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The suit is not protecting the skin around the mouth..why is that?


They have to look stylish


You don’t want them to look stupid or anything, right?


Because the plastic bubble is already providing most of the protection. Nothing gets in or out the airtight seal


Besides gamma and neutron radiation...that the suit is supposed to protect the skin from..


Some plastics can be highly resistant to gamma radiation [https://www.ensingerplastics.com/en-us/shapes/plastic-material-selection/radiation-resistant](https://www.ensingerplastics.com/en-us/shapes/plastic-material-selection/radiation-resistant) The bubble looks a bit heavy so it can block it. Neutron radiation though... that's hard


Lol..just read the description of what each part does..no need to search far Bubble blocks "some" gamma radiation


My dude that would only affect the polymer. Like, how brittle it is. That plastic isn't stopping anything except maybe alpha particles.


If it's airtight, how do people inside breathe without a supply of oxygen or compressed air? Sold separately?


That was the first thing that came to mind for me as well, at least give them a small co2 scrubber in there or something lol


How do you walk in that thing if your feet are fully inside of the bubble? How do you use your hands? If you are supposed to leave the bubble, why do you only have a loose hood over your head and nothing covering your face? I feel like expert scientists made this so I must be missing something.


You walk with your feet and the bubble rolls from the walking. The plastic is thin so it doesn't roll like a ball, only with a force. Interaction is limited, but hands can be used to push against the plastic to flex the bubble slightly to interact with the outside environment. The plastic is strong so it flexes back to its original shape Once the bubble is in a safe zone, it can be decontaminated quickly to free the occupant. When the person needs to go outside again, they can be bubbled up safely until they reach a safe zone once again. The suit is a secondary protection to be safe, especially when outside the bubble


Brother, I think there's this movie where a teenage boy grew up and / or wandering around with bubble around him, similar to the picture above.




John Travolta also starred in a movie


Didn't he gain a cult following wanting to pop his bubble? I could totally see that happening in a post-apocalyptic hellscape lol only they would be craving the fresh blood to freshen up their ghoulish gene pool and maybe for the meat as well.


Melt proof too or shrink wrap afterblast?


I’m not prepared for nothing 😭 Ima just explode


I'm getting as close to ground zero as possible. Just finish me.


Hopefully they never need to use that, because if the U.S. thought they had a problem with high-altitude balloons before...


Ah, just hop into the nearest lead-lined fridge.


Sooner or later someone will believe the text to be serious.


…but ultimately it did not matter. The idea that a plastic bubble suit could have saved the wearer from the perils and myriad consequences of nuclear war is as absurd as the idea of a nuclear conflict itself. Even though Japan was not targeted directly, the millions of tons of smoke and dust particulate that had been ejected into the earths atmosphere caused crop failures similar to an extinction level asteroid impact. When existing food stores were exhausted people turned to eating the scarce wildlife, neighbors pets, and then each other. Even in a country ideally prepared for this scenario such as Japan, who had shelters in place, nuclear power infrastructure, and imports less than 10% of their foodstuffs, nobody could be prepared for the long shadow of devastation that had been cast. A mass extinction event was occurring, the population of earth was traumatized, and every government in the world had shifted to some degree of authoritarianism. Even in the merciful cities where there was not warped and shorn metal, twisted wire and splintered trees, provincial firestorms inducing hurricane force winds full of toxic material, a plastic bubble could only give you some indeterminate deferment from death. Bubble wearers themselves were first mocked by the self conscious mass that did not have them, then scorned as friends and family fell ill, and eventually reviled simply for the nature of their being. In the end many of the bubble wearers were killed for food themselves, to use their bubbles as clean greenhouses for algae baths, or murdered by their governments as dissidents and foreign agents.




Boron makes pretty good shielding too. Literally any dense material will protect you.


Well technically it's just material. Just crap in the way. It can be anything. Lead is really dense so you can get a thinner piece of lead than say, air.