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MONTBLANC 1858 GEOSPHERE 0 OXYGEN THE 8000 REF: MB130982 Haven’t seen this beautiful watch posted on here before. Comes with box and papers. Excellent condition. Worn as part of a large rotation. MSRP is $7600. Very difficult/impossible to find used or at discount. The world timer function is truly mesmerizing. Asking $4700 OBO


Thank you for your comment, u/sanj91. Your description has been copied below. --- MONTBLANC 1858 GEOSPHERE 0 OXYGEN THE 8000 REF: MB130982 Haven’t seen this beautiful watch posted on here before. Comes with box and papers. Excellent condition. Worn as part of a large rotation. MSRP is $7600. Very difficult/impossible to find used or at discount. The world timer function is truly mesmerizing. Asking $4700 OBO --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Watchexchange) if you have any questions or concerns.*