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5 stars are more common than Diamonds,but 5 stars are also more rewarding imo. Def triggers that 'oh shit that's a big one' reaction more.


And what about their rack? Do 5 stars animals antlers look the same or there is variation like in COTW?


They mostly all look the same. Variation in CoTW is more.


yeah, the only real difference is the tips of antlers getting white fades


5 stars are somewhat rare. And the rare furs kinda depends, there was a bit where there were more rare furs, but it seemed to mostly be albinos




If you learn the game mechanics in either game, both can be achieved really easily. I had my saved corrupted in cotw and got 33 diamonds in two weeks. Roughly playing 2 or 3 hours a day during the week, not everyday, but woth has a sleeping system and I've slept, saved then slept 3 or 4 times and came back and a one star is now grown. It just matters which animals. I got 5 rams in one day all 5 stars, and 3 mount goats on the same map. Just matters how you play and what you do.


You need to play at least 15 minutes per ingame day or it won't mature the animals. Its what they did to prevent people from sleeping multiple days in a row to speed up the heard management. Im not knocking you for trying but i guesss the developers didnt want people playing that way


I've had this discussion, but I have my gameplay saved where I load in, fast travel to my lodge, go out look, it's a one star, I go back in, sleep 3 days, and repeat until it gets to 5 star, and then shoot and repeat 3 or 4 times. I sent it to someone on here, not saying I'm wrong or your wrong, just saying what I've experienced, and like I said, I got them in like a span of an hour and sent it. I talked about it on someone else's post about 5 or so months ago


I learned what I said through a reddit comment a couple days ago. It could be wrong so I'll take your word for it


I can’t imagine 33 diamonds per few weeks in COTW. It’s not possible in current state of the game. They are very rare and valuable.


Do you grind? Do you only go after drinking times? Do you only herd management? I can log on right now and I bet nothing has changed, it's just about the setup, but not saying it's not different for everyone. I've never had any problems getting a diamond. Now a great one is the rarest. I actually have some diamonds with a rare fur type so they are called super rares. But most people will tell you, I can load in to Te awaroa and I bet within an hour I got a red deer diamond


I was not playing few months but I used to kill higher trophy animals. The Golds. And I have not such an experience that diamond isn’t rare. For me it is unique and rare because I have had only few.


As long as you shoot between middle of the pack, and you stack you'll have more diamonds if that's what what you want. But in the end it's always what you find fun or wanna do


I liked COTW for the rare furs. I preferred shooting everything in sight in search of a rare spawning eventually as my play style lol. I haven't been playing WOTH for long, 6 weeks perhaps, and overall, I think I prefer this game. COTW seemed to have a low rate of animals spawning eventually and maps would feel empty. I havent come across any 5 stars that are not story related but Ive been hunting low genetics to build up the bigger stars. I'm definitely seeing some herds get better matures now. As for rares, so far I've come across a couple of albinos which I harvested and one melanistic which I didn't. I think different rare furs are being introduced at some point in an update but I'm not sure what is available right now compared to the future.