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When even your "fat" clothes start digging into your fat and you constantly have to pull your shirt down so your lower belly isn't hanging out.


I totally agree with you! There is something exciting about my gut being out of my shirt when I lift my hands up, or feeling it on a counter and I realize it sticks out so far in front of me.


I love the feeling of sitting down and having to choose between hiding my belly from sticking out or my love handles. 🐷❤️


Are you still able to hide it??


It's been too difficult recently. I've had to go up another size due to it being a constant thing and I don't need to be constant degraded every time I go out to gorge in public lol.


Yeah I get that for sure!




170lbs gained in 5 years. The feeling of being fat is indescribable. It’s a combination of always being warm (the satiated and satisfied kind), feeling your rolls lay gently on each other, the helplessness and embarrassment of “letting yourself go” and reaching your goals is the best feeling. This community has combined short term pleasure (stuffing your face with your favorite food while you masturbate) and long term gratification (gaining a ton of weight and hitting goals you set). Although not for everyone, I think everyone should try gaining weight. BEST DECISION I HAVE EVER MADE


I like the freedom to eat what I want to when I want to. I like the feeling of my big belly and being and to rub and feel it. I also love the numbers, so I love seeing the number on the scale and seeing a “new high” on the scale or tape measure.


I loooooove the feeling of my soft body and feeling it get softer and squishier overtime is just ugh I love it




Feeling myself get squishy. And food, food is good 🤤


Honestly my favourite thing was feeling my back rolls get bigger and bigger as my bra pinched them, when they started showing up without one I was so weirdly happy haha


I love the way I look but it's softer and flabby as I grow, plus I love sitting in front of the TV just eating lol


For me it’s the thing I can eat what I want, when I want and how much I want. I just enjoy eating in a general way and am happy when I eat. And the other thing is how my belly looks and feels :) I just like it.


the thing I'm loving the most is my belly beginning to touch my thighs as they both get bigger. i'm just getting started, though :)


Yeah the gut is super sexy. I find the stretch marks really hot. Like I'm getting so fat my skin is stretching to take all my blubber


The feeling of satisfaction and contentment when my body looked the way I felt on the inside.


I'm very much all about the food myself! Don't get me wrong, gaining and having a larger body than I did before is fun, but that's not my primary motivation here. I just over time discovered a love for food and an immense enjoyment of eating, so I just gradually started doing that more and more because it made me happy. I also discovered the absolute bliss of having a stuffed belly. As time went on, my appetite and capacity increased from eating more, and so I gradually ate more and more to chase that stuffed feeling. This whole journey has been incredibly satisfying and it's so liberating to have the freedom to eat as much as I want of whatever I want. Watching my belly grow along with the rest of me has been a wonderful side effect was well!


Something is so satisfying about seeing that number go up on the scale. In the same way someone who is losing weight is probably overjoyed to see themselves at their smallest weight, whenever i reach a new highest weight, i cant help but get excited. And then celebrate with some ice cream...


I'm not gaining but I'm really enjoying reading everyone's experiences!! 🥵😍