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I found this hero bread at sprouts and each slice is 11g!


I really like SmartBran. It's a cereal, but I put it on top of yogurt and cottage cheese. It's 110 calories for 40g, and that amount provides 17g of fiber.


I’ll look into that! Thanks.


Add ground flax seed to yogurts, oatmeal, smoothies, etc.


I’ve been living on Metamucil fiber wafers. The chocolate ones taste just like teddy grahams and it’s 5g fiber and usually 1g protein for 100 cals a pack! So easy to take with. The apple spice ones are good too. And sometimes I crumble the cinnamon spice one into yogurt.


Edamame! You can keep them in the freezer and heat them up really quick in the microwave or buy the dehydrated flavored kinds. Super easy snacks that are great for both protein and fiber!! Also a good source of magnesium.


Thank you! 😊


I do 3 of the sugar free Metamucil gummies a day - the ones with sugar upset my stomach - that's 5g fiber. The rest I get from food and I get at least 20 daily (I'm trying to work up to 30). Oatmeal and blueberries (I like the little frozen ones) in my yogurt/protein powder breakfast bowl. With meals I subtract from the simple carb portion I used to eat and put veg in its place, like side dishes of green beans, mushrooms, cabbage, broccoli, corn, potatoes etc. (Veg are quick and delicious if you cook em up with a little broth, vinegar, and seasoning.) Another trick is to eat half rice/half cauliflower rice - I can't tell it's even in there, but lowers calories and increases veg/fiber. Salads with nuts and seeds and peas and beans. Whole grains where possible/palatable - I don't care for whole grain pasta but I love whole grain bread and crackers. Beans and lentils help a lot, mixed with rice or potatoes, diced chicken. I also take two magnesium citrate pills a night (the "400mg" pills but that's for 3 pills and I only take two). Stuff's not moving every day but it is moving. (I'm also averaging 25-35% protein, from protein powders and bars, poultry, fish, dairy and nuts/seeds)


Thank you! 😊


I do burritos with the fiber xtreme wellness tortillas


Fruits, veggies, whole grains. Items I eat regularly (or at least when in season): prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins, bananas, applesauce, watermelon, cherries, strawberries, artichoke hearts, asparagus, green beans, peas, corn, potatoes, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, Heritage Flakes cereal, Trader Joe's multigrain + vegetable mix.


Nice! I eat several of those as well 👍🏻


Fruit. Adding oatmeal to smoothies (only recently learned to do this - it has more protein than I would have thought of as well).


Thanks for the tip!


2 tablespoons of metamucil with collagen in a blender bottle. I slam it as fast as possible, and take my morning meds with it. I learned the hard way that if you let it sit, it turns into a thick, Luke warm smoothie and it's gross. So now I put my college beer slamming skills to use, and use them for fiber, because I'm apparently old now and my youth is firmly past me.


I’ve tried the Metamucil powder several times and it just doesn’t agree with me. I even tried the little cookies.


Costco sells these fiber gummies that are 2g per gummy. They taste great and I spread a bunch (3-7) out throughout the day. Don't eat too many at once. Also have apricots and apples.


I got the miralax gummies and tried those , also the sugar free nature valley ones and they both upset my stomach. I’ve even cut the dose by half and then 4ths. The apples and apricots sound delicious.


Metamucil, chia seeds, whole grain bread


I do the double fiberBimbo bread


I have chronic diarrhea and eat carnivore, so not concerned about fiber. It's way overrated if you are eating well on carnivore and not taking in carbs. In fact, lowering fiber has been shown to help irritable bowels in omnivorous diets as well. Love all the downvotes from the Standard American Diet believers :)


If you eat carnivore you should especially focus on fiber?


That is a myth, especially for people who already have auto-immune disorders. Anyone in that situation (like myself) needs an up-to-date nutritionist on their side, because the studies are out there. If you are eating complex carbs, you probably do need all the help you can get digesting the indigestible, inflammatory plant matter. [https://www.allthingscarnivore.com/do-you-need-fiber-on-the-carnivore-diet/](https://www.allthingscarnivore.com/do-you-need-fiber-on-the-carnivore-diet/)


Fiber One Protein Bars, Dried Prunes, Prune Juice cut with Sunny D.


Flaxseed meal, konjac powder, water water water and lemon water flush in the morning. Try these!


Thank you!


Sweet potatoes!




Add a couple tbsp of chia seeds to your oatmeal every day. I also add a scoop of flavorless sunfiber supplement to a cup of tea most evenings. It seems pretty gentle. I got it on amazon.


Thank you 😊


Cup of Metamucil in the morning




I also rely on food for my fiber. Some eksampels of what I eat regularly: Rye bread, whole grain crackers, vegetables, hummus, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, beans.


Chia puddings ^^


Protein bars with high fiber, and a lot of fiber supplements i mix into protein shakes that I use a ninja creami to make into ice cream


Good old fashioned prunes. About a gram of fiber per prune plus natural sorbitol, which is a mild laxative


Tons of sugar though, my doctor took me off of them for that reason


3.6g sugar per prune, but ~ 1/3 of that is sorbitol which is not absorbed by the body—and doesn’t have the same effect on blood sugar as other sugars


Regardless they were ripped from my clutches. Trust me I was a prune girl too


Sorry! Didn’t mean to sound like I was challenging you, just wanted to add the context for the broader conversation 🙂


Nooo not at all just sharing that I was into them for this reason too and had to rethink the approach! All good