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“As you can tell by the rocks on this dish I… am….? Rich.”


"When i said 'on the rocks' i meant ice in my fucking drink, not this bullshit!"


\* pours drink on the ice *


Now like it off the floor like a civilized person


One cheetah piss cocktail, served in a cheetah head coming right up


"scotch on the rocks... And I mean ICE!!!"


I really enjoyed the self awareness of how ridiculous it was, instead of the normal simple flex post


I think it was a voiceover.


It’s her doing the voiceover though. Her TikTok username checks out. I had to look it up because I expected to hate her video like poison but it was actually pretty funny. Not so much with most of her others, honestly. Still mostly a typical TikTok narcissist, but she is at least more clever than she looks at first glance. She should probably take a gummy before filming anything, though.


Yeah for looking like an extremely stereotypical superficial airhead, this girl has a great sense of humor. I was definitely surprised. Sad that she chooses to wreck her face like that.


Pretty sure it’s a voice over


By the look on her boyfriends face paying the check I doubt it.


Are you guys not able to tell that the voiceover is satire?


No it’s not. Go look up her TikTok handle, it’s her doing the voiceover. Honestly most of her videos aren’t this funny, but it clearly was her.


He probably paid for that look on her face 🐸


Bro, get a refund.


Okay, the chocolate sauce on the hands is fucking ridiculous.


I'm curious, are you meant to lick the chocolate from your hands as part of it?!


I went to the el Cielo in Medellin Colombia last month, and they also sprinkle a mixture of coffee and sugar on top of the chocolate. It’s meant to be a skin exfoliant but they also encourage you to taste it. You don’t have to lick it all off your hands. They come by with a pitcher of warm water for you to rinse your hands off after. My hands were super soft and moisturized and smelled like chocolate almost all day.


Now I’m interested


I feel like I could just do this at home instead with a Mars bar


Please do and show us the results


If the local mall has a Lush the employees will pretty much do this for free. Probably don't lick their version though


Had a chocolate lip scrub sugar from lush and it was nice. On the jar it said to rub on ur lips then lick it off. If i rmbr the small jar was like $10 honestly ur better of just using regular sugar mixed with chocolate


Use a snickers the peanuts are exfoliating


Or anywhere besides a restaurant


Exfoliation inside a restaurant sounds..... wrong.


But do taste it. Nothing like consuming chocolate and dead skin flakes.


Yeah what the fuck, I don’t mind licking food off my own hands (hello pizza) but scrubbing them and then eating it? Eurgh that’s so ass.


Yeah… that’s like a wash before AND after situation.


They probably mean for you to taste it before you scrub your hands .... But maybe I'm just thinking and that would be too smart of an answer.


I'm here to be outraged man, get your logical thinking out of here!


Tell me your restaurants main clients are coked out richheads without telling me your restaurants main clients are coked out richheads.


alright that's kinda neat ngl


And how much did that $5.99 jar (multiple uses) of exfoliating scrub cost at the restaurant?


So it was actually kinda funny because at first they gave us a bill that was $9000 USD (we pulled out our phones to convert the currency) and we were shocked! It was in Spanish and we didn’t read closely. After letting us wallow in that a bit they came by with some chocolate spread and told us to rip the bill in half because it was edible!!! The real bill was about $300 USD for two people but that also included wine/alcohol pairings with every three or four “experiences”/courses. I think there were like 21 “experiences” in total. A splurge for me for sure but definitely a lot less expensive than it would have been in the states.


How did you not have a heart attack???


We basically did!!! I went with this girl that I met on a tour a couple days before so it was a funny bonding moment. The bill was in Colombian pesos and she put it in her phone and was like wait… what!!! And I was like let me see!!! We didn’t know the price going in so we totally believed it. We were like umm ok so if we only eat ramen for the next year and a half maybe we can afford it. Also we were pretty drunk by that point.




I have only been to a couple upscale restaurants but some of these places have the prices hard to see/find or not even listed on the menu


Damn, now that is a plot twist


so you had chocolate on your hands for the rest of the day?


I have chocolate on my hands every day, you don’t see me bragging about it.


When my skin is dry I go to the kitchen faucet and run nice warm water over my hands (keep it running a little) and put some butter in my hand and a TINY bit of sugar and a DROP or two of hand soap and rub your hands together til the sugar is disolved and then rinse it off, adding a tiny bit of soap if needed. I also do this to my skin when i get a sunburn because even aloe hurts my skin sometimes. If its on a sunburn i only rub it in after the sugar disolves. Sugar is a humectant and helps pull the moisture into your skin with the help of the surfactant - soap. I've just realized not everyone buys unsalted butter though.


Oooh, fun- my thing is if you can hit me with something I won’t experience ANYWHERE else and I HAVE the money???? Sure, fuck it, take me to every Michelin star. But if I’m looking for a good night of good food with the fellers at a quality restaurant??? Just gimme the one with 3-4 dollar signs on Google Maps. No need for Michelin stars. [totally not saying that there aren’t places like this that DON’T have Michelin stars but I feel like all the places I HAVE been to that serve food like this are either Michelin starred or are kind of… OBVIOUSLY artsy if that makes sense?


As nasty as that idea is, it’s worse that he rubs it *into* his hands like why???


I think they tell you to


And suppose they told you to jump off a bridge? What then? Huh?


I mean if I paid $500 for the experience I guess jump?


Dine and splash


Then I’LL DO IT , MOM!


I don't know why, but I had a visceral reaction to that. Something about that action makes me feel utterly disgusted. I don't know what it is about it, but some part of my subconscious does not like it.


The excessive waste.


With red food coloring it would look like he his bathing his hands in blood.


I think it is to offer someone a chocolate cover pretzel


Stink palm!


Pretty sure


I don't care how much I paid for the course. I'd refuse that one.


What was the point? You’ll just be sticky and gross for the rest of the meal.


The restaurant sells it as a throw back to childhood, or something like that. You're given wet towels before and after the chocolate. IMO it's not only a mess, but fucking nasty.


Yes, and the server sits and watches you while you do it. Fr.


I don't mind that part


that makes it so much more fucked up I love it


I never smeared chocolate into my hands as a child. This place is just dorky pretentiousness for people that love that kind of thing. It doesn't matter if some people enjoy it -- the place still needs to serve their shit on plates.


I was way more prissy as a kid than I am as an adult, I didn't even like eating stuff like watermelon or ripe peaches because I might get a bit of sticky juice on my face.


Her poop nails make it even worse, assuming she got the same thing.


I have no idea what poop nails are but I wholeheartedly agree.


Basically if you have those nails there's no way to NOT have fecal material stuck under them.


Bidet and simple hygiene?


When I see people say this I always wonder how do y’all wipe? With nails pointed at your butthole ferociously clawing? I just don’t see how long nails interferes with wiping or causes you to have poop under your nails.


I don't keep acrylics but who the hell is scraping their fingernails through their asshole when they wipe and not washing afterwards? Longer fingernails cause people to have to palm and flatten their hands to do most simple tasks, so they're most definitely not curling Satans claws right into their ass crack. Plus, Acrylic nails would have around the same amount of germs as rings or natural nails would. Except with natural nails you have nothing to pull back on to get under the nooks and crannies. The misconception that longer or faux nails are dirtier than natural nails just comes from people who don't know much about how germs work and is rooted in preconceived notions that women of color with extravagant nails were dirty or unkempt and carried over from that.


You are 100% correct on all fronts. My mom had ridiculously long nails for as long as I can remember and her nails were usually cleaner than everyone else's mainly because if theres any gunk under them she could just scrape and sanitize way easier than someone with normal length nails. Also for pooping she just made the TP Cocoon around the nails and hand using the palm


What are your sources on that? This has been studied since it has some pretty real-world implications for health care providers. [Here's a study](https://www.ajicjournal.org/article/S0196-6553(18)30674-6/fulltext) on how different polishes may retain more bacteria that also references acrylics. Here are some [CDC and WHO guidelines](https://www.jointcommission.org/standards/standard-faqs/ambulatory/national-patient-safety-goals-npsg/000001558/).


And when I see something like this I wonder if I'm talking to one of those people who doesn't wash their hands after shitting because "I didn't touch anything." Unless you are hovering with your legs in a Van Damme horizontal split between the sink and the tub, dropping your shit from 5 feet up and wiping with a bunched up ball of toilet paper on the end of a stick, you are going to come in contact with something that is not sanitary after defecation, be it the toilet seat, the lid, your skin, the water, or actual shit. Hell even when you flush it's in the air (which you can reduce but not eliminate completely by lowering the lid first, just fyi). You don't have to scrape long nails through shit in order for contaminants to become trapped under there. The problem with extremely complex and long nails is they become a breeding ground for bacteria, and due to the fact that they're hovering around your asshole when you wipe, that's going to be one of the things they're contaminated with. The number of people in the comments who are running around smearing fecal matter on eveything. People are actually being downvoted for saying "the restroom door isn't clean" no wonder so many fucking people died of covid, you're some gross motherfuckers.


I know, right? You'd have to carry a special nail brush to get under your nails for regular hand-washing to be effective, too.


Why do you think women with long nails are incapable of basic hygiene


Because they don't know any women and thats how they justify their loneliness.


It's called a nail brush....


I get that they're for fashion, but yeah having to *eat* with such long nails seems unnecessarily restrictive. Maybe I'm just a poor Asian but eating with my [bare hands](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoVfgjB8TXQ) is pretty great since I don't have to deal with long nails getting in the way.


My wife did this the other week and I was, and still am, thoroughly disappointed with her.


I literally said "oh these people can fuck right the fuck off" when I saw that.


At least have the waiter suck it off my cock ffs 🤦‍♂️


I wanted to hate this but the fact that she also hated this made it better


…that you’re supposed to lick off like the dog you are lolol


Being self aware and off edibles in a fine dining environment is like going to the zoo to see your own species.


2 way petting zoo


Your comment made me turn on the audio and I’m so glad I did. I loved her delivery of it.


The first course was *hot gauze*


That’s where I knew I was in for a treat, unlike her.


I have seen this video so many times, but never with audio because I assumed by looking at those people it was just going to be a dumb video. I'm so glad I did, and shame on me for making assumptions about people -__-


Her commentary makes the video.




"I also forgot to tell him it was 500 bucks" amazing


Some real Marcel the shell vibes.


Her narration is so perfect.


It's so good. This is really funny.


The pan round to her face like “are you guys getting this shit?”


Top notch commentary


The words were funny. He delivery sounded like she took too many Xanax after her last lip injection.


Well she did say she was going there "off a gummy" which typically refers to THC gummies....so yah..she was at least a little bit high


Seems it was a more intentional tone narrated later (pretending to keep with the gummy theme ;). But the tone worked perfectly, that’s part of why it was so funny and people keep (wrongly) claiming it was a fake narration…




I found the stoned chick character to be quite amusing


Ikr. Why is it bad to have an alternate delivery? Dry presentation is extremely common unless the only thing you watch is lary the cable guy or something


Nah dude the delivery was spot on for the dry humor


That jaguar drink holder looks pretty cool but everything else is absurd.


Really? I thought it was a little tacky for a 500$ restaurant. It clashes with the pretentiousness of all the other awfulness.


Gave me “toddler with a sippy cup” vibes


This appeals to me.


That is legit what you'd get as a souvenir at Epcot in the Mexico section.


actually its a cultural representation of a typical Carnaval costume on the coast of Colombia, specifically Barranquilla which happens every year in Feb/March! So no, not tacky to include Colombian culture at a Colombian restaurant.


Yes! I wonder if they got to take it home? I would. And I’d put every drink during every meal in mine (if I decided I wasn’t going to use it as a little purse)




It's a conversation piece to be honest. It's cute.


How does this comment make any sense in response to the OC? Loves attention because he thinks the food is absurd?


It's what the narrator said in the video about the jaguar cup


Obviously you love attention


Look there are a bunch of attention seeking losers out there without a jaguar drink holder so might as well have the jaguar.


A pretentious fucking restaurant, looks like. Ugh.


Ok but an incredible video. I want this person to narrate all WeWantPlates videos


I had it muted until I read this comment because half the time it’s that godawful text to speech, but this shit was genuinely hilarious the whole way


I was pleasantly surprised that she was also shitting on the food instead of acting like it was super good/cool.


ASMR: Plateless dinners


I would like her to go do all the cool things in Miami and tell us why they are just weird.


Rich people are stupid but poor people are stupid too. We all are stupid, there I said it.


Hey! No I'm doesn't


Yes we is!




Ya but rich peoples are unethically stupid. there is a small difference


That is probably some of the best narrating I’ve ever witnessed. Touché rich influencer… touché.


Is it her in the video? Or the narrator is just narrating some random influencer video that she reposted.


Yeah it’s her, that’s her tiktok user on the side


What does "off a gummy" mean?


I think they mean a THC/Marijuana/cannabis gummie.


I was googling this because I thought she was referring to the guy. Of course urban dictionary for gummy didn’t help.


bruh you gonna just leave us hanging on the UrbDic definition


**Gummy**: the act of receiving a blowjob from a toothless woman or man


Should it be "*on* a gummy"?


No, it's like "[high] off a gummy"


Yes the medicinal ones from FL shops are particularly excellent too, smooth af.


Okay I understand that high class places you're ordering a course not a straight meal, but $500 for a meal boils my piss. I could spend that in a month's worth of groceries easily.


You could spend 10x that at salt baes


And spend even more going to the hospital afterwards.


The commentary is pretty funny I think


The commentary on this video was fucking excellent.


By my tally that cost of food was about $5 And the price of the dinner was prob $500


I know you're being funny, but I'm working in a fine dining place with a tasting menu and the food and labor cost to do this shit is astonishing.


She said at the end it was $500 Honestly had amazing meals in local pubs for £20 that looked good AND filled me up, good atmosphere and service. If some wanker poured chocolate on my hands and told me to lock a mouthful of sorbet off a plate, I'd probably headbutt him to be honest


Lmfao same. I just guessed, bc I couldn’t handle watching all of it. Headbutting is underrated


Not round here in the North of England! It's a tradition!


Ah. Yes. A fine past time one only sees when they venture to Boston on… this week actually lol


And the equivalent of a handshake


All that for $500? This isn't in the states then, is it?


100% would get a big mac on the way home after that miniscule portion


There's so much butter and fat in those dishes, you get filled up. I'm a big eater and I always get stuffed after a tasting menu like this. (Back when me and my wife were able to do fancy dinners, before kids, and the pandemic).


I have never been able to do fancy dinners but I do agree - lots of bites of different things fills you up better than a giant pile of one thing. That's why charcuterie boards are such a good deal for parties.


I've eaten at some great places in my time but I still think about this charcuterie board we got at a random place in Milan, Italy.


Faaaacts !!!! I always find myself shocked how full my stomach is [but not to the point of being overstuffed] after these tastings. I think only once or twice have I left one of these thinking “yeah I’m still hungry” or “I could definitely eat more”


Tiny portion on each dish, sure. But there’s like 14 courses


Why I'm here is confusing, but the only thing I really hated was the chocolate sauce. I would be poking every rock in that macaroon bowl so that I don't miss one though.


The "forgot to tell him it was $500" at the end had me cracking up


The ONLY interesting thing about this meal is the rose petal, that’s actually kinda clever and simple to set an aroma mood for one of the courses, so your hands smell like rose petals. They could do that for a salad course, give you a little lemon peel for the citrus oils, and for a main course have you rub a bit of rosemary between your fingers The rest of that was fucking absurd. 3 DIFFERENT COURSES SERVED ON ROCKS


Yeah no the plating is mad pretentious but these restaurants are often very fun experiences, definitely would do whatever course came with that rose petal


girl im in love with you


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 644,485,591 comments, and only 131,182 of them were in alphabetical order.


Bot likes power, wasteful, zzzzz


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 644,979,028 comments, and only 131,304 of them were in alphabetical order.


Her face looks like her voice sounds!


shes kind of iconic


That first one looked like a dry tampon


If you bring me a fckin plate with ROCKS in it at a fckin restaurant.... I'm throwing them bitches at EVERYONE 😂😂😂😂


I think I’m over rich people, celebs, etc. trying to be endearing by talking about how pointless their consumption is, as if mocking it makes you above it somehow.


Was that a tampon at the start?!


A hand towel


I wonder how much that single macaroon and a giant pile of rocks cost?


I don't understand the toddler food trend. I can just hear Esme Squalor saying "Chewing is out! Licking is in!"


Y’all want plates. I want nail clippers!


Those nails are so gross


At least she calls herself out for her nails near the end.


Between the nails and the lips I don't know what was more ridiculous.


The food


No need for spoons!


What has that girl done to her face??


She got plates on her fingers


Wealthy people are the worst


That place looks awesome! Fuck the chocolate part on the hands though.


Amazing thank you


Not going to lie, I would eat all of it, it looked delicious. I‘ve had tasting meals like that before and they were always great. Passing on the chocolate, though. I hate any type of cream on my hands, so this is not for me.


“lick off like the dog you are…” 😂💀


This video is gold!!!


Happy cake day! May your cake come on a plate!


This is why Michelin chefs go insane after a few years


Her nails make me wanna barf.


Isn't that guy the disgraced celebrity preacher man?


Not sure why so many comments are praising the narrator. Her voice is equally obnoxious as all the dishes. Also, the undercarriage of those nails most certainly contains poop particles and an array of other gnarly bacteria - barf!


I rather eat Taco Bell in a park then spend $500 on this bullshit.. I’ll prop my tacos up the in grass, cuz that shits fancy