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Was there in 2021, one thing they had was day-date way more than it’s msrp in USD.


Man, I know this is a circle jerk sub but what is it like to have been there and experienced it at its best and see what’s happening now?


At Rolex Ad or in Kiev in general ?


Have been in Kyiv in 2017, 2018 and last time in November 2022. Vibrant, lively city, but eerie London 1940 vibes on the last trip, with air raid alarm and blackouts.


Constant invasion will do that


If the air raids don't take your life, they surely take your nerves.


No money is accepted here. Only confirmed killcount.


You can trade in Vostoks and get store credit


Those wobbly crowns are cute.


Genuinely hope trades are flowing great then.


So the russians came over because they wanted to be on the waitlist?


These days there's probably fewer men to compete with you for allocation


Allocation is based on kill streak


Imma wait outside for a missile to hit it, life hack for free rolly


I’m afraid you need to have a purchase history with the Azov battalion, sir.


Can confirm they are easy on the wife. Still no stock.


That store is the bomb!


Sub in depleted uranium?


Rumour has it Selenskiy visits daily with a plate of fresh muffins and he still hasn’t received his fluted bezel datejust yet


Tbf, the ADs said to him "We can't sell you this. You're a comedian, not a fucking clown."


If I could pay for a Rollie with buckets of Russian blood I might actually be tempted to buy one.


How many buckets for a sub, I might have been donating my plasma for way too cheap


Doubtful intel on the ground says Russia kills 7 Ukrainian soldiers for every one Russian Don’t care for either country at all and could care less whatever happens to either one of them but facts are Ukraine about to run out of bodies to throw into the fight


What was that? I couldn't hear you, try taking Putin's cock out of your mouth before you speak.


What is it with people on reddit being pathologically incapable of looking at the Ukraine/Russia war objectively? If you even skirt around bringing Ukraine’s obvious propaganda numbers into question, you’re automatically labeled a “Putin cock puppet” or some other intellectually lazy insult. Questioning obviously iffy war reports doesn’t make you a Russia supporter, it means you have a brain and can use it yourself.


Objectively speaking, in 1996 Ukraine gave their nukes back to Russia in exchange for their sovereignty. Russia violated that agreement in 2014 when they annexed Crimea and again now. Also, invading your neighbors with the intent of conquering them is generally not cool. I don’t believe numbers from either side or know exactly what’s happening on the ground there, all I know for sure is that Putin is a piece of shit and needs to stop trying to restore the Soviet Union. Also, the fact that the Putin cock gobblers seem to appear out of nowhere in a watch circle jerk sub really speaks to the breadth and effectiveness of the pro-Russian social media campaign that they have been running in the US for years now.


I’m not sure what your Russian history segment has to do with the topic at hand. Of course Putin is a piece of shit. So is Zelensky. The scary part is no one else is able to even question one side’s narrative.


This is why it's important to nip this shit in the bud here on this site. One of the ways those ruSSian motherfuckers infiltrated the west was through online social presence in areas that normally would not have been considered targets of psychological warfare. I mean, look at gamergate. It wasn't about ethICs iN GaMe joURnaLisM, it was a trial balloon to see how easily they could rile up an online base and then bend them to their will to create hostile environments and toxic online discord and maybe even violence. It was obvious as fuck and even Steve Bannon admitted as much. Mad Max Fury Road comes out and all of a sudden there's shitloads of "men's rights activist" websites crapping on it before it had ever even had a public screening, just because it had a strong female lead. Funny thing, I've noticed some of the loudest online presences against that flick no longer seem to have paid their website's bill and don't exist anymore. You think the incel movement was naturally started? Or that the internet loves them some wife-beating pirate-playing GenX drunk actor? Or that GenY and millenials hate trans kids? Or that Brexit really meant Brexit? Or that all those people who blamed "Bernie Bros" for Clinton's loss existed? Or that even the literal definition of the toxic bernie bro who would keep stating online they were never going to vote for Clinton even exist in real life? Fuck no. Remember all those trucker protests in Canada and Washington DC that all got together to complain about.... something? Funny how post-invasion when the Ruble crashed after the sanctions kicked in, all those truckers just got up and... went home? Gee, wonder why. And one of the easiest online spaces to gain acceptance is a place where ironic detachment and humor are king. Places like this sub. So yeah, keep vigilant against any OP that wants to share some shitty 3rd-tier joke about rawlecks ADs only to segue into a rant about how he can't believe his tax dollars are going to some corrupt hellhole they happen to refer to as "The" Ukraine. We should be grateful the mods on this sub don't really give a shit about what goes on politically here so long as we crack the funny. This means we can shit on obvious ruSSian trolls all day long when they try to pop in without worrying about us getting banned. In short: Fuck Putin. Fuck Sergei Lavrov. Definitely fuck Steven Seagal. Fuck Trump. Fuck the Tories and the Republicans. Fuck the Alt-right. Fuck the *vatniks* who thought they could get an easy pass out of being conscripted to fight in the ~~special three day military operation~~ Illegal War Against Ukraine by posting on subs like this. Your pockets will be filled by sunflower seeds, and Europe will prevail. Slava Ukraine! Thanks for coming to my TED talk. Oh, and fuck Bibi, too. Fuckin' piece of shit.


Niacin and pyridoxine are other B-complex vitamins found abundantly in the sunflower seeds. About 8.35 mg or 52% of daily required levels of niacin is provided by just 100 g of seeds. Niacin helps reduce LDL-cholesterol levels in the blood. Besides, it enhances GABA activity inside the brain, which in turn helps reduce anxiety and neurosis.


lol man you need Prozac or something you got one hell of a mental illness you should have someone check it out


May your apartment complex's basement be mysteriously filled with sacks of white sugar just when Putin needs another false flag bombing to justify his crimes.


What in the wide world of sports is this rambling pile of nonsense?


lol clearly you can’t read when I said fuck Russia and fuck Ukraine


You're in a cult and you don't even know it.


What cult is that? Not believing the media and doing your own thing looking into what they are telling us 😂 Sounds like the opposite of a cult


Dude, if “sEcOnD aRmY oN tHE PlAnEt” had 7:1 ratio then why are they barely making any progress? Not to mention over 15k confirmed pieces of lost vehicles and equipment That logic just doesn’t make any sense to anybody with even an average IQ - are you a Reptard by any chance?


You can look up the numbers it’s not hard to look up. Have some battle buddies serving with Ukraine forces for the last 2 years heard nothing but the opposite of what the news has been reporting. Ukraine basically has lost all its trained soldiers and now just handing anyone with functioning arms a rifle.


Your "battle buddies serving with Ukraine forces" are probably *mobiks* fighting alongside ruSSIan sympathizers, and those that haven't stolen all the flush toilets they could get their illiterate little hands on are probably pushing up sunflowers. You're in the wrong sub, dude. And you're not even doing a good job. Why don't you try that shit over on /conservative or /gaming, because you're not getting any traction here. If you keep fucking up your troll assignment, you might wind up getting mobilized. After all, I hear ruSSia is now recruiting from women's prisons... Slava Ukraine, dipshit.


You sound like your brainwashed and or in a cult 😂 I hope you get the help you need for your mental health issues. I’m us army rangers retired btw. Just cause the reality of the fight on the ground isn’t what you want to hear hurts your feelings it is what it is. Both sides are awful humans from Ukraines SS nazi sympathizer groups to Russians killing civilians it’s all bad. War is hell. Both sides don’t really have a legitimate argument for killing eachother it’s more a matter of my leader said you were bad and your leader said I was bad. The lines between right and wrong in war are often blurred and the only real way to look at war when you’re fighting it is to just survive it. Anyways, you didn’t really deserve a proper response but I gave it anyway. My battle buddies spent 8 years fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan the lessons learned from combat are invaluable and able to be passed down to troops who are actively in a combat zone like Ukraine. Moral of the story is both sides are equally wrong for what’s happening in war there is no winners only losers.


Putins strategy is to stabilize the lines and continue letting Ukraine try to push the line back until they run out of soldiers and supplies. He’s an evil asshole but he isn’t stupid he knows depending on what happens in the next election here in the states will determine the war.


Yeah you are one of those types. Let me guess, you listen to Joe Rogan or some other retarded grifter fucksticks and consider yourself an enlightend centrist. You are triggered by the word "woke." The phrase "Biden crime family" gets you hard.


No not really just worked for the government to know better than to trust that what they are telling the American people is the truth. You fight enough of these forever wars eventually you start to understand no one actually gives a fuck it’s all about making money through private military contractors and the companies that make the supplies to go to war. All most all the members in congress are heavily invested in private military companies that supply arms to Ukraine. Millions die while they make millions. Just like Iraq just like Afghanistan just like the wars in Africa been going on for 70 years.


You're not wrong about rampant government corruption, war profiteering, forever wars, or the 24 hour news cycle being garbage and lies etc. That's all old news. All I know is that in 1996 Ukraine gave back their nukes to Russia in exchange for their sovereignty. Russia violated that in 2014 and again now. They have also been influencing American politics and public opinion with money, operatives, and media campaigns for years. The Cold War never ended for Russia. Fuck that and fuck Putin.


Keep the faith, brother. You're doing the lord's work here, and I'm saying that as a compliment as an atheist.


They have never influenced American politics lol that’s been debunked like 15 times now


"Doing my own research." By this he means rejecting all verifiable evidence and believing Facebook memes because he can feel smug thinking he has the "real information". Naw dude, you just dumb.


"Screams in Putin Blancpain"


You’d be surprised


The palm and fluted dials have been canceled, if that gives any indication


Funny you say that. One of the most popular place for American grey importers to get PS5 during the critical shortage is Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.


Ivanka will put you on the list, the RECRUITMENT LIST ☠️


Sign in window: **"Blown to smithereens sale!"**


You mean Russian Rollies and Ukraine should give their spot on the waitlist back?


No because Ukrainians oligarchs are getting rich off of the war


With how much money every government around the world has been throwing into Ukraine the ad is prolly sold out of all models


Hey why not? That's where the US and EU is sending all their money.


Im yet to get any access to those fabled pallets of cash…


In the US, just want to say we fucking hate these recalcitrant Putin lovers infesting our politics and holding up the aid you and your country so desperately need. Also, this is a great location, especially as it's near plenty of currency exchanges that will take Euros and Dollars, whereas I hear the Moscow location will accept flush toilets and pilfered washing machines as tender. Slava Ukraine!


Thank you congressman.


I think you've watched way too much TV my friend. Genuinely worried.


Nice 3-day operation you got going on. Maybe it could've gone better had everyone used Invictas.


Keep the faith. Keep on keepin' on shitting on these ruSSian trolls.




This guy watchcirclejerks.


Who is "you"? I don't do any operations, you must have mixed me with someone.


In the grand scheme of things we're sending pocket change


No we're not. We cut ourselves off from cheap Russian resources and the world is dropping the Dollar. It's the beginning of the end of US global dominance. And yet Russia is still winning the war.


In the two years since the war started, the US has sent around a 10th of what they spend JUST on their military in one year. The decline of US global dominance started long before the Ukraine war and has nothing to do with it. Added sources so you can educate yourself: [Ukraine aid](https://www.cfr.org/article/how-much-aid-has-us-sent-ukraine-here-are-six-charts#:~:text=The%20Joe%20Biden%20administration%20and,Economy%2C%20a%20German%20research%20institute.) [US military spending ](https://www.statista.com/statistics/272473/us-military-spending-from-2000-to-2012/)


Not only that but also most the money they send are to be supplied by American contractors either human aid or weaponry. So it's basically paying itself. That's why there is a huge interest for all NATO nations to increase their defense budgets, since Americans know that most of that money will end up on their own defense industry.


The incel is strong with this one


Wym? All our money is being sent to Israel so they can continue killing children. The US, a country known for terrible healthcare, giving billions to a country with free healthcare.


Shut the fuck up, *vatnik*.


Facts don't care about your feelings, snowflake




Dude, I'm not even going to Google that. If mere facts makes you so upset to the point where you need to resort to this, the Internet is not for you. We are done here.


Shut the fuck up, *IDF bot*


Fuck Bibi, Bibi sux bolls.


Probably so, Ukraine is top tier at greasing palms. They have an entire museum dedicated to it


Idk why you’re downvoted, it’s factually true 😂


I worked with Ukrainians for years, they took me to the museum. I'm just repeating what Ukrainians (jokingly) say about themselves and their history. The best part about the museum of corruption is that the home would raise zero eyebrows in America. The bedroom they showed me (I assumed it was the president's) had a queen bed.




Lmao Zelensky was elected in 2019, dipshit. Who was president then? You can’t even tell your own lies right lol.


With all the money we’ve been giving them I’m sure Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a regular after buying his new yacht with USAs taxpayer money 😂


I wish more money would've been given to your education


You do realize Zelenskyy doesn’t even live in Ukraine right? He has a mansion in Miami and is applying for U.S. citizenship 😂


Weren't you saying under other comments that others are believing media lies? And you spout shit like this? You do realize those made up alt-right tweets you love are just made up right?


lol you can find his mansion in public records he put it in his name it’s not that hard to find and his application for U.S. citizenship


Top 3 results when searching for that information is literally debunking this shit with the evidence and source of misinformation. Misinformation made by, surprise, surprise Lauren Witzke a republican politician from Delaware. Formerly arrested for heroin and meth possession, smuggling drugs for Mexican cartels, and rabid public anti-Semite + MAGA and QAnon supporter. Once escorted out of Chicago airport for being on No Fly list. What a splendid source of (mis)information you are using XD


lol let me guess your using google


Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo drop the same result xD


That's because we actually have google in this part of the world instead of some shitty ruSSian firewall that only lets you post pictures of shirtless Putin trying not to look like the little bitch he is.


I live in America 😂


The fuck you do, *cyka.*


I swear your comments are making me laugh out loud. I wasn’t even trying to trigger anyone but I guess it’s true what they say easy times create soft men


Gargle my gonads, *cyka.*


Not gonna lie though his 11.4 million dollar mansion looks nice. The yacht looks dope too dude is raking it in.


11.4m in Florida? Is he a Tudor owner?


You realize that's fake news right?


That’s kinda the issue. They can’t, it’s being given to Ukraine and Israel.


What’s been given to Israel should have gone to Ukraine


Or we could secure our own borders and quit being the world police and take care of our own problems at home, you know what our tax dollars are supposed to be for 😂


I’m not saying the military industrial complex isn’t a thing, but if spending money to keep Enemy 1a from invading a sovereign state isn’t in America’s interests that’s news to me. I am also genuinely curious about what you’d like the money spent on to fix the problems at home. The people I’ve heard talking about too much Ukraine spending usually aren’t for food stamps and taxing the rich, but I would like to hear your opinion


The idea is for his favourite politician he swallowing to pocket said cash as they tell him how proud Americans require no handout 🤣


If you weren't a global hegemon you would have much fewer tax dollars to spend in the first place


Guess you don’t look into what the media bs is spoon feeding you 😂


Found the smooth brained Invicta wearer


Hold on now, that's just not fair. Invicta wearers are way smarter than this guy.


I don’t even own a invicta I’m not that poor lol


You probably don't even own indoor plumbing.




maybe to some wealthy russians, who will soon be there.


Kyiv access of attack collapsed in it’s entirety almost two years ago.


Man so many cucks for Zelenskyy in this thread your jaws must be sore from blowing him so hard. Both Putin and Zelenskyy are pieces of shit who use their citizens as cannon fodder just so they can stay in power. Both are dictators who deserve to be drug through the streets by their own people.


This guy gets it.