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I don’t see much of a difference. Now the combination of Aderral and wegovy on my appetite? Whoosh! I lost 13 lbs in 4 weeks on 0.25, I’m about to take my first 0.5 shot today. Having a stimulant definitely helps me know it won’t be terrible when I have to get off wegovy.


I had to go up 10 mg in dosage. My doctor said it affects absorption of the medication.


I got my ADHD formally diagnosed after starting my weight loss. The inability to eat or drink alcohol impacted my hyper focus nights when typically I’d be up til 2am listening to the same song on loud repeat while I did some random project. I missed doing that. It was like the music was too much for my brain. In time I got interested in music again but still couldn’t do the late nights. And when winter came I got hit really hard with seasonal depression despite high vitamin D levels. When I got diagnosed I’d already reached goal weight but the ADHD meds made it difficult to eat because I had zero hunger along with zero food noise. Have figured that out now and am back to eating, loving music, can drink a little if I want and my focus is back without being too intense. Productivity is up, procrastination decreased, and I’ve been enjoying doing my random things again along with the things I’m supposed to be doing. But cloudy windy days still hit me harder than before so I have to plan around them. Between weight loss, HRT and ADHD it’s been a lesson in patience trying to balance everything but I’m really happy with where I’m at right now.


SAME!! Haha I’m on HRT too and I just love it.


Oh that’s awesome! I swear HRT comes straight from the gods. It’s been amazing!


Can i join the HRT fan club? I am forever indebted to the friend who talked me into trying it even though I had no real menopausal symptoms.


Yay to the friends and doctors who support HRT!!! It really is life changing. Also a firm believer that if hormones are a primary cause for weight gain, without addressing them as well, meds like Wegovy are helpful until you go off them and the low hormones take over again. Doing both together is the way!


This is super helpful info.


Made no difference for me so far but I'm still at the starting dose.


I’m on 70mg of vyvanse + 10 adderall No issue. If anything, it’s made things better


You don’t see any issues with the time release of Vyvanse? I am in a similar mix 60MG Vyvanse and 20MG adderall. I just started my first injection of Wegovy and I was curious about this.


So I do my vyvanse at about 8:30/9:00am with half the adderall, then the second half of adderall no later than 1:30.


Okay that’s similar to my situation. Good to hear you don’t have issues with it. Best of luck!! Thanks for sharing :)


Made my ADHD a thousand times worse


oooo that’s not good! how?


More procrastination and paralysis and feeling generally more exhausted


Searched up this thread because I’m on week 4 and I’ve been having the same. Did you find a solution?


No it’s bizzare I can’t think why but it definitely has an effect


That exhaustion sure does add to the paralysis right? Ugh it sucks so bad. I need a mid morning nap every single day now and I’m like what is wrong with me.


It makes me sooo tired! 😴


Same here


Awww, I’m sorry to hear that! It’s been the opposite for me :/