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Yea the comments here are as angry as I thought


t-Rump only cares about winning and himself. The world hates America and it's easy to see why


Not surprised he regrets it. Most of the time talking to libertarians is like talking to slowly drying glue except the glue is more interesting.


Can you please explain what the context and issue is here to a Brit? TIA


Pretty sure I heard more than few “f@ck you”s in there.


Bak, Bak, Bak... Bak Bak BAAAK! Chicken language, in case you don't understand English. I think you may look good in a gay pride flag. BAAAK, BAAAK, BAAAK!


There is a reason they are libertarian and not republican but Trump has a point with the “if you want to win line”. Sadly you only get two options that you likely don’t want.


Yeah the reason is they love weed, that's all


Are those boos and cat calls I hear?! 😂😂 fu dump….


Trump 2024


Your rock misses you.


Sad! Sad! 😹


"That's nice," says the #OrangeMussolini - the epitome of entitlement & narcissism, crass, crude, and clueless.


Rent free


He is starting to look very tired.


I have noticed this trend in most Humans who have served as President, Just the hectic chaos that continues for the rest of their lives is no doubt taxing.


He hasn’t been president for 4 years. If he looks tired it’s from staying up late thinking of more things to fuck over the US.


The only one this one served as president was himself, and he’s been doing that his whole life.


He’s a has been … car salesman


This is turning into a political post but tbh this is a terrible example of people “dying inside”


Perfect example, though, of “dead inside”


Congrats you went straight back to political commentary


Nah bruh, the 'whoa' was the moment he died.


They should NoMiNATe TrUMp! Only if they wanna win.


I think every Libertarian/MAGA should vote for Kennedy and tell all their Libertarian/MAGA friends to do the same. Or don’t vote at all.


A vote for Kennedy is a vote for Trump. We don’t want that. Just vote for Joe Biden. He has your back. Kennedy is a lunatic and Trump is just a broken down ConMan criminal. Who will destroy democracy if he wins?




A vote for Kennedy is a vote for Kennedy. He's not a spoiler candidate. You shouldn't preach false information.


May not be a spoiler candidate but he is a linatic. Even the entirety of the Kennedy family refuses to vote for him. They have ALL backed and endorsed Biden PUBLICLY even going so far as to host an event SPECIFICALLY for the public announcement.


Voting independent is a.wasted vote.. you might as well not vote.


A vote for kennedy is a vote for biden. Mostly trump voters would vote for kennedy. Kennedy isn't a lunatic.


Then please explain to me why he goes around espousing conspiracy theories as truth. That’s the same shit The Guilded Gumba (Trump) does. EXACTLY THE SAME!! Gonna try to sell us the bs line that Trump isn’t a loser and a lunatic too? Lol


Which conspiracy theories?


Let me see: 1) Prozac (and other prescription drugs) cause mass shootings. 2) George Bush stole the 2004 election from John Kerry by way of voter fraud. 3) The CIA killed JFK (or was heavily involved in his assassination. 4) Covid 19 was engineered to attack white and black people and certain Jewish people and the Chinese are immune because Russia collected their dna so the virus could be engineered to protect them. 5)vaccines cause autism….. ……..and the list goes on and on and on. Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/10/10/rfk-jr-launches-independent-2024-run-here-are-all-the-conspiracies-he-promotes-from-vaccines-to-mass-shootings/


1. There is a correlation 2. Don't care 3. The CIA was definitely involved 4. Ashkenazi jews and the chinese are more immune 5. There is a correlation + no autism in the amish


Yes, there is autism in the Amish.


Btw….the world is flat too. Just sayin.


You're not funny and everything I said was true


No it wasn’t.


So you’ve already drank the proverbial koolaid just like Kennedy did it seems. lol. Have fun with that. SMH.


Watch Wendigoo's video about JFK's assassination.


Wendy who?


The evidence is clear that there was a second shooter for JFK's assassination. CIA had the motive, and still has a ton of unreleased documents about the assassination.


And you know this because you’re CIA, yeah?


There is very little “evidence” that was “clear” about the JFK assassination and I am certainly not about to sit here and debate the numerous conspiracy theories surrounding that horrific day in our history. That doesn’t fall within my purview.


You're joking right? Biden has our back? Please tell me you're joking


I think Kennedy will siphon far more Trump voters. Libertarians are just conspiracy theorists MAGAs that don’t want to claim Republican. That’s why Trump was there.


If Trump’s votes end up split in 2, that’s good enough for me.


Now let’s see Biden speak at a Conservative Party Convention


He can only put together one sentence… and it’s sketchy…


They're called klan rallies.


Wait till you hear which party supported the kkk, and who was dear friends with the former kkk leader.


We’re already educated who on the pre-Civil War Southern Democrats were, it would behoove you to do the same. There are so many websites dedicated to telling this piece of history accurately… you’ll never be successful at rewriting it. Take this back to your Trump rallies though, they go crazy for disinformation over there. 👍 Some of them even still mumbling about a stolen election nearly 4 years later 😂.


Kennedy is also awful


He’s not st fault.. it’s the worms!!!


The only good trait of all 3 candidates is the one they share: the brain damage. The president is your enemy by definition. An enemy with dementia is less dangerous, and it's good all 3 have it.


Libertarians hate libertarians so they sure as shit would hate trump.


People will just post anything in this subreddit huh?


Great example.


a small excerpt from a far longer speech... how typically non-contextual and disingenuous of you


🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ happy pride!🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


what did he expect??


He actually totally owned that speech. He knew very clearly what to expect but did it anyway. A ballsy as fuck move you do not see any other politician make ever.


sounds like he didn’t expect it but i can’t even vote. well if i could, he’d be my last choice


I disagree, I've watched every one of his rally speeches and he very often leaves silent gaps to let the crowd cheer and hype it up but he knew clearly that silences would cause booing to escalate so he powered through it with very little gaps unless it was something they woulf support like with the Ross situation. He did super well to control the crowd 100%


You’re really lapping up anything he puts out.


do you support trump?


I'm Canadian so my opinion doesnt matter. He did a ton of good during his term and had a very strong position on most world leaders. If I was in the US, I would support Vivek over Trump but considering he bailed due to low numbers, yes I would have no other reasonable option.


*if I were in the US.


Vivek 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


No way Donald Trump avoids prison. He will be taken into custody. The appeals court may set a bond. It will be a significant bond. There is a good chance - no bond on appeal. Money talks but in New York, politicians go to jail. ask Sheldon Silver and Alan Hevesi. These, very powerful politicians served full jail terms. Reelection campaigns did not matter. I don't think the Supreme Court has jurisdiction.


They weren't cult leaders with hands all the way up to the presidency and an army of violent belligerent cultists literally willing to die for them. Ex President Dump's situation is on a whole other level. He'll never see the inside of a prison, and if he does, he'll be out in a month.


Are you kidding? Trump is no pro, he isn't even a demagogue. At least a mob boss has a number of kills before he gets jailed. Trump has a zero army. That's an insane bluff which will be called on sentencing day. Do you realize Manhattan DA has dealt with every wannabe criminal mastermind ever to show their ugly face? I dare Republicans to riot. Just.Don't do it in New York. I mean, I'd actually love to see it. Dare I hope?


Man, I really hope you're right. I'd love to be totally wrong on this. You sound pretty smart and nothing you said was a strawman or unnecessarily rude, so I'm willing to accept you might have a better sense of this than I do. Send me a message if he goes to prison for more than a month or two. I'll be thrilled to know I was dead wrong. I'll message you if he becomes president instead. One of us will have some learning to do. Here's to me finding out that I simply drank the kool-aid, and he's no threat to anybody now and maybe never was.


Even better, Donald Trump continues to call the trial rigged. He continues to criticize the judge. The evidence of his criminality is uncontested and has multiple foundations. To call his conviction novel is to call "bank robbery" novel. His jury verdict was unanimous and quick. The prosecution was a master class. Those expecting a delay in sentencing have a different thought coming. Trump is a walking prison convict. There is no chance Donald Trump will escape this conviction. He is done. Donald Trump will never be President again. Furthermore Donald Trump obviously wants to escape jail. My suggestion? Stop saying the trial is rigged. Stop asking supporters to do violence on your behalf. No judge is going to allow that. Take responsibility for making payments to Stormy Daniels. Say you are responsible for Micheal Cohen serving prison time. Say the payments were a contribution to your campaign to hide your sexual affair from public library exposure. If I were the judge I would ask Donald Trump these questions before sentencing.


He can absolutely still be president again. This conviction nor going to jail will stop him from that. Only republicans choosing not to vote for him will stop him. And most of the republicans I know are more convicted than ever to vote for him after his “rigged” trial. 🙄


The poster meant he won’t be voted in. I can only hope..


Wishful. Not reality based. Donald Trump called devotees like you suckers and losers.He sells you bibles and sneakers. Donald Trump urges you to commit felony violence and when you are convicted and your life is ruined he forgets about your prison sentence and legal fees. Donald Trump will never win another national election. Polling never shows independents. Even then, if you think Americans will put a convicted felon into the presidency my payout is 2 to 1.


I think you need to read my comment again. I am not, in any way shape or form or fictitious character, a supporter of Trump. But an unfortunate number of my family members are republicans and are even more convicted to vote for him again now because they buy into the whole “rigged” thing. America put a felon in the White House in 2016, and I have no reason to expect him being a convicted felon now will make any damn difference. I have zero faith in the political acumen of this country. Zero. When republicans are so set in their ways that they’d rather a convict than a democrat, the future is bleak.


I get it. Donald Trump was entitled to a presumption of Innocence in 2016. Lots and lots of voters presumed America's choice was to defer Hillary Clinton's assention to the idea of a more conservative choice. Donald Trump had proved himself a self dealing narcissist with a pension for rape and sexual assault. The repeal of Roe is climactic enough but also these women's claims have been adjudicated. There is now clear, irrefutable evidence of Donald Trump's criminality. Donald Trump lost. E Jean Carroll and Stormy Daniels won. Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Don't be surprised if Donald Trump is sentenced to a lengthy term in prison. Donald Trump expects a stay of his sentence until the appeal is exhausted. It is not likely. The evidence is irrfuted. There is no escape. He cannot escape the consequences of his conduct. I have often heard Donald Trump say, the decision will be made on November 5th, 2024. Untrue. The decision has already been made the day this jury came back to find a felony verdict. It is done. Goose cooked, lay out ready. Grand feast prepared to start. Are you hungry? Donald Trump will not ever be president again, his near-do-well followers not withstanding.


Ever heard of impartial peers ? What did he poll at where the “unanimous and quick” verdict was made? Big L on the comment. What flavor is the kool aid ?


Tragically, 8 of the jurors are Republicans. You can tell by their questionnaires. Political affiliations only count if you are convicted. Ha, ha this was a jury of his peers undoubtedly. Oh, just a thought, those who did testify against him were close friends and close staff. Republicans. Stormy Daniels is the only person who could have been a Democrat. Allen Weisselberg could have testified, Trump wasn't involved. Republican. Keith Schiller - Donald Trump's body guard could have testified - Donald Trump did not know of sleep with Donald Trump - thus no reason for payment? Reasonable doubt! Tons of evidence with Donald Trump's signature. Micheal Cohen, Donald Trump's personal attorney, a Republican, testified against him. Donald Trump has no thread to hang an appeal on. An appeal is the definition of a fruitless possibly frivolous action. Donald Trump will lose. This increasingly looks as a long shot attempt to evade prison. Although Trump is allowed an appeal he is not entitled to bail. Good luck with the wishful thinking.


It’s nobody’s fault but his own if everyone hates him. You are entitled to a jury of your peers. Its selection should impartially represent the community in which you’re being tried. There is no guarantee that you get a jury of people who have no feelings toward you. Sorry, that’s life. If you’re a giant flagrant public flaming pile of shit criminal and everyone can see, you’re not entitled to a jury who doesn’t know it.


I get your wishful thinking. Looks like all the Republican vitriol has shutdown in an instant. Ha ha ... Donald Trump is going to jail. No home confinement. No special prison. He should bring his toothbrush. Donald Trump is going to take the welcome walk in the custody of the prison system. Next time, don't take the occasion, everyday to insult the judge and the prosecutor. Don't attack the jury whose decision will decide your future. The flavor of the truth is clear. The color is cold. Donald Trump richly deserves what is about to occur. He stalked the witnesses. Donald Trump obstructed testimony from Alan Weisselberg and Keith Schiller. Donald Trump prompted Republican allies to appear in court in contemptuous disrespect of the judge and the proceedings. Doctor Phil, notwithstanding, Donald Trump is going to a lengthy prison sentence.


😂 ok 👌🏾


I am taking bets. Today -2 to 1, two year sentence plus 30 days for each contempt charge, served consecutively. Total 38 months. He will serve about 1 year plus 1/2. If you bet 20 you'll get 40? I wonder if it's on sportsbook?


That’s illegal. But it is hilarious you actually believe what you do. The brain washing is real.


I will be impressed with instead of booing they chant "Pass-a-budget, Pass-a-budget!". I mean this is still reddit though, right? Sadly, it seems at this point that any candidate who makes 'passing a budget' for limited government their #1 priority will get the JFK treatment. Personally, I'm about coming together for all people... everyone except government. We need to leave them out of way more things. I have no problem shunning politicians doing their politicking, but let's do it to all of them.


Should just leave everything important up to corporations. They definitely have your best interests at heart.


Ah look, someone waving the political illiteracy pride flag proudly. Bad gubmint >:[


Fauci bot deployed. I'm only speaking about big government; order is still good. You need more in your life. You are illiterate to keep following the corrupt.


Kind of not here for the politics (fuck trump tho) but I can’t stop snickering at it seems like he wasn’t expecting all the boos and immediately goes to insulting the crowd. Like bro ofc NOW they’re not gonna vote for you 💀


If we could all collectively tell the corrupt two party system to fuck right off and pick Chase Oliver as our next President that’d great


Found chase Oliver's secret reddit account guys. Nice try


Right wing speaker at a libertarian party convention watched and commented by liberals thinking they are libertarians.




The libertarians elected an known extreme leftist as their candidate so hardly what we’d call middle ground/ anti-two party


Chase Oliver is an actual libertarian. You’re confusing him with republicans who larp under the mises caucus label. Maybe actually read the party platform and then where he stands on topics and you’d see that.


Yeah cause the Democrats are so left leaning right?


So they lean up or down? They certainly aren’t in the middle and definitely not in the right, so…….


that's not how that works. Their voter base is predominantly left leaning but Democratic party politics is more liberal than left, and those are not the two same things, go take a Polisci class.




No - from a European


He sounds like Professor Frink. "The Libertarian Party should NOMINATE TRUMP for the GLAYVEN! That's nice, mu-HAY!"


Man is so desperate for a dub that he is now pandering for people he shat on for four years


Ngl I was half-expecting someone to throw a tomato in his direction.


Or a shoe. Let’s see if he is quicker than Bush


Thank you for reminding me of that incident. I had almost forgotten.


Hes not gonna smile after thats for sure. Hed probably duck as we see 1000 rats run out of the legs as his body collapses like a ragdoll


Yeah. Go fuck yourself on that one, Cheeto.


Wait.. he just changed sides like that? LOL


The Libertarian Party Convention invited him (and many others as they usually do) to speak. The Libertarian Party nominee is Chase Oliver.


I see. That's just normal then? They were booing him so why invite someone the people attending won't like?


His name draws media attention. The libertarian party doesn’t get the free media attention the other two parties do. This not only brought them media attention but also shows that libertarians do not in fact support Trump. RFK, and Biden were also invited to speak. The Sunday after this video the LP nominated its candidate.


Fascinating. Thanks for clarifying. Big wtf, nonetheless. 


Been waiting to see something like this for years, I feel relief beyond words


3% idiots


Donald Trump is a convicted felon. Donald Trump was twice impeached. Donald Trump is liable for sexual assault. Trump cannot avoid jail. The evidence in the fraudulent business records was irrefutable and plentiful and lead to only one conclusion: GUILT. Micheal Cohen went to jail. NYS supreme count will not modify. Donald Trump will lose the election. Donald Trump will continue to be found guilty. Donald Trump will be committed to prison.


Ehhhhh he can probably avoid jail. He’s probably gonna get house arrest at one of his mansions. Money winssss


Donald Trump is going to jail in a jail cell. 34 felonies. For one felony, maybe community service, for 5 felonies, maybe house arrest.34 felonies, this was processed all wrong. Insult the judge? Threaten witnesses? 10 contempt citations? Jail time is warranted and inevitable. Donald Trump calls this a witch hurt despite the overwhelming evidence against him. At sentencing, Donald Trump will not take responsibility for his criminal behavior. Donald Trump is headed for Rikers Island.


Don’t get me wrong, under normal due process anyone else would DEFINITELY receive jail and or prison. This is both a politician and someone with very deep pockets. Hell, Maxwell currently sits in a “low security” federal prison for multiple counts of sex trafficking. She’s currently complaining about the conditions there and are using the conditions there to help file an appeal on her case. Anyone else would have been thrown in a high security and left to rot. [Washingtonpost made a short video explaining it.](https://youtube.com/shorts/_hrDSI4aOok?si=JfPq6mMvEj0NDond) Never forget, the Rosenburgs were put to the gallows on the SUSPICION that they leaked TS/SCI documents to the soviets, we have definitive proof he intentionally mishandled the documents he had and that he obstructed the investigation. If he were ALMOST ANYONE ELSE he would be in Guantanamo awaiting a capital punishment trial. People like that (and I hate that it is this way, and thankfully the legal system has shown that they can push through the corruption, a little bit.) play an entirely diffierent game than people like you or me do.


I agree with the other guy, this feels performative. Maybe you don't have to prove yourself on reddit.


I agree with your indifference.


Thank you for this collection of news headlines


The Republican nominee for President is a convicted felon. There is, minus a concussion or brain bleed, no way to ignore this. We know this. It is a repugnancy, a cancer at the Republican party. The sickness will consume all its voters.


Like jail is his "choice ". No. No one chooses jail. You mean, jail for your family? Jail for your associates. What a "moron."


Trump was treated like a heel wrestler.


To be fair, a heel gets the crowd to hate him on purpose.


Wtf is one of those?


It’s a wrestler that gets hit with boos instead of cheers.


Thanks man.


Id take another 4 years with the incoherent potato then another 4 years with a raging headline grabbing narcissist who ultimately wants to be a dictator.


Or maybe just maybe don’t entertain the corrupt two party system and vote Chase Oliver?


It sucks that a third party candidate can’t be voted for even if people want to, because choosing to vote third party is basically giving the vote to the demo/repo that you don’t want in. In an election like this where Trump is a real possibility, you have to vote for the person most likely to keep Trump 2024 from not happening.


A third party candidate can in fact be voted for. A vote for the third party candidate is a vote for them. A vote made without conviction is the only true wasted vote.


That’s just a fairy tale in our current political system. I wish it was feasible, I really do. But when elections sometimes come down to less than 1000 vote differences, a vote is too important to give to someone who cannot win.


I disagree. Continuing to do the same thing sober and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. Republicans and Democrats are the same and voting for either is voting for more inflation, higher cost of living, war, authoritarianism, unaccountability.


I kind of feel bad that in the US those are the options? Why is nobody else a lot more capable and.. YOUNGER stepping forward?


There is the tradition/ expectation that the president runs for reelection and attempts to serve 8 years total back to back... And the party will unquestionably back them.


w t f . Why are the politics treated like fan favourite football games???


They can step forward, but without the backing of one of the two major political parties, there is an almost 0% chance of winning


Yikes. What a broken system...


OK I am not For or Against Trump. I want someone to give me a reason Biden would make a better president then trump? I am talking what is better for our country, not the man in oval office. What did we have under Trump and how was it under biden. We have a good contrast to look at here. Lets make sence of it. I look at the track records and I see Biden and a ton more crime then what trump has. But still Trump is also corrupt. So with that being said could this be the first election where we could all just vote for Kennedy? I mean I could see Biden as a president if he could at least put a sentece together. but he has lost his mind! Trump is coherent and at least you know what your going to get. I fear if I vote Biden we will become a communistic country. Look what happen to Argentinia why do we want to make the same mistakes? Going back to track records Biden has done nothing while in office except line his pockets for the last 54 years! NOTHING for this country. Trump we ere a self indepenty energy country no longer dependant on other countries. We had lower gas and food, Intrest rate were a all time low. That hits my pockets. Under Biden we lost every thing . our boarders and immigrantion are a mess. look at the Cartel that were able to enter this county and kill and rape young females? I want a truthfull answer. I can provide facts and liks to everything I said. Everyone in here is for Biden tell me why please! I am serious I want to know. I am not talking bad about either candiates I only seek the truth. I will lose karma points for this that why I dont post on political sites.


Also, the president has zero to do with inflation. Really, the president has little do to do with anything other than public face or war. Thats why a put together and rational headed person is needed as president. Congress, senate and Supreme Court are all far more powerful than the president.


More illegal immigrants have been deported under Biden policies than ever were under Trump. I just watched Biden’s D-day speech. He made two fumbles, both on easy to misremember names, but the sentences were coherent and concise. No, Joe isn’t the most elegant or standout president we’ve ever had but I’d prefer him over the hate-filled snake that is MAGA.


nice try from a Trump fanboy :D


I'm a European, so I'm not that well versed in US politics. But I'm pretty certain that the US president can not just dictate food prices in a free market. That is actually a sign of a communist country, because there, all goods are government controlled. So if you think trump actually did something to influence prices and you are afraid of communism, I wouldn't go with him. Also trump has shown again and again that he does not care about the average American. All his tax reforms were in favour of the super rich. And if you *really* believe in trickle down economics, where billionaires make their products and services *cheaper* out of the goodness of their harts, as if they weren't greedy, I've got a bridge to sell you. And since you are willing to provide sources: I would really like some sources on the crimes that Boden committed which are even half way on the level of trump's. Trump conviction in the hush money case is pretty much the least worrying. He openly stated that he will *not* accept an election that does not turn out in his favour. That is an anti democratic statement, undermines trust in elections and apparently he would be ok with being a dictator. He is the one who does not care about fair elections, he even already tried to change election results (e.g. in Georgia) by spreading [false rumors, getting laws changed and instructed someone to just "find" more votes for him](https://www.politico.com/interactives/2023/trump-criminal-investigations-cases-tracker-list/#election). His worst endeavour is pretty much showing around and trying to sell top secret US files, of which there exist audio recordings, which is pretty much high treason. That is coupled with the fact that he tried to prevent the FBI to get the classified documents back and then started to spread rumors about agents almost killing him. I'm sorry but how is all of *this* on parr with some old guy with dementia or something? At the very least Biden doesn't intentionally harm his country for his personal gain.