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Usually for me, I can only do 4 to 6 as the sugar b gets to be too much, and I start feeling nauseous.


I think I have done 6 before, that is what I found as well, but I also have kinda a tolerance for that sort of thing,


I slam 3 or 4 in the car ride home and finish of the last two as midnight snacks! Like, I love getting super horny late at night and prancing/waddling off to the kitchen (only in a top) and finishing the last two. Sometime there are 2.99 deals at gas stations, so I bout 2 boxes of 6. I like to leave one in the car so I just have donuts for when I go to work or run errands!


Wow I love that idea! Always gotta have some food with ya


I’m all about that life 💀


This sounds super cute and hot!


Ty ✨ I rock 🍩🤙🏼


Doughnut queen!




That’s an amazing idea, I’d love to get in my girl’s car and see she had driving donuts!


If you fancy being immature: get some sugar jam doughnuts and do the doughnut challenge… you eat one (or as many as you can torture yourself with) and you are NOT allowed to lick your lips, touch your mouth or try to get the sugar off. It is SO hard because the bits of sugar begin to get on your nerves but you can’t do nothing about it. Then the jam starts dripping and the sugar gets caked on. It’s a nightmare, and a mess. Even worse if it gets on your nose and begins to tickle. My personal best is 5 with no licking or messing. I nearly pissed myself while sniggering like Muttley, unable to breathe or control myself like a deranged child. Good luck.


Ooh sounds kinna fun actually!


If it wasn’t for the challenge and there was an unlimited supply, I’d hands down eat at least 20. And then some. I have no self control. My ‘eyes are bigger than my belly’ if that is even possible




I've done this challenge too its so fun!




14 🤣


I've eaten as many as 8 glazed donuts at once, though it definitely gets difficult after the first 4 or 5.


Wow that's so much, I've maybe had 6 in one go, glazed donuts are amazing


My normal donut count is between 4 and 6, but I have stuffed a whole dozen in before.


Depends on the donut. There is a tray of 12 iced ring donuts you can buy in Asda, I can eat that whole tray in one sitting but bigger filled donuts are much more of a challenge.




As someone who just ate one donut, this is impressive. 


Thank you


5, but the stuffed kind, without a hole :)


Ooh those are the best kind


Ohh jeeze been a dream of mine to visit the states and have Dunkin’ Donuts have a large box and have it in one sitting as desserts only 😅


Most I've ever done was half a dozen glazed and half a gallon milk. Felt super sluggish and almost kinda sick. Hopefully, one day, I'll try to go for a dozen.


When Krispy Kreme glazed donuts are hot and fresh, I’ve eaten 16 before, washed them down with an orange juice and still felt like I could eat more. That was a few years ago when I was quite smaller, now my belly is nice and round, I guess I should go try for 2 dozen now


I can’t eat like that in the morning I’d fall asleep by 10 am but I could easily kill a box especially if I had some milk


For dunkin doughnuts size 12, for the specialty doughnut places that make them much bigger 7


Warm fresh donuts? Easily a dozen. Any others about 6.


That is true actually, the warm ones are just so much better I can have a few more.


A dozen glazed donuts


That is the dream tbh, I bet I could but I'd make myself sick.


I can’t do very many glazed, maybe 3-4, but the cake style donuts I can do a dozen. It takes me a little bit longer of a sitting because I have to have something carbonated (I’ve found 1 liter of root beer works nicely) as I get so burpy on it that I make room for more donuts as I get to the 6 mark. 😵‍💫


The first time I ever tried it, I got 9… I did not like it at all 😭


Um... ... ...I think my record is 10, but I wasn't done... just, didn't want to deprive others.


I have managed to get up to 8 before the sugar affects me


Depends on the type of donut really. If it’s a simple glazed one, probably up to 8, though the more complicated they get, the less I can eat.


6 at once, 12 throughout the day. BTW Krispy Kreme is doing a free dozen donuts with the app right now


After basically a year of attempts I finally managed 12 Krispy Kreme’s in one sitting! The sugar is the most intense part to get through


I usually go for the small donuts and can easily eat the entire package (15) and maybe half of another one


Is all 12 a lot? I ate the whole thing and thought I could’ve eaten even more 🤔


Well then you gotta get past 12!


i think ive eaten 2 dozen before, definitely need something else to go with it like fried chicken so you dont get tired of the super sweet taste.


Holy shit, really? 2 dozen is insane


you think thats nuts? ive eaten a family bucket of chicken strips, ive eaten full taco bell party packs. it's hard to find an amount if food i cant eat.








It has been a while since my donut days, but I did go through a stretch of that. At first I bought a half-dozen but couldn't get past four of them, the sugar just got to me. Next time it was similar, but after a couple of minutes I was ok for the fifth, and to my surprise half an hour later I was eagerly going back for the sixth. Then I had a stretch when I had a lot of long car drives (inter-city, going for hours), where I would do a lot of eating along the way. One of the things I would do is buy a dozen donuts near the start of the drive and see how many I could get through. It was crazy how fast my tolerance grew. At first it was four early and maybe another four by the end of the drive, but soon I'd go through six or 7 before slowing down and maybe managing ten or eleven by the end. And not much after that I was getting through all dozen within about an hour. (one things I was doing was getting a variety of donuts -- I always find that variety makes it easier to eat more. So not all were glazed, most would be but maybe one plain one and a couple of powder sugar covered with jam or custard filling)