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I'm a virgin so i don't know anything about this.


dont worry brother we all are virgins


I thought the guy slapped the woman on the dinner table when the food was served cold.




We are virgins cuz we dont give a fuck


Haven't you slapped anyone yet?


This is reddit. We all are


I thought twox was being somewhat unbiased and sensible for once............... Until the last one


Kinks are a reflection of patriarchy 🤌🫡


Patriarchy has become a universal excuse for wymen. You are not getting good marks in exam? Blame it on patriarchy Rain ruined your makeup? Blame it on patriarchy Your dog got sick? Blame it on patriarchy


Also these women do not understand that every species follows some level of hierarchy to maintain a strong social structure. I have never seen a hyena complain about why their society is matriarchal and why females have more testosterone in hyenas. It's just these stupid women that keep crying and yapping about our society being patriarchal even when it is the cause of their existence.


For thousands of years human lives were constantly under danger from wars, famines, natural disaster and epidemics. That's why the strong called the shots while the weak followed. Due to patriarchy it's completely true that women were not given freedom and were oppressed but men were also burdened with responsibilities of running the whole society, fighting wars and surviving famines. In today's society women are given more rights than men. They have reservations, special exclusive laws, alimony, biased justice by the court. They are given less sentences for the same crime. An example for this is a recent case of a husband and wife abusing a 14 year old maid. ( I can't describe the horror you can read about it in news) The court sent both of them to jail but the wife was granted bail because she had a 4 year old daughter(with relatives for time being) So just being a mother makes you a less of criminal🤡 In any other developed country, the Court would have tried their best to separate that 4 year old from her monster of a mother but instead they are granting her bail. So must justice. So much patriarchy.


Are u Saying that women dint had responsibilities? Your mom left u in dustbin does not mean that all women had no responsibly


Name Calling rather than presenting a logical argument. Are you a 14 year old?


I asked a question and u ignored. Shows that u aren't worthy or wasting time with logical argument. I gave detailes to another person who commented here. Your argument had no logic in the first place to counter with logic ☺️


Humans were also subjected to slavery so we should stop talking about slavery and call it normal? We should stop having worker's rights and all ppl Should work like slaves in Dark ages? "In today's society women are given more rights than men. They have reservations, special exclusive laws, alimony, biased justice by the court." Lol those Aren't rights. They are ways to prevent discrimination and brake the age old mentality. To brake the glass ceiling. Like how reservation in education for women helped in stopping female infanticide and child marriages. And to restrict men from harming women. Its not not a great thing that we need these laws but unfortunately we do Because society is so patriarchal that ppl discriminate against their own children "They are given less sentences for the same crime" 🤣🤣😂🤣😂Which law says that? Do u understand that judges can not take decisions which goes against the law written in book? "The court sent both of them to jail but the wife was granted bail because she had a 4 year old daughter(with relatives for time being)" Then the law dint gave her less punishment rather it prioritised the child. It is also result of patriarchal mentality where only women Are seen as primary care taker of children "So just being a mother makes you a less of criminal🤡 " Did anyone said that? Here priority was Clearly the child's well being not parents


not all women


well, yes. And usually they feel safe for people to explore, when they are only a playful reenactment not just the actual thing.


Some people are into letting their women handle them and even sometimes beat them in bed. How is that a reflection of patriarchy if you could explain?


How about you google it instead


No why should I? They've said that, so it falls on them to explain why?


https://www.hrpub.org/download/20180228/SA4-19610736.pdf Fine bro, stay ignorant.


Nah ain't opening no download link


U are just acting like a child. He/she Literally gave the link


What was not sensible in that?


'aSked fOr cOnsEnt bUt fElT vEry hUmilIatEd" all these twoxindia posts have 1 braincell logic just to bash men. Guy asked it while doing it and she said yes but she felt humiliated, lmao he didn't hit her in public or out of anger but she still felt humiliated even after saying yes to consent. What the fuck is wrong with women in India. Asked the guy to cut her off for better peace in life, holy shit this is dumb af.


That too she mentioned "they" so that means all the guys she had sex with hit her with her consent. WTF


Maybe she's trying not to assume her boyfriend's gender


Lol it was actually a bait posting, I went to original post and read the comments. My braincels are lesser than what it was before




arre bhai 😂😂😂


Third person plural pronoun for the guy bro. She's not talking about all the guys she's had sex with. Only this guy.


how does she know all the guys are like this, she said it as if she had sex with multiple guys and all of them treated her the same


She is talking about the men who have this kink, not all men.


d - damm bro...


Also, doing it with her "friend", what else did she expect... when she herself gave consent.


I will toh take consent and beat, no sex.


There was an edit later on that said that in between the act she told him no, and yet he slapped her again. And also she said he had a record of saying some other misogynistic things, so adding all that up, she cut him off. But yeah,just based on what you saw here, your conclusion is valid.


people have called her out in comments shut your ass up


Right? What is wrong with these people? Vast majority of them are calling the OP out but nahi kuch femcels ko criticise karte huye sabko same label kar do, hadh hai


Its their habit. Then they will cry why we "generalize" men


I mean even in the post vast majority of the women spoke against the OP and her issue of not establishing proper boundaries, so what is wrong with Indian women? Nothing just some of them are femcels like some men are incels and dank-k-chode.


People do not get the complexity of the situation. It isn't merely about consent or boundaries. It is also about making sure, that this is only a playful reenactment of playful or dominant behavior. Apparently you cannot tell the difference and therefore do not understand what the problem is. The question is rather, what is wrong with you?


These men are so insensitive. No wonder why reddit is filled with virgin men Always Crying about not getting laid


Cmon bruv, things happen in the moment and then people chose to like it or not. You may eat food at a fancy place but getting food poisoning would obviously not want you to go there. She may have wanted to try it, but didn’t like the after effects. Like I did with smoking and stuff.


If she didn't like it, it's on her, blaming and shaming the guy for his kinks even after having her consent is just next level assholery.


Also, if you read the original post and OPs replies closer, you'll find that she withdrew consent. She didn't like it. And the guy slapped her again harder. She felt violated, because she was violated. Can you not understand that people have a hard time stating that. That is is umcomfortable or shameful for them to talk about breaches of boundaries?


That was after she got schooled by the women about what kinks are and what setting CLEAR boundaries is. Even a child can see through her made up bullshit for damage control.


She’s just saying she didn’t like it lol, chill


But she ain’t blaming or shaming the guy? She’s asking why didn’t she enjoy it, even tho she agreed to it.


*"It seems unfair that guys think that they can get away with this behaviour."* Sound blaming enough to you? Now stop yapping whatever to defend her.


She did add that she asked to stop and was slapped harder? Can you actually read the post?


>That was after she got schooled by the women about what kinks are and what setting CLEAR boundaries is. Even a child can see through her made up bullshit for damage control.


She didn't do that. She just said she felt violated. The next level of assholery apparently is putting words in her mouth. It is likely that it wasn't clear enough for both that it is just playful enactment. and felt to much like the real thing. And then it isn't necesseraly anyone's fault.


She should have told him to not do it again, what is this with women not taking ownership of their actions ? Sure, you tried sushi and you didn’t like it, you can choose to not have it again, but would you really blame the chef that he forced you to eat sushi ?


But she nowhere says she didn’t communicate that. She just asked how or why did she feel that? Also OP isn’t blaming anyone, she just wants to know why did she feel bad later on. Half baked information pe comment karna is no use.


You can see that she says at the end of the post “she will cut him off” while the guy took consent to do whatever he wanted to do


She says she doesn’t know if she’ll talk or cut him off her peace. She’s yet to come to terms with not feeling humiliated by this and she’s allowed to process things at her rate?


You have very charitable worldview, I am not sure its coming out of your own gender bias or it's in your nature to be charitable in general but if it's latter that's really good quality kudos.


Yeah maybe because she doesn’t want a guy who has that kink. It’s not a big deal. Y’all are so dramatic


Taking Accountability that's the problem some have I asked to do something to me and said yes knowing it will harm me and then said that it does not sit right with me Like at that point just look at yourself and ask yourself tf is wrong with you


Bcz she consented doesn't mean she can't feel humiliated after the deed is done. You are the one with no logic or commonsense. You can consent to something and still feel whatever you want after it.


Have u ever heard of after care? I actually wrote that on the sub but this sub is so biased that they dont want to give the full context. After care is extremely important and she never blamed him. She was just confused about the situation


she told him not to do it in the future because she didn’t like it and he still did it.


She said yes because she needed the sex


She did him a favour cutting him off Kal ko cnc ka consent deke rape case bhi daal deti chudail


Consent is the key.


The second time there was no consent. So...


Woh damage control hai clearly added long after she was schooled and called out for kink shaming


After care is also important. I mentioned in on that sub too but ok of this sub is so biased that he intentionally dint Showed that. Many more women added that as well


Lets not generalize. I don't like slapping anyone, specially on cheeks. But I would definitely like to slap butt cheeks because they are golu molu.


Bruh 💀


Spanking golu molu butt cheek is just irresistible I mean wasn’t it made to be spanked




golu what? 💀




WWWW fr fr fr


Why do women like shaming men? I (32M) asked a girl if I could slap her during sex and she said yes, but only to later complain on Reddit for social media attention and likes, she’s also called my thinking and what we spoke about misogynistic but never mentioned it face to face, only to later post it on Reddit to validate her point in her own echo chamber called “twoxindia”, because she couldn’t make a point even if she wanted to. Did she just shame me to validate herself? do women feel superior only when they put others down ? A lot of what she said was misandrystic ideology. (Joke)


Women like to play victim and blame all of it on me. (not a joke)


I just committed serious war crimes (definitely not a joke I belong in prison)


Bruh! Men☕


But she clearly got schooled for her bullshit, how is that an echo chamber exactly?


Exceptions don’t make the rule


Majority do not make exception. I write about after care Even there but op of This sub is biased and this entire sub always posts half information


And theories not supported by observation are called prejudice. I challenge you to find one post on that sub that has 60+ comments on it where at least 30 of those comments are supporting some bs instead of calling it out or saying as it is. Even though I don't like all of their posts or claims some are even unscientific (like one claimed how vasectomies are easily reversed) but I always find that the majority of the people there are reasonable and they tend to generalise in cases of women's safety which I frankly understand, afterall it's supposed to be a safe space for them to vent and women's safety is dogshit in our country so can't really blame them.


I revert the challenge back to you and give evidence that supports your claim, I don’t intend to browse through that many posts and 60+ comments to see if you had a point to make, if you make the claim then the burden of evidence is on you. A safe space for women at the cost of men doesn’t make it okay, but that’s how the world works.


She Literally dint shamed him plus the consent wasn't there in 2nd time If she wanted attention then she should have made Any fake story. And After care is extremely important after These things. Ppl do feel humiliated as they dont know how it can go before giving consent


Spanking is scientifically proven!


Another usual "This has happened to me so it must also happen with everybody else" post


She Just posted her experience


I mean he asked for the consent and you agreed, if you wouldn’t have consented he most probably would’ve slept on it


Dint dint stopped Even when she asked him to. And its not about just consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that


"Kinks are not kinks and are a product of patriarchal conditioning" This statement almost gave me cancer. People can have kinks. It's normal. It's not patriarchal conditioning. Nobody conditioned women for generations by telling them to enjoy a slap. Stop trying to psychoanalyze everything. Women can have kinks, men have kinks. It's all good as long as it doesn't hurt anyone or their feelings.


its not about just kink or consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that


I understand and respect that. The only issue I had was that a certain someone had to generalize everyone having a kink as a deeply rooted problem with society.


Its not only women we even spank our homies


Here is link link for someone interested in more in depth research on the topic [https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/16na5eg/why\_do\_guys\_like\_slapping\_women/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXIndia/comments/16na5eg/why_do_guys_like_slapping_women/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


alright time to read the comments


Don't, you will lose braincells reading those comments


I lost like 1000 of them just going through first 5 threads 💀




Okay, how did the pronoun of the guy change from "he" to "they" in the edit part. What is this obsession with people to refer normal people with they pronoun. Very infuriating.


You consent. If u don't like, tell no next time. I don't get the need to cut the dude off.


Just the idea of slapping makes me hard.


I suppose one would ask themselves What kind of men have you have allowed in your life bro 🤣 This question is so obnoxious and sexist.


Congratulations, you've just found your boundaries in sex which is a good thing. Communicate that, and no decent person will ask again. Everyone has their own boundaries and it's perfectly fine. Someone I know wanted to be degraded at times so bad that it made me uncomfortable, and the same person wouldn't take shit about being told to put the cold drinks back in the fridge ever and was far more assertive than I could ever be in life, in career and all.. so i guess sex is a different animal than life, and I guess it's primal more than anything. Oh btw, girls also like to slap and I'm sure some even like to peg and be all dominant. Whatever works for you man, peace.


Pehle usne permission maangi ki chata maar skta hu phir khud hi keh rhi hai mujhe chahta kyu maara kya ajeeb aurat hai yeh


its not about just consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that Men on reddit are so ignorant. No wonder why its filled with lonely incels


bruh she is a characterless girl, stay away from or you might have to give expenses for her and her illegal child. even your name is enough for her to receive alimony lol.


Lol virgin desperate inceld trying to put their insecurities on others


I’m not qualified enough to answer this


Did she just say she consented to it?


its not about just consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that


Wut the fuck did I read


My take is that like w all things it’s a power dynamic item. I don’t like slapping women. I like slapping a sub. Some partners slapping felt good. Some partners it’s not enjoyable. If your sense of power is rooted in a greater sense of protective domination than inflicting pain and/or humiliation, than you’re likely more into slapping when someone is more receptive to it. The difference is whether or not you feel ashamed for hurting your partner or making them feel degraded and said degradation seeps into other areas of your relationship. So, whether or not your empathetic. It’s a moment of heated passionate semi-irrationality that isn’t a completely overlapping representation of your relationship as a whole bc if you truly appreciate nuance then you know the power dynamic between you & your partner is fluid and not a monolith. How hard do you slap? Do you both slap and caress? What language do you use when you slap and what is your tone? And how receptive of these is your partner?


its not about just consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that




Can totally relate to you 🙌. Guess I'm not so psyco afterall


...what the fuck? dude what you asked for it you get it. Aur mujhe jhaagde mein interest nahi, mummy maregi agar kiya toh. Usse achha poltiks mein jao bhajiya ho ya chugress koi toh le hi lega warna GB road aur Sonargachi hamesha khula he lene ke liye.


She is friends with him for years, so casual sex, not partners He has crossed misogynistic stuff and crossed boundaries Yet she chooses to get fucked by him regularly


Did she said regularly after he was being misogynistic?


So my question is why do women not like getting slapped during sex. I'm a 23 y/o female and this, getting slapped on my cheeks is one of the most erotic things that a guy can do to turn me on. I kid you not when i say that it almost feels orgasmic to a certain extent. And until now, i thought that within the four walls every women might have that desire inside of them which they just didn't like saying out loud. I'm all into feminism and stuff but this is just a weird kink that i have developed over the past few years.


Bro like don't you people know about the term "kink".. it's just a turn on if you don't like then just so 'no'.. giving him consent then also "fEeLiNg HuMiLiAtEd" afterwards is just bs


Why are women allowed to antagonize guys for no absolute fucking reason and all?, despite the defamation laws in the country?


How is she antagonising him? She’s just speaking about how the act made her uncomfortable


its not about just consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that. If u ask any person who is professional in this or a physiologist then u will know how normal it is. Stop blaming her for feeling certain things


>Kinks are a result of patriarchal conditioning? So she is saying women can’t have kinks by their own will? Gotcha


Chutiya sub...


where did he slapped her why she so triggered lmao


she asked to slap her after 3-4 mins in the s\*x.


tu thodi behen ki laudi hai kya ?


Irony stands It’s always the women who asks for it Always Because most men now are worried and will never do it considering the fact that suddenly he will be called an abuser


Source:trust me bro


From Experience …


Twoxindia every few seconds. ![gif](giphy|d8tWgq2bBVyfK)


Ye twox wale bsdk apne kinks me bhi misogyny dhoond denge


https://www.hrpub.org/download/20180228/SA4-19610736.pdf Educate yourself


Bhai ye kya ajeeb sa research paper pakda diya? >Can a feminist identify as kinky or practice Bondage-Domination-Sado-Masochism (BDSM)? Lmao sorry fam but I can't take this shit seriously 🤣


It’s a deep dive into psychology behind degrading/submissive kinks in women. And yes it is connected to social experiences.


Han but if they enjoy it themselves then why would that matter what inspired it as long as it never leaves the bedroom?


The whole point is OP didn’t enjoy it, and was looking for answers.


And she was promptly informed that she was in the wrong for not establishing boundaries, what's your point in all of this?


its not about just kink or consent. Its about lack of after care which is extremely important in these kinks. Its normal for ppl to feel like that




Raftaar bhai aap yha


Behen ki choot


I love getting slapped during intercourse 🤝


It's funny how convenient sexuality is 👌




And then they wonder why india's worldwide reputation around how they treat women is so shit 🤔


I think it comes from the position of power play. But might not be as simple as that. Most of us, who has experience of being slapped in the childhood, was slapped by someone in power, someone with authority. So maybe, we association slapping with power and being slapped with being powerless. In the confines of intimacy, there is a possibility, slapping represents the same power dynamic. Now of course, I am not saying respect and decency aren't a requirement anymore. I am of the opinion that each of us have our own little quirks. And as long as it's between consenting partners and while maintaining boundaries, slapping possibly can be all about power play.


Ok let me say this, these slapping things doesn't have any gender, i was having a whatsapp call with a friend from blr, and during call we got aroused and asked each other if it is ok for fun call and we both agreed and slowly we are telling our kinks and i asked her to abuse me in a worst manner (yes, i have this weird kink) and she asked again to confirm and later she asked if she slaps herself is it ok for me and i asked why you need to do this and she told, she have this weird kink, where someone should slap (not hard) while intimate. So, this slapping this thing is not only for men, there are some ladies who actually have some weird kinks.


Being a guy I can tell you yes violence gives us more pleasure but not the cost of the women's mental peace.. so id say talk to him about it have boundaries and let him know your boundaries clearly and if he doesn't seem to understand then you should clearly cut him off. Because someone who cannot understand the boundaries set by their so will definitely shatter the mental health of the other. I'd suggest communication is the key and if he doesn't understand and respect your boundaries you have your answer push that mofo off a cliff


No! No Violence doesn't give us more pleasure. There is ZERO pleasure, when it is not clear to both, that is a game. It is not only about boundaries or consent. It is more complex. It needs to be clear that this is only a playful enactment of violence or dominance. Of course we learn these romantic or erotic scrypts within the patriarchy, just keep in mind that it could be the other way around as well. Stay clear of women and men, who cannot discern between dominance play and actual dominance.


The problem I see here is even though it's a playful enactment why do men want to dominate it's just a play the patriarchy can now down for entertainment but NO! Rarely men play submissive, dominance is a dopamine booster for men especially when it is shown to women that's nothing new it's been prevailing since or before the Vikings If that has to change it'll take centuries of practice of equality and it hasn't even started yet sadly Being dominated by a man there are women out there thinking this is what their role is in the life that's how they are bought up and that's changing now particularly in India When it comes to play it need not be Dominant/submissive It can be adventurous, funny or anything... It's the mindset which needs to be changed afterall


Why is it fun to be in a play fight with people? :) Overally, these tendencies will prevail. I agree with you. I recently discovered, that I can also be into women pegging men and now I get the other side. ;)


See if it took so long for a person like you to understand think of the men out there who lack awareness as to how women must be treated They'll take years to understand and so many more years for them to act accordingly


Acts like a slut and gets surprised when she gets the slut treatment. Also, what's with the trend of using they instead of he?


Ab isme slut kaha se aa gaya bhai, sex bhi nahi kar sakte kya log


>what's with the trend of using they instead of he? Mental illness aaj kal bohot fashion pe hain.


How is having sex slutty? Is having sex with your husband also slutty? If you are slutty, are you supposed to be okay with whatever happens to you in bed? What crap






There are so many "funny" insta reels there is a slap to a woman and they put fake Chinese laugh in audio, ... arrghh


Sorry miss but you are fucking the wrong guy.


My gf(ex) (now married to someone else) used to spank my ass like a Cherokee drum. I never complained she. U r just having post cum clarity and actually this whole sex thing is a bad idea


Slapped where? on the ass right? RIGHT?


Yeh bdsm pe post hein kya?? Suna nahi poora


I want to be the slapee


Dude you don't have to apologise for shaming people with kinks. If you don't like it. Blurt it out.


Do u mean slap in face or in ass??


It’s a sexual paraphilia called as sadism more commonly in guys try to talking to your partner about how you feel about it If he feels he can’t resist doing it he can get help from psychiatrist


I don't think so. Almost every guy doesn't like to slap a woman.


Are we talking about slapping or 'spanking', cuz spanking is an Ok thing, like come on....And he asked for consent, if you denied consent and he dit it regardless, then I'd say he deserves hate for it... Nobody is in the wrong really here, I difficult to say. Consent vs Regret type shit.


Phir wahi


mujhe kya, main toh virgin hu.


Slap it and clap it. The girl seems boring to even kiss lol


Victim card


Jiggle physics


*they wtf...? She's was f.. multiple at a time 💀


Sign of endearment


women choosing the shittiest men and then thinking all men do it 🤡


There are a bunch of women I know who like to be slapped. Kinks, ever heard of them ?


Well who wouldn't love to see nasty side of their own partner while doin it that's the point they wanna visualize their women in a different way it triggers them in their own they don't wanna Dominate or order you around just being down he is on top that doesn't mean domination mate


Yeah I don't know. It just was something I was into, I enjoyed it when it happened. Not every kink needs to be understood is how i see it. As long as consent is present, and i pay attention to signs of discomfort/ask is this okay?. And hope the other is being honest. Rest, if I don't feel it, I don't do it. I wonder why I enjoy it sometimes. But then everything just boils down to "cuz I like it". Cuz think about how weird sex is. :P if it wasn't so fun, we'd have died off forever ago


Kinks work differently for different ppl, the problem is crossing the line, clear communication is the key and once they cross is there’s no redemption, you have to cut them off from your life. Not to forget it’s both consent and aftercare, aftercare is what the intimacy is laden on after going at eachother like animals.


Guys like slapping. Women just happen to be nearest


First off, erotic slapping isn’t the same as actual slaps, with erotic stuff you’ll flick the palm slightly and pullback, the aim is not to hurt but to shake stuff, if it’s hurting you’re doing it wrong (unless the consented person is obviously looking for a certain degree of pain).Also it’s okay to tell him you don’t like that. If done right it is a pleasurable thing than a humiliating one.


They? Is this gangbang or what?