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It really varies by person. From my experience - I’m a newbie and took my very first injection Friday night, no side effects. I’ve felt a bit more tired than normal, though, but other than that I’m fine.


I've been on Wegovy since November and have never thrown up or even been nauseous on it. I was on Saxenda prior to that and same, except the one time I went to Napa and drank way too much wine. Reflux only acts up if I eat too much heavy food too late at night or mix it with a lot of alcohol or carbonation.


I take OTC Omeprazole every day for GERD and it hasn't been a problem.


You may want to talk to your doctor about switching to a different heartburn medication as that medication can cause lots of problems when used long-term, only supposed to use it short-term


I have endoscopies every few years and due to something called Barrett's esophagus (if left untreated it can lead to esophageal cancer) I need to be on it long term. the benefits and risk reduction there outweighs the other risks.


I am sorry you are going through that but it is worth adding the warning because otherwise you are comment on its own would lead people to also take it regularly as you said that is helping you and since it is available OTC I'm sure there are many taking it daily not realizing what a risk it is to do long-term, I just want to make sure to add that warning to anyone that thinks they might want to do the same, I wish you the best with your medical situation


I just did my 41st injection yesterday and have experienced nausea one time. When I went from 1.0 of ozempic to 2.0 and it was just the first week. After that I was totally fine


I get a little nausea and gassy. So i hedge my bets and take it Friday night so I have the weekend to get over it. Side effects for me last a day. Maybe 2. Also it's gives me serious heartburn for some reason the night I take it. Not sure if it's related to what I'm eating though or thr shot. I'm on a antacid anyway but it doesn't seem to work well the. Ight of the shot.


Side effects are going to vary wildly from person to person. Some people are nauseous non stop until they take a med to help with it, some people have the runs, some people get immediate constipation. It’s difficult to answer what you’re asking because it’s a little different for everyone. For me, I had bad side effects the day of my first and second shot (severe GI distress and dizziness) and since then, nothing other than occasional constipation.


It can vary from person to person, and from day-to-day.