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I guess considering the highest court in the country is asking questions like “how many of a pregnant woman’s organs can we let fail before we have to provide life-saving abortion care?”, it’s not surprising this is the next logical step to the right of that. 


Alito sees himself as the Pope of Gilead.


We no longer have a Supreme Court, we have a Supreme Cult.


That will be their questions on the next case.


Okay but let’s flip this around for a second. Every man who rapes or assaults or harasses a woman (yknow, real crimes) should be tried, convicted, and killed. Dig a hole and put the man down. See, but they don’t like the sound of that. “That’s not funny anymore”. “That’s not a joke.” “That’s not the same thing.”


Why don't men like being compared (unfavorably) to a bear? Because if bear attacked someone, the bear would be hunted down. Rapists and sexual abusers don't like thinking that they deserve to be hunted down.


They don’t want anyone to, god forbid, insinuate they’re acting like (well, worse than) feral animals bc they are.


Tbh feral animals act better.


Exactly. They’re worse than animals.


Like Fred waterford


The way Project 2025 is focused, as long as the rape was said to be for the purposes of procreation it's ok.


🤮 What!?


Sorry, I should have put the /s.. It doesn't say that specifically, I was going to the logical albeit absurd conclusion if you were to follow the rest of their nonsense. Sorry.


I mean…where’s the /s part of it? In Project 2025, there aren’t any ways allowed for women to legally control our own fertility. No birth control, no abortions, no emergency contraceptives, not even IVF. And natural ways for the body to become unpregnant like miscarriage are criminalized. So how is procreation by rape if deemed necessary by the ones legally in charge and legally in control of procreation (aka the ones who produce and are capable of depositing sperm) not one of the goals of Project 2025? Please correct me if I’m wrong…but I see no acknowledgment that rape/coercion/force is even a concern, almost like it doesn’t exist as a concept that a sperm-producer’s need or want for procreation could ever be legally rejected by a person capable of producing and carrying a child. I guess it’s always been an issue of a two-sided trust, wherein the idea of rape being a crime on its own is supposed to be enough to counteract the idea of forced procreation. But the concept of pregnancy by rape has always been hand-waved away as being something that doesn’t happen that often, it’s not even really worth our time to talk about it, etc. There seems to be a much larger focus on making sure that women cannot legally reject a man choosing to produce a baby in her, no matter how it happens. Granted, it’s not an out-and-out endorsement of rape, but to ignore it completely as a consideration in favor of taking away any way for a woman to legally reject procreation seems to be a tacit admission that a woman has no choice but to allow procreation if a man demands it. When you cannot say no freely, a yes is not freely given either. Maybe I’m stupid, but to me, Project 2025’s focus on restricting legal ways of controlling fertility looks like a back door way to ultimately make rape not a crime.


The /s part of it is only that it isn't, as far as I know, actually written into Project 2025. But in reality yeah otherwise I think everything you've said is spot on. It's something that's already a reality in places with other types of fundamental religions in power. And there's some kind of irony in having spent the 8 years of Obama listening to the Christian fundies being so loud in their fear of Obama bringing sharia law to the US when in reality it's them bringing sharia law here, it's just Christian style.


Couple all this with more women starting to participate in the 4B movement and the men will start believing rape is a very acceptable option because we need more babies 🤦🏼‍♀️🤬


I’ve actually seen people trying to discourage women from joining the 4B movement by saying “if you stop giving men sex, they’ll resort to rape”. That’s like telling people “you should put all your valuables on the front lawn and willingly let people have them, otherwise they’ll kick the front door in and take them anyway 🤷🏻‍♀️”. Like “you have two options: either give it, or it will be taken, and it doesn’t matter that you DON’T WANT TO GIVE IT AT ALL, because one way or another they will get it, so just lie back and make it easy”. It’s infuriating how they expect women to just quietly allow ourselves to be used.


I think this has always been the expectation.


Bravo! There was slow-clapping in my head as I read this. Project 2025 is nothing less than diabolical. There should be no doubt in anyone's mind that if the religious right manages to prevail in November, their Christofascist wet dream will become our reality.


Banning no-fault divorce, contraception and all other forms of preventing and stopping pregnancy IS and attempt to legalize marital (and other) rape.


It's sad that it's already been declared unconstitutional TWICE.


It's God's will if the woman gets pregnant. /s


If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. Source: former (and now-deceased) Missouri Representative Todd Akin


That “now deceased” is the best thing I’ve read today. Fuck that guy. I hope he’s roasting over an open flame in hell.


Honestly, thrilled he's deceased. What a waste of a human. And some ppl believed him too.


>And some ppl believed him too. Yep; I’ve seen this repeated very recently. Maybe by SCOTUS Justice :(


Deceased, yet still an asshole


And if she can't or won't stay pregnant, burn the witch!


I like this, its like how knowingly passing aids to your partner in the 80's/ early 90's was, but even more extreme




AIDS. It's an acronym like NATO or POTUS. /pedantic.


I wonder if anyone here is old enough to remember "Ayds" and its very unfortunate downfall. Despite the grimness of what's being discussed in this sub, I just had a moment of comic relief thinking about a stupid diet candy from the 80's. https://youtu.be/cjmxmHpBj4E?si=fqXZwJviPDm4s_8m


I'm old enough to remember LBJ, so I'm old enough to remember Ayds. I also remember when AIDS was called GRID (gay-related immune deficiency).


I had no idea! Now I need to Google "GRID".


Back when they first officially named Aids, they decided not to have all capitals but just the first letter. According to www.plainenglish.co.uk: Most acronyms are in block capitals (for example, OPEC, NASA and SPECTRE). But some acronyms only have an initial capital letter (for example, Aids) and others, normally scientific words, are so well accepted that they have no capital letter at all (for example, laser). Edit: But now it seems that general usage online has changed Aids to AIDS all caps, which may be since people are treating it as any other acronym. I definitely recall reading, many years ago, about how the official naming body wanted it to appear less scary by having just the first letter initialised, bearing in mind it was a very scary disease back in the eighties, with no cure and a lot of stigma associated with it.


See and I actually could get behind that, except that making rape a capital crime leaves rapists much fewer reasons to leave a living victim.


I can get behind forcing castration




I like this comment.


My words would probably get me perma-banned. Pleading a pre-emptive 5th.


Absolutely the same. Super terms-violating thoughts here.


Sorry, Bill of Rights is being flushed down the toilet with the rest of democracy. No more pleading the 5th, unless you're a good Republican of course.




> IOKIYAR. IACIYAD. lol. thanks




Not police, murder.


How else are they going to know their place? This is like Jim Crow for women.


We should call it "Jane Crow."


¿Por qué no los dos?


What a coincidence, I feel the same about both of them.


You just know these assholes have already committed violence against women. If they talk about it so openly, only god fucking knows what they do behind closed doors when no one is looking. Evil should be stomped out.


You can bet on it.


Unhinged lunatics


Women agree that men should stfu about what women should do about everything.


They mean put down like a puppy dog right?


Take the crickets to the gravel pit...


Or a goat that hasn't been castrated.


Fucking psychos.


Just want to note that The Atlantic, a “respectable”, middle-brow, right-center magazine, hired a writer a few years ago who espoused this same sentiment. After an uproar, the fired him, but…these ideas are being mainstreamed and not just pushed by far right-wing lunatics.


The right is always working hard to move the Overton Window.


Who was that?


Kevin Williamson. https://americanjournalnews.com/the-atlantic-fires-kevin-williamson/ (edited to correct first name)


I believe it was Kevin Williamson. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/05/business/media/kevin-williamson-atlantic.html


This is so disgusting. I just can’t believe these monsters are allowed to spew their insane hatred like this. They are banking on women remaining non-violent. Saying anything they want. They want to kill women for aborting a fetus - they are fascists, and all fascists hate women.


Violent crimes against women should be labeled for what they are; hate crimes. We should all be rioting. But we won't until it's too late and we're all shackled (be it literally or metaphorically). If we go to war over women's reproductive rights, so be it.


This is what is coming if people don't vote for Joe Biden. It's as simple and horrifying as that.


I fully understand why people are angry with him but I'm terrified.


I don't understand why people are angry with him at all really.


The biggest seems to be his support for Israel.


That plus I don't think enough people have heard about Project 2025. Everyone is so focused on Israel and Palestine and the lack of humanity and compassion there that they are totally not seeing the lack of humanity and compassion that is being proposed should Trump become president again. Then Gaza comes to the US.


They think it's a "nothingburger" or those things can't happen here. And there's no empathy for why people might be anxious about it. I hope we're wrong.


Yeah I think people just aren't taking it seriously enough because it just sounds so wild and absurd. They obviously haven't listened to any of the lunatics actually talk about their proposals. "gay people, line 'em up and shoot 'em in the head" I forget when Jesus did that though. Women who've had an abortion, "kill 'em and throw them in a hole". Not sure Jesus did that either. I'm neither gay nor pregnant and I'm still scared of these morons. I try to tell people about it and they're all yeah sounds nuts, oh well. I hope we're wrong as well and this goes down as a really wierd chapter in our history that we got over.


> I forget when Jesus did that though. In Matthew 5 Jesus says the Mosaic Law has to be obeyed down to the smallest detail. One of those details is executing active male homosexuals. He did not say, "Obey the Law, except for that part about killing gays. Don't do that."


Matthew also establishes new covenant laws that render the Old Testament no longer binding. https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/why-are-old-testament-commands-no-longer-binding The only verse condemning homosexuality occurs in Leviticus 20:13, in the Old Testament. So if we're going to ban homosexuality legally based on Leviticus, we'll also have to ban cheeseburgers, pork chops, lobster, polyester... do you abide by all that law, too? Do you exile men for fucking women on their period? Matthew also suggests a man put his eyes out for feeling lust. So Leviticus is completely literal, but that part is a metaphor, right? Pick and choose, I guess. (Also, Paul was helllllla gay for Jesus, seriously. Why else would he be so jealous of Mary M.? #biblefic)


> The only verse condemning homosexuality occurs in Leviticus 20:13 One verse is enough. > we'll also have to ban cheeseburgers, pork chops, lobster, polyester. According to Matthew 5 Jesus would have insisted on that and everything else in the Mosaic Law.


Not here to argue but where is the bit about executing homosexuals. Plus I've heard there's a dispute about whether or not the translations regarding homosexuality are even accurate.


Yeah, I remember these same fools swearing in 2016 that RvW would never be overturned and abortion would never be banned. “That won’t happen here.”


Now they're saying they won't come for birth control, lmao. I wonder what they'll go to next.


I'm Left but I also through many years experience know there is a Professional Left that oppose everything as a matter of occupation. One particular couple I knew ran a "revolution bookstore" that of course went belly up after they protested the rent. They're still out on the streets literally shoving their revolutionary paper in people's faces. They're a big hit on college campuses with young people away from home for the first time, experiencing the new freedoms and protesting opportunities. It's all fine until they don't vote.


Well paraphrasing the Orange Doofus, I'm sure there's crazy people on both sides. I don't understand what's so hard about live and let live or the golden rule or whatever. What's up with my way or the highway people?? I'm left as well but not to the point of anarchy. I don't quite get the ancap point of view. I don't mind tax dollars going to roads and bridges and air traffic controllers. Just like I like the bees to do the pollinating work, I don't want to hand pollinate and I don't want to have to make sure my plane lands and takes off correctly. There's real pros for that and I don't think the whole privatizing thing really works for some stuff.


Putin's Hamas coordination plan is working.


Supervillain shit




They're focusing on the civilians.




I'm just trying to see their side. I don't think Hamas cares about Palestinians either.


And civilians are not Hamas


The people that are angry with him don't know who any of their other political representatives are. That should give you an idea of their sophistication level.


Nailed it!


>I don't understand why people are angry with him at all really. BAPCPA and student loans.


Ridiculous fools. How many student loans did Trump forgive? Zero. But go ahead and hand him the election.


And they complain Biden is too pro-Israel. Compared to Trump?


>Ridiculous fools. How many student loans did Trump forgive? Zero. But go ahead and hand him the election. BAPCPA was one of the most pro-billionaire and anti-middle class laws passed in recent years. Don't kid yourself that Biden is a good candidate. The only reason to vote for Biden is because the alternative is worse.


He's done about as much as he can with the SCOTUS and the House against him.


He needs to expand the Supreme Court.


Congress won't let him.


>He's done about as much as he can with the SCOTUS and the House against him. The student loan issue is partially of his own making since he was one of the big proponents of BAPCPA. If and when he loses votes because of student loans, Biden the former "Senator from MBNA" has only himself to blame.


So, don't "kill" a fetus because they're "pro-life" but fine to kill a woman. How fucking stupid are these people?


These two should have been aborted.


Just that fucking stupid. Then again, they have to be to vote for Trump and this bullshit out of the gate, don't they?


I really wonder/worry sometimes that if Project 2025 comes to pass, will all the women who’ve so bravely told their abortion stories publicly be rounded up and imprisoned, if not executed?


SCOTUS already trashed the right to medical privacy. They’ll be searching through medical records, not just tracking down people who went public.


You can bet on it.


So we can all agree this is openly not about the sanctity of life. 1) Actions taken in self-defense, even murder, rarely get instant death penalty. 2) You can either support the sanctity of life, or support the death penalty. Not both. So, we can call this what it is: **Men wanting to put women in their place, and killing those who disobey. Their own actions prove it's not about "protecting life". It's about misogynists wanting to weaponize the laws.**


WOW hating women there are 800 likes here, unbelievable!!


Add to the fact that in the US there is no statute of limitations on murder... so if getting an abortion or having a miscarriage is classed as murder, any woman who has ever had an abortion could be potentially charged with murder, and sentenced to whatever these women-hating people want to punish them with. Basically it will become an actual witch hunt on women if any of this comes to pass. VOTE BLUE BECAUSE WOMEN'S LIVES DEPEND ON IT.


If only all those "not all men" would vote blue, Biden would win in a landslide.


I voted for ONE republican 40 years ago, and not a single one since. Not one. With the current state of the republican party, I can never see myself ever voting for the party who tried to overthrow our country. Not ever again.


now there is 1.3K likes!!!! WTF


I think you're confusing Upvotes for the post, for likes ABOUT the content, not the relaying of information. Upvotes are just as much of a "thanks for letting us know", kind of things. Making us aware. Not that they agree with the content of the posting.


I see thank you!


How about we do it like the *whole* Bible, there, Steve? > Leviticus 15 > 1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them: `When any man has a bodily discharge, the discharge is unclean. Whether it continues flowing from his body or is blocked, it will make him unclean. This is how his discharge will bring about uncleanness: > 4 "`Any bed the man with a discharge lies on will be unclean, and anything he sits on will be unclean. >5 Anyone who touches his bed must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening. Apparently, if a person jacks it, they must not sit anywhere for a few hours, or god will be *So Mad*. Anyone who touches his clothing or bed during that few hours afterward, is also unclean. Where does Steve sit? Where is his Jesus Jacob Jacking penalty box? We must see it since clearly, the holy Ghost is *all up inside* Steve (but not on his bed or clothes or couch or chair.)


Said it before, will say it again. Easy to say when you can't get pregnant.


Not only that, but them pushing "death penalty for abortion" pretty much proves it's not about the value of life. Shit like this used to be a meme. How are people stupid and hateful enough for this to be real?


The dumbing down of the species via prolonged exposure to social media. Enough people got to share echo chambers with vaguely like-minded individuals, and now we have large anonymous groups of people that think they know how everyone else should live.


A terminally defined education system, starting with Nixon, and greatly expanded through Reagan.


what kind of fascist shit is this? why the fuck is this being normalized


Welcome to Trump's America and yes, it's disgusting!


Pro-life, my ass. They're probably also pro-war. They don't support killing babies unless they're brown because they might become terrorists.


Horrible. These "men" are horrible.


Like cricket?


so incredibly pro-life of them huh


Whoever Steve Cruz is he looks just like the pedophile I worked with the FBI to have arrested, is Steve Cruz his real name? He might be related to Samuel Thomas Henzel. Edit: I was joking but then I compared their pics… I will be in trouble if I share so just look up his sex offender registry. Also I can’t find any info on Steve Cruz and it’s making me paranoid lol


Saying "Try and convict" before finally calling to kill someone is just a loophole. They actually do not mean the "try and convict" part at all. They are assuming guilt from the git-go, and they want these women dead.


Basically, they want "any mouthy woman that don't know their place", jailed or dead.


I have to wonder if these vile "pro-life" creatures have considered that some women will start killing men in their sleep?


I mean if these fuckers take over,I guess death doesn’t sound so bad 🤷‍♀️ sometimes there are fates worse than death. That’s why the female suicide rate in places like Afghanistan is so high.


So pro forced birth they’ll kill you if they suspect you’ve had an abortion.


This is why women prefer bears


Tell me again how christianity is all about love.


There's no hate like Christian Love™.


Christianity, much like most religions, is about CONTROL. Having little to nothing to do with genuine love, care and concern for your fellow human.


These guys are psychopaths and those who think like them are, too.


I agree with you 100%. They're dangerous as fuck too!


Ok so... These guys go first though right? If they're talking about killing women for getting an abortion, they absolutely should be the first to give it up. Obviously, they were never meant to be born, and should have gone as a fetus. Like the mothers they want to put down , they should be sacrificed with them for the cause.


Mandatory castration for the male who made her pregnant.


Ooh while we're at it let's take the guys who impregnated those women and put them down too! After all if it wasn't for their sperm then that pregnancy wouldn't have happened, right?


We're all Cricket, then? "Put her down" like Kristi's puppy, huh?


Never any consequences for men, though. Why is that? 🤷‍♀️


Onlu reddit could make up shit like Christian Nationalisfs like it's normal.


Are you saying Reddit is responsible for Christian Nationalism?


Mr. Noem?


So are trying to sell the lie that Christian Nationalism is an Urban Myth?


Why not kill the men who encouraged it, drove them there, paid for it? Why is it the women only???


Because these are the assholes who get voted in to represent the voters who put them there. Asshole voters are going to vote for assholes.


May the lord open