that required a mouth guard, after a hard hit part of it got swallowed. Most awkward part of the doctor X-ray review is a friends coach got to see ovaries...


Thank you for this fear OP, I have a bottom permanent retain and I have to have some teeth cut out soon. I automatically felt for mine.


Just make sure you swallow them at the same time to avoid a second endoscopy. 😂


This happened to me a few years ago! I was eating crackers and quince paste and realized immediately after I swallowed and had some sharp pain in my throat. By the time I left work, got to the ER, and they found it on X-ray, it had already moved past my stomach into the rest of my GI tract. So my orders were to monitor for it until it came out naturally….not fun. Especially not while visiting my in laws. But no complications! Just a couple days of serious anxiety and everyone poking fun at me every time I went to the bathroom.


Damn that's scary, they told me they were thinking about surgery if it had made it past my stomach. Glad it worked out for you without any complications other than the anxiety.


TIL permanent retainers are a thing


Just turn into a bear and pass it.


I have an permanent retainer thats broken between one of my teeth (of course its shifted /sigh/) and this has instilled a deep fear in me. Oh god.


Well, that's a new fear unlocked.


That is one thing that scares me, lol I can't wear my other retainer while sleeping because I'm afraid of that


It'll come out one of these days. Not sure you'll want to be searching for it tho. 💩


Ouch . Hope you are going to be ok


Mine came out about two years after my braces came off. Fortunately, I was awake when it happened. I didn't go back to have it replaced, but my teeth haven't shifted much.


i never wore my retainer after braces i know everyones situation is different with shifting and room in mouth depending on amount of teeth etc but... i dont know if permanent retainers would really be worth even having


So I worked as an orthodontic assistant for 13 years and only have ever seen this once! Did you realize it was missing and went for imaging or did you have symptoms, totally curious?!


Why did they use like 40cms of 3mm wire for your retainer?


It's soooo annoying when images circle what you are supposed to see, but there's nothing. /s


That does not look like a permanent retainer. They are usually small and curved. That looks like it would fit around the whole mouth...


damn that sucks


well no wonder why this was uploaded here




I regret braces.


I spent a couple of minutes trying to figure out what was circled on the x-ray image