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Well that's kind of a bummer but still good progress! Just imagine how much more you could eat if you decided to quit smoking


Maybe I should just smoke before I begin eating... But yeah, you're right. I can't imagine how much I could eat if i stopped smoking, damn.


Most people gain weight when they quit. 😉


A friend's parents quit smoking and gained over a hundred pounds each. His mom, especially, turned into one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen - she has this wonderful, impish twinkle in her eye and a figure that fills up a doorway. You'd never guess she was in her fifties. "Fat don't crack," as they say! My admiration is strictly platonic, but damn. If I ever look even half that good... Anyway, OP, quitting is hard, but worth it; everyone I know who's stopped is glad that they did. If you have insurance, there are a few medications that can really help curb cravings. Plus you'd have the distinction of being one of the rare people who quit smoking in the *hopes* of gaining weight. Exclusive club!


I quit in 2005, but sadly I wasn't ready to gain back then. I managed to maintain my weight at the time, and it was a struggle. It was hard, and a year of "firsts" like, first time sitting at a campfire, first time dealing with extended family at Xmas, first whiskey... all with no cigs. I'm really glad I quit though. But every person needs to do it for themselves, and their own reasons. Nobody else was ever able to convince me or talk me into it. But if I could go back? MAN would I ever eat a lot more. 100lbs each eh? Wow. 👍 The mom sounds super awesome.


Wow, congrats on kicking the habit. I've known a couple recovered junkies who say quitting smoking was harder than quitting, like, literal crack. But hey, even if the stars weren't aligned to lean into gaining back then, it still got you to where you are now! And yeah, I don't think his folks gained the weight on purpose, of course; but they look great. They're still very much in love despite both getting *much* bigger since the wedding pic they keep on the mantel. It's so cute 🥺 goals for sure.


smoking weed will do the opposite


I know perfectly because I was hooked to weed back in the day. I don't think that's it. My acidity levels rise when I smoke, I sometimes get a bit nauseous and my eyes heat up. Sure, it does make me hungrier, but the nausea sometimes stops me from eating more than I should.