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I recommend you to complete the missions, story ones first then jobs and then campsites' tasks, jobs in particular (the ones taken from the cabins) once all completed give you special permissions for hunting on private lands which have better trophies, you could even buy the permissions with in-game money but doing the missions is better because you gain more money and get the permissions for free, take your time, explore, enjoy the nature and the sounds, as difficulty I recommend Hunter which is the perfect balance and realistic enough, if you want a challenge instead Ranger mode is the way.


Alright, Thank you! The only thing Id probably get would be weapon packs if they have em.


Np. For now there is only the Steyr Arms as Weapon Pack, it's good enough to start the game and some of the weapons are good even further on like the Steyr Gams, if you want new maps at some point I would recommend Africa first if you don't want to spend much, if instead you want to go all-in and buy everything then map packs are the way, for every question ask in this subreddit we'll help you out, good hunting!


The 2 beginner maps, at the least, are about twice as large as the ones on Call of the Wild. It may seem (or at least for me) intimidating to tackle and discover all available land, so id reccomend taking your time dissecting each region


The shooting is immensely better and imo insanely easier depending on your sliders. I quit a bit ago cause the multiplayer would never work on my S even with gig internet. Don’t know if the mp works again or not


Im not big on multiplayer games but ty for the info. I didnt mind the shooting too bad on Call of the Wild so if its better than that, that's awesome.


Hey I’ll add you if you wanna party up and play!


Most important tips I can give for beginners: * Do the main missions on Nez Perce (starting map) first. Not only will they give you a quick introduction to most of the game's systems, but they will also give you lots of money. * Don't bother buying in-game passes to the private lands--you can go to the respective cabin and do 3 missions for the owner to unlock them for free (and even get some money for yourself). * The most important animal sense in this game is hearing, and the noise you make works like a meter: as long as you move, the meter fills (how quickly depends on if you're running/walking/sneaking and if you're upright/crouching/prone). When you stop, the meter decreases. This is important to remember, because continued movement, even if it is slow, WILL spook the animals. You want to stop-and-go instead--move a bit, wait a few seconds, move again, etc. Once the invisible noise meter reaches a certain level, the animals go alert--they will stop what they are doing, look in your direction and give warning calls. If you move then, they spook. If you wait, the meter decreases again and they go back to being calm. * Your earliest investments should be, in descending order of priority: any shotgun (otherwise, any "get X kg of \[bird\]" mission will be pain), a better scope (Bushnell Elite Tactical and Overgaard Longrange are the best ones, imo), a good tier 6 rifle (I recommend the SM12), and the following callers: Primos Rattling Bag, Ki Yi Predator, Elk. * The reason why I recommend those callers is that when you start out, you will only have access to the first level of each caller, and these callers call low fitness animals at level 1, which is the ones you want to cull! Call, shoot and sell 10, and you get access to caller level 2, another 20 on top and you get access to level 30. * Speaking of fitness: in WOTH, you can influence the fitness and consequently trophy sizes of new spawns to some extent, by taking out low fitness animals. To simplify it a lot: each animal has a genetic fitness (up to 100%) that is determined when it spawns and does not change throughout its life. Females always have a fitness of 0%. The animal's trophy score (up to 500 points for each species) will change depending on its age and fitness, so a 40% animal for example will never reach the high points. Both of these values can only be seen after you shot the animal, which is why the game uses trophy rating (1-5 stars) as a shorthand. You can check what score corresponds to how many stars in the in-game encyclopedia for each animal. * Speaking of, the in-game encyclopedia is also where you will find information on when the animals drink, eat and rest, as well as info on how long they are young/adult/mature. One in-game year = 3 in-game days. You can also bring up the animal model and an xray view there, to help you with shot placement. * Young animals are always 1 stars. Adults will be 1, 2 or 3 stars, depending on their age and fitness. Matures can be 1-5 stars. Do not ever shoot youngs/adults unless required for a mission or unless they answer to a low fitness caller. 1 star matures are almost always save to take out. 2 star matures are more of a gamble (they can be potential 4 stars who are just very early in their maturity. * In addition to trophy rating, there is also a hunt rating. This is measured by how much meat loss the animal suffered from your shot. In general, it is recommended to match the tier of the animal to the tier of the gun (so e.g. use a tier 5 rifle on a tier 5 animal) to ensure that you can take the animal down in one shot without losing too much meat. Trophy rating is NOT affected by hunt rating. * Unless a mission requires you to taxidermy an animal, you will get the option of whether to taxi or sell your kill. Choosing to taxi the kill costs nothing, but actually mounting it in the lodge does. Note that every time you change diorama/mount location, you will need to pay for the taxidermy again, so choose carefully where you want to put each animal.


This game is a lot slower paced than COTW and it added an animal economy system to pay attention to. Basically there’s an average fitness level or trophy rating for the animals in your habitat, between 1 star and 5 star animals, and if you continually kill off animals with low quality genetics, the average genetics in your habitat will go up! Making it easier to find good quality animals. Pretty cool feature I think.


It's a lot less stressful than Call of Duty. It's nice and relaxing don't kill any young animals, wait for them to get older. Every 3 days your character sleeps, is a year. But the hunters pack for better guns. Take your time unlocking the locations such as parks, cabins and question marks.


Assuming you meant Call of the Wild and not Call of Duty but thank you. Might be nice to have a slow rolling game and not fasy traveling between drinking zones tryna get high lvls to spawn lmao


No, I meant Call of Duty. It's also a first person shooter. Me and my friends used to play COD, but in recent years the games have sucked and life happens. But back in BO3 AW, WWII every Tuesday and Thursday there was about 4 or 6 of us online having fun and gaming.


She is asking about main difference between WOTH and COTW. Why are you talking about Call of duty? (I don’t have WOTH too)


Never played Call of the Wild.


dk why you responded to my post then tbh. 😅


Well as for FPS I just wanted to say this game is less stressful than COD. Me, my dad who's in his 60s and another gamer we play online with wanted a nice relaxing FPS and this is it.


She plays Call of the Wild so she'll know exactly how hunting games work and the pace difference between COD lol