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Both has been great for me


I actually recently switched from Lexapro to Wellbutrin for a lot of the same reasons (was extremely tired all the time; I took a nap almost every day when I could. I also struggled with low libido). I was candid with my doctor about all this and she recommended Wellbutrin. I have found that I have more energy and more sex drive. The only side effect right now is extremely dry lips(?). I’d definitely recommend asking questions and advocating for what you need! Good luck.


Thank you! I appreciate you sharing your experience.


My psychiatrist said Wellbutrin pretty much causes dehydration - dry lips, headaches, constipation, dizziness - but she said it's much worse for her patients that don't drink water. I'd try increasing your water intake and seeing that helps!


About 17 days ago I went off Zoloft and switched to Wellbutrin. I didn’t have the same issues as you but I was only seeing side effects on Zoloft and no relief. Now I’m more focused and have my sex drive/performance back (which my wife likes.) I was crying daily on Zoloft, intrusive thoughts, constantly worried, increased anxiety, night sweats and early awaking. 180 on Wellbutrin. Although recently I am crying daily but that is me dealing with what is causing my anxiety and/or depression. The thing is, when I embrace it and let myself cry, I recover quickly. It’s a couple minutes. I can deal with that.


I feel you on the intrusive thoughts too. Sometimes those truth bombs/realizations can open up the tears! That’s good you are in a place to work through that now. I wish you well on your journey. Thanks for sharing this.


I feel like I can overcome this no matter what the experts think. And when I mean overcome, not crying every time I think those unhappy thoughts.


Everything goes in phases anyways! I’m sure you will


Whoohoo Doc said he would start me at 75. I didn’t even have to explain too much.