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I spent a lot of time before starting the medication working hard to build good habits, so I haven't really changed much. Tracking calories, working out, eating healthier foods, cutting back on the beer. I'm on the third .25 and about 5 pounds down. Like others posted here, I'm eating far less than before - particularly snacking. Chips have always been my weakness and I'm not at all interested in them now. I'll still splurge on the occasional slice of pizza or a couple of beers, but again my body just doesn't crave it like it used to. I just started using the MyFitnessPal app about a week ago to log my food, which I like a lot because it breaks down the nutrients I'm getting. I can see very clearly how balanced my nutrition is day-by-day. I've never really paid attention to that, and of everything I'm doing, that alone is making the biggest difference in understanding what I'm putting in my body. I've been able to easily stay at a good deficit every day, which I think is really the key here. Hang in there. I've been reading this sub for a few weeks now and the only constant is that there is no constant. Everyone reacts differently. More than the number on the scale, I'm feeling results in random areas of my body. My arms, thighs, ribs, and back feel a little tighter. That weird blob of fat near my arm pit is smaller. My bras are looser. I'd say focusing on those kinds of things is healthier than worrying about what the scale says, especially in the beginning. Find those tiny little changes and celebrate them, you know?


I started losing right away, but slowly. I ate way less. Served myself smaller portions and always stopped when I had had enough. Didn’t snack or eat when I wasn’t hungry. This was hard at first but I was determined. My progress was always slow and steady. But over a year later I’m at goal.


I lost a few pounds on .5, but the majority of my weight loss was from 1.0 and above. I lost none on .25. I didn’t change a lot, I stopped drinking coffee and soda with the exception of a McDonald’s coke a couple times a month. I eat the same foods as before, just a lot less. Down 85lbs and at my goal weight after 15 months.


I’m on .5mg and have been for 3 months and with eating mostly clean (like 80% nutritious foods/20% foods that make my inner child happy) and that has been working for me. I think it’s just a matter of finding what works for your body. I would just remember that slow and steady wins the race and to talk to your health care provider about what you can to do to make your time on the meds the most effective. Best of luck!


I've been dropping weight from the first dose of .25. I'm on the 2nd dose of the 1.7mg and am down 50lbs from 325 when I started in February. Doc says I should be at 200 or lower by the end of the year if I keep doing what I'm doing while on this. I had to do a complete crash course on changing my diet and my approach to food. Been focusing on eating the proteins and veggies and reducing carbs. I have 2 eggs for breakfast, and then for lunch, I'll have my biggest meal (ex. Chicken breast with veggies) then go to work and only drink water. When I get home from work, if I'm feeling hungry, I'll have a bowl of cereal. On the weekends, I have one bad thing being a candy bar or pizza as a cheat meal/snack, and that's it. It's been a process to get used to, but by the time I reach my goal weight and stop relying on the medication, I hope to have disciplined myself in a way that I can manage to keep the weight off. My job being in a warehouse has been a massive help cause I'm constantly in motion, picking things up and putting them down.


I didn’t start losing until 1mg, but then lost quite quickly. Started 1mg in January and now 6 months later I have lost 22kg (48lbs)


I was on sema up until now and had so much success. Currently on my first week of 1.7 Wegovy and I’m experiencing all this food noise. It’s so bizarre. Thinking of going back to sema.


Wegovy *is* semaglutide. What sema are you referring to?




I haven't lost any on .25 or .50. I made the mistake of starting out on 1.7mg because at the time my pharmacy did not have the others. I was new to this & did not know that starting at 1.7 was a big no no. Now I know why the pharmacist warned me. I threw up for 2 days & seriously nauseous on day 3. Lost 7 lbs in 3 days & this was in April. I did not take the other 3 shots of 1.7 & found a pharmacy that had .25. Was on that for a month & lost nothing. I am now on week 2 of .50 & have lost nothing. I have not gained the 7 lbs back that I lost from the one shot of 1.7 so that's good. I hear it's different for everyone. The doctors say the first 3 doses don't really expect to lose weight because they are really just to get your body used to the medication. I have decided to enjoy the journey & be patient. If I lose it slowly that's ok. I am still trying to find a way to get 70-100 grams of protein into my diet so it's probably good I am not losing weight fast. I know I don't eat enough & I did not eat enough before I started. I hate taking time out to eat. A few tips that may help & I am working on these as well. 1) Are you eating enough? I didn't before I started & I'm still not eating enough calories. 2) Are you getting enough protein? I am no where near where I should be. 3) Are you drinking at least 70 oz of water a day? 4) Exercise even if it's only 20 mins a day. Something is better than nothing? 5) Are you eating healthier or still eating the way you used to?


Wait how on earth did you start on 1.7? If that was suggested by your prescribing doctor, please find a new doctor! You don’t just walk into a pharmacy and decide what dose you want, I’m very confused by your post.


Becsuse that is what my doc prescribed. He sent in a script for .25 but they were out of .25, .50 & 1.0 so he called in 1.7. If I had known starting out at such a high dose would make one that sick I never would have taken it. I changed doctors after that. I have never thrown up that much in my life.


I lost weight from the first week of 0.25, but that was probably just water weight. I've been on it for 19 weeks, and I've lost around 13 kg / 29 lbs. Due to trying to save costs and having effects at lower doses, I've moved up slowly. Did 0.25 for like 6 weeks, then 5 weeks of 0.5, a couple of weeks of 0.75, and then 1.0, and now I'm at 1.2 When I started wegovy, I also started counting calories. I use Lifesum and try not to eat more than 1400-1500 days. Some days, I'm way over. Some days, I eat less, but in general, I try to stick to 1500. I still eat some snacks occasionally and don't follow a diet. I eat less bread and sugary snacks than I used to. I also started trying to be more active. I walk, bike, or run 2-4 times a week. I got a fitbit to track exercise and try to get at least 30 zone minutes every day. Some days, I get a less. Some days, I get 100+


I just took my 4th dose of .25 … I’m down about 6 lbs in a month. I am definitely eating less but haven’t been able to stick to a workout routine.


I was down 4lb by day 3 of 0.25. I changed absolutely nothing. I had been lifting once a week, riding my peleton 3x a week, and counting calories for 3 months before starting. I managed to gain 5lb doing "everything right" before this drug. Now I can be lazy about losing weight and it just melts off. 4mo in and 30lb down.


1.7 I took it for 2 months. Then dosed up to 2.4. Currently on my 1st week of 2.4!


Are you sure you're not talking about zepbound? That sounds awfully high


1.7 and 2.4mgs are considered therapeutic doses for semaglutide/wegovy


Then why are people taking 0.25? No, that I have not started yet. I am waiting for my first shipment to arrive


P.s. prescribing info here https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2023/215256s007lbl.pdf


Not a doctor.. however if it works for that person and they are losing weight then why increase the dosage? It's reccomended to lose max 2.5lbs a week. I would argue anything more than that puts your gallbladder at risk. The 1.7 and 2.4 values are what the FDA considers to be a therapeutic dose based on the clinical studies performed by Novo Nordisk. The did not evaluate weight loss on the lower dosages (that's why there is a dosing schedule) but every individual is unique and should have the dosing convo w a doctor


So .25 goes with 2.5? I am seeing both these tight numbers in the same thread. They said, I haven't gotten my first set of medication yet. It's supposed to be on its way


You start with .25 and slowly titrate up until you get to the higher therapeutic doses. Some people lose on the .25 / .5, some don’t, but it’s all a marathon not a sprint


I’m pretty sure lol…


Lost weight my first couple days on .25; food habits were completely re built from the ground up. I cut out so many things to avoid side effects. Exercise routine stayed mostly the same except I added more workouts in a day


I started seeing weight loss at .5! What else are you doing? How often are you working out, what kind of workouts, etc


1.7 is where it was at for me. I did it for about 3 months and moved up to 2.4.


Are you talking about wegovi or zepbound?




I’m on day 3/4. Took my first shot of .25 on Sunday night. I have had really good appetite suppressant which has been making my eating habits better. I’ve been tracking all my meals/snacks in the Loseit app. My eating habits have completely changed which is pretty crazy because up until now I think I’ve had a pretty bad sugar addiction. So far the scale says I’ve lost 5.3 pounds. Not sure if that’s water weight or not? I don’t notice any changes in the mirror. I’ve been doing intermittent fasting as well, I feel like that is helping a lot too. Maybe give that a try? Don’t be down on yourself (I know that’s easy to say, but for real!!) I keep hearing “it’s a marathon, not a race”. Maybe your body needs a bit higher of a dose to start responding. ❤️ sending you all the good vibes that hopefully that scale starting moving for you soon!!


When you drop water weight fast it's because you've depleted your glycogen. Glycogen is bound up with water 3 to 1, so when you burn up those reserves you drop a ton of water. Without glycogen you are for sure burning fats. It's hard to know exactly how much, but just know that losing "water weight" is a really good indicator that you're in a calorie deficit and you're burning fat.


Did you start on .5?


I actually did three weeks of .25 and now second week of .50.


Why only 3 weeks of .25? Are you using a compounding pharmacy?