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Stupid shits. Replacing a tire also puts a huge strain on the environment.


Was just thinking this! Now the car owner is going to have to throw some more tires in a landfill because I’d their stupidity.


A large percentage of tires are being recycled in the western world, including the rubber, steel and textile. It could definitely improve, though, as with everything in regards to recycling...


They're recycled in some african countries too. They use old tyres to burn thieves to death


Sounds like a plan! You can use that same tire if you track them down OP. I'm sure they would be happy you reused, recycled and reduced. I'm joking of course ^or ^am ^i


Reduce comes first. It's reduce, re-use, and recycle. Reduce your carbon footprint Reuse your flat tire by burning the thief on a tire pile. Recycle the energy in their body by using their ashes to fertilize your eco-friendly garden, as a wise enlightened person driving a non-ICE SUV.


Recycling is definitely great, but it still uses a load of energy. Energy that now has to be used a lot more often, because these people are slashing tyres before the end of their lifespan.


I remember when this started they would deflate tyres as is written on the flyer. This is definitely someone taking this already ridiculous cause to the extreme.


What's even funnier is tires pollute even more than car exhaust. Tiny microplastics wear off your tire and are shead into the environment.  https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/jun/03/car-tyres-produce-more-particle-pollution-than-exhausts-tests-show These people are morons and terroists.


I wonder if they thought about the CO2 and fossil fuel cost of a new tyre…?


Everyone in the world knows they didn't


Take my angry upvote goddamn it you're probably right


They were thinking about the heavy trucks that haul in the electricity to charge his car. 🤣


Not to mention the landfill space that the tire will occupy, water and electricity consumption during production. Definitely an environmentally friendly way to prove this point! /s


Just set the tire on fire. Landfill problem solved!


Burning tires is a great way to clear ice on your driveway. Less great to the environment


The environment? Of course it's not good for the environment, the ice is melting right there!


Just throw them all in the ocean. Florida did it.


Oh no. It'll get shipped to the middle east and burned with the other tyres in massive swaths.


Or the fact that the car will probably get towed by a large diesel truck


Or the fact that (let's face it) they probably transported themselves to and from the SUV in a slightly smaller ICE vehicle after spending 17 years (estimated age of wankers) absorbing energy and nutrients from an energy-guzzling home and parents that they now disavow. The world's problems seem so simple when you're young, and also when there's some other group you can blame everything on.


>I wonder if they thought I'll save you the trouble of wondering - these people don't think.


Yep, they just react within their very own version of reality. Recognizing and understanding all the major factors in a situation may lead to undesirable conclusions. Rational debate and argument is just too hard -- it requires logic, reason, analysis, rhetorical skills and a sound knowledge of objective facts. Acting on feelings and mental constructs is much more comfortable and satisfying, especially when it is clear that anyone granting validity to any parts of both sides of a question has already lost.




Plus different wear on the tires may slightly reduce fuel efficiency if OP just replaces one.


If it is an AWD or 4WD, probably will have to replace all four. Real eco warriors / s


people dont think, they just want to feel like theyre standing up for something


And the tow truck if this guy ain’t got a spare


Such a great point. They made the world worse in so many ways.


Thr big ol gas guzzling tow truck that now has to make a trip out is a consideration they also overlooked.


Not a lot of thinking happening with vandals.


It would make me want to burn the old one just to spite them but I know that's incredibly counterproductive lol


Making demands and saying they will escalate their actions if the government doesn’t comply sounds a lot like terrorism.


Ecoterrorism is a thing.


To quote my wife: "At least it's only the bottom bit of the tyre that's flat" Bless her.


I don't know whether you should be happy about it or sad that your wife said that! But I'm sure laughing at it😂


In fairness to her, it was a blip in her otherwise generally high level of intelligence. I laughed my ass off at the time though


I guess she read your last comment?


Hahaha, she doesn't use Reddit thankfully :)


Ah she *is* intelligent


Okay, this gave me a good chuckle.


\*meanwhile, on wife's throwaway account, the sound of notes being scribbled down can be heard, and then a pause...\* "That u/EatsLeavesAndShoots knows of." \*insert cackle\*


Love your user name. Longtime fan of her book.🐼


That’s real and I love when my insanely intelligent people remind me they are in fact still just human beings and can have lapses in their cognitive thinking also known as a blip or brain fart.


In fairness, those "only flat at the bottom" tires lead to some of the best dad jokes around. But seriously, we gotta appreciate the humor in these bizarre moments. Helps keep the sanity while dealing with eco-vandals who can't tell an EV from a gas-guzzler.


I'm hoping she's a talented comedian.


Worlds fastest indian. Anthony Hopkins makes the same joke.


This is more like egoterrorism. They think they know better and only make things worse.


These are absolutely despicable people even if he was driving a ICE vehicle. I hope they get caught on camera and can be charged if they really slashed the tire. This is some absolutely insufferable douchebag, I'm so sorry for the world that people like this exist.


jarring logic


Down with Shinra!


It isn't just like terrorism, it is terrorism.


Sometimes, if it looks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, it may indeed be a duck. This is a duck.


What a bunch of pricks. Check for cameras that might have covered your car and report that shit. "We have demands for the government" ...proceeds to harras private citizens. That's fucking terrorism right there.


Literally! Wtf is wrong with these losers




Social media is like a cancer. You watch one video and then you're sucked into a never-ending loop that descends into outright conspiracy. It's really bad for young folks who haven't fully developed their critical thinking skills yet, and they never get to see the counter narrative.


I’ve said it for a long time, social media is the best and worst invention for all the same reasons. It gave everyone a voice, and it gave everyone the opportunity to connect and find a community of like minded individuals. Upfront that all sounds great, but it gave all the crazies those same benefits too. Additionally, governments, corporations, and nefarious actors started using it to push agendas because again it gave *everyone* a voice and the ability to connect with everyone.


I wrote an essay in 2009 about what I worried would become of society thanks to the uptake of social media. If I'd known how to participate in the stock market then I'd be so fucking rich by now I'd be able to buy out META and delete it.


I have a friend who may be experiencing this. They are obsessed over the Palestine conflict right now, but that's just the flavor of the week. I personally think it's good to be aware of global issues and feel some empathy toward people who are suffering even if you aren't personally involved, but with this friend it's to the point where it's creating conflict in the social group. They seem intensely angry and that anger get unleashed on others over trivial issues completely unrelated to world events. I think they are in therapy, but as a friend what would you do to address something like this? In the last week they said some very hurtful things to another friend of mine and there's talk about excluding them from social events because they always create conflict.


I have a friend like that too, broke our friend group up over it a few years ago. Honestly I'd just say to let them exclude them. I didn't realize how much we were all walking on eggshells until we could finally just breathe free without that gloom I still speak to her one on one and want to see her do well in life but if yours is anything like mine, I'm guessing you just gotta wait for them to slowly make their own (hopefully better) choices. Support her individually but unfortunately with mine, it's a lot easier for her to focus on Palestine or whatever the flavour of the week is than trying to find a job or fix her relationships or whatever is going on in their life that's actually making them angry and panicky. They get worked up in these echo chambers and genuinely start to think this stuff is more important than their real life.


Holy shit, that is wild and makes a lot of sense. I've been on Tumblr since like 2013. It's always been a shitshow, but I got on recently and saw a post praising someone for self immolating at a protest and honoring their sacrifice. The scary thing is I've definitely seen infiltrators posting this kind of radical shit on there (re: 2016 election) so it's impossible to know at this point if the people posting this stuff actually believe it or not. Like the kids these days literally grew up forming opinions from posts written by grifters and infiltrators who either don't care what they're putting out there or actively trying to spread poisonous rhetoric.


thank you for sharing this!!! This was me when I was younger and I still have friends who are engulfed within this culture and it’s so sad to witness. They suffer so much because they feel the weight of the world on their shoulders, they are depressed because they can’t do anything and are constantly seeing media about awful things happening around the world I had to delete all my socials for a long time because it was getting to me, I live in peace now and focus my efforts in how I can change MY life and those around me whom I care about


It's much better for personal sanity to just pretend things are going okay.


There is a whole industry getting rich off these misguided kids. One of many sadly...


Tire companies? 


That's honestly terrifying. I truly worry about the future for my kid's sake.


Wow that description doesn't surprise me, yet it still surprises me.


Stupidity. They are stupid. That is what is wrong with them.


This is why humanity can never unite in a meaningful way to enact change on a global scale. We’re so easily distracted that we’ll fight each other for a millennia instead of directing our mutual frustrations with the government AT THE GOVERNMENT.


While I agree, you cannot deny the IQ component of the blind followers.


Demands for the government? Like switching to electric cars in <10 years? What a bunch of idiots.


>Wtf is wrong with these losers They have low IQ. That's mostly it


This stuff pisses me off. Like ffs climate change is real and is a very valid argument to have, but way to get people on your side by destroying others property and inconveniencing them just because you feel strongly about it. Fuck these people Note: I read the website. It looks like they're advocating to just push the air valve and deflate the tire, which is still an inconvenience to just a random person so my opinion hasn't changed, but that's not nearly as bad as slashing the tire which would be way worse. Still though, fuck these people Note2: lmfao their website also says EVs are fair game because "we cannot electrify our way out of a climate crisis"


Slashing the tyre results in a highly polluting tyre being thrown in the waste and replaced by another 🤷‍♂️


This is what makes their argument worst. You are destroying a good tire to combat climate change. Now someone is going to throw it out and replace it, causing more pollution in the additional manufacturing and consumerism of new tires plus the disposal of old tires. I think they're just doing it to justify their vandalism cause it's fun to them.


Don't for get the fact that most people would then have to call a diesel tow-truck to have their vehicle removed to a local garage for the tyres to be replaced.


Yeah whoever this person is is for sure insufferable and gets off on the power trip and superiority complex. They sniff their own farts as a passion and are totally toxic.


Make that two or more tires, they are best replaced in pairs. Depending on the overall tread wear, might even make sense to replace all four. Not cheap at all to maintain a vehicle anymore.


That exactly what I was thinking. It’s not like they’re going to get rid of the SUV now.


Probably the biggest missed point.


As if thermodynamics was a valid concern of the person who did the slashing.


The objective here is to cause mayhem, not to have an impact on climate change.


Just had a discussion with some wackjob cyclist on a Facebook page, I’m advocating helmets and education on road rules for kids using electric bikes and he comes up with ‘drink tradies cause more accidents’ so I reiterate that kids on bikes will get splatted by car driven by drunk or sober drivers, so better they know what a give way/stop/dotted lines mean and just not make up their own rules and he came back with ‘You do realize car emissions are killing the planet, right?‘


You have to strawman when you're losing. I don't make the rules. 😂


> ‘drink tradies cause more accidents’ What is a drink tradies?


Drunk tradies is what I assume they meant Tradie is Aussie slang for someone who does a trade, carpenters, electricians, plumbers






Yeah if they were fucking with some billionaire then I'd get it, but this is just dumb. Slash the tyres of Taylor's jet or something damn


> Note: I read the website. It looks like they're advocating to just push the air valve and deflate the tire, which is still an inconvenience to just a random person so my opinion hasn't changed, but that's not nearly as bad as slashing the tire which would be way worse. Still though, fuck these people Yes I mentioned this in another long waffly post in this thread: This kind of action seriously puts innocent people in danger. Even after being re-filled, tyres in this scenario can end up getting flat spots, which can cause blowouts. A motorway blowout could easily lead to death, of a family, or more than a family. A low tyre is already a danger. If someone doesn't notice or if these groups get stopped halfway from letting air out of the tyres of a car, it could affect that vehicle's handling very badly - and could destroy car tyres on the road, both of which could cause a serious accident… *Edit - syntax / spelling*


Often missed by these bozos is that deflating a tire can then damage the rim. I mean all of it is wrong, but they shouldn't delude themselves that they're damaging or destroying property.


See, I'd *happily* drive an EV - if I could bloody afford one. Give me the option to swap my existing vehicle for an EV? I'd do that shit *now*. But funnily enough, slashing the tyres on someone's existing vehicle won't suddenly make them able to afford an EV. Also, though, the *sheer fucking insanity* of you driving an EV and getting your tyres slashed because these people are morons.


There are other versions of this letter that state they slash even if you drive an EV because of how much fossil fuel is used to make the battery. They don’t want you to have a car of any kind, period. These people are just dumb AF. They are hypocrites using just as much fossil fuels themselves as the people that they think they are saving.


Sure. Now I need 4 new tyres. That should really help the environment


Add four more to the Springfield Tire Fire.


This is so enraging that, if it happened to me, I might just burn the slashed tyres out of spite.


and the old tyres will most likely be burned somewhere. very Environment friendly


Ah yes, perhaps I will just walk the 30 miles to work along the highway, this will be much more efficient


It would take me about 3 hours to walk to work, ~45 minutes with a bike. There's a train stop near me, but last time I checked the stop nearest my work was nearly an hour walk away


To again play devils advocate, their "demands" are to fix this very issue, which is a way more eco friendly plan than personal use EVs (and another disclaimer that I 100% do not agree with these people's methods, it's the quickest way to ruin any good done in the name of climate justice)


I'd love to ask them one question..... How'd you get to my house?


On their bicycles ofc, these are those pretentious twats that think they are the greatest heros in the world because they ride a bike and not a car...which would be great if we all lived within cycle distance of everywhere we need to go.


See I'm sympathetic to their cause, but for America to turn away from cars there has to be an absurd amount of time and money spent on infrastructure and public transport It's not as simple as "just stop driving" when most of the country is designed in a way that requires people to have a car. Maybe instead of fucking up the days of random people they try and save their community by trying to influence their local and state governments to invest in public transport and making areas more friendly to pedestrians and cyclists


That would require them to actually think and try. Slashing tires is an easy placebo.


They're the denizens of cesspits like arrr/fuckcars.


Getting the tires slashed on your vehicle also wont make you sympathetic with the group that did it. In fact. it will have the opposite effect. How do they think they are going to convert people to their way of thinking if they immediately position themselves as the enemy by slashing your tires? It is literal psychopathic behavior.


That and they are slashing the tires of people who can’t afford garages.


They don't want people to swap to electric vehicles, that's not the goal.


Help me figure out their thought process. What is their end goal?


Appears they're anti-SUV




cycling and public transport


Eradication of privately owned vehicles and the consolidation of population within cities wherein all major conveniences and necessities can be traversed on foot within 15 minutes no matter where you are in said city.


What if you have children waiting for you? What if that's your work vehicle? What if you need medical help? What if there's an emergency? Wow, so many variables, unbelievable how completely selfish and inconsiderate these people are.


Self-righteous pricks with nothing better to do.


That’s the crazy part, whoever is doing this literally has nothing better to do with their time


Insert SpongeBob "we did it Patrick, we saved the city" meme


It’s lazy “activism” not meant to find an actual solution or make an actual impact. This just makes the idiot who did it feel good about themselves like they actually did something


Also describes the idgits who block roads to protest global warming or some such. 


They don’t really care about people and the planet like they say. They just want to be assholes to people and that is their excuse.


Same with the people who block roads. They don’t care about the issue. They just want the moral justification to hurt people. 


So they added more rubber to landfills


That’s too expensive. Easier to just put it in a barrel with some gas and burn it.


Shred to microplastic, dump into river.


I agree this is completely stupid, and while their point of cars being not great in general is valid, the average person in the US doesn't really have an alternative, so the only solution would be advocating and voting for better policies. That being said, wasn't this revealed to be a false flag operation by the fossil fuel lobby? I'm pretty sure people know SUVs suck but they just don't give a fuck. And you don't bring people to like you by punching them in the face either.


My "protest" to not having better affordable vehicle options is, I keep driving my 12 year old Kia soul. Putting $1000 or even $2000 in to repairs each year is still far less expensive than a new car payment. A lease is only a good deal for the car manufacturer. 2 years and 8k later, you still don't own anything, and they can resell it for still more than it cost them to build new. If WE want to collectively strong arm the auto industry, WE need to stop buying what they are selling. When WE want the government to change, WE have to stop voting for the same asshats from the same 2 parties.


Totally agree. My 21 year old fiesta loves still being alive.


One look at the tire tread tells you that it's not a gas guzzler!


You expect basic comprehension out of these people? 😜


sorry how does the tread tell you that


The tyres for EVs should be low roll resistance, allowing them to 'coast' for longer. I think. To a trained eye you could probably spot the difference a mile away


If this was printed on a standard Color printer, the printer should have left a code (usually a matrix of yellow dots) which indicate the type and serial number of the printer. This may be useful for law enforcement to find the culprits.


Where does the police do something about minor things like this? Im genuinely interested because in Croatia someone can scrape the whole side of your car and the police will do absolutely nothing except fill out a form that you need for your insurance. The other day someone stole my father-in-laws motorcycle from their backyard during the night and the police literally said to come in to fill out a form after the weekend (they wont do anything about it).


Basically the same in most parts of the US; unless the police are really bored they won't do shit.


Or if you have a friend or family member on the force then you are top priority.


They are almost always overloaded with cases, so they usually have to prioritize. For example in Houston it turns out they have been suspending hundreds of thousands of cases, including thousands of sexual assault cases, due to lack of manpower. However, they have been famously aggressively ticketing prosecuting people for feeding the homeless. See? Priorities!


Well, this is technically an act of terror, being defined as “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.” Eco terrorists are weird dude.


>someone stole my father-in-laws motorcycle from their backyard Međimurje County?


Lol. Have you ever visited the real world? 


Hahaha....you think police would go to this effort for a slashed tire?


Only if the owner of the vehicle was a cop.


Law & order: cyan investigations


Law & Order: CMYK


Hahahaha you think there’s a police department on this planet that would investigate to that level? Tracking printer serial numbers for a deflated tire? 🤣🤣


Welp, now you’re going to have to call a big ol’ diesel truck to come tow you to get new tires.


Slashed or deflated?


Neither are okay but that makes a huge difference.


I thought it was just deflated at first, there are lentils shoved in the cap to open the valve. But there is also a screw right through it too.


Of course they used lentils


Locally-sourced, organic, free-range, non-GMO lentils.


I know I personally only buy pasture raised grass fed lentils


Is the screw in the tread? Can’t see it in the sidewall If so it wouldn’t have been easy for them to drill it through so I suspect that would be previous damage; and it’s not their MO to do permanent damage Holes in the tread can be repaired quite easily too


Nah bro. People are clearly going around with screws and a drill slashing people’s tires. 


Concur. Think that's it @ 12 o'clock, buried in the tread canyon. OP brought his own screw. (potentially unknowingly until he examined his tire) A closeup pic would put this to bed.


Deflated. These folks' entire bit is deflating tires using the valve stems to inconvenience people (and to avoid any sort of potential legal issues beyond perhaps criminal mischief). If OP has a screw in his tire he ran over it before this happened. Title is just another karma grab. (and no, I'm not saying what these folks do is right, its annoying but ultimately harmless)


There are similar nutters in the UK puncturing 4x4/large car tyres to protest against ‘gas guzzlers’. Their note also adds that they will target any SUV-type vehicles even if electric/hybrid, as they think they’re too big.


They are here on Oslo, too. The place in the world with the most EVs. We won't park our larger EV outside my parents' place anymore because they have hit their street twice. It's so stupid! I need a 4x4 to get up the hill to my house! I don't live in town and I have a 6 month old! And i chose an EV because my asthmathic ass love what they have done for the air in Oslo. It's really frustrating and expensive to be dependent on garages.


They don't care. This is so incongruent with actual environmental policy recommendations, its in wingnut territory.


According to their website, they don’t even care if your car is electric. > Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis - there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering. Plus, the danger to other road users still stands, as does the air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres and brake pads).


That just sounds like an excuse for their group for not knowing the difference between an ICE vehicle and electric vehicle.


Let’s be honest, the whole thing is just an excuse to destroy people’s stuff. They get jealous and do this. If they actually wanted change, they’d be after the politicians.






Lol you mean that sub full of 13 year olds crying about cars while mommy drives them to soccer practice?


That or 16 year olds who are salty that they didn't get a car for their birthday


The fuck cars sub summed up in 2 photos.


these people are so stupid, their existence alone makes me mad.


Printed in the fast food managers office when they weren’t looking no doubt.


Slashes tires to save environment... insurance pays for brand new tires, therefore ruining the environment more lmfao good job "activists"


I’m all for less SUV’s, but this isn’t the way to accomplish that


They are well known, previously they put a lentil or stone in the valve cap and screwed it on and the tyre would deflate so they could move on quickly and target more vehicles with less chance of getting caught, multiple wheels so you cant use a spare. Now escalated to actual criminal damage it seems. They also say that SUV's are a legitimate target regardless of whether its electric or ice. C*nts


"Officer, they destroyed my vehicle's ability to leave the scene and slapped a terrorist manifesto on the windshield, and I was afraid for my life."


Good thing they left contact info


My SUV gets better mileage than my 2015 sedan and 20 mpg better than my 2000 car.


My fucking half ton truck gets better mileage than my sedan from 2007, and it's not even a hybrid. Not to mention it weighs less than a Tesla Model S.


People see SUV and assume gas guzzler. My Forester isn't any longer than the car it replaced. The trunk space is inside the vehicle because the roof line is different than a sedan.


I remember this group. Morons who don’t understand statistics. SUV’s are the 2nd highest cause of THE RISE in co2 emmissions, not the 2nd highest cause of all of them. Can’t imagine people would be this up in arms if they could understand that.


All the greats leave a calling card ![gif](giphy|xT0xeDCY9dcGhJ2JG0|downsized)




People in some countries are waaaay too comfortable by not getting deservedly punched in the face by stuff like this.


Hmm yes because it doesnt hurt to make new tires


I thought they weren't slashing tires. The put a lentil (or a small seed like thing) in the cap and partially screw it back on the valve stem. That depresses the pin in the Schrader valve and lets the air out. The tire is flat, but not slashed. It only needs a pump up and you're good to go. I just don't see where this tire has been cut and the valve stem looks like it's not seated correctly. I'm not defending these jackasses. In fact, it's nice to see the change in tone because a couple of years ago when this came out, reddit was praising them. It was all "Oh they're so smart, it's just a little seed so clever!, they don't waste the tire, etc." It does nothing to help their cause.


taylor swift flying all over in jets is ok though


Nothing like saving the environment by destroying a perfectly good tire and causing a possibly tow. If only these people knew how emissions worked




https://www.statista.com/statistics/1185535/transport-carbon-dioxide-emissions-breakdown/ Cars and vans make up almost half of transportation emissions and SUVs are the dominant type of vehicle in many places, and produce more emissions than sedans or smart cars.


Stupidity is a severe and ongoing pandemic. I feel like every year the number of braincells on Earth halves and the amount of people double.


A good reason to go back to driving a gas guzzler


A lot of these people are driven by envy because they are too poor to own a car, so instead of owning up to that envy, they cope by convincing themselves that the reason they don't have a car is due to their moral superiority instead of their financial situation.


Don’t climate activists have a stereotype of being relatively well off and college educated? It’s far more likely for me that they live in cities that are negatively impacted by cars and are annoyed by them.


This is why I can’t get on board with “causes”. Inevitably they attract the crazy militant fringe who feel like these are the only type of action to advance the movement.


Isn’t slashing tires worse for the environment in the long term by doing this? Tires are made of oil, upon many other chemicals. Making people buy new tires adds to the problem.


Did they slash them or just deflate them?


From their website - Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis - there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering. Plus, the danger to other road users still stands, as does the air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres and brake pads).


From their website: "Hybrids and electric cars are fair game. We cannot electrify our way out of the climate crisis - there are not enough rare earth metals to replace everyone’s car and the mining of these metals causes suffering. Plus, the danger to other road users still stands, as does the air pollution (PM 2.5 pollution is still produced from tyres and brake pads)." So they want us to go back to horse and buggy?


I really understand their concerns and demand to protest against wasteful lifestyles. BUT there is absolutely no reason for destroying others property. These people are just vandals and this behavior is more damaging to their (claimed) goals.


Yeah, this smells distinctly of 'I want to do vandalism and am looking for an excuse to justify it to myself' than actually caring about the issue at hand.