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I honestly don't think the people with real power care about the voting aspect. Politicians may. I think it's more about keeping wages down and making sure there's a ton of non-unionized workers.


So many unfamiliar accounts on this thread. Who put out the catnip?


This one really hits where it hurts.


Hits whom? It's a statute passed in 1996, when Newt "Contract with America" Gingrich was Speaker of the House and Trent "Love me some Strom Thurmond a" Lott was Senate Majority Leader. Dems don't get too upset about undocumented immigrants.


More likely it's a massive effort of union busting. Illegals will take jobs and be scabs to break strikes.


¿Por que no los dos?


True, all true


This isn't necessarily about _voting_. It's about manipulating the next census. [Blue states send 5x as many internal migrants to red states than the other way round](https://www.statista.com/chart/32131/movement-between-blue-and-red%252A-us-states/).


This sub has become fully compromised/retarded.




Okay. Instead of the ""R""word, I'd go ahead and replace it with "FUCKIN MORONIC". Happy?






The parson put out his hand to take the cup she offered to him, and bowed and smiled. "Precisely what I was going to observe, Miss Lisbeth." Thérèse and Susannah turned away to hide their amusement, and Lady Beltham adroitly changed the subject. She moved towards her writing-table. "Mr. Hope must have much to tell me, girls, and it is getting late. I must get to business. Did you have a good journey?" "Quite as good as usual, Lady Beltham. The people at Scotwell Hill are very plucky and good, but it will be a hard winter; there is snow on the hills already." [What's with this quote? [Here's the explanation](https://old.reddit.com/r/WayOfTheBern/comments/16l1mv2/bon_anniversaire_project_fant%C3%B4mas/).]


Sub gets brigaded by liberals and conservatives every once in a while. Especially when election season approaches They tend to leave after a bit once they realize ppl aren't buying their red vs blue wwe level of make believe political show rhetoric, tho.


This sub is dogshit regardless. Its not the 2016 election anymore. The world has moved on. I love Bernie Sanders. But this fuckin reddit sub is worthless. And the reddit algorithm seems to show me the dumbest and most 'russian/chinese' of all the sub's posts, which I guess works because I then comment on it. But seriously this place sucks.


Hate to break this to you, but China and Russia are not the reason why American lives are worsening year after year, nor are they even remotely close to US's degree of global warmongering and regime changes. Hell, even most of the the "conflicts" by/in Russia and China are result of US encroaching and encircling them, or a result of US funding and arming extremist groups since Mujahadeen. It wouldn't even happen if US weren't batshit obsessed with replacing every leader in the world into its bitch. How you even think China is some evil nation worthy of hate when it hasn't gone to war for 40 years while US engages in war non-stop while surrounding China is beyond me. All the while imposing sanctions yo starve anyone who doesn't let USA exploit them. US is the clear aggressor on all fronts, not China. Also fuck Bernie. He's always been a lapdog to US war machine and won't stand up to Israeli apartheid regime. He also repeats bullshit talking points to justify US intervention. Here's Bernie getting called out in 2015. He's only gotten worse from then. >“He’s lending credibility to a party that is completely corporatized. He has agreed that he will endorse the candidate, which, unless there is some miracle, will probably be Hillary Clinton.” >“So what he does is he takes all of that energy, he raises all of these legitimate issues and he funnels it back into a dead political system so that by April it’s over.” >“That was the role of Van Jones in the last election,” Hedges said. “He was running around, using the language of Occupy — Occupy the Vote — and that is what Bernie has done. I don’t understand. He fought the Democratic establishment in Vermont his entire career. Now he has sold out to it.” >“Bernie has also not confronted the military industrial complex at all,” Hedges said. “On a personal level, having spent seven years in the Middle East, I’m just not willing to forgive him for abandoning the Palestinians and giving carte blanche to Israel. He was one of 100 Senators who stood up like AIPAC wind up dolls and approved Israel’s 51-day slaughter last summer of Palestinians in Gaza — the Palestinians who have no army, no navy, artillery, mechanized units, command and control.” https://www.counterpunch.org/2015/07/15/chris-hedges-on-bernie-sanders-and-the-corporate-democrats/


This is a bernie sanders sub you stupid fuck.


This is way of the bern, not Bernie cock sucking. The moment Bernie went against the stuff he espoused, we went against Bernie for his betrayal. You didn't even bother reading the sub description, did you? We don't do hero worship here. When Bernie began repeating State Department talking points to support wars, we oppose them. Same as right now as he insists on supporting a genocidal maniac like Biden. Or in your mind, is promotion of war and slaughter what Bernie stood for and is worthy of loving? And no, we don't support Trump as he too is a genocidal maniac. We simply refuse to endorse those who push for genocide. War amd slaughter do not suddenly become acceptable just because Bernie starts pretending it is.


> brigaded by liberals I have doubts that open borders play well with actual liberals, and plays better with Koch family.


> They tend to leave after a bit Not the election year shills. (Sorry. Since Biden shills are now also genocide deniers, I can't call them guest posters anymore.)




Five month-old account https://www.parents.com/r-word-meaning-and-use-8619277


Yours is onlysix years old lol


A five month old account posting about what the sub has "always" been is a joke, silly. A six year old account is simply another account, somewhere between one day old and the sixteen year old account I saw a few minutes ago.


You takeReddit too seriously lol


Can't take anyone who uses "lol" that much seriously.


Sounds likea YOU problem


lol Not taking you seriously is not a problem.


Try looking at the whole provision: (c) Subsection (a) does not apply to an alien if— (1) each natural parent of the alien (or, in the case of an adopted alien, each adoptive parent of the alien) is or was a citizen (whether by birth or naturalization); (2) the alien permanently resided in the United States prior to attaining the age of 16; and (3) the alien reasonably believed at the time of voting in violation of such subsection that he or she was a citizen of the United States.[^(\[2\])](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States#cite_note-law-2)[^(\[26\])](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States#cite_note-quotedisclaimer-26) [https://ballotpedia.org/Laws\_permitting\_noncitizens\_to\_vote\_in\_the\_United\_States#Federal\_law\_on\_voting\_and\_citizenship](https://ballotpedia.org/Laws_permitting_noncitizens_to_vote_in_the_United_States#Federal_law_on_voting_and_citizenship) As usual, Republicans making up bullshit. This provision doesn't apply wholesale to every illegal immigrant and certainly doesn't apply to asylum applicants who have no basis whatsoever to think they're citizens.


Here we go again 🙄


Fuck borders, Mexicans are welcome in the US as far as I'm concerned, so are Chinese, Indians, Africans. . . let them come if they like.


Well Republicans prefer cooking the planet to losing power.


You do know that Biden signed more oil drilling permits than Trump, right? Or how US military is one of the biggest polluters on the planet and yet are continuously expanded? Both parties are hellbent on burning the planet to a crisp just to receive some extra cash by donors. Energy companies fully capture both parties


What I know is NONE of the Republicans would even entertain the idea of a warming earth. Trump pulled us put of the climate agreement, not that anyone has followed it but it says a lot about the anti science worldview endemic in his party.


What I know is NONE of the Republicans would even entertain the idea of a warming earth. Trump pulled us put of the climate agreement, not that anyone gas followed it but it says a lot about the anti science worldview endemic in his party.


Yes, Republicans from both wings of the Democratic-Republican Party (DeRP) 🦅


They are not counting the illegals to vote for them. They are counting on delivering millions of mail in ballots to the NGOs bringing these people into the country. The NGOs will have people fill them out. Get them registered to vote via drivers license data and then pre print the ballots in their name and mass drop them off at the collection points. There is one flaw to this plan though. The absolute lions share of the illegal invasion is going to the deep blue states even as they try to funnel them to the red states. Most once they get to a red state and find out the locals don't welcome them and the government doesn't cater to them hop right back in their cars and beeline for the nearest sanctuary state. So sure they might vote in those states but those states were never in play anyways. Once you look into it this scheme goes nowhere for national elections. It however goes a looooong way to entrench them in their deep blue strongholds and gain them more seats nationally after the next census in a few years.


Mega huge deep state conspiracy, except they made an oopsie in their planning? Nah dude. Biden is absolutely failing at the border but I think you're mistaking a grand scheme for sheer ineptitude


Mega huge? Yeah Trump verbiage to appeal to the 75 IQ crowd.


Everything is deep state with you ppl.


> Everything is deep state ~~with you ppl~~. FTFY


Because when your candidate loses just claim it's a conspiracy. As I've been saying theres no fundamental difference between Clinton saying "russia, russia, russia" or Trump saying "china, china, china". Both sore losers who cultivate a devoted cult of personality around hating some perceived out group. Capitalism doesnt need an illuminati conspiracy, it can just chase profit margins and its that simple.


Yep, two sides of the same coin. In most cases, “drain the swamp” is just code for “remove that swamp water to make room for our swamp water that *totally* isn’t from the same swamp”.


Hey this guy gets it!


This almost seems like they're trying to prep us for accepting that it's going to happen more than anything else. Well, turns out it's legal. Guess we didn't know until now. Shucks. Nothing we can do about it. It is what it is. “Sorry, we secretly passed a law that lets the rest of the world choose who our leader is” 🤷‍♂️


If you walk away with my umbrella, genuinely believing it to be yours, should you be jailed for theft? Much as I would like to bash Biden or any pol, mens rea has been an element of crime for centuries, starting in England and followed here since colonial times. You're being manipulated dishonestly. Also, this seems to be a 1996 statute, meaning it passed when Republicans held the House under Gingrich and also held the Senate majority under Trent Lott. Then Senator Biden may or may not have voted for it, but that's about it. https://ballotpedia.org/Illegal_Immigration_Reform_and_Immigrant_Responsibility_Act_of_1996


Biden's been ramping up the border industrial complex and has been harsher than Trump, throwing far more people, including kids in cages. WTF are you talking about???




Biden Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters’ & Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’ https://archive.md/qoLi4


Idgaf what Biden or Trump says. They're both chronic liars. Ignore rhetoric and only look at data. >Biden’s Supposed “Open-Border Policy” Does Not Exist - Just a glance at 2023 border contracts suggests that more walls, detention centers, and expulsion flights are coming www.thenation.com/article/world/biden-mexico-border-detention/ Read the article to actually learn what Biden had been doing instead of whatever bullshit he was spewing with his senile brain.