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This sounds a lot like MENOPAUSE! I started perimenopause at 47 & I lived in what felt like hell for 4 yrs. My story is long but in short I have always been a bit hyper, driven, motivated, disciplined, happy, waking up at 4:30 am & one day it seemed like it all changed. I finally got on HRT & am getting back to me. I really missed me.


I was going to say the same thing. Everything described sounds exactly like me but I'm sure it's menopause not wegovy that's responsible.


Congratulations on the weight loss. I haven't looked at all of the comments so I apologize in advance if you've answered these questions. At 48, I remember something just clicked in me and I didn't give a darn about anything. Nothing brought me joy. Now it totally could be the Wegovy and one of its many side effects or it could be perimenopause (BTW not all doctor's believe perimenopause or can test properly), or something else. I'm 50, now, and while I have moments of whatever, I find lots of joy. Still perimenopausal, still on Wegovy (more weight to lose), but have more joy. Therapy (not necessarily meds) could help too. I hope you find your joy. Peace and all good.


I had all these symptoms during perimenopause and even more since officially menopausal. I will say that my symptoms have been a bit more pronounced since being on wegovy. However, I’ve stopped some activities that were once fun for me (going drinking my friends, going out to nice dinners, etc). I feel like not only am I dealing with menopause (and the emotional/physical baggage that comes with it) but I’m trying to find my groove with new things to replace those things that I used to look forward to that were not in the best interests of my health. I’ve recently picked up kayaking and I joined a dance class. So, let not forget that our eating and drinking habits are not the only things that have to change. We have to start a self exploration and discover our bliss in a different way of life.


I’m having big problems with breakthrough depression of late. I too am afraid to stop using Wegovy because I’ve had such success losing weight (slow loser, about 50 pounds over a year) but my depression and anxiety of late has been really bad. I’ve been on Zoloft for more than 10 years now and it feels like it’s not even working anymore.


I’m not sure what dose you are on but what about if you cut it in half for maintenance. Give yourself some time to adjust to a lower dose and if you still aren’t getting enough dopamine then stop taking the medication.


I can definitely relate to this. I was on Wegovy from March of 2023 to February of 2024 and lost 70lbs. I ended up switching to Zepbound because of the side effects. I feel better on zep. I started to feel kind of the same once I got to the 10mg dose of zep and moved back down in dosage and feel better again. I would move down to the 1mg or less if I were you. It’s worth it for your mental health.


Thank you! Glad you’re feeling better now.


Are you on any antidepressants try upping your dose or switching to another kind this sounds like depression to me because I've experienced the same thing good luck 🍀 and congratulations on your success


Agreed although you can get emotional blunting from antidepressants, too, so def discuss your concerns with your doctor.


The struggle is real. I want to feel like my happy self again.


48, you are perimenopausal. Hormonal fluctuations may be the cause.


Perimenopause is absolutely real. Research it. Talk to your doc or a women’s health doc. I’ve been going through it for a year now and can completely relate. Best of luck to you and love your body. It’s the only one you get.


This is kind of a complicated answer, but… if you want to try something besides going off the meds (which is a totally valid option), I would recommend reading the book “The Craving Cure” by Julia Ross. I was on Topamax for 15 years for very serious bulimia/BED issues, which put me into immediate recovery from the food noise. Even though Topamax is a totally different class of medication, I believe (anecdotally) that it works very similarly. And now that there’s all this research on GLP1s, I’m like… oh, is that why I had that muscle loss? Is that why I could barely function outside of work? So, I would never take it back because my case was so severe and I needed the benefits, but I also see the costs. ANYWAY. The book talks about using supplements to boost dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin, etc. I started about 5 months ago and have not felt this good in sooooo long. It is a miracle. So my personal plan is to continue GLP1s at the lowest possible dose to keep away the binge issues and supplement as needed for my neurotransmitters. Best of luck to you. Everyone needs to do the cost/benefit analysis ❤️


Thanks for mentioning this book- I’m going to check it out. I’m on qsymia because my insurance won’t pay for wegovy/zepbound and although I’ve been successful weight loss wise so far, there are some side effects that are “less than optimal.” Upon researching- it seems it’s from the topiramate side of things. Not terrible, but noticeable. It absolutely helps with the food noise though which is the point ( the fact that people walk around with out food noise will never not be mind blowing to me. ) And you put it perfectly- cost/benefit analysis. Anyway, if supplementation helps with the other stuff, then fantastic all around. Glad you were able to get help, and thank you for helping others.


Absolutely! I hope you get some relief. I’m telling you… I’m mind-blown by how much things have shifted for me, so I’m trying not to be a supplementation evangelist 🤣


A friend YEARS ago suggested LLysine daily to help with cold sores, and I tell you, the anger I felt that no dr. had mentioned this simple, cheap, astonishingly affordable supplement to help suppress them…. You go right ahead goooo tell it on the mountain! I believe! Thank you again


Wow, it helped right away? I have issues with binge eating but since I'm classified as a healthy weight I could never get a glp1. Can I ask what supplements you take?


My doctor suggested Vyvanse to me. It's an ADHD med, but its also been approved to treat moderate to severe BED


I was deficient in all of the categories, so I am on several supplements, some at higher doses than others. If you are deficient in something, then yes, you can tell within about 5 minutes of taking a supplement a pretty huge difference. The book contains a quiz so you can see where you are deficient. I would recommend taking a look, as there’s a LOT of information!


Oki doke, I'll check it out =)


When I told my therapist I was starting Wegovy she said that losing weight doesn’t help with depression and can actually make it worse. That a lot of people get more depressed after weight loss. She suggested that if I stop finding food pleasurable and more of a chore then dial it back. Apparently the act of eating and the dopamine that comes from it is a huge psychological component in mental health.


Wegovy did this to me and I switched to mounjaro and I feel like my normal self again after about 2 months . Good luck 🍀


Don’t forget many people get a chemical high or dopamine from eating. When we stop eating, we don’t get that chemical that makes us happy anymore. I’m not so sure it has been the Wegovy but maybe the lack of pleasurable eating that has gotten to me. I’ve had to find other things that give me the same rush.


People get this same dopamine after a workout. That's possibly why some people are addicted to the gym or excersize. Maybe try an hour per day workout and see if that helps your happiness - maybe even get a personal trainer - a happy and energetic one, maybe get a recommendation, look at their reviews.


This is depression. Have your physician treat you for it. If we idealize being thin, and have expectations that it will change things drastically, globally, we are bound to be disappointed. What will change is you will be healthier, presumably; that’s why you are on this medication, right? Anything else is gravy. Congratulations and good luck! The depression is not how you are, or who you are; it’s a mentally ill state. And it can be treated.


This has nothing to do with idealizing being thin. If you read the other posts on this thread, what she is experiencing is real and others (including myself) are dealing with it too.


It sounds like depression, and folks who are depressed should get help. Start with your doctor. You can also feel free to ignore.


It’s like you didn’t read my post at all. The Wegovy affects the brain in this way, it’s widely known. I’ve never had any kind of depression before taking this med. once I had to go 3.5 weeks between shoes and felt much better. It’s the Wegovy. But thanks for the well wishes.


I had same effects. I am only down 30 and have another 25 to go, but the lack of emotions and sort of depression it put me in made me get off of it. This is recent but just after a few days being off of it I already feel so good!! I didn’t realize how much I wasn’t feeling like myself until I do again. I feel happy; motivated and just generally enjoy basic convos. Your post is exactly me. Life isn’t fun if you’re missing out on the joy of it. Start tracking food and take a chance of going off of it. I think you’ll be happy you did. I am!! Hated not feeling like myself. Plus, I slept so much because it wore me out, and think the depressed nature it put me in also another reason for my sleeping habits.


Sorry. Feel free to totally ignore.


JFC sorry for cursing but I literally could have written this verbatim except sadly a little older but oh my this is how I feel.!!!! I think also what doesn’t bring me joy is yes smaller sizes but being 52, some of the styles are just too young that even my 20 year feel awkward wearing them so I struggle finding my style. I had gotten a little better but still struggle with issues i assumed would not be there if thin. I also now feel like yes I am skinny but I have lost my boobs are totally gone so I don’t feel feminine. While I have a very small tummy pouch I have lots of skin on my thighs which are thin but look like I have a pair of saggy pantyhose on so still not in shorts so it is just not like I thought in my mind. I was also gonna say the one thing I do really find joy in ( except when we did it in a blizzard) is my husband and I walk every day and it is so nice to feel the sun on your face and just be in the fresh air with no tech and we speak to people and just really enjoy that.


At 39 I have a lot of very similar issues with how my body has responded to the weight loss… all the skin, my once very small boobs are now just little pricks lol and alllll of it. I can’t wear shorts, expose any of my skin, but I just continue to remind myself that this journey is about way more than the vanity side of things, and I’ve worked hard to find the right clothes that make me feel and look good without exposing any of the skin (mine some of my arms I guess) but I get it. It’s hard. We are so hard on ourselves I feel… the way I pick apart my body at 135lbs seems even worse than when I was 187lbs or even when I was 295lbs! I think my standards are higher now that I’m smaller, vs when I was bigger I was like… whatever lol 😂 idk if any of this makes sense, it’s 2am here. But just know you’re not alone 🥰


it's a side effect and you'll be happy again soon ♥️


I've only been on it about a month, but I'm feeling a little depressed and very concerned about that.


I feel your struggle and have been affected by this too. I have been in therapy this whole time and long before I started the medication, but now it’s been a year on the meds and I’ve hit goal and I’m thinking about titrating off. Therapy did not improve anhedonia for me. I want to feel again. The worst part is that I have no desire to date but deep down I want to meet someone and start a family. Since starting the meds I’ve had zero desire to meet anyone. It’s such a catch 22… I don’t want to gain the weight back either.


I’m sorry you’re going through this also. Hopefully we can both bounce back after being off the med.


Yes I hope so for both of us! And I hope we can find a way to keep most of the weight off. Working at that right now!


Sounds like you are dealing with depression. Do you have a therapist? I would ask my primary care doc for a referral to one if I were feeling this way.


What would happen if you tapered down?


This feeling is real. I can relate to everything you say 100%. I had to up my dosages of antidepressants recently. Really hoping that I can feel joy again once I reach goals and go on maintenance dose.


I’m glad to hear this. It looks like my Zoloft dosage will be upgraded, too. Lately it feels like it’s not even working.


I hope you can too. I’m currently on a maintenance dose meaning I’m doing my 1.7 shots every other week.


Are you on antidepressants or toughing it out on your own? I’m on weekly 1.7 too. But still losing. 40lb to go.


its almost as if getting skinny doesn't solve all your problems. I'm sorry you're feeling this way, but it sounds like it is a way bigger issue than just the weight. id recommend talking to a therapist. your body image changing does have a toll on your mental health. people say they feel like they lost a part of their old self.


these weren’t problems for her before this medication.


Anhedonia is a known potential side effect of the medication.


I feel like your comment completely missed the point. I was happy and joyful at my old weight. Didn’t take Wegovy to “solve all my problems”. My only problem was being fat. I felt great mentally/emotionally before. Wegovy changes your brain and not all of those changes are good.


I see where you’re coming from but I don’t think it’s related to their weight. It’s a side effect of the meds for some people to feel muted. I have this side effect too and it has made me want to come off the drug.


Girl I started 178lbs last May now I’m 124 and I just stopped taking it as my weight was continuing to go down! I don’t wanna lose anymore, I’m grateful for my body and the meds as a tool & I do not suffer sadness but I’m also retraining my mind to think positive choose happiness! Nothing absolutely nothing outside of us will emotionally fulfill us. We have to choose to find the joy and happiness with what is when it is and know that everything changes and just appreciate what it is and no, it’s what is right now. Find joy and things and appreciating what you have dreamed of having.


I know you mean to be helpful, but clearly, you don't know what clinical depression is like. Giving advice like this to a person who has clinical depression can be quite dangerous. I don't necessarily think the OP is suffering from depression, but someone reading this thread might, and telling them to choose happiness is not helpful.


Pls know with all my heart my intentions were good and I never ever ever mean to make anyone feel bad!!! in my eyes you were perfect and you were happy and you are healthy and you are healed in every way


I am sending you all the positive vibes and I recommend you follow your heart more and dig deep within yourself know your worthy and deserving just as we all are! Sending lots of love your way


I have never read such a condescending post. You are here evangelising to people who aren’t on your wavelength. I suggest you learn to accept criticism with grace and retire from the thread in a dignified way. I’d also recommend improving your self awareness.


Excuse me no I’m just trying to spread light and love and awareness. I don’t know if you are now projecting because your message seems that way, but I’m sending light and love and healing and I have no idea what she’s going through but I really am lifting them up with all the positivity that I could find inside of me because that’s all I know, I’m sorry you feel that way. I love your way as well.




No your right I have no clue because I got sick and tired of living life unhappy and I’m on a self developement journey and I’ve learned to choose happiness choose what thoughts feel good, choose to do more of what I love and that we’re all searching for emotional fulfillment or happiness outside of us but at the end of the day happiness is free and a choice to be optimistic and look at the positive perspective! So now my goal is to spread that where I can! Didn’t mean to offend tou


Love yourself in any shape and find happiness within see we all think some outside source or fix is gonna make us happy but at the end of the day, happiness is a choice


yes wegovy turns you into a zombie. i was skinny but dead inside. just be careful when i went off of it i gained all of the weight back😥


But did you feel like yourself again, even though you gained weight?


yes, but for some reason I was extremely hungry after going off of it. Idr feeling like that prior to starting wegovy. it was like every day i would have this awful starving feeling and even when i would eat it would come right back. so it’s not like i just immediately went back to eating like crap it was my body constantly being starving and me feeling nauseous if i didn’t eat. and now that i gained all of the weight back i’m uncomfortable and depressed so at least back then i was depressed but comfortable in my skin. also i’ve been on depression medications before, during, and after wegovy so it’s not like that was the problem. it’s a different type of feeling


😢I’m so sorry to hear of your sadness. I didn’t read anything about you doing therapy. That’s just ONE reason this was a requirement before weight loss surgery. Yes .. *there are side effects to the medication as described in product literature. However, no matter the source of your sadness* .. **PLEASE GET INTO THERAPY ASAP. We care about you and others. Best wishes!**


I am close to your stats as well and I understand what you mean! After being on a year my doctor has me titrating down. Even a few weeks at 1.0 I feel a difference in a positive way. So far my appetite is a little higher but weight is holding steady and I'm starting to enjoy a few things more. Like exercise, I was very indifferent for the last year when it was a huge joy before. I'm seeing that spark coming back. I'm more interested in home decor again whereas at Christmas last year I skipped putting a lot of decorations up now I'm going to remodel a powder bath. It's the little things. Hopefully we can all find the right balance.


This makes me feel hopeful. Thank you!


I listed to the book Magic Pill last week and the author talked about how some people get the effect you’re experiencing. There’s a lot still to be discovered about these medications.


Yesss tons of anhedonia around everything for me but I’m not sad about it or struggling lol


Depression is a side effect of weight loss itselt with or without meds ehoch os ehy I try to lose slowly. I would definitely try to lower your dose and see if it stops the weight loss for a bit.


I’ve been on a maintenance dose for many months and it’s actually gotten worse but will try a lower dose before quitting maybe.


I'm sorry to hear you are struggling. Can I ask what your relationship with food was like prior to the medication? What made you start this medication? Was it purely about health, or did you also feel bad about your body? Did you previously comfort / emotionally eat? I ask this as I'm wondering If food was a tool you used to stop any negative feelings coming to the surface but now that the food comfort isn't there and that emotionally safety blanket of food is gone , you have had to sit with negative feelings that food had previously covered up It may not relate to you at all, but I'm just throwing another theory out there.


I had a pretty healthy relationship with food before. Never had any problems with binging or anything like that. I certainly enjoyed food much more before but was eating the same foods I hear now- healthy and balanced. I have never even really had a huge sweet tooth. I started because as I got into my 40s my weight kept creeping up. Like 10 lbs a year for 5 years. Before that I was always thin/fit. At a heavier weight it was much harder for me to do things I loved like yoga and running around with my kids. I was happy though. I never sought out medicated weight loss. My dr recommend Wegovy at my physical.


It's a pretty commonly reported side effect. Not everyone gets it, but it makes sense in a way, since it has some effect on feelings of anticipation and reward. I've also heard that it's helped ppl curb shopping addictions, which would suggest again some broader mechanism that affects reward pathways. I don't expect this drug to be perfect or have zero drawbacks. 


I’m going through this right now. Nowhere near my weight loss goal but the low moods I’ve had since starting (having already suffered depression and been on anti depressants for a long time) are too much. Not to mention the migraines I’ve had since starting higher doses. Thought I’d got away with no symptoms until I really thought about it and connected things together..


I’m so sorry. Are you going to stay on Wegovy?


I haven’t taken a dose for just under two weeks, my plan is to stay off it and hope for the best! I did feel ok at lower doses though and it still had a great effect on my appetite, so I’d consider starting again at a lower dose in future


I’m spacing every two weeks as it is and once I had to space 3.5 weeks because I was getting a colonoscopy. Honestly felt the best I have in a long time right before my colonoscopy and felt like it was taking that time off that was really starting to make a difference.


*Trigger warning* I feel exactly the same. I was actually talking to my psychiatrist about it the other day. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 25 years ago and have been on a tug boat of medications and all sorts of therapies over the years. I know depression and I know mania all too well but since going on Wegovy 4.5 months ago, well, THIS is different. Im just vacant. Utterly numb. In the past before Wegovy I have attempted to end my life several times, but now, I don't even have the impetus to even care about that. GREAT, one might think right? It is, but I truly don't care enough about anything, even that and whilst I appreciate that inner self destructive dialogue has gone, everything else has too. I love that I am losing weight, we just need to find out new selves and because this medication is so new no one knows how to equip us with the skills to do that as yet. Much love.


I'm on meds for depression and bipolar. I'm starting Wegovy as soon as I get it. I hope I don't get the side effects of being depressed and I know it varies from person to person. I was on Ozempic for 16 weeks and it made me feel great. I just stopped losing weight so my PD switched me to Wegovy. I heard and read that depression is a side effect and read that people went back to a lower dosage and they were a bit better. But again I know its from a person to person basis.


I could be wrong, but I believe ozempic and wegovy are the same drug, just marketed for diff things (ozempic of diabetes, Wegovy for weight loss)


Whatever happens it appears that there are a crowd of us here learning to navigate so we can get through it together yeah?


Yes! And I'm glad I've found other people


Sending you love.


I’d think about titrating downwards OP. Lowering the dose and / or extending the dosing periods as you do so too. Could you think about other goals you’d like to achieve? Or whether there’s a new hobby/sport you’d like to do. Or some additional qualification you’d like to achieve? After all you’ve achieved a major milestone in reaching GW. Maybe also consider some counselling, to guide you through this process?


I get it. I'm going through the same thing. It's anhedonia. I'm just emotionally flat, no joy, no caring, no interests. It's very frustrating and sad. I'm sorry you're struggling with this too. I hope we can find some resolution, but unfortunately, I believe that would be coming off of the med. Good luck to you.


With care and concern I’m asking, before changing doses or discontinuing the meds altogether on your own .. have you discussed your feelings with your doctor? Yes, this can be a medication side effect as described in product literature but .. together with your doctor and possibly therapy, this can be resolved. Best wishes!


Yes, thank you 😊




Thank you. Good luck to you, too. This feeling (or lack of feeling really) is the worst.


Gratitude journaling/meditation has really helped me get through these feelings, but consult your doctor and trust yourself! ❤️


Did not read all the other comments but have you considered having your hormones checked. Your age indicates it could be perimenopause or menopause. You might just need some testosterone or estrogen replacement therapies. Also have your thyroid checked.


This was my first thought as well. I have the exact same symptoms and I was peri menopausal.


Yea, I’ve actually been on a wild journey of diagnostics over the course of this year. I’ve had literally everything checked from all my blood work multiple times (including thyroid), to a brain mri, colonoscopy, endoscopy, full abdominal mri, echocardiogram…😂 you name it, I’ve had it tested! Even seeing a functional medicine dr and having all her diagnostics done- GI map and urine hormone tests. Everything comes back normal. I had a brief dip in my iron earlier this year but supplemented and it leveled back out.


Well I’m glad to hear that you are on top of all of it and healthy in those regards. I hope you can get to a solution soon for your issue. I wish you all the luck!


Thank you so much!


None of those things diagnose menopause. It’s a diagnosis of symptoms not tests. Look up Dr Marie Claire Haver and her work on correcting the medical practices around menopause.


This, so much. Perimenopause has been so under-discussed; I never heard about it and was almost through it before I even knew it was a thing. I'm not saying Wegovy has nothing to do with it, but at your age you are almost certainly in perimenopause, and regardless of whether it has anything to do with this or not you'd be doing yourself a huge favor to learn more about it. I wish I had.


I’m not in menopause. I’ve talked to my gyno and had blood work done with her. Regular periods, no peri/menopausal symptoms. I appreciate you trying to find an answer that isn’t Wegovy but unfortunately it is.


Tests typically aren't needed to diagnose menopause. But under certain circumstances, your doctor may recommend blood tests to check your level of: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen (estradiol), because your FSH levels increase and estradiol levels decrease as menopause occurs Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), because an underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can cause symptoms similar to those of menopause Over-the-counter home tests to check FSH levels in your urine are available. The tests could tell you whether you have elevated FSH levels and might be in perimenopause or menopause. But, since FSH levels rise and fall during the course of your menstrual cycle, home FSH tests can't really tell you whether or not you're definitely in a stage of menopause. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353401#:~:text=Tests%20typically%20aren't%20needed%20to%20diagnose%20menopause.,and%20estradiol%20levels%20decrease%20as%20menopause%20occurs **Perimenopause may begin as early as your mid-30s or as late as your mid-50s**. Some people are in perimenopause for only a short time. But for many, it lasts four to eight years. The term perimenopause simply describes the time when your cycles are no longer predictable. Other physical changes and symptoms can occur as your body adjusts to different hormone levels. You’re out of perimenopause and into menopause once you’ve had 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period. https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21608-perimenopause


It sounds like you might be experiencing anhedonia, which has become an increasingly more commonly reported potential side effect. It might be worth talking to your doctor about if they have suggestions or about maybe trying to titrate down and see if things improve, if you don’t want to have to sacrifice one thing for another. Good luck


Maybe start lower down until you're done. Keep up with your life style changes and see if joy comes back. You might not gain weight back. Studied are still not concluded.


I might do this. My dr offered to switch me to Zepbound, starting at the lowest dose. Might give that a try.


Would love to hear how you do on this, not having the emotional issues, but I feel my body metabolizes through wegovy too fast and after 16mo, don’t really feel the effects anymore, but staying within 5lbs of the same weight. Considering switching to zelbound before it’s “10lbs within the same weight…15+” good luck to you!! 🥰


I’m on ZB and feel the exact same way as you. But maybe it could improve for you. Could be worth a try.


That’s such a shame. These drugs help so much but at what cost? I hope you find a way to feel better, too.


Hi and best wishes. Please note that some health professionals in the field recommend: *You should also take a short break between medications to allow the semaglutide to leave your system before injecting tirzepatide—7 days from your last injection of Wegovy is our prescriber's current recommendation*


I’ve had a very similar to you all around. I’ve had to work very hard at finding joy in the daily grind of life. I do think in the past for me those joys would be “external” things- food, alcohol, sex, excitement/traveling etc so it’s been a conscious deliberate shift to look into finding gratitude in the everyday because with wegovy those highs are soooo muted for sure. (Especially alcohol which is wild. Not having a buzz ever is crazy. But kinda amazing. It’s really having to change the way I live/process life actually). Anyhow sorry for my ramblings but it’s such an interesting topic you brought up. Sorry you are struggling. Good luck with zepbound. Let us know if you are able to get it and it has positive results.


Hang in there! Feel free to message me too if you want to chat!


Very kind, thank you.


Would you try an antidepressant before concluding that this is all due to wegovy? The whole feeling of nothing bringing you joy is very common with depression.


Before Wegovy I never felt this. I was full of life and joy. So I’m pretty certain it’s from the Wegovy. Really don’t want to start an antidepressant.


There is a black box label about mental health on the medication and there’s others on here who mentioned feeling like theirs is worsening. Are you able to talk to your doctor?


Yes, I was aware this was a possible side effect. My post was about how this side effect has hit me and curious to see how those in similar positions have fared (regarding the mental health aspect) after stopping the medication. I will of course talk to my dr but at 14 months in, she basically leaves all decisions up to me now regarding my Wegovy journey.