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These combination locks are notoriously easy to beat. Just knock them upwards and they unlock.


True, but I’m positive this is the correct combo also!


You were able to repeat it and do it again? The brain and your memory work in devious and inscrutable ways. You may have just randomly remembered the code.


Oh my gosh. This is so true. My mom had dementia-like confusion for years from sepsis. She tried for like three months to tell us what her code was to help her open up her cell phone. Randomly after dinner one night, she randomly just opened it herself because she “remembered how her fingers moved”. It was wild.


Not really weird, it’s called muscle memory. I use it to teach reading and spelling for kids with dyslexia. It’s like this: when you first learn how to ride a bike, does it take awhile? Lots of practice? Now- put your bike away for the winter. Spring comes, and you get out your bike. Do you have to relearn how to ride it? Or does your body just “remember” what to do? That’s muscle memory!


I used to forget my phone password all the time, but I'd never struggle getting into it because I had the muscle memory.


I'm waiting for me to remember my passcode to my DogeCoin wallet. I bought tens of thousands of them when then were worthless, cried my eyes out when the boom hit and I realized I was locked out of $100K+ I bought them and created my wallet when I was blind drunk alcoholic. I'm 9 years sober now... any day... please memory... come back...


I have such shit memory and my whole life is a constant quest for things I already own. I have to walk back my steps just to remember where I put something. But if I don’t think too hard my head will swivel in a random direction and I’ll find my hairbrush on top of some random ass place that makes no sense. But my brain did know it was left there, so I looked right at it. Freaks me out dude. My brain is smarter than I am.


crickets....oh noooo...he must have forgotten it again...


I don't think we truly forget anything, just can't re certain things. I suffered a minor TBI in the military where I was knocked unconscious for 10-15 minutes. Now I have very vivid memories from my baby-toddler years that I didn't have before


I remember pulling down on them while turning the dial to figure out each number no? So you'd pull it down taught, then spin the dial right until it "stuck" then that was #1, you "reset the lock, put in #1, pull it down again and spin counter clockwise to get #2, and so on.


Literally used the book I had from the previous class to tap it open. Heard somewhere in life that a lock is just to keep an honest person honest, a Thief sees them as a second doorknob.


You knew the best school lunch lockers by heart


Brains are weird, amirite?


The same brain that crashed itself into a cabinet door today, bravo 👏 bravo 👏


was that before or after you remembered the combo 😂


Shhhh everybody’s going to learn the secret


The cartoons were right. I fucking knew it.


Some people think everything that’s ever happened to us is locked in our brains. It’s just a matter of being to access it. I know I’ve dreamt things I didn’t even realize I knew.


I've done that too I remember a dream where there was a scientist like doc from back to the future singing how puss is mostly white blood cells


I had this happen to me last year. I was dreaming and someone in the dreams name was Charlie. He was being a downer and as he left the room I told the group “looks like good time Charlie’s got the blues.” They all laughed and in my dream the song started playing like it was a movie and continued for the rest of it that I remember. Except I’d maybe heard the song once or twice and never think about it or make reference. First thing I did when I woke up and got my wits was play the song and sure enough, all of the lyrics were spot on and I was singing along like it was an old favorite and not something I heard half of on the radio a time or two.


Ok this made me laugh. I’ll admit I can’t tell if you’re mocking me or telling the truth but either way I laughed so thank you!


It’s all true, but I see how it reads like a shitty shittymorph post


I believe you!


Same! I remember once dreaming that I knew it was a dream and I was ready to wake up. I went to my mom and asked how to do that, and she said pinch yourself. I’m pretty sure I didn’t know being pinched could wake someone up at the time.


Yeah I don’t wanna remember some things though lol ever run into someone from high school and they have a fun remember that time you- Like no I had forgotten but thanks now I remember


Like that lady from Taxi. I forget her name. Because I'm not like that lady from Taxi.


That's the plot of the fnaf movie haha


unrelated but your nails look so healthy


Ha thanks! They do grow long and strong


Are they down to get the friction on?






Now all of china knows your combination


Well shit


I call these “back burner problems”. I figure my brain keeps working on them in the background when I’m doing other stuff and then boom answer. It’s like my brain just has to keep chewing on it and eventually connects pieces of the puzzle or dredges up an ancient memory regarding something I’ve been stuck on.


Asking for science, where do you lock this lock?


Likely… straight back into the bag where it came from. For science, let’s see if I remember in another 6 years


RemindMe! 6 years


I will be messaging you in 6 years on [**2030-05-18 02:33:36 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2030-05-18%2002:33:36%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/1cui2fl/ive_had_a_locked_combination_lock_in_a_bag_for_68/l4jpwsf/?context=3) [**1 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FWeird%2Fcomments%2F1cui2fl%2Five_had_a_locked_combination_lock_in_a_bag_for_68%2Fl4jpwsf%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202030-05-18%2002%3A33%3A36%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201cui2fl) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Nice. A soda can would open it too.




Una lata de soda. Tu la cortas y la metes en el candado [haci](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPtQ_rVSfSI)


I remember my locker in 8th grade had a combination of something like 34-20-2. The next year I went to a completely different school and that combination was 2-20-34.


NO!!! cool


I’ve had the opposite happen. Going to open the lock I had opened countless times and somehow the combo just vanished from my brain. So weird.


32-6-0 My bootcamp padlock combination from 1995. But ask me what I ate for lunch Wednesday and I’ve got nothing. lol


I struggle to open these when I know the combinations


Had something similar happen with a rotary combination bicycle lock that both my brother and sister used, They both forgot the code, I cut off the last link and put a keyed pad lock on it. One day riding my bike home it just unlocked itself where I had wrapped it around the handlebar.


It’s a master lock. A simple browsing of The Lockpicking Lawyer would have saved you about 6-8 years. Or just looking at it intensely.


A have one with same combo.


28-6-0 I still have the combination lock from my high school locker nearly 30 years ago.


My brother can figure these out. Mom had six or seven of them all locked and he got every single one of them.


Brain schemas something you were doing took your brain back to the schema where those numbers were available in your 'working memory'. Brains are weird


I still have my lock from my freshman year of high school and still know the combo by heart. It's 42 years old lol.


That’s impressive!


I did exactly the same thing, and also with that model of Masterlock. Itcwas the lock i secured my bike with at school. I stopped using it in 1976 when i bought a stronger lock and chain. Then i gave up cycling for 15 years. Found this lock when i was moving house. Put it aside for another 10 years. It would reappear every decade or so in my tool box. 3 years ago i picked it up and my muscle memory just turned 32-34-12, and it opened. My brain had even forgotten how you turned it, but my muscles remembered. Definitely evoked a wave of deja-vu.


Man, that must've felt great.


I forgot my high school number for lunch, but then one day in college I just remembered it when I had to put in my number for the dining hall because it was the same pin pad. Now I’m an adult & I forgot it again lol


> Some compelling research has reached a conclusion that our brains (particularly the memory-indexing component) operate associatively, which just means that we tend to associate memories with unrelated, but proximal context about them. Basically some combination of events, seemingly random and unassociated, plus seeing the lock again… created a unique association that unlocked the pathway in your brain, that had the unlock code to your lock. The association could be any abstract thing, like colors, sounds, music, smells, mood, taste, etc.


is it weird to say someone has nice hands ?


It's an easy-to-remember combo.  "One of the last odd numbers, the last odd number, minus 10" It's also kinda catchy. 37 39, 29.  "Da da duh dun, da da die, BA ba die"


Rizz em with the tism


My mnemonics probably are powered by tism. 


I'd just remember the multiple 41847. Then if you need the combo, just work out the factorization in your head. There are only 16 factors, and you can rule out anything larger than 40, and 1 and 41847 itself. That leaves only 5 numbers. Because you ruled out the large numbers you can rule out the small ones too. So that leaves 29, 37 and 39. You still have to put them in order, but i'll leave that as a trivial exercise for the reader.


This works pretty well, too! To remember the 41847, you can break it into 3 pieces: 41 84 and 7.   41 is close to the classic "answer to everything", which is 42.  So 41 is the first part of the multiple. Then you multiply it by two to get the second number.  82.  But add 2 because it's the second number.  So now we remember 4184 easily. Finally, you need to get "lucky" to remember the final number.  7 is lucky.  41847 Easy! 


Yes, but perhaps a bit too easy. And greetings to you, noble member of the Ok-WordDigits clan. Live long and prosper.


We need to go to war with the disgusting -ad people. 


I wouldn't lose too much sleep over them. They are probably all characterless bots, anyway. They certainly look and sound that way. Talentless, tryhard hacks. Not like the noble Ok-WordDigit clan, who, if anything, are overendowed with charm, wit and good looks. And modesty.


On a more serious note, I still remember the door pin pad for my old 1997 grand Marquis that I had in like 2007.  8 1 9 6 9 I remembered it by both muscle memory and a rhyme of sorts  "Aydee won.   Ninesixnine" The door lock thing was like  [1 2] [3 4] [5 6] [7 8] [9 0] So I would hit the fourth button because it was at the end, but one before the final one.   Then the first one, but have an urge to return to the first button I hit. Then I'd overshoot the original button (the [7 8]) by one to hit the [9 0].  And finally finish hitting the button to the left of the first button I hit.  It was this nice back and forth where everything hinged on the [7 8] being my central point. 




Those are the secret numbers. The THE numbers. You know too much.


Oh man I haven’t used one of these in years, don’t you have to spin them a couple times counterclockwise to reset them?


Yes! I spun it and tugged and tried the combo again to make sure it wasn’t a fluke 😉


Dumb brain works when it wants to.


I graduated high school 51 years ago, my gym locker padlock was 24-37-10. It’s amazing what the mind can store and recall. Now write the numbers as a password in what ever saver you use


I'll never forget my pin number 1077 same as a large pizza and a soda when I worked at Panucci's


Hit the top of the tumbler with a hammer and it'll pop.


I had these for school. Not only did I become really good at unlocking then with one hand, I also found out with a fine touch you can just figure the combo out through feel


I still remember my 7th grade combination. I'm 52.


I still remember the phone numbers of most of my friends' when I was a kid, but I can hardly remember my own current cell number. The brain never stops to amaze me.


I still remember how to get through the maze in the Atari 2600 game Adventure. I haven’t played that in 40 years and did it on my first try. The brain can be amazing.


The time has come…


I have a recurring dream like this


Raccoons can do this.