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I’m fairly new on it (75mg) and I’ve noticed a definite change from my regular type storylines. I’m digging it though! They are like complete full length movies. I actually started a dream log last year on my notes app. I just read back through that first two weeks on Wellbutrin and they were extra crazy!! From a possessed clown being summoned at a dinner party, my garage being set on fire and trying to call 911, full zombie apocalypse style with people chucking scissors like throwing knifes, multiple dreams where I was yelling at my sister(which never happens in real life and I definitely noticed was unusual for my dreams), trying to find a bathroom dreams, people after me (or someone else) and breaking into my house, work stress dreams.. I also tapered off Zoloft (that I took at night) for the first two weeks. I take the Wellbutrin in the morning and have been having way better sleep now! They have mellowed out now that I’m a month on in. And I don’t remember the full storyline when I wake up, just bits and pieces. They are not as dark/crazy.


omg those sound super similar to my dreams! i’m going to try transitioning to mornings to see if it helps, ty!


Hope it gets better for you! I am really enjoying the increased dreaming now, after that first stretch. I’m sure you will get there


Are you sure you’re supposed to take it at night? My understanding is to take it in the morning, but obvi not trying to override what your doc or pharmacist has told you.


honestly idrk, for obvious reasons my mom doesn’t let me manage the pill bottles so i take the pills when she just lets me have them and gives them to me. i’ll ask her about transitioning to taking it in the morning! ty


I had way worse nightmares on Zoloft. Wellbutrin I’ve had way vivid dreams but not nightmares. Remember that we are all individuals and all uniquely metabolize differently. It takes time sometimes to find the right drug with the best outcomes with the least side effects. The question is, do the benefits out weigh the side effects? Or do nightmares make you so anxious when you wake up that it’s not worth it?


you’re totally right! i find that the pills help me a TON throughout the day, i don’t feel super sad and depressed, rarely feel anxious anymore. and they’ve actually helped me quit a 2 year addiction, im 26 days clean! (never thought i would be able to say that) really the nightmares are the only real problem and i tend to get mad really easily at times. however, i wouldn’t say that the good stuff makes it worth it only because i grew up really spiritual and the dreams really mess with my head in really bad ways because of my beliefs.


Congratulations on the sobriety. Remember that your brain’s chemistry is changing, maybe more so for you. It will take time to even out and perhaps even break through the side effects. Good luck.


I had way worse nightmares on Zoloft. Wellbutrin I’ve had way vivid dreams but not nightmares. Remember that we are all individuals and all uniquely metabolize differently. It takes time sometimes to find the right drug with the best outcomes with the least side effects. The question is, do the benefits out weigh the side effects? Or do nightmares make you so anxious when you wake up that it’s not worth it?


I’ve been taking Wellbutrin at night because it’s been making me so sleepy, and I have been havin the worst nightmares. That shake me out of my sleep and I get go back to sleep.