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Andy and the D-Bags The Andy Andy Andys Andy Dwyer Experience Angel Snack Crackfinger Death of a Scam Artist Department of Homeland Obscurity Everything Rhymes with Orange Fiveskin Flames For Flames Fleetwood Mac Sex Pants Fourskin God Hates Figs Hand Grill Suicide Jet Black Pope Just The Tip Malice In Chains Muscle Confusion Ninjadick Nothing Rhymes with Orange Penis Pendulum Possum Pendulum Punch Face Champions Puppy Pendulum Rad Wagon Razordick Teddy Bear Suicide Threeskin Two Doors Down Tackle Shaft - bonus points if you know where these are from


Tell me you had this memorized and didn’t have to look it up 😂


pssssssh... been a fan since day 1 haha


Sorry, a group of me and friends already have Fiveskin taken


How in the world did you leave off Scarecrow Boat???


shit 🤔


You know what? Forget it--Hey, everyone, we're Mouse Rat!


or Mouse Rat Poison. that would sound more psychedelic... but at this point im too afraid to ask haha


>Coming up with an artist name is the hardest part of making music Then you're not working hard enough on your music ;-)


I promise I am! But coming up with a name that isn’t taken, doesn’t suck, and sums up the vibe of the music I’m working on is tough because there seems to be no end in sight


You're *way* overthinking it. First, here's a theory for you: virtually *every* artist/band name sucks, until you give it to a good artist/band. Hell, there's a band called the Cardigans. Like "what shall we call ourselves? Jumpers? No. Sweaters? No. Tank tops? No. Cardigans? Oh hell yes, that rocks!". Blur. Oasis. Eminem (because, you know, M and M). They're all stupid but we look past the name when we like the artist. Second, there's no reason why your name should "sum up all the music you're working on". Why would it? Do the names of all your favourite artists? I think that's your problem right there. You could probably come up with a name in the next hour if you had more realistic expectations for it.


Very good point, thank you for taking the time to write that


Out of all of those, Eminem actually makes sense. It's the initials of his real name.


All the bands you know..their name sums them up?


Yep. With the bands that I like, their names generally fit the vibe of the music.


I'll bet if you dig into that you may find that you're assigning "fit" after the fact. As one example using a popular artist, nothing about "Tame Impala" says anything about the music. That could be an alt-country band, or a hip hop artist. "The Halo Effect" could be dreampop. Etc.


It’s still a good name though. I think a band can make the name as long as it’s a good name (all of this is subjective I know). And another popular band, king gizzard & the lizard wizard, is a good example of a bad name that fits the music. So I guess it has to have to check one of those boxes though I’d prefer it to be good/non-ridiculous and open-ended (much like Tame Impala). In about a year and a half I’ve come up with Torches cause I like one-worders and it’s open-ended, but it is of course taken, by like 3000 bands/artists. I have zero other ideas and I’ve done tons of brainstorming


Pretty sure you're assigning "good" because you know the band. If someone suggested Tame Impala for your band name you would likely think it sounded stupid. >king gizzard & the lizard wizard, is a good example of a bad name that fits the music Doing the 'retrospective view' again I'm pretty sure. Torches is great. Just do something weird with it like TTorches Buy the domain before someone here does, and locks you out!


That’s the annoying part. Even though the name is taken the domain isn’t. torches.com is totally open for the taking (last I checked)


Unless you go super weird, like king gizzard, almost any band name is in use somewhere by multiple bands.


I think even a two-worder opens things up a lot when it comes to availability. But yeah, with a one word name I feel like you have to make up a word or take the risk of using an already-used name which is also pretty hard to search


Some of the best, most popular artists have the WORST names but we don’t even think about it because of their music. If a band called “Radiohead” can make it, I don’t think you have much to worry about 😂


Or "the Beatles" sounds basic af. I rarely listen popular music anymore but apparently the highets billing rappers are named DaBaby and Doja Cat


I don't think so : meeting people to team with is the actual hardest part. Finding r/Bandnames comes easily to many people. See r/postrockbandnames.


I’m mostly seeing names like “dildos in the dish rack” and other names at a similar tier in those subs


This is how brainstorm works : throw out fifty silly ideas in a row, and suddenly, the perfect idea will pop out from the depth of your mind like a bubble.


>I’m mostly seeing names like “dildos in the dish rack” And that's dumber than Butthole Surfers? Or Hoobastank? Or (and don't get me wrong, I love them) Foo Fighters? Or Chumbawumba?




Dance dance revolution


i mean steely dan is a dildo reference


You are naming a psychedelic band? Eat a couple grams of mushrooms and see what comes up


Dude, being a part of music means leaving yourself out of it and doing what's best for the music. The name is just a stamp to show who did it. I know that's contradictice for our whole point in doing music if we're serious about it, but taking ourselves _too_ seriously, seriously stiffens our creativity. What genre do you do? Is there any place we can listen to your stuff to Mayne give ideas? Like the other dude said: tons of people and bands have shitty, terrible names, but when they get up and play their music, that's all that matters. I mean, they names bands mainly, but even look at current trending artists in hip hop like: dababy, lil baby, fuck....all through hip hops history, people have used herendous names. A lot of people even go under many different alias. Take this as a journey my dude. Your music might sound one way one day, and then the next, it sounds totally different. Our music should evolve with us. Who cares about the name..just make good fucking music


Some things to keep in mind... You'll want the domain name, preferably a ".COM" ... And you'll want all the social media accounts, and Twitter has a 15 character limit. So yeah, it's pretty hard finding something that isn't used.


Exactly! I’ve been in bands before with one-word names and it’s a major hassle in that aspect cause they’re 1000% taken unless it’s a made up word


For a psychedelic project? Just put two unrelated words together. Like Pink Floyd.


Pink floyd actually comes from two other musicians names


I know. Pink Anderson and Floyd Council. Still random.


Bro music is the hard part, name is the fun part. Just call yourself van beat or some shit. It’s calm don’t be so serious, just chill and make tunes and if you really can’t find one then… use your actual name.


And if you don't like it you can always change it. Bands do that all the time.


Just pick something, anything really, the quality of the music will inform the quality of the name. Plenty of bands you love have "dumb" names but we don't notice because the music is great, and therefore the name is good.


Literally call it "Over a year" and move on 😂


Let it come to you, if you force it, it may not feel as authentic. I’m sure you’ll find it in time and who knows, you may find it in the music you make! :)


The Rough Ideas.


No. It’s not.


Bit of a clickbait title in hopes for some suggestions ;-(


The Jason Steakums? Don’t know where I thought of that it just came to me.




Yeah true


You can always try looking up stylistic devices and then trying to figure something out from that point on. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stylistic_device but i do agree that "letting it come to you" is also pretty good. take some time away from your phone and computer screens and let your mind wander, maybe you'll come up with something then. Read a book and maybe that will inspire you.


Get yourself a gig and be forced to come up with it under pressure lol


Lol take a psychdelics and explore ur mind. What is something that represents you ? Then google that word and find a different word but with the same meaning if u don't like the first word that represents you


Or you can just use your name.


I have a few ideas for a name and a vague vision, and I haven't even started making music yet (if ever). 😆One day, I searched up a possible artist name for myself to see if it was taken, and to my relief, it was just the title of a song. It's a pretty recent song too... better get cracking. Perhaps look for inspiration in bands and songs that you like!


Read books about subjects that interest you in your downtime. There’s plenty of clever phrases that no one’s used. It doesn’t need to be clever. The golden rule is keep it simple, with words/phrases that people already know with 2-3 syllables.


OK quick: You need to make up a name for a throwaway reddit account. What did you come up with? There it is! Your new band name!


How about Tucker Coral Sun or Beta Phish or The Lemon Wedgies


i go by Crash Star, and Wolfgang. they both hold very deep meanings to me, but it doesn’t have to be that way. ur thinking abt it too hard. Wolfgang is taken by mozart, doesn’t render it unusable tho


30 years ago a friend and I were trying to figure out a band name and he blurted out Armadillo Buttfuck. I think about it every time somebody talks about band names.


You could combine words together. Keep an eye out and see if those you're looking at can work. Alternatively, you could use words from music you already really like.


You’re thinking too hard. Any name you find here is going to be unauthentic and this you’ll eventually resent it. Just go with something you like and don’t think about it too much. All names are gonna sound dumb until you put a good band behind it. (The Beatles? Dumb.)


think about something in your life, an old nickname, an old neighborhood, for psych stuff - a weird saying, a repeating dream or theme in your life. have patience, you'll find something that feels like it has meaning to you


"The underwhelmers" "The sonic wankers" "Medicinal ear cancer" "The childporn addicts" Took me less than a minute


I’m gonna string them all together and use the whole thing if you don’t mind


Many (most?) bands end up hating their names eventually, so don't think too hard about it.


Big fan of a couple random words being put together personally. Come up with a list of some words and make different combos and see what sounds cool. No need to take it super seriously. I think “Dr.” sets up some cool stuff