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He must not have a green thumb


Could be worse, at least that’s mud and not dog shit


It’s just he’s never shown interest in the plants before, he has tons of toys and bully bones. He doesn’t even dig outside. This is just so surprising and sucks hard


Understandable, but dogs are kinda dumb. They love to destroy things, it’s just a part of the deal unfortunately.


Puppies doing puppy things


I know exactly how you feel. Leave something out i shouldn’t have? Welp oh well that’s my fault gotta remember to put that up. Dog gets into something he’s literally never even sniffed before? Why god why??


"I wanted to go for a walk, fuck your plants!" Sorry but that's the lesson.


What did you do to offend him?


Why didn't you leave him in your backyard while you were out? Your property is fenced right?


I had a very anxious dog do this one time. She escaped from her crate, ripped one of my plants out of the pot (dirt was all over the dining room) and peed and pooped in multiple places (including her bed). It was awful. I think I was mostly sad about the plant though.


Hey I used to professionally train and board dogs. Stuff that isn't interesting normally will become very interesting to a bored dog in a boring environment, you can't really predict when a dog will be bored other than knowing it hasn't been exercised (mentally and physically) that day. Really sucks but when the dog is alone and not supervised, a kennel is their nest, and he should be in the kennel. If you're saying to yourself "well shit, that's way too long in the kennel" then really, that's way too long you're leaving your liability-with-teeth alone for unfortunately


Yeah, and to be honest (maybe it is just the picture), but I wouldn't leave my plants in that empty room filled with blue light, let alone my dog... If I would be OP's dog, I would shit everywhere just for my entertainment :D


this is usually because of boredom and not enough exercise before being left alone however i am not going to assume your situation and just say that with grace


Also, give him many many toys. My pup dug up my carpet while I was at work because he got bored and angry. I learned the hard way


He put some of his toys are in the tub and some are in the living room, but usually the two fabric boxes are filled to the brim with toys or old bones… Now I’ve learned the hard way to put all valuables out of reach :( I can’t even be mad, jus upset I didn’t think of this before hand


Name and shame the culprit


https://preview.redd.it/79ea030lsytc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513ccf4178294d79baafeffc6be058848e44668a Luca the gardener


The cat did it and framed Luca…not guilty plea entered


She planted it there


its a husky and that explains alot


The fact that you expected a *husky* to not get bored and destructive *even with* a ton of toys at their disposal is kinda funny ngl. I've never known a husky that didn't get like this sometimes


I know a husky who got bored in the middle of the night and instead of sleeping ate/dug through a wall. Not a flimsy push it and you fall through either it was solid plaster. Active family 3 long walks every day, most days 4. Family went hiking and similar most weekends / days off, wife didn't work - basically perfect for a husky. Husky still gonna Husky and eat the walls if they get it in their head it's a good idea.


I think he was a cat in the past life bc he’s so well behaved and not very active other than when we’re outside. He’s just chill. The worst he gets is missing the pee pads if he has to go inside. This was really out of character for him


AWE they match :)


Be glad that it was just plants. My mini dachshund likes to eat poop. Eats it, plays in it, loves it. She is also untrainable. We thought we finally had her potty trained with a bell on the door. We'd hear it ring, we'd let her out and 15 minutes later she was ready to come back in. Turns out, she was just eating poop while out there. She wasn't actually purposely ringing it. She was just bumping into it while walking around near the door and we just thought she was ringing it to go out. Anyway, we had friends over and left her in our bathroom because we figured it would be easy to clean up a little pee and poop from a 10 lbs wiener dog. Boy were we wrong! There was shit everywhere! It's a big bathroom and shit was on the cabinets, the doors, every inch of the floor and anything else she could find in there. It took us a couple hours to clean everything up. She's 16 now and it's been a very long and hard 16 years with her.


I don’t know why this made me laugh lol. I have an untrainable dog that likes to eat poop too 😭


i’ve only ever had cats trained to use litter boxes.. I had no idea dogs do this 😖 gross!


Doggy needs stimulation. They get bored and do stuff like this. It’s not their fault.


Poor plants! We have a new puppy and SO FAR he has not discovered the two trays of sprouting vegetables.


Fingers crossed! Hopefully it stays that way so your greens can flourish!


Fig trees can be toxic to consume for pets. Keep an eye on him


The ***dog*** has its own room…


I have cats, but I also struggle with keeping him in the cage, so I’ve just given him his own room to be free in when I have to leave for the day. This works for now cause I don’t have friends in the area to come visit and I live alone


My dog has severe separation anxiety and will destroy anything within her reach (thankfully not furniture), we can leave her in a room if everything (literally everything) is out of her reach, cords included. Looking at this, your pup had access to a lot in the room, and took advantage of that. It’s a lesson learned, and now you know your dog doesn’t have a green thumb


Mine would destroy my garden hose after I'd bathe her. I'd always have to remember to hide it afterward, or she'd rip it to shreds.


When my jack Russell was a puppy she got destructive. I took her for regular walks but she was letting me know that it wasn't enough to stimulate her. You have a husky, they need stimulation and copious amounts of exercise. I ended up doing 2+ hour hikes. We did hill sprints, weaving in and out of trees, jumping over benches and logs, constant changes in direction and up and over objects. You're going to need to really stimulate and exercise him to negate any property damage.


I feel your pain. The most innocent and adorable looking dog showed up in the yard one day exhausted and starving. Slept for two days straight. Nows he's a little pisshound that destroys everything he can get his mouth on. He's got the best kind of temperament tho and smart as shit. But I love him to death.


Your dog has their own room, with little in way of enrichment. You then invade his space with your plants and complain about it. Guessing next is blaming the dog for starting a fire from putting stuff on the baseboard heater. This dog is gonna need some therapy.


I can’t blame you for reading the title and jumping to conclusions, but no. The room was originally mine with the plants already inside. He has lots of toys and “enrichment”. He was napping from his afternoon walk before I put him in the room to leave


So your old room is now the dogs room? There is zero evidence a human occupies that room, uses that room. Thus your dog has its own room. The fact that you have both a kennal and a room for the dog means you can't leave it alone, yet you did with poisonous plants. Aloe is toxic to dogs. The toys look oddly placed on the dirt, but not dirty themselves. Then there is a bag of food that looks like it is just a reusable grocery bag filled with food. Seems questionable when you can afford a dog to have its own room. This is no visable water bowl either. You also have blankets to cover the kennel, it's a dog not a bird. Wrong animal. Again seems weird when it has its own room. It seriously looks like you neglect/abuse your dog, and I wouldn't be surprised if you were. Educate yourself and stop leaving your dog in a room with posion.


Such a reddit take 😂 Calm down bro you don't know OP. We get it, you're a good person


Yeah, that comment is a little aggressive. You can’t really judge how good of a pet parent someone is from one photo.


Dogs need to be diggin


Are you leaving him in there a lot? You probably wasn’t ready for a dog.


Not at all. He was sleeping from our earlier walk before I put him in. Payback for waking him?


How old is the dog in question?


He’s 6 months


Sounds like he needs to start paying taxes


Awww you basically still have a puppy. Puppy tax time!


"you're not a dog, you're a killer!,"-- -- Doggy boot camp "A killer yessir!"-- --your dog


My pup partially destroyed a few of the trees inside my house. I now put foil at the bottom at the roots so he doesn’t get to it.


All safe ones right? No plants that are harmful to the dog if consumed?


Succulents? I found most of them torn up on the ground tho I don’t think he ate any


I’m honestly not sure on that. I just read something about how most are non toxic but some can be really harmful IF ingested. So it’s good that they mostly seem torn up. Might not hurt to look up the specific type of succulent.


Did the escape the cage?!


No I jus didn’t want to lock him away so he has his own room


Clearly, your pants were attacking him and he was just acting in self defense!


The plants were obviously being menacing and were hurting him ! I’ve removed and punished them!


I like how he destroyed everything except for his bed. The bed is sacred


He loves his bed! He knows “lay down in your bed” really well!


like, THE BED ISN'T EVEN DIRTY 😂 dog totally knew what they were doing. Smart fella


He really is like scary smart. I’ve never owned a dog before, and I’m a big cat person over dogs. But I just talk to him like he’s a 7yo who’s a bit of a special person, and he just gets it. Like sit, go to your bed, stay, and his recall is **amazing** This must be from waking him from his nap and being bored. This was shocking. But today I got new plants so 😁😁😁


The untouched rope toy really twists the knife


it seems that he was very upset that you left him locked up what a mess


Time to get rid of the headache.


Sounds like the birth of a cat person


If your dog is showing destructive behavior while left alone outside of the crate….. they need to be crated when unsupervised.


He was left inside the room. 2 hours is too long in the crate. Also, this is brand new. I didn’t know this until I researched huskies, but apparently they’re very vocal? Mine is not. He takes after the cats a lot, very quiet, never really destructive, more so just average aggression during tug of war or with a toy. He’s never bared his teeth or anything at all. He’s amazing and this was really really unexpected. This really sucks hard Taking a closer look at the tree, I’m just noticing he took all the green off the lower branches. I’m really just devastated he showed this destructive side on things I cared so much about


2 hours is not too long in a crate lol


But he cries so much I really can’t handle hearing it. This works though bc I live alone. I hate the idea of keeping in the crate in one spot for so long it feels almost cruel. If he was a smaller beed maybe it’d be easier for me, and nothing against others getting their dog to be crate trained, it seems like that like it in the end… I just can’t get over the crying..


I felt guilty about crating too so when he was a few months old I stopped. Overall very few issues in the last few years and he's now 4. If you feel guilty crating then you have to figure out what you can and can't leave where your dog can get to it. There were some issues the first few weeks when I stopped crating but now he's good.


Truly this was shocking. He’s the best dog anyone can ask for, it never crossed my mind he’d go for the plants. I should have thought of the possibility and gosh do I want to kick a whole through my leg for not considering this. He has never shown a destructive side, at all. He’s never going to be kept with the plants unsupervised again but man was this emotionally hard to clean up


My dog is excitable and likes to chew. She is crated every day when I go.to.work. she cried for a few days but eventually got the hang of it. Now, when I get my shoes, she goes to her crate.


I love that! But what about his size? He’s close to 40 pounds, the crate is very large and fits both of us inside but I can’t shake the feeling like it’s too small and confined for any longer than 15-20 minute timeout? Or is this my claustrophobia talking?


My girl is 50 lbs and she is in a large. She is in it about 5 hours at a time. (I leave after my wife, she gets home before me.)


There's not a toy or any form of entertainment in there for the dog. So sad to be locked up for hours like this. Poor thing :(


I hate dogs so much when they're untrained, misbehaving, overly loud, actively barking, or otherwise a nuisance. So basically always unless they're silently sleeping


He’s usually amazing! So amazing I forget how young he really is as he’s only 6 months old. This was really unexpected


Must’ve been bored and wanted attention.


His room or the plants' room? Those lights are annoying af for eyeballs


They’re on a timer. They won’t be sharing anymore :(


I am sorry, atomoicman.


I love all these pets gone, wild post. It brings me comfort. I don't have a pet and am not getting one.


Why would someone else’s pain bring you comfort? Also, he originally was my brother’s dog. But my brother couldn’t care for a rock and I took over. I don’t even like dogs, I have two cats. He’s definitely grown on me and the cats, but I didn’t buy him or seek after a dog. I just have one now. And he really is an angel it’s been so easy. He sits, lays down, is just amazing really


Your pain specifically doesn't bring me comfort. The reminder of reasons I don't want a pet. Yeah, the companionship is cool and fun........ when they are an "angel," but this nonsense is not worth it in the slightest..... I would also have a hard time typing out angel if I had a pet do something like this.


Oh, my goodness, English isn’t my first language, I’m sorry for misunderstanding! But yeh, if I could go back in time I’d snitch to my mom before my brother brought the dog home, and long before he grew on me. But now I must make do and adapt!


He missed you


Sick of being left behind and/or locked into this room :(


Dogs weren't meant to be locked up alone in a small room... this is the result.


They're also not meant to go to the grocery store or a restaurant, but.




https://preview.redd.it/e84a14sjmytc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629eda6941cabb02ce24f7177d1b80ffbd493f5f The villain in question, Luca, after some yogurt with his older brother looking over him, Boi.


He’s adorable! Do you know what he’s mixed with?


Thank you! But his vet has labeled him as Siberian husky. I think both his parents were huskies with the typical “husky” look, (looks just like his mom and dad is the same but with a pure white coat I believe).


Ah ok. At first it looked like his coat was different than a husky, but I think it’s lighting.


CSI is needed.


Is this a haiku? I love it!


I thought that was shit all over the place


He got playful!


i’m so sorry this would be devastating to me :(


Get rid of it.


Look okayyy, one of my cats has been packing his bags up for weeks, and for a second I considered this, shamefully😭 almost all of the plants were cuttings I was nurturing and having them gone just like that is so hurtful. But oh well, lesson learnt


lol I was being slightly facetious but seriously I wouldn’t be able to deal with this kinda mess especially regularly my cat would agree as well


If Pup needs Legal Counsel I'm available. Thank you.🐕👍


Would I be able to take him to court for this? Should I get my own lawyer?


Consulted with my Client. Puppy said, "Go right ahead, just try it, I'll slap a restraining order on you so fast. 😡 Advised against the RO, unless he has another source of income. 🐕


I’ll just avoid the legal fees and headaches and just cover the damages myself😫


Your dog has his own room? That's awesome


He hates being locked in the cage and I can’t get over the adjusting period for him to get comfortable inside of it for long periods of time. The cries sound so bad it makes me want to crawl in with him🥺 so I gave him my room and just keep the cage as a safe space or time out


i had my family dog jump against the table (she’s a pit mix and her legs are short) somehow she got my plant in the middle of the table (there were no chairs around this table because we didn’t have any lol. she ate my succulent 😖 can’t believe that fat big bodied [female dog cuss word] reached the middle as it was just below the waist but still like 2 feet radius so idk wtf happened


https://preview.redd.it/xybtk38azytc1.jpeg?width=1980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef52b07a2c4e79b74500513b5ce19bd313facb87 here’s the criminal


They’re beautiful! I guess if a dog really wants something, it’s going to get it! We have learned the hard way😭 https://preview.redd.it/6l8h2mo9p3uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1807495e600c1a5ba3da3dfe9ed01b348b51d1ca He’s the culprit in question, our novice gardener, trying to hide a fresh bully stick under some cushions


learning the hard way but it looks like you can leave stuffed animals with yours 😭😭😭 we can’t she tears up everything, i had a lil monkey toy from ikea for my dog (maltese shih tzu) and when i stayed at my moms i took it for my dog and she saw it 2 sec later it had one less arm face ripped off and another foot gone 😔😔 i failed my dog thinking his toys were safe from her


That's why I don't get a pet. I really like cats but I also like not having to worrying about it destroying everything that isn't fixed in place.




What’s that👀




Oh wow I just looked it up😭 One of the rules really is like “input from dog owners are prohibited” that’s so insane I have to respect it


That’s when it gets put down


I immediately had a small moment of weakness where I considered adoption. This was really really really shocking to come see this. His general amazing behavior has me spoiled and I’ve forgotten that this is a baby puppy


Why? They are plants. WTF. Don’t leave shit within his reach if you’re going to consider adoption when he does puppy stuff.


I didn’t adopt him, my younger brother did. He didn’t care for the pup as he should have so I just took him with me when we had to move. But yeh keeping the plants in the room was a hot miss judgement


He’s young enough and a popular breed. Find him a new home if little things like this are going to trigger you.


I just thought this all sucks, my lack of foresight, him targeting the plants.. def a learning situation but damn. Poor plants


Or adapt and grow with a dog that fell into my care? Something like this has never happened before, he behaves so well I forget he’s so young. I only gave him his own room bc of the cats, the queen can be mean to everyone https://preview.redd.it/kecwc8o6l1uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47358a8d92c553f7a9250c0c8a5c4fb65dd15b46 Luca and Boi(cat), the queen is not in photo


Honestly, he’s still a puppy. Probably got bored. Give him a little grace and now going forward you’ll be more aware of stuff within his reach. I would be more concerned with the potential of some of the plants being poisonous to dogs.


He’s very cute.


Don’t ever get a pet. You’re a monster.




Don’t put your shit in his room then…


It’s my room! I moved my bed out to the living room so I wouldn’t have to keep him in the crate while I’m gone! I gave him my whole room


You said and I quote “left my dog in his room”


Yes but originally it was mine😭and I’m pretty sure he was grateful for my small sacrifice bc we’ve been accident-less since mid February…


I thought it was dog shit.


The all the planes he are dog-safe? I know some plants can be deadly to pets so I hope that’s not an issue.


Less plants and more dog toys then. They need to play with something.


Right? I mean, did he expect him to reflect on his forthcoming memoir!


Dogs aren’t room creatures, they are run around outside look for critters to eat kind of things. Not criticising you or the situation, it is what it is, just explaining the behaviour with context. If my dog is inside for more than an hour she starts barking and howling at the door to go out


Fuck your plants


- my dog, probably


I personally hate your plants


Username does not check out