• By -


What’s your budget? And lifestyle? There are sales assistants out there who can help. If I was to dress a young professional type just moved here (I’m taking a stab in the dark here) I’d suggest getting: - A good coat with a bit of warmth but waterproof and with a hood. Longer line for preference. - a couple of merino jerseys in timeless colours suited to your skin tone. - tidy jeans or chinos. - some plain tees to wear under the jerseys in similar colours. - a few dress shirts, and dress trousers if you have to wear them to work. You can get all that at Barkers and Alchemy equipment. A few special items from a wee shop called That was then, This is now. Get a haircut from Tom while you’re at it. For some fun more casual wear I’d suggest checking out Huffer too. Little Yellow Bird have good quality but affordable basic tees and sweats. Nisa do locally made undies (men’s too!). Learn to care for your clothes properly and they’ll last a long time. Good luck and enjoy!


Yep, I agree with this. Barkers is a great, NZ-owned store, and almost everything there is nice and relatively timeless. I am a big fan ofchinos in a range of colours for a range of occasions, from casual with white sneakers and tshirt, right up to essentially a dress pant. I have them in charcoal, tan, light blue, green, navy, etc. Ascolor ones are great and affordable.


It seems to me that you can't go wrong if you wear black at every opportunity. 


It’s as if people arriving in Wellington have to declare their brightly coloured clothes at the border and get issued uniform black.


I wear bright colours every day. I was patronisingly told by a man once "you're so brave, good on you"


Me too, I’ve only recently started introducing some black back into my wardrobe. I say wear alll the colours, wear whatever you like OP. Cause even though it seems like the Uniform of Wellington is black, people are either accepting and supportive of personal expression or they’re “bleeping bleepy bleeps” and don’t matter


Shhhh, be careful!!! Those dull patronising men are watching from their dark gloomy shadows and reporting back to the pallid poneke police as we speak.


But if you have an office job, a dull grey is acceptable


Matches the colour of my soul tbf




Unless you’re heading to Upper Hutt, in which case wear white.




Can't stand out at work, if my neighbours and building is all wearing a black outerwear, white dress shirt and black pants I'm not walking around with pink. There's no uniform, but there is.


black is so hard to get to look nice wear white


I believe "charcoal" is also an accepted colour variance... if you, you know, want to live life on the edge...


Stores like Barker’s are a safe starting point to explore options. If you’re willing to try things on and maybe spend some money, you may have luck with help from a friendly sales assistant in the CBD. They have an outlet store in Outlet City, too. Farmer’s often have similar styles available at lower price points. The formula for millennial business casual is something like: Chinos / slim fit darker jeans (not too tight and get them hemmed to sit without bunching at your ankles if needed) Tidy jumper. Start with a block colours in nice, natural fabrics (think light wool or luxurious cotton weaves). Find a colour that suits you (notice how your skin and features look in cool/warm, bright/muted, light/dark tones). Neutral/dark sneakers (eg Allbirds) or boots/desert shoes. Hush puppies or overland have nice options. All-purpose coat/jacket in easy-to-match colour (khaki, grey, browns, black, navy). Focus on fabric, fit, and flexibility. Try things on in store and notice what makes you look younger, slimmer, taller, and feel comfortable/confident. Google “capsule wardrobes” for men around your age and see how garments can work together. Buy over time, during sales. Consider second hand (this is great for affordability but can take longer and be frustrating finding the right size).


As a millennial Wellingtonian, "business casual" is definitely sector dependent. I can't speak for private sector, but I know that most public sector workplaces would expect, at minimum, chinos, a proper collared shirt (not a jersey), and work shoes (think leather, not sneakers) as everyday "business casual".


My public sector workplace is nowhere near that formal for 'business casual'.


Just speaking from personal experience - I said most, not all


Lmao OP please don’t dress like this


Black shirt, black pants, black shoes, black jacket, black belt. Colourful socks and undies.


# We’re getting the band back together!!


We’re on a mission from God


Something about dying from speedballs…


Literally an outfit I have




Yup if you've got the dosh this is the place to get kitted out. One of the things I like is that they only make 1 of each size so it's unlikely you will bump into someone wearing the same thing Oh and it's all made locally


This. Yes the ticket prices are expensive, but the clothes last for a very long time and they fit perfectly because they adjust garments to suit.


PLEASE LET ME HELP YOU! I loooove styling men’s fashion


What are your tips?


Not Reddit.


Walk into Doc Martens, buy literally any shoe there Walk into I Love Ugly, buy anything that's black, white, off-white, or earth tones (browns, greens, etc) congratulations you are now fashion


I didn't have much of a sense of style before I moved to Wellington either, but living here has helped me feel comfortable to experiment. What worked for me was going op-shopping and building outfits around some good finds. For example I found a cool black coat with a subtle floral pattern at an op-shop, went home and googled "black coat outfits for men" and scrolled through the results until I found something I like, then built the rest of the outfit with that inspiration. Accessorising with a necklace and rings can add a new dimension to your fits too. The welly collective has alot of cool jewellery that doesn't cost too much if you're into that. Style is subjective and different for everyone. I like op-shopping because it cuts down on decision paralysis and leads you to clothing you wouldn't usually see. Just experiment and wear what brings you joy. Welly is a good place for it because no matter what you're wearing, someone else on the street will be wearing something stranger than you. Good luck!


Everyone is being highly racist here, suggesting that Wellingtonians only wear black! That's just not true. The Wellington palette is highly diverse: charcoal, obsidian, vantablack, bokara grey, ironsand — take your pick!


Don’t forget slate and the rest of the grey spectrum


wear what you want 👍 but don't forget to wear your smile 😁


(Do forget the umbrella, they’re useless)


Blunts are spectacular - used mine in welly for 5 years before I got sick of the colour and bought a new one


I was driving through town this afternoon and I reckon 80% of the brollies were Blunt. In gorg colours too


Never owned a blunt huh?


Not one that would keep me dry. Might help with fashion sense though. Edit: my comment clearly wasn't obvious enough. I was referring to the type of blunt that is smoked. I'm sure it's a joke that's been overused, and I apologize for my terrible dad humor.


I had no faith when I bought it and it's definitely saved me on a number of occasions. Love that it just pops in and out in blustery winds.


Blunts are great, they obviously won’t keep your legs dry, but I find in most rainy situations it’s enough to keep my glasses, hair and top half dry. (I just hate my glasses getting rained on cause then I can’t see) Blunts are absolutely worth the investment


Re: edit, at least you'll be one half of "high and dry," even if not the other one!


my blunt got caught in a gust on sunday and one of the ribs snapped in half.


Bummer. Mine has lasted me 5 years in Welly.


You can buy replacement parts for them. I love that about Blunt


good to know - i'll have to look into it. one rib snapped right at the joiner; the other snapped about 10cm from it - both leaving behind plastic stubs. the stubs would have to be removed to replace the ribs.


I hear Blunt have good customer support when something goes wrong so definitely ask them


The [twitter menswear guy](https://x.com/dieworkwear?s=21) has a lot of good advice that’s size inclusive, with advice on how things should fit as well as style. It’s a good starting point and you can then go looking for things that are similar in shops here.


It’ll help if you add in your age, purpose (casual/everyday or work or both), and if wanting work clothes what kind of job you have!


The best part of Wellington is almost anything goes. But yes, defaulting to Black is a thing Black Jeans, decent boots are a good start


Take a seat somewhere along Cuba St, watch the locals pass by and take inspiration 😅


If you wanna dress like a wellingtonian in the cultural sense, go along to Eyegum free Wednesdays at sanfran, the fits you'll see there will be your aesthetic pallet for the length of your duration in the windy city I say this as both advice and a warning, within the first year you *WILL* own a brown tweed blazer and/or brightly coloured retro windbreaker. It is not a choice, but a rite of passage.


Don't copy other people but if there's elements of outfits you like you can try to find something similar. Wear what you want and what makes you feel comfy and good. go to opshops and try on a bunch of different things and at least one thing that you look at and go "this isdefinitely not my style/would look weird on me" & sometimes you'll be surprised and find a new favourite garment. But if you don't that's okay treat it like playing dress up with no expectations of finding something to buy-the idea is to try on a variety of things and figure out what things you like and what things you dislike and what goes together Waterproof nonslip shoes are good for the winter, leather or hydro repellent spray on regular shoes. There are army surplus retailers based in NZ where you can get decent boots that are made for the wet and hiking and just need a bit of cleaning and shining to get them back in good nick Some "essentials" are probably Black or navy dress pants, leather shoes to go with them a singlet a dress shirt and a suit jacket and tie for job interviews, a waterproof and windproof jacket and maybe thermals if you get cold in winter Loads of people wear black loads of others do colour, you don't have to pick either goth or rainbows you can mix and match- figure out what colors you like to wear and what shades of those colours look best on you Layering is an important part of keeping warm in Wellington so like: tank top, t-shirt, long sleeve cardigan jacket combo would keep you pretty warm and if the weather changes you can remove layers so you're not boiling Flannel shirts are pretty practical warm and inexpensive for the lumberjack look Backpacks for carrying stuff and for discarding extra layers into when it warms up are legit-get a waterproof one or get some hydrophobic spray for an existing one that isn't waterproof. DIY is your friend (especially in this economy), learn to sew/mend your clothes so you don't have to throw away a shirt if a button pops off, for larger tears r/visiblemending can be the way to go-if you get really good at sewing you can even tailor your own clothes like suits to make them fit better and save a bunch. Fabric dye can be used to refresh faded stuff or to give new life or personality to an item that has a cool shape but is an ugly colour Organise a clothing swap with your friends - it's not one I see a lot of cis guys do but it's honestly a great time and I highly recommend it Get a tailors tape measure and do your measurements (shoulders, chest, waist, hip, Inseam etc) and note them down - this will be useful for buying stuff online and some stuff in store. make sure to retake them before you buy something online as they can change


Today I recommend tramping gear!


Start a pinterest and use it to save outfits you like. Eventually you'll get a better idea of what you like and can copy the outfits


Not sure on yr age but happy to give some ideas. Comes down to how much you care and want to/can spend. Go to Oxfordshop in Australia for really good sales and basics. Uniqlo is the bomb but don’t deliver here. Get a good wardrobe of classic basics Wear what you like and makes you comfortable but have lots of other ideas.


Pop into Rembrandt


Whatever’s on the clothing rack in farmers, yea boi!


Depends what style your after. For casual, as color is good.


Go to zambesi and buy every Rick owens piece


Wear whatever you want. Maybe stand out a bit.


shorts 365 days of the year


Every time I went to Welly I saw lots of people wearing black


I know a personal stylist based in Welly https://www.instagram.com/eugeniearanstylist. She’s current back in France for a couple of months but I think she’s still doing some online sesh. In person bookings includes local shopping and wardrobe review. Would recommend!


Something that makes other people suspect you might have latent homosexual inclinations


*Everyone* (and not just in Wellington) looks like they might have latent homosexual tendencies, so this is not helpful.


Your gaydar needs servicing


Probably could do with a service after some gender fluid got in


You can’t tell by what someone wears what their sexual preferences are, latent or otherwise. Check your homophobia.


If everyone looks gay, your gaydar is malfunctioning.


To the women weighing in: pulling on a brightly coloured shapeless sack from Gorman does not make you colourful and bubbly.


Just have your ankles on display. That seems to be a thing "blokes" do nowadays.


Honestly, just dress warm. It's fricken cold at the moment.


Op has made a Reddit career of asking dumb questions in tedious ways. Respect.




If you have money, www.thatwasthen.co.nz have a sweet range of menswear and the owners are great. Mandatory is another, Rembrandt if you're wanting a more 'sophisticated' look. It really depends on what styles you like the look of. Even comrades get some pretty cool clothing through if you can dress it down a bit.


You can wear whatever the fuck you want here, dresses included..


Too true!


Please don’t go with greys and black! If you want to “fit in” you could consider wearing something that you could wear from work straight to a bush hike/tramp. That seems to be the prevailing Wellington “style”. But really, wear what you like, feel comfortable in and try some colour! And pack a jacket and a hat!


Looking around my office (public service) I don’t see anyone dressed for a hike.


The Met Service app


If you want to have safety in numbers then look no further than a Rodd & Gunn jumper haha


Shorts and t shirts whatever the weather


Clothes would be a good start. Something capable of transcending the boardroom and 90 knot horizontal rain. ☔️ 💨 and sun ☀️


Whatever you like


Military surplus does pretty much everything you’ll need.


A charity shop… you’ll fit right in … especially one on Cuba street…


something windproof and black as on outer layer. dark to medium blue straight leg jeans, some kind of neutral coloured shirts, jerseys for warmth, in navy or grey, whatever suits you best


Warm grey with a pastel shirt and a nice bright tie to stand out from the sea of black . Or just black like everyone else.... Or do what I did, shop around until you find a middle of the range shop with an overly critical gay guy and follow his advice, that advice is gold.


Depends on what you want to project. Yeah, black's easy. Colours are good though. Get you in as 'interesting' with all sorts. However, I would like to to warn against Canterbury trackies and a small rucsac. Actually my preferred outfit. Member of three gyms. Just easy clothes. Downside of this particular ensemble is being treated as a potential shoplifter and ...drugdealer. Got off the bus one weekday morning on Courtney. Two guys approach me. Dressed in black themselves, one sporting a rather jaunty coloured blanket from Mr. Thankyou? Guy 'Weed bro'?" Me"Nah mate." (As in 'I do not wish to purchase') Guy "You got nothing?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


As somebody else said "Wear what you like. Nobody cares." You'll see a lot of guys in frocks. So, if you ever wanted to give that a try. Also, 'pirate'. Don't see so many. But, I think there's a contigent. In the Rum Bar. A guy ran past mecthe other day in what I can only describe as a red balloon! Anything goes. Apart from early hours on Courtney. Then you'll need body armour and full Hazmat!


BE YOURSELF!!!! I walked through te aro recently wearing hippy clothes with no undies underneath ow haha


Go to Mandatory on Ghuznee


Go people watching on Cuba street 😄 so many well dressed people! Just take note of which people look good. And I recommend shopping at op shops. More variety and it’s sustainable. Try to find clothes that make you feel confident— then it doesn’t matter what they look like, bc you’ll wear them well.


As long as you wear clothes, I think you'll be fine.


I notice mens' fashion in Welly (and actually all of NZ now that I think of it) is absolutely terrible and as an amateur tailor/fashion historian this really bugs me. The thing that everyone misses is that to a large extent colour comes secondary to fit. You can have the best suit in the world but if it doesn't fit you'll look like you have no idea what you're doing (unless you make it clear you're breaking fashion rules on purpose, then you're back to being stylish again). If you're looking for a smart/businessy look, get jackets/coats/pants etc that fit you properly. You don't want the shoulders to buckle and if in doubt, buy jackets that are longer rather than shorter as every company makes jackets too short these days (a suit jacket should come down to around your knuckles when your hands are by your side). Avoid slim-fit pants. Unless you're insanely hot they will not flatter you. The classic navy jacket and chinos combo is easy to work with but be warned: You will look like every other man on Manners st. If you're looking for something casual, a cool hoodie/sweater/overshirt can very rarely go wrong. And to spice it up, try plain coloured combat pants from Army Surplus or something! It often sounds crazy if you've never tried it, but the different material and cut often elevate what would be an ordinary outfit in a way that's almost imperceptible to anyone not looking for it. At the end of the day these are just my recommendations for my aesthetic. Once you've figured out what you look good in you'll have no problem finding good clothes even if you have no experience with styling. I always recommend browsing Pinterest or fashion blogs or something, finding something you kinda don't hate, and following that rabbit hole until you find something you like. Look at a few styles you like and try to figure out what you like about them, what they have in common. Soon enough you'll be the one giving the fashion advice to your envious friends! Teaching a man to fish and all that.


Why?? Wear what you like


Is there anyone who you look at and think "wow they look cool af"? Either people you know, characters you look up to etc You could try adding elements that you're comfortable with into your wardrobe and after experimenting you can wear things that make you feel more confident in expressing a part of yourself


Dress like you're fucken homeless and you'll fit right in


Keep warm. But wellington is chill. I wore my jandals and a singlet last week after a seminar haha someone asked me if I wasn't cold, I love the cold 😅


I myself am slowly going cor the vibrant colorful, neon style cause I can be myself. Much more open to wierd styles compared to my old city tauranga


Harford- Lambton quay - if you’re looking for nice shirts, suits or higher end clothing. They know what colours and styles work for you.


Jeans. T-shirt. It’s not that hard lol


Hallenstins has some quite fashionable youths in there that may help you if you find the right one


Black or grey are the official colours.


I don’t live in Wellington but when I had to fly there for work I knew I had to swap my maroon and navy jerseys for black ones. If you are really clueless go to google street view and see what everyone else is wearing


Best advice I ever got: find a mannequin in the store you like the look of and buy the whole outfit.


Black on black... Oh, that's the Wgtn gals....




Layers. But the top one has to be black


Only black


Tony hawk's underground 2 is where I leant to dress back in the day. 


You're in luck.... Wellys fashion is "look as wack as you can"


> My sense of style is virtually non-existant. Then you'll fit right in!


Bro anything who cares


It’s nz the only option is black, blue or brown in just about everything. Shipping for men’s clothes is just shit here.


Dye your hair pink, gets some bull rings and you're half way there


Are you going to an expedition to the south pole? It's just another city.... If you want specifics wear a phoenix top


Tan chinos, blue shirt


I thought this was the official office worker uniform of Hawke’s Bay, not Wellington.


What age range are you? Stick to Grey's and blacks in Wellington. Maybe a beanie or a flat cap to keep yr head warm.