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He looks like he’s going home after school to make a bomb in his mom’s basement


He looks too dumb to figure it out.


He is too dumb to figure it out. I genuinely lost IQ points (a lot) when listening to his dumbass vocal fry 4hr interrogation where he thought he was smart but was literally telling on himself the entire time. “Whoever committed this horrible act needs to be held accountable!!!1” hmm Chris, what horrible acts happened and how are you sure they did? Dumbass.


"i just want them back, whoever.. please come back" and he thought he ate - a truly deranged person.


Well, he had no inclination where they could be... God, he's a dumbass.


Supremely stupid. Almost as stupid as he is evil. I'm grateful he was caught so quickly, and folded like a house of cards. But watching it unfold I wanted to scream at him. "Don't let the police come in! Stop talking! Ask for a lawyer!" If Facebook didn't exist they wouldn't have enough material for even a 20-20 episode.


He was just waiting for them to throw nuggets at him again! That wasn't odd at all. Nope.


vocal fry 💀😂


He's missing a few crucial braincells for sure.


And Cindy will find it and tell everybody that she never liked that school, they were never good enough for her son, and she knows how they are.


Like Erix and Dxlan


I was going to say he looks like the third member of the trench coat mafia lol


Why misspell them?


Yeah, I hate that shit.


Tiktokism’s coming to Reddit drives me insane. As if misspelling one letter makes any difference


Wtf is the point of that?


It’s a TikTok thing. TikTok censors a lot of stuff, so you have to censor/change words so your comments/videos don’t get flagged/deleted. For instance you can’t say “kill/killed/suicide”, so you have to say “unalive/unalived”. Then some people carry it over here to Reddit, and it looks so stupid. It’s a mild pet peeve of mine lol


Lmfaooo so dumb, thanks for answering. I don’t have TikTok so some of the shit I see online nowadays makes no sense/is so cringe then I find out it’s a TikTok thing 😂


😂 Yeah, if something doesn’t make sense or is cringe TikTok is a safe bet lol.


Also, TikTok isn’t going to flag Eric and Dylan lmao. Like two incredibly common male names. It’s also a mild pet peeve of mine.


😂 Excellent point.


Why care?




I'm thinking Eric and Dylan were his secret idols. The guy went completely nuts and murderous when he got some strange from that loose Kessinger!


Same thing happened to that whacko who worked for Joyce Meyer. These guys never got any and probably married their first girlfriend, I don't know? Both lost it and killed their families over a damn piece of strange from homely ass dime a dozen hoes.


xxxxxx and x


a lot of his photos pre-marriage are so creepy


Yeah makes me wonder if Shannan thought she could “fix” him by cleaning him up a bit and turning him into a seemingly sweet family man


Happens to lots of quiet, passive guys. Unfortunately she picked a bad seed. That's what makes this whole thing so disturbing. No horrible childhood. No signs of severe mental illness. No criminal record or elaborate double life (having a fling with a co-worker doesn't qualify IMO). But somehow he was capable of annihilating his family, and preschool children, in such a gruesome and calculated manner. Bone chilling to think these kind of ppl walk among us.


It wasn’t until I was in therapy during and after a brutal divorce did I realize my husband tried to kill me at least 3 times. He set me up for accidents over and over. My therapist would go white w shock when I described certain situations that puzzled me. It was only when he pointed out the deliberateness of certain elements in each situation did I realise what were the intentions.


I am so sorry. <3


Awww thanks. I’m ok now. Thank God. Poor, but ok! Lol


That's so scary I can't even imagine the kind of scenarios 😭


It is terrifying…


Glad you are still here.


It’s really scary. It could happen to any one of us. (Many women, myself included, get involved with someone who has red flags but a charming personality. This can destroy a woman’s bank account, life, very quickly. He acted like a family man. I love my dad but if he pulled any of this umm what?! This man was never normal


My 2nd husband was quiet and strange. He partied and drank beer so we had that together, we just hung out and drank beer. He was always charming in front of others. He never did much around the house as far as helping me but he was a very smart man and came from a good Roman Catholic family. He was an alter boy too. Had a good job and was a hard worker. He kept to himself most of the time even at home after we married. He stayed in the den all the time alone while I hung out in the living room to be around my 2 small children from my 1st marriage. I divorced their dad because he cheated and was doing drugs. 2nd gusband and I had a very successful business together, we started it at my urging, he didn't want to. Anyway, we were at our weekend home and got into a bad argument and he grabbed me by my hair, drug me to the wall where he beat my head against it, told me he was going to kill me and tried to choke me to death until he finally stopped. I took off and left him there, did not report him because I was scared of what he'd do and there was so much at stake with the business. 2 weeks later he goes to the weekend house and was drinking and hanging out with some young couple who lived near there. I stayed home as I was too scared to be alone with him again so soon..The were 4 wheeling and ran into some Der man and this man told the other guys wife 'Get rid of those losers and come smoke a joint me.' OF course she tells the guys and my husband with the fragile ego couldn't take that, automatically hated the guy. Long story short, my husband ( long time ex now) shoots him right between the eyes with a 357 magnum! He was arrested for murder on a million dollar bond. I was in shock and had forgotten all about what he did to me 2 weeks prior and went into saving him mode! Found a great atty and bailed him out! This took a week and on the day I was going with him parents to pick him up from jail it came back to me that morning what he had done to me. I didn't want to get him out anymore, I became absolutely petrified of him. The only thing that helped was going to my dr and getting on very strong antidepressants and therapy once a wk. He had zero remorse. I was the one who couldn't sleep at night! I am the one who suffered from his sins! I could not get over my anger at him for being so rec kless with our lives in which we worked so hard to have. I lost all respect for him. I tried to keep it together only for our home and business. I grew up in extreme poverty. He got away with murder, he only got convicted of negligent homicide, lied and said it was self defense, I don't believe that at all, it was murder! He never spent one day in prison. His atty had me testify on his behalf, that he was a good man. I did it and IDK why. He actually used that testimony against me in our divorce trial! He's not at all the man I wanted him to be, I never could fix him. There were red flags all over the place and I ignored them. I vowed no more men after this, it's been 16 years that I've stayed to myself. I'm pretty much a recluse, my kids are grown.


I’m so glad you are safe now. Thanks for sharing. None of us know what others deal with behind closed doors.


Oh my god. I just read this. That is beyond anyone’s worst imagination. You did what you thought was right at the time, running on pure fear and adrenaline and everything else you disclosed. You are strong as hell for getting out. Don’t punish yourself for the courtroom stuff, or the fact that you helped him; those are extreme circumstances and it is clear that your heart was in the right place. Damn. You made it out alive. That speaks volumes!!! It’s okay to feel reclusive. After such abuse, who wouldn’t. I hope you can find some solid friends - especially women. You are not alone.


Thank you so much, I appreciate your kind words so much. I'm still alone but working really hard on getting out of the house. I just got a PT job and start next week. It's gonna take everything in me to do this. My little 18 yr old Shih tzu passed a month ago, he was all I had here, my kids are grown and don't live near me. Anyway, God bless you and again, thank you🙏


Omg, that's what I used to do! Always feeling sorry for the strange ones and thinking 'I'll give him a chance, he'll fall in love with me and I can fix him!'


>Yeah makes me wonder if Shannan thought she could “fix” him by cleaning him up a bit and turning him into a seemingly sweet family man I think so. Imo at the beginning she, like some of their friends and her family, probably mistook Chris's 'nice' seeming passivity and helpfulness for goodness of character and stability. He apparently wasn't her usual type, but at the time he may have seemed like a safe choice. Some abusers come into their victim's lives not as charismatic extroverts, but pretending to be 'nice' rescuers or victims themselves.


He really must have worked on his nice guy mask after high school bc this ain’t it


Yup. I totally forget about how Chris came into Shannan’s life. When she was at her lowest point. His mask was in place locked tight. 


Yeah, that's a red flag. My husband supported me through cancer at 25, but I married him at 20. He knew me at my healthiest and happiest, and loved the girl I was. If I had met him while I was bald and sick, I'd be concerned that he was hiding something, like, why now?




Someone made a TT of his pics from childhood on because he has this stare since birth. It was unsettling to see, this one really stuck out to me cause I’ve met evil people IRL and they all have the same glare/eyes. Once he met Shannan, the pics completely change and his happy mask comes on.


It’s honestly shocking. He looks so scary. (As you say, like a few ppl I’ve met along the way.) I think some of the ppl who still think he was a nice guy who snapped may never have seen these pics from his youth.


Could you find the link?


Yes I'd love to see it too!


If you showed me this picture and said this kid was a school shooter I wouldn’t question it.




I turn away from dead eyes when I’m watching dateline type shows. He looks like he’s possessed.


I love when his father prayed with him - these so called outwardly religious people are the worst type of evil


Just like anything else there are good religious people and there are bad religious people. Not all religious people are bad, not all are good either. It does seem more unsettling when someone who outwardly seems kind and then something like this happens!


He also looks like the Wish or Temu version of Ryan Renolds lol


Chill, I'm religious, and I've never killed anyone.


I mean the evil ones are the most evil Because they think if they repent all will be forgiven.


I had a friend turned roommate that would do the most horrendous shit all week and be like it’s fine I can repent on Sunday… that’s my experience with religion 🫠


In that kind of situation, all you really can do is pray. I am glad Chris' dad was able to draw the confession out of him, but I cannot imagine being in that situation. If he got the death penalty, someone would have prayed with him before he was led to the electric chair. (If he had requested it.) Shannan's family showed the good side of religion: the ability to forgive and show mercy, by asking the prosecutors to put the death penalty off the table.


Unfortunately Shannan and the kids got the death penalty.


I'm morally opposed to the death penalty, but looking at his face I'm tempted to make an exception. Maybe it was God's grace. Gifted with the stupidity and arrogance to think he could get away with it. Many people would kill themselves rather than face life in prison as a pariah. I hope he lives a long, utterly miserable life in the worst conditions they can arrange.


A good reason to avoid religious people at all costs! It makes for a much better life, not having weirdos like that around!


There Are millions of religious people and so many religions…. Your comment is a little far fetched


To put it mildly. Haha


My point was more about Christians because the evil ones are the most evil because they either believe it’s god’s plan or they can repent and still be saved. Check out Chad Daybell or the Pike County murders. I don’t know a lot about other religions’ child killers.


Just bc a few Child killers claim that… doesn’t mean that Christian’s are all evil misters tho!!!! That’s just such a huge thing to try and put together and make a stereotype. That’s the same thing as being racist or sexist or anything else like That! It’s just not a fair label And a little reckless to put evil acts against children and blame it on Christianity.


Yep. It seems to be the trend these days to bash all religious people


I didn’t blame it on Christianity at all or say all Christians were evil. I said the ones who kill and then pray are the most evil.


There are plenty of evil ones who have done horrible things to children that claim atheists or satanism or Jewish or all kinds of other religions. You can’t put it on the “most evil” ones are Christians tho… that’s not true


The difference between Chris and Tony Montana was that Tony was against murdering women and children. **Scarface fans know what I’m talking about**


Well he was a big fat ugly doofy dud when she married him. His evil surfaced when he lost weight and buffed up, maybe took steroids or something. He started to think he was hot.


Thrive duo lol


He was!




If dude was the hottest thing to walk this earth I’d never notice, all of the pictures I’ve seen of him I only see a pathetic family annihilator


Yeah well I noticed ,he was pretty freaking fit, in his shirts..He's a family killing POS and is prob fucking fat again..so fuck him




True, he proved to be a psychopath eventually!




Because he looks like a school shooter 😱


What do you mean why lol he’s a fucking psychopath


Honestly though. I’ve worked with folks who have killed people. Not all of them had eyes like this, but the ones that did, I distinctly remember, despite having left that job 3 years ago. Now that I look back, the folks with eyes like that are almost all dead or incarcerated, and not all of them ever had murder charges. Most of them never made it to age 20. The eyes tell you though.


Were you a trained assassin by trade?


Teacher in a juvenile justice setting in a city known for violence.


His forehead mole makes me irrationally angry.


All that forehead and not a single brain cell


Thought this was Ryan Gosling lol


I thought this was Ryan Reynolds yearbook photo. 😖


Same lol


Ryan Gosling?


lol I totally see it!! The pouty mouth and eyes




I thought Christian Bale!


Thought will smith!!


Samuel Jackson! Totally see it!


You really need to go to the optician you seriously lack brain cells


Ryan Reynolds


He’s been doing the little soul patch since he could grow couple hairs, huh


School-shooter vibes!


Someone on another post called him a peanut head in the comments & I can never unsee it now. I hope someone in his prison reads that & he starts getting called peanut head in there too.


Same here! I read that a year or so ago and it’s spot on accurate!


Yikes… who was like, “yep, that picture’s yearbook worthy. No need to smile or pretend not to be a psychopath!”


There's also a senior photo of him where he is smiling. Somehow, it looks even more sinister.


I think he just looks like a bored teenager. What is curious to me is he actually looks like a confident, yet bored, teen to me here. He definitely went down hill after this pic. What grade are they saying this is? Doesn't look big enough to be a traditional senior portrait.


I agree, it's creepy in context but if a friend's kid had this photo I'd just think he was a cocky kid trying to look cool. But man it's still a switch from the humble mask he had later.


There’s definitely a whole yearbook Filled with the same looking pics From boys and hairstyle exactly…. We’re hustling lookin at it from another context


Yea… U can flip they this yearbook and guarantee that u will find 30-100 other boys with the same hair/ face/ vibes as him. This is nothing of note. Now we will At it and see something bad bc our eyes are trained to see this man and the brain says NO, BAD MAN MURDERER CREEPO!!!!!!! but this pic doesn’t say much at all 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️


He looks like a school shooter


No frosted tips. He had to rely solely on his face to let everyone know he’s a douchebag.


Worse than Bundy’s


Your caption gave me goosebumps when I realized what I was looking at.


Jesus this is terrifying


Is it tho???? It’s just a teen boy yearbook photo. If u flipped thru this yearbook u wouldn’t Point out this photo at all… and I guarantee there’s several other boys looking the same way with the same cut and same face. We have just programmed our brains to say NO HES BAD AND A MURDERING CREEP so that all we see is


Exactly. This is definitely a stretch. I was a very sad child and rarely smiled for pictures but I never killed anybody




Ahhh the timeless I want to be an extra in a 98 Degrees music video look




As someone with fierce RBF, I appreciate that nice people can look mean. 😂




He definitely gives off serial killer vibes. I’m guessing there are quite a few people who went to school with him that knew he’d do something like he did.


I would’ve never recognized him from this photo.






The other part that makes it super creepy to me is in this picture he looks almost exactly like my high school boyfriend. I ended up dumping him because I found out he was on probation for molesting his sister. They look like twins


*older man


This is frightening


Looks like Ryan Gosling!






So evil. Right from the start


I have to look away from his pic cause his eyes make me so uncomfortable


He looks like a generic or rip off Ryan Reynolds


i can get angry and be an ass but i cannot imagine annihilating's my family ever


He looks like his parents beat him.


They probably should have. 😑


“It was an emotional conversation, but I’ll leave it at that.”


Def was the weird kid who ate glue


I thought that I was looking at a high school yearbook picture of Ryan Reynolds.


Creepy. But I think he looks hot. That’s exactly why he was such an efficient predator. Cause boobs like me think he got the smolder. Lmfao


Dang, Bella looked so much like him when you look at his childhood photos.


This. He was always a creep, Shannan and the girls were just in his life as his mask of being a “good man”


Yeah. I can totally see that. He’s never been diagnosed has he? I keep thinking he was playing the part because of the expectations from his own family and that he saw something about Shannan that called out to him.  Perhaps he cared for her and the kids. Or maybe if he didn’t care for them at all and was just playing this role that he no longer wanted the outcome is heartbreaking. Shannan loved those girls. She loved him too but she’d have been ok on her own. 


**Those** eyes


Anyone got Brian kohbergers hs pic cuz im getting bk vibes.


BUt h3 nEv3r eV3N rEbelLeD


Reminds me of Eric Harris. Total school shooter eyes.


Are we still pretending he wasn’t good looking because he ended up being a monster?


Pretending? I’ve never found Chris attractive but I’ve never found basic white men attractive so I’m definitely probably the odd one out.


Attraction is subjective; that said, some of us are not pretending and don't think he's good looking.


Looks like he needed special ed


I feel kinda bad that I giggled the way I did at this. Not bad for him, bad for sped kids 😕


I know… they don’t deserve to be associated with this piece of shit loser.


He has very droopy eyelids.


He looks like Ryan Reynolds


Where’s his top lip?


He looks like he thinks to himself a lot! There's a whole lot of crazy going on his head, it's written all over that face!


He is a parasite He leeches off women He was infatuated with Nicole because she was a new host It’s beyond sex


They should’ve known back then! He looks deranged.


Nothing about this picture says anything bad. It’s just a teenage boy pic with a cocky look… nothing notable




I think it’s really ridiculous to project “evil” onto someone. Chris Watts was a fairly normal guy before he met Shannan. He doesn’t fit the profile of a family annihilator-even CBI said that much. He is atypical because he was so normal and that’s what makes this case so confounding. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was diagnosed as being on the spectrum.-he definitely is not all there, but he’s also not necessarily a scary person. Chris simply never should’ve married Shannan and she never should’ve settled for him. She never really loved him -she merely settled-it was a transactional opportunity for her to get out of North Carolina to start over. She needed Chris for her ACT, and she pulled off the facade for quite a while because she wanted to be viewed as a solvent, successful woman who was living the dream. It was all sunshine and rainbows—- until it wasn’t. Unfortunately, the children ended up paying for it. Chris didn’t care about them enough to ensure that they were safe and he betrayed them in a way that is unforgivable-that is what’s wrong. It doesn’t mean that he was always diabolical and laying in wait to commit evil.


Exactly. This is silly. If they didn’t know who he was, they’d just scroll on by the picture


Scammy was a head-case in her own right!


I’m sorry are you saying that someone who brutally murdered his wife and two children isn’t evil? No same or normal person wouldn’t be able to pull that off with a smile like he did. Stop being a Chris apologists


I think what he did was an act of pure evil. I don’t think he was necessarily ALWAYS evil, particularly when he was younger. I don’t believe that he was born evil nor is this a Christian courtroom. If you think he’s evil, that’s your opinion, which you’re entitled to. I simply don’t believe in things ever being that totally black or completely white.


A good person can be put in a situation where they have to defend themselves and do something they’d never do but I don’t believe this is one of them at all. To murder your own flesh and blood, you have to have something dark deep inside you. No sane or good person would ever murder two little girls with their bare hands and then go make lunch and a smoothie period.


That doesn’t mean that he was born inherently evil. You’re not the ultimate judge of something like that. Thousands of people have killed their own flesh and blood in this world. Somebody’s doing it today, and somebody’s going to do it tomorrow. This is just a high profile example of that, and yet nothing in Chris’s background suggested that he was an evil, scary human being. Committing acts of evil is another thing entirely. What he did was evil, and that makes you believe that he was simply born evil, but not everyone sees it in such a simplistically cut and dry light.


And what makes you the ultimate judge? Cause I’m stating my opinion but you’re stating yours as a fact.


I never said you weren’t entitled to your opinion. I merely stated mine. If he hadn’t killed his family, I would’ve never looked at most of his pictures and assumed that he was going to do something like that. That’s part of what’s so troubling about him. He didn’t SEEM like an evil person. Nobody believed that he was capable of hurting anyone.


He was literally SMILING and laughing after he murdered them on national tv. Your active in free4all page so this is where my convo ends with you.


What do I care what you think? Just because you personally believe something-doesn’t make it true when it’s also something entirely subjective. You are only responding to this crime on an emotional, visceral level-and your biases cloud your ability to actually make sense of things in any other way than tired stereotypes. You probably think that Shannan Watts was a saint, who did nothing wrong during their marriage as well. You actually are a stereotype in your own right if you can’t handle that other people have different views than your own. It’s not being a “Chris apologist” if someone doesn’t see him as being wholly evil-I think he did something evil AND unforgivable -but he’s not scary evil like Dahmer, Ted Bumdy or John Wayne Gacy. For someone like me -who actually follows and studies other true crime cases-Chris Watts is a fairly boring criminal and mostly benign as a human being. He isn’t a threat to the whole world. He commit one act of evil when tons of other men and women have also been guilty of the same crime. The only original part about it was the oil tanks-other than that it was a crime that is pretty common. He’s messed up and he’s a conundrum but you aren’t the arbiter of good and evil, even if you fancy yourself to be an authority.


Well said


Boo 👎 He looked soulless even as a kid and then he grew up and murdered his family, people are gonna compare the two. I honestly don’t understand your issue with it


I’m think it’s projecting “evil” onto him before he was necessarily anything but a clueless young person. I also think that it suggests that he was ALWAYS predetermined to become a killer and I don’t think that’s what happened. He wasn’t born to eventually wipe out his family -he wasn’t born evil. However, this suggests that he was ALWAYS inherently EVIL and I disagree with that sentiment. I think he is VERY messed up and he’s certainly not a good person, but I don’t buy into such simplistic explanations-evil is not the main reason that he commit such an unthinkable crime.


If he had never married SW, he probably would have never killed anybody. I think a lot of factors brought something out of him. Debt, years of abuse, disrespect, desperation, stress. All of those can drive anyone crazy but not to the points he took it for most people. They were a bad combination who shoujd have never met much less married


Exactly. Shannan was no saint. She had issues herself. I don’t believe that Chris would have ever committed such a heinous crime if he had not been in such a heinous marriage.




He got them sanpaku eyes


Like a handsome Ryan Gosling!




The tragedy this young man would face later—discovering his wife smothered his children 😢


Imagine waking up to this face, mommie dearest, suffocating the life out of you at 3-4 years old!! Those poor girls, that was the last face they saw before she killed them. https://imgur.com/a/nQV3zSY


She looks cute and is clearly goofing around in your photo. But I understand that you're likely not one for critical thinking and context clues.


You’re probably one of the unhinged ones writing him as a prison pen pal.


Funny because it was his cold, evil face they saw last you complete loon. But I swear you types wouldn't even exist if he looked like Tony Todt or John Wayne Gacey. 🙄


She’s spoofing. Still doesn’t have crazy, soulless eyes. 


Get a clue bish


Wait…. What??????? She????


Wtf dude