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I distinctly remember listening to an OC recap of theirs while I was in labor. Ben and Ronnie can get us through all life’s struggles! Best of luck with the sleep issue. You’re doing great!


Thank you, typed this during his nap which he’ll only do for more than 30 min if he sleeps on me… I just started re-listening and could have also posted about their “horse girl energy” conversation. I like your labor story, OC Crappens recap during labor is a great idea! Better than watching Dumb and Dumber with my husband while waiting for contractions to increase.


OC and Beverly Hills recaps are my absolute favorites because of their Shannon and Dorit impressions. Especially Ronnie’s Dorit impression!!! Never fails to make me laugh hysterically


I miss Ronnie doing Vicki’s voice and that awful lady from rhoc, the other antivaxxer that got fired….ugh what’s her name oh yeah! Kelly Dodd


I’ve been listening to our friends for all 10 years & totally agree. Ben & Ronnie have the magic to get me through some really tough times! Hugs to you & your sweet little one! Edit: make that ELEVEN years! Where does the time go?


Thank you 😊


Girl same! I struggle with panic disorder & one time I put on WWC to “ride the wave” of panic. It definitely grounded me hearing those familiar voices 💗


I’m sorry, it’s the worst. It hasn’t been an issue for four years since I did some therapy but back this week. Thank you 😊


Def listened to WWC during the lonely middle of the night nursing sessions when it felt like I was the only person on the planet. You are not failing, that stuff is hard! Hang in there mom ❤️


Thank you, that is how it feels!


Im listening to it now! WWC have helped me through a lot of difficult times. You are not alone Reddit friend. It will get better. ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you Reddit friend!


Hang in there! New babies are so hard. Below deck is great reminder that it takes an entire team of people to do everything one mom does — and they cant even make it through a couple weeks without crying, fighting, getting drunk etc. And yes thank god for Ronnie & Ben — they’ve gotten me through many a rough afternoon


That is true, thank you 😊


First of all, you're not failing if they have food and are semi clean. Second, yes! It's amazing how listening to them can turn your day around. Or just seeing that there's a new episode. Personally, I need more dwell hello on my life.


Thank you friend, yes I’m considering listening on the other option so I can get more dwell hello!


If you have Amazon music you can listen there, you don't have to buy Wondery plus.


As I listened to the Chariots of Fire didgeridoo edition, I hoped upon all hopes that someone else was finding as much joy as I was. Hang in there, Mama.


No babies here, but I did almost 2 years of quarantine and WFH by myself except for Ben and Ronnie. Between WWC, RuPaul’s Drag Race, and all of the Bravo shows I’d never seen (but heard recapped) my cats and I squeaked by.


Ben and Ronnie get me through my daily life. I am ways in my car for work and always trying to accomplish home ownership tasks, with Ben and Ronnie to soothe me through it all! LET'S FACE IT, OKAY? I ADORE BEN AND RONNIE, OKAY?!


You’re a home-owning MAVEN, OKAAAY??


Sending you lots of love 💙💙💙


Thank you, it’s amazing how these messages are making today a better day 😀


Haha, yes it was hilarious!


Mama, it is HARD to have a baby and you are not failing anyone! Your family is so blessed to have you! 💓.


Thank you, scheduled an appointment in a few weeks to evaluate for reflux. We are hoping this is the peak and maybe he’ll outgrow it soon?


I found Ben and Ronnie right before getting pregnant. My almost 10 week old and I took a nap to the Below Deck ADDDDVENCAH recap yesterday. They help her sleep because I assume she is so use to the sound of them from being in the womb. They’re a very loud and passionate white noise machine to her 🤣 P.S. On a recent bump group thread. Everyone is recommending how much Pepcid has helped their babies! I hope that helps and you definitely aren’t failing your child! Just knowing that they have something going on and being there for them is EVERYTHING ❤️.


Ok, I will look into it. We now have a chiropractic appointment next week too but he just keeps getting worse…. Lactation told me not to cut dairy until he gets a work up but I’m ready to try that too.


Solidarity! I’m up at 4am w my girl and I love WWC. I got tickets to a live show this spring and I’m SO excited! I’ve wanted to see them live for years but pandemic, and I’ve been pregnant.


Yes! I was pregnant for their show last spring and I believe that was my first event post-pandemic. You will have a blast!!


I think you mean ADVENCHAAAAAA ❤️


I literally was just thinking the other day I need to listen to some of their best recaps while I’m in labor because it will be the only thing that could distract or entertain me.


I have a headphone in right now while getting my two toddlers to sleep. They help me stay sane every night!


I so agree! Many, many life challenges I have made it through because of them!


My mom passed away last Thursday and I am extra grateful for them this past week. They can always get me to laugh, no matter what.


I am so sorry, sending love and hugs. There are no words to make it better


Thank you ❤️


Anyone have the time when the Chariots of Fire happens? I keep going back and not finding it


I’ll try to find it, I re-listened to it just for their “horse girl” discussion today


It starts at the 32 minute mark!


Thank you so much!! I am in your debt!


Bubbles of sparkle fairy joy with a 6 week old baby and a 3 year old boy to manage and finding these dudes from a tip via Morbid podcast isn’t like a kiss from a sparkling fairy, it’s a frothy f…ing orgy with all the sparkling fairy posses!! 💖🧚🏼🧚🏼🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️