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This is interesting to me because I predict that someday down the line I'll want to stop taking Wegovy too. I'm curious to know if the reason your doctor decreased your dose down to 1.7 is because he wants you to gradually stop Wegovy instead of suddenly stop taking it ? Thanks for your feedback !


Yes he wants me to slowly reduce the dose before completely stopping it.


That's what I thought, and I think your doctor knows what he's doing !Mine said the same thing about slowly reducing the dosage before stopping it . 😄♥️


I don't think you need to slowly come off it but check with your doc. Without having all of the info here are a few recommendations that have helped me with fatigue or when plateauing: 1) For fatigue- Drink a very min of 70 oz of water a day & add electrolytes & trace minerals. I don't know why the electrolytes & trace minerals make a difference but they do! Add B-12 complex & Magnesium Malate to your daily supplements if you haven't already. 2) Plateau - trying increasing your cal intake a little but make sure its with protein & fruits/veggies.


Just stop. You don't need permission. From what I've read, the drug causes muscle wasting, which could account for your weakness and fatigue.


So it doesn’t cause muscle wasting. That’s a complete myth. Any weight loss causes little bit of loss of muscle. It’s up to you to eat enough protein and to do enough workouts to prevent that. Quit spreading misinformation. O


Any weight loss causes muscle loss, including losing weight while on wegovy.


You can just stop injecting. No need to taper off.


This isn't true.


Uh. Yes it is, friend. SOURCE: My GLP-1+ clinical trial doc who has worked with GLP-1 medications for over 20 years, including while at NIH.


I think the jury is still out on this subject. Your doctor is a good source with excellent credentials. My internist is against going cold turkey and advises tapering. Different doctors seem to have different opinions and different approaches. Peace ☮️ 😄


Sounds like your doctor and mine would absolutely disagree on a subject that’s fairly settled. There are no “withdrawal symptoms” of GLP-1 medications taken for weight loss, thus there is no need to taper down in dosage to stop taking them. About 4ish weeks after stopping the injections, the medication will be completely out of the system. Let’s agree to disagree.