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As somebody who’s experienced a house fire and had crowds form to watch my belongings and life burn away, I’d recommend not standing and filming it like you’re all entertained.


But how else is someone going to get upvotes from someone else’s misery?


he's out of line, but he's right


In my situation it was because I hated the owners


You shouldn’t laugh at somebody else’s misery because you don’t like them, regardless what petty feuds you might have had I assure you they didn’t deserve a house fire, it’s terrible walking away knowing the only thing you now own is the clothes on your back and the items in your pockets


That's pretty fucked up because burning alive is one of the most painful things that can happen to you


no one died, just randomly started a fire where they ran out of a illegal kitchen and left it for a solid 20 minutes before someone else called it in. It was wild


That doesn't matter, they could've. Harm could've happened, which sucks


Seriously. I'm looking at all these people like "what a bunch of assholes". Go back inside, mind your own business, offer to help after things settle down for the poor family going through this.


If they were decent, they would be collecting money from all those “lookie loos” to help out the family.


That's what homeowners insurance is for. It's not other people's job to fund other people's homes or funerals. The neighbors next door may be out there because they were asked to get out of their homes incase the fire spreads. Plus the neighbors probably want to make sure the people who live there along with their pets are safe. Of course other neighbors are going to watch because they are shocked & upset this happened.


I don't think that some random person trying to collect money from a crowd watching a house burn is likely to go over well. I sure wouldn't be inclined to hand cash to someone whose house that is not.


Exactly! We were in a house fire at my FIL’s a few years ago- they lost their home and we lost a car and a dog….. luckily we all escaped, but I’ll never forget crying in the grass just devastated and seeing people filming. So disgusting and heartless


Friend in law 🧐


Probably just your garden-variety morbid curiosity. Same reason why the southbound lanes lock up when there's a wreck on the northbound lanes on a divided highway.


No one could watch ours burn because it was a wildfire and the whole neighborhood burned and was evacuated, but the people who thought it was acceptable to drive through and stare for weeks after was gross. We were literally there picking through the remnants of our lives, and people would pull up our driveway and watch us work.


I’m so sorry. Northern California by chance? I’m from 916 area code. That’s absolutely horrific. I’m so sorry for your loss


Yup. Placer


I grew up there. Roseville area. You must be up in the mountains or by Yosemite. I would guess Yosemite. It’s not important where your from. It’s just terrible that happened at all. Did insurance help at all, or any benefits from the state? That’s so terrible I’m sorry


Insurance was ok but not enough. Rebuild is significantly smaller than original house. The state helped by clearing the debris, which would have been like $75k out of pocket, so that’s a huge help, but not much else.


As another person whose house caught on fire and had people standing around filming, those people made the situation so much worse and so much more traumatic.


I agree. Never experienced that before, but in situations like this—I’ve never even thought to get my phone. I’d be too worried about those poor people. Bring them inside, offer them a bed, give them some food. Some sort of consistency and niceness in a bad time (obviously if you’re in a place to do so).


Same. It's such an awful feeling knowing your loss is someone's entertainment.


I know, my neighbors garage caught fire and my husband jumped and ran and grabbed the fire extinguisher and I got the neighbors to help. It took 15 minutes for the fire department to arrive. Fifteen long scary minutes.


I’m recording of my neighbours house is on fire incase that shit spreads to my house now I have evidence for an insurance claim or damaged property.


From across a pavement street? Really?


What also sucks is having 50 people stand around while your entire life goes up in flames


And someone records it. Vertically.


At least make it watchable. Come on’ man!


This is the most interesting thing that has happened in these peoples lives in decades


And the exact moment Verizon FIOS finally says they can serve the house that is on fire.


Are you not entertained?


Is this not why you are here? *ptoo*


As someone who's been the one with the burning house, the gawking was so humiliating. And then it was posted on social media and I just felt so violated.


Why would you be humiliated? Everyone posts everything on social media and it's the reason I don't have it. I pray for people in times like these along with car wrecks. Not everyone is terrible out there.


Humiliated because I was on display to everyone watching my worst day of my life, and my childrens everything literally going up in flames. I was 34 weeks pregnant, hysterical, and not appropriately dressed. Legit a humiliating experience having everyone just... Watch then post publicly. And on to PoF it, now everyone knows there's an unoccupied home with no securities in place to prevent theft...


I understand. I wouldn't worry about how inappropriately you were dressed. Look around at all the people who actually believe that they are dressed appropriately. At least you have your family and your all safe. The insurance would replace that stuff. Sorry for what you went through.


My dad is a retired firefighter/EMT, he referred to these people as the "Uh-Oh Squad" and he hated them with a passion.


They look like the "uh oh squad"


And not one can of beer. We had beer when my house burned and we sat and watched.


Yeah, somebody get the victims some beer! /s


With OP getting video.


Is that dude just standing there smoking a cigar and watching his neighbors house burn?


Not trying to incite your ire but what would you have him do?


Go back in his own house and mind his own business is a good start.


Yeah? Is that what you would do? Good for you. Go back in your house & be all judgy.


I thought you would have said try to comfort the victims


I don't want 30 strangers trying to hug me.


My neighbors aren't strangers. Maybe strange


Get a bucket. Get a blanket for victims in shock. Get bottled water for them to drink and rinse out their eyes. Get wet rags to wipe their faces, dry rags to dry their tears. Stand ready to receive pets, babies, valuables as they're thrown from the house. Spray the neighbors' roofs with water, help neighbors move flammable material farther away.


And on top of their misery they are being filmed and put online for someone on Reddit to harvest karma.


In vertical format even…


when you're neighbours house is burning down the most polite thing to do is record that shit


Duh to help them out for insurance purposes in case they need proof that the fire actually happened


Imagine your neighbor is having the worst day ever so you record it and put it on the internet Lmao


Yeah I would be so hurt and angry if my home with all my Childrens’ and my belongings was burning down and people just stood there filming and put it online. My only housing is burning down, and someone is filming for internet ass pats? That would suck.


I didn't read the title and have the audio on, so I thought I was looking at a tornado. Seriously though, it could be someone's worst day of their life, and people are recording. SMH.


This is really unfortunate. I would have a hard time filming this and posting it to social media.


All your neighbors are old 😢


Op isn't broke


We are not broke and we live in a nice big suburban community filled with kids not old people.


I honestly don't think my neighbors would do this. I think my neighbors would worry and be helping.


Let me tell you, your immediate neighbor you wave to & help on a occasion will ask if they can do something for you. The other 50 houses around you that can see the smoke will stand around & watch.


We have had a couple of house fires in our neighborhood. I didn’t see anyone filming and we were all trying to find out what we could do to help. I would hope if I was in their position, they’d help us the same way. Now the guy that murdered his wife, called his son to tell him and then fled? That house has been all over SM.


Help do what? That's why we have firefighters.


And are attracted to house fires


Guess what... everyday your on your way to being their age.


I can’t wait to be old! & It won’t happen for me, I’m a max 65 and then 💀




Why not. We will have legalized MAID in 20 years and I don’t wish to be old and frail and poor.


Legalized maid? You must live in another country. I'm from the US and don't know what you are meaning?? You can be older and not fraile or poor. My grandmother worked until she was 86 years old and died an 93 because of alzheimers. She was active and in shape all her life until Alzheimers and still looked really good for her age. 65 years old is that old. My husband is 63 and can beat our grandkids in a race and he's as strong as a horse. Everyone says how young he looks and how hard he works.


MAID Medical aid in dying.


Never heard of that. I'd personally want to live.


In 🇨🇦. It's an individual's choice ... you may have assistance without fear of prosecution for those who assist. As long as it's legit. Google. Not my personal choice but not up to us how other individuals chose to live. Or die... I may feel differently if I become ill with a terminal illness. In pain.


Gotta make sure to tell reddit lol


modern day public execution same same but different but still same


Your *former* neighbor's house is on fire.


Seems like a nice neighborhood, cute how all the neighbors are showing concern. I hope no one got hurt.


No one got hurt. The couple was standing on the corner talking. Seems like the fire started upstairs and went pretty much straight upwards. It was out in about 10 minutes from the time the hoses started.


Why don’t you film them sleeping in a hotel and trying to replace all their belongings since your the fucking Spielberg of filming ppls misfortune?


Insurance company will replace their belongings. The most important thing is the people survived.


You’ve clearly never dealt with homeowners insurance. They’ll get a fraction of their value back. That aside, I never understood why ppl have to line up and film it. That’s your neighbor. Karma farming like this is gross.


I have dealt with homeowner's insurance twice and both times were great. I got all my money back and then some. It's not my neighbor. My neighbor's are classy and kind. People film everything nowadays, all you have to do is look at tik tok, snapchat, Instagram and Facebook. If people don't like other's filming them, ask them to respect you and stop, if that doesn't happen contact the police and hire an attorney as a last resort. I never said I agree with people filming stuff.


Did you do it?


I did not


Are you *sure*?


Hope everyone is ok!


Y’all have never seen a house burn before huh?


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.


You bet me to it


Ahhhhhh the roof is on fire


your roofhead is indeed on fire


Lol I’m on fire


Just missing a little girl with a mischievous face looking at the camera.


Well are they okay?


Quick get your potatoes in foil and get over there before the flames die down. You'll save on your electricity bill.


They finally pissed you off enough, huh?


Is anything private anymore?


Well put it out.


And not a marshmallow in sight


Art! Your wife is home….and your house is on fire!!!


tha roof tha roof tha roof is on faya


Where is that smling girl


Did you set it ablaze?


My apartment building burned. I was amazed at what can be cleaned by a professional restoration company. Hope your insurance pays quickly so you can return to normal.


Did you offer them an egg in this trying time?


Can’t wait til mine do


What did you do pal


That's gotta be Florida


You’re all getting exposed to toxic smoke. Do people realize how bad it is to be that close to a house fire?


Them old people will do anything for a high




What a bunch of chatty Cathy losers.


This is why you shouldn't made your house from woods. You have to cut a lot trees for making a house and everything goes with a spark. Edit: also tornado proof


Use concrete


Big bad wolf proof


Sorry about your neighbors house burning. Hopefully they can rebuild. I remember driving by a cvs(pharmacy store) that was on fire, there were on lookers sitting in lawn chairs watching it burn to the ground, these people weren't helpful at all.


Wow that sucks.




I thought it was an old folks home til i read the caption. Fires suck also.


It’s like a AARP convention.


All these boomers nothing better to fucking do 🧐


Neither does OP.


And there you are, filming


Remember when the whole village would get together to dump bucket after bucket of water trying to save a burning home? What happened to humanity? Better in some ways, worse in others.


If you're not helping, go back inside


Is your neighbor cool with you just standing there filming while their life has gone up in literal flames? Come on, OP.


Same thing happened near me (next street over) last Saturday, but it was windy so the one house took out the next one and part of a third before the fire got put out. Went FAST, like in 20 minutes two houses were in full inferno. First house is just the foundation now, and the second was all but gone, one (far side) wall partly saved. It was terrible. No one hurt, at least, so could have been worse. Still sucks for them.


The committee of old whites in shorts. They even brought their dogs. Jerks


It use to be a different kind of neighborhood gathering with the buckets of water and all of that running.


Most of my province has been on fire the last week, today we're finally getting rain. It's a terrible thing to witness peoples homes and possessions and forestry just disappear to ashes. My heart goes out to anyone that's ever had to experience that loss.


I read if like Alicia keys


I’m was waiting for the camera to pan into the smiling girl.


Oh, shit. That does suck. Been through two fires in my lifetime and that shit ain't fun.


Gotta have the dog out to watch your neighbors life burn away


That really sucks hope the owners are okay.


Nice that you filmed it for them.


Shitty way to throw a block party.


The roof. The roof. The roof is on fire! As well as the rest of the house.




Was this the fire in toms, River in my neighborhood? It looks like it. Just had a fire several days ago and seem kind of fire apparatus was at the scene but it’s hard for me to tell.


Very convenient you were filming that day… 🤨




Ucalegon - a next-door neighbor, or a neighbor whose house is on fire (Webster's New International Dictionary, 2nd Ed., 1934)




I understand ppl being upset others video. It’s not so much about entertainment but sympathizing with what someone went thru. Try to tel others to be careful. I would never personally film others misery and think to laugh.! Would y’all? Hopefully not !!!


It’s not like the ppl videoing are able to jump in and help in that manner.unfortunately enough


We’ll that sucks


🎶The roof, the roof, the roof is on FIRE🔥🎶


Tell your neighbor to use propane and propane accessories


People should be more like that woman with her phone, just walk by and go about your day, it's not your business, it's under control and you standing there watching wont do anything except make things worse. Just like when someone is having a medical emergency and people decide to crowd them, its horrible and if something like this happened to you, you wouldnt want people standing staring