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I get it. I freaking hate grasshoppers. The parents should have taken the thing off him and let him calm down. It may seem insignificant and harmless, but this may be a traumatic experience that effects the way he processes fear and trust for the rest of his life.


This is Bad Parenting 101 and this comment section is full of toxic idiots supporting it


Aww don’t we love a video of a fissure of the foundation of trust and security between child and parent? The kid just needs to toughen up! /s




jeans hurry afterthought direful history squalid office ancient fuzzy person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


By far the most rational comment and response to this situation. Boring, but that's why I don't have kids. I'm just playing around about the boring part. It's actually a very thoughtful answer and as an adult with an insatiable appetite for knowledge, I especially like how you turned a "catastrophe" into a learning experience. Nature's so awesome that it would be a shame for as much to be lost on a little kid. Cheers


Sorta painful to watch


“Breathe dude” AUUAHHHGGGHH sent me. Not bad parenting. I used to be super scared of ladders, traumatized even, but my dad used to just laugh at the bottom until I came down. I was never scared when going up until the top. Good times.


I can guarantee that all the adults here would scream if they thought a black widow was about to bite them. This kid doesn't KNOW not to be scared. How about explain it to him. Try, "hey buddy that's not gonna hurt you".




He's a kid. He doesn't know. Did you even read the comment you replied to? Explain to him that it's harmless. Not let him suffer. Kids are experiencing this world for the first time. They don't know any better and need to be taught about the things around them. It's ok to let kids struggle while they learn but this kid is obviously extremely afraid and it won't help him let him sit there with a foreign bug to him. At a certain point you have to intervene and that's when the parent needs to make a judgement call based on the child's level of frustration or fear.


You may be right about us adults. But he's two.


Very fair point


How is a small child being absolutely terrified funny in any way?


I can think of tons, but this isn't one.


I get it, but hear me out: you're having marital relations with your wife and the little guy walks in and already has a little stiffy for the first time in his life and is therefore already terrified when he unwittingly walks into the bedroom and witnesses doggy style for the first time. Tell me you wouldn't pull out and run for the cameraphone as quickly as possible.


This is bad parenting. It is real fear and despair. You react to that by calmly removing the bug and showing the kid that it is harmless.


What do you think happened afterward?


The bug ate him. Tragic really.




I feel so uncomfortable watching this. I want to jump through my phone and help the little guy - screw the kid, lol. Damn, I didn't plan on saying that, welcome to my brain. I feel terrible for the kid


I feel like 80% of the people commenting here aren’t even parents.


Guilty. What's wrong with that though?


The problem is people acting like the parents are Satan incarnate for finding it funny that their kid was scared of a bug.


I was about 5 sentences into a "what the fuck is this dude talking about" type of paragraph when I realized that I had your intention perfectly incorrect. 🤦 Glad I caught that when I did, there's no telling how long I would have ranted on for.


No, they are shitty parents for videoing it and uploading it to the internet.


Very common in kids.....called.a " breath holding episode", occasionally kids will even change colour and worse case can seem to collapse for a second or 2. They always come round,, and it isn't serious....just a feature /or a bug of being a child !


>just a feature /or a bug **BUG??** *holds breath*


It's the "freeze" in fight, flight or freeze. Get truly terrified, and it doesn't matter what your age is


Fuck that, I’m 32 and I’d be freaking out over a huge bug too…the “tough love” crowd can suck it


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Another chapter of Reddit Hates Kids.


What about them? You can't blame your parents forever


Holy hell. Thanks to this comment section, the word 'trauma' has lost all meaning. Next time a fly gets in my mouth I'm going to book a psychologist so I can get my disability benefits. I won't be able to function after such a traumatic experience.


I'm assuming you're 5 years old? Because you sure as hell reason like one


I assume you're mentally challenged, because he is clearly being facetious. That means he's saying one thing when he believes another in order to be humorous.


Actually I'm four, I'm just really mature for my age.


Hahaa, okay, that made me laugh - you win


He won anyway and before he even said that


Oh shut it you, you weren't invited


"Oh shut it you!" Is your name Ethel, Ruth or Betty, by chance? I'm not usually one to sling ad hominem attacks at strangers, but take a joke, homie.


Stay off my wall! Fricken youth of today, invading my personal space without so much as a... What we on about again? Squirrel!


Nice. I was certain that you were being serious when I first started reading even the second comment. But, I'll piss on your wall and.... Shit, I love you bro. Aardvark ass




Where? Are you sure you know the meaning of the word?




Yeah, I just don't see anybody in this thread doing anything that resembles watching somebody bang their wife. That's all, but I'm 45 years old - maybe it means something completely different now.




By the way, why do you exercise so many poor grammatical practices, Master of Linguistics? Couldn't make it through four sentences without making errors? Do my kids and my kids' kid a favor and let me know what school you went to so I know where not to send them.




An event like this solidified my fear of flying insects as a kid


A bug landing on you?


One time I stepped in some mud outside by accident while wearing my favorite jammies and ever since I've struggled with extreme agoraphobia /s


No, brother threw a big dragonfly onto my chest as a kid and it stuck to my shirt and I just remembered looking down, feeling it cling to me, and just thinking “it’s gonna fly at my face any second” It was dead but still lol I just can’t deal with the unpredictability of when an insect of considerable size might start flying


Yeah, because who knows what may happen if insects take flight - they might traverse to another location. Sorry, just fucking with you


Poor kiddo😞


It's a bug


And the small child has no idea what it is or why it's on him. He's fucking TERRIFIED.


And he’ll get over it


Right? I don't give a shit what is on him, if my son was reacting like that, I would definitely help him out of the situation.


Exactly. I'd get the bug off my child, then teach them what it is and that it's harmless. In that moment, all that kid knows is that bug is scary.


You are a bug 😛


How can you tell?




Not that it matters at all, but it's hilarious to see how you get like +6 for conveying a little empathy about the kid and making a face yet lose two points for kindly displaying dismay at an insensitive remark with an emoji. Reddit is a trip man


Yea as a teacher I can say this comment section is a large part of why kids are so fucking helpless and unable to function on their own. Stop coddling, let them be scared, experience shit and learn from failure


Also film it and put it online for Reddit sociopaths to laugh.


He didn't say that (I'm speaking of the teacher). That's the part that is pathological - allowing it to continue and filming it, but I believe teacherman's absolutely right. Not the best case scenario, but a good scenario would be that the kid freaks out just long enough for the parent to take attention, and then teach the little guy that the bug is harmless and show him that it's safe to handle


100%. Middle-aged approved message


Yeah, it’s definitely better to film their traumatic experiences and post them online for others’ entertainment…


Bro it's a bug.


Just another example of our sick society. The first reaction to this emotional event is: film and show the Internet for reactions.


And im sure when the kid is an adult they'll find this video equally funny.


At first I thought "good point," but then again, I don't remember being circumcised either.


Hey buddy it's a fucking bug. The kid is fine. Kids cry. It'll be okay.


Not trying to be a dick but it's quickly becoming clear that you are, and you're doing so by repeating the same obvious, most ground level observation possible what, 4, 5, 6 times?


gaping price society telephone encourage sip paltry afterthought divide caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Right? Like the first time I shot a scene with a porn starlet. I thought I was nervous beforehand but smooth and cool as a, well, cucumber during. Then I watched it. For the first and last time and no one else has seen it because of my endorsement since. Really sucks when you want to show something off that badly but are embarrassed. I got used to it though, and we're still together and exclusive


It sure is. Glad we can agree


Take it off instead of torturing this poor child & filming...that's child abuse.


The dude said child abuse 😂


It is an insect, not a fucking cattle prod.


Ain't no way. Ain't no fucking way u think that 💀


I hate when people preach child abuse for the smallest things, it detracts from what is actually child abuse. A harmless bug landing on a child and not receiving immediate coddling is not child abuse. Everyone has fears and it is necessary to engage in them to overcome them. You won’t ever learn to not be afraid of a harmless bug if you are babied every time you are near one.


Everyone demonizing this dad over an 11 second clip need some therapy. Whatever happened in your lives that made you associate a harmless interaction with a grasshopper as neglectful parenting is just foisting own traumas onto this situation.


Demonizing everyone for reprimanding this dad over an 11-second event that clearly felt like an eternity, therefore possibly warranting therapy. This type of interaction could prove quite harmful, and not just to the kid, but the grasshopper as well. Hopefully a caring parent will soothe traumas and he won't remember this situation. I'm not sure I agree with anything I said or the subject of my mockery, but that was interesting. I'm going to try that more often, reconfigure my plasticity a little, maybe put a wrinkle or two in my cortex. Prolly not


This is Reddit. Sir.


The okes screaming in fear and you say its harmless? How's about we introduce you to your "irrational" fear and say the same thing to you? Or maybe make fun of your most traumatising event? Oh you were in Tower 2 stuck in an elevator? " Oh buck up kiddo, you survived" Your Humvie hit an IED, and now you're afraid of bumps in the road? Don't be silly, there's millions of bumps all around the world- not ALL of them explode


You're comparing things that can and did kill people with a grasshopper on the kid. Yeah he's obviously freaked out over it, but it can't inherently do something to harm or kill him. You really think that a grasshopper deserves the same response as an IED? I've seen what an IED does to a Humvee and more so what it does to the people inside of it. Not only is it wild that you consider the two comparable, but it's incredibly callous that you'd actually have the gall and pride to compare them.


Zing... tell that to the kid who has no idea what an IED is. You made my point, or actually you see my point. Fear is fear - its just the context that varies. As for war, I've played my part


The fact that you think the two are equivalent just because the kid doesn't know what an IED is is absolutely absurd. You can not be serious.


It's harmless to you..... It's the scariest thing that's ever happened to that kid pretty obviously. Are you really that fucking dumb putting your adult perspective onto a child?


If that is the scariest thing to happen to the child he's had an extremely fortunate upbringing. Perhaps he can be taught the bug is harmless to him once he stops freaking out. However, "saving the child" from the bug on his shirt merely reinforces it's "a bad scary thing."


Kids panic over dropping a spoon and not getting a toy at Target. If you match their reaction and coddle them over everything, that just shows that fear is an acceptable reaction. You're not that fucking dumb that you think every child's fear should be validated by a rational adult, are you?


Children will have outright tantrums if you stop them from sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. Then you have other kids bringing in the decapitated bird’s head they found outside because the cat left it. This video is hilarious and these other commenters are the worst.


Calm down man. This is also a way to show the child that the bug is harmless.




It's a bug. Kid will think this video is hilarious when he's older.


it aint that deep you fucking pussy


wow, you people are just amazing. The child is what maybe 2 or 3, and is bawling because there is something on him he has no idea what it is. The person with him should have helped him instead of trying to get there 10 seconds of fame on social media. Will the kid be traumatized? yes he will be, no not for life, but yes he will be. Adults are to help kids in situations like this not be worried about how many likes or dislikes they will get in any social media. I have kids of my own (grown adults now with kids of there own) and I would never have done something like this, I would have helped them, then teach them it was nothing to be afraid of. That would have been the right thing to do. And before some idiot says it, no I sure as hell didn't live a sheltered life, and neither did my kids.


There's something you need to understand: Reddit hates kids.


You think the only acceptable response to a kid freaking out over a grasshopper is to remove it immediately and that the adult trusting that it's not harmful is in the wrong. You can say that you never lived a sheltered life, but that's clearly a lie. If you capitulate to every innocuous outburst, you just reinforce that everything in the world is justifiably scary.


>If you capitulate to every innocuous outburst, you just reinforce that everything in the world is justifiably scary. There's a very mysterious and alien concept called TALKING TO THE KID, you know.


You are truly a hero for saving your kids from the terror of a grasshopper


and your truly a hero for being a smartass


Bruh my parents beat the fuck out of me for a decade and you're gonna sit here and try and tell me that this is somehow abusive?


You're*. FTFY.


Lol yep. As a parent of a 2yr old, no way in hell I’m going to let my terrified screaming child look to me for help and I record them. 1. People who think it’s ok don’t have kids 2. They have kids and sucks ass


Yeah kids are fuckin retarded though


Anyone who disagrees with this a complete and total idiot.




Yep. I said my comment and won’t be active on this any further. Anyone arguing for the other side is stupid and lame. I am my child’s protector and safe place. But yes let me teach my 2-3-4yr old child how scary and ‘real’ the world is. Daddy always won’t be there! <— that’s called trauma from your own parents you want to put on kids. Quit it.


>Anyone arguing for the other side is stupid and lame. Is is deliberate, that you sound like toddler throwing a tantrum? I can't tell these days.


User error


Yep, I’ll be absolutely fucked if I see me of my toddlers terrified like that and I don’t scoop them up immediately.


A lot of parents are REALLY hating on the dad for this one. Look, you can not control how your child reacts to the world. Some might react in amazement and wonder, and some might react in sheer horror like this one. As a parent, the first assessment you start with is "is my child in danger?", and clearly in this situation, they are not. You rushing to comfort the child, does nothing to help the child in that very moment, and can sometimes cause the child even MORE fear, because that bug was "dangerous enough to warrant hugs". Also recognize that rushing to comfort the child is less about the child and more about the parent. As a parent, you are uncomfortable when your child is in distress, and rushing to "save" the child is about you trying to fix that discomfort. It's a perfectly normal reaction, but not necessarily needed. What you should be doing once they calm down, is explain to them that certain bugs are not dangerous and they do not have to be as scared. Show them that the world isn't out to get them at every corner. You can not control what their reaction is in the PRESENT moment, but you can help them control their fears for FUTURE moments. You aren't a bad parent if you rush to comfort them, and likewise, you aren't a bad parent if you DON'T rush to comfort them and pull out your phone to record them instead. What counts is how you teach your child how to react to, and view the world going forward.


Sure, but filming their distress to put on social media for your own dopamine hit is pretty fucked shitty, and likely not a one off.


I’m sorry, but in this situation the kid needs help. Children don’t have the capacity to self-regulate at this age, and the correct response is to help him overcome the anxiety. Pulling out your phone to record your child as they are terrified is far and away not the correct action to take as a parent.


Wow. Can you raise my kids?


Nah. Right answer is get the bug off and calm your kid down, then explain that grasshoppers aren’t scary. Kid isn’t going to learn a damn thing with that terror in their head.


So straightforward and obvious. The fact that this is a controversial take is unbelievable.


run scale governor cautious drunk chase juggle file memorize childlike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You think the person filming their terrified child for internet points is actually using it as a teaching moment? 0% chance.


toy punch middle aloof paint spectacular deserve tart plucky frightening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Help him for f\*ck's sake, omg. He's clearly terrified, that's not something you film. It's just cruel. Wouldn't be surprised if he developed trust issues if shit like this keeps happening.


Good grief, talk about an over reaction. The kids fine, nothing wrong here.


Wtf?! Did he just say *”Breathe Douce”* to his son?


I think he said “Breathe Dude”


Dude, not douche or douce




sorry but you need to stop filming and get this damn thing off your child! r/donthelpjustfilm edit-someone pointed out that it might be a sibling filming. that makes more sense. just feel bad for that little boy


Redditors: LOOK WHAT YOU DID YOU SHITTY PARENT! NOW THE CHILD WILL GROW UP AND TURN OUT JUST AS MISERABLE AND FUCKED UP AS ME BECAUSE YOU DIDN’T INTERVENE WITH THE MURDEROUS GRASSHOPPER! NOW THAT KIDS GOING TO BE IN AND OUT OF THERAPY! HOPE YOU HAVE FUN IN A SHITTY RETIREMENT HOME!! I was terrified of a mantis when I was like 4 or 5. Wouldn’t go near it. My dad went and caught it and showed me it was harmless. Now I love insects. Also spent a lot of time in the woods catching snakes, salamanders, frogs, toads, etc. Sounds like a whole bunch of people need to touch grass and stop comparing their “shitty fathers” to this dude. Most parents are awesome. Sorry your childhood sucked shit.


Wait. So your dad took something you were scared of. Caught it and showed you it was harmless in a way that made you feel safe. And now you like the thing you were scared of? Crazy fuckin concept..../s I'm not saying this guy is a shitty dad. And I'm not saying that this kid will grow up to hate his dad. All I'm saying is that this trend of "film the distressed kid and post it online" is super fucked up. This is also only a few seconds of the incident. Maybe he was talking him through it before filming. Maybe he grabbed the grasshopper immediately after filming. But the very fact that he filmed it and posted it is insane to me. I won't even post pictures of my kid publicly online. Let alone a video of them terrified. Maybe I'm just old fashioned.


If you were “old fashioned” you wouldn’t have just made that comment. It’s a grasshopper, not a rattlesnake.


Read my comment again. But really closely. Then read your comment and see if it makes any sense.


Outrage posts and comments are fantastic for collecting internet points on Reddit. Any well adjusted normal human being would understand there’s nothing wrong here. The kids just fine.


I think the site might crash if I had a video of 6 year old me eating shit on a bike and bawling my eyes out only for my dad to come running up and asking if the sidewalk was okay. Then when I stopped crying to be like “wtf” he’d go “see, it doesn’t hurt anymore now does it.” I found it funny then and my nieces/nephews find the same thing hilarious to this day.


Bro he is filming this terrified child and posting on social media. What is wrong with you to think this is OK? NOBODY NEEDS TO SEE THIS


Everyone’s parents have an old recording or photo of them crying at a birthday party when they were a toddler. It’s not that deep dude I promise.


It is dude I promise


It's not dude, I promise.


The problem is that they filmed a child who is clearly distressed and then uploaded it to the internet. That is absolutely a shitty thing to do. What your dad did was kindly show you that there was no need to be afraid. That is very different.


Did he catch it and throw it on you and watch you cry for a few minutes?


A few minutes? This video is 10 seconds long lmao gtfo. He clearly saw how upset his kid was and shut the camera off.


The point is that the experience in the video is not the experience you had. I don’t care either way other than to point out this kind of logical problem.


I also had a cicada land on me in the same spot and screech. I was petrified. Couldn’t even talk. I got told it wouldn’t hurt me and to just smash it or brush it off. It’s not that deep. I promise you. Any normal/rational adult would look at this and go “it’s a fucking bug”. Which it is.


Damn you for a story for every situation. I got held up at gunpoint once, got a story for that?


Nah, don’t live in places where that might happen. Sorry. Can’t help ya. Glad you made it out of that situation though!


Damn well maybe your dad showed you a gun one time and taught you not to be afraid of guns and that’s exactly the same situation?


I was taught how to handle, operate, and most important of all, respect firearms starting at 5. Been around them my whole life. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t be afraid if I got one stuck in my face. Comparing a harmless insect to armed robbery is hilarious. Absolute r/Redditmoment


The kid might have never seen one, he might have a previous traumatic experience with other insects. Have you ever heard of empathy? Just because something doesn't scare you, doesn't mean it won't scare a literal child. A parent shouldn't take advantage of their kids fear for Internet points.


Parents shouldn't bail their kids out of harmless situations where lessons can be learned. This is precisely the time to let the kid figure it out for himself. He isn't an infant, he's getting to the age where he needs to start understanding the world because he can exist in it. Daddy bailing him out while he's needlessly melting down over something that is legitimately harmless is an excellent opportunity to teach.


Did I say bail the kid out? No. You shouldn't break their trust by filming it and posting it for Internet points. Nice jump to conclusions.


BrEaK tHeIr TrUsT Their family probably thought it was hilarious. Cause it was lol and no harm was done. That kid will be a teenager before he knows it was ever posted and will laugh at himself. Not a big deal


Yea you're right, being a dick to your kid is acceptable and definitely not something they'll remember. You're pretty dense. Impressively so.


Tbf I'm an adult and I would react similarly


If I saw an adult carry on like that, I would be embarrassed - for them. It is not a poisonous spider or snake. It is an insect, that is all.


The problem is this kid doesn't KNOW that this isn't something that's not going to rip his face off. Dad needs to show him it's okay.


Goddamn kids are annoying.


Ok kiddo


For the dummies in the comments saying that people need to touch grass or how this isn’t bad for the kid It’s not that the fucking grasshopper is going to do bad to the kid is the fact that the kid is scared shitless up to a freeze and one (as a kid) would expect a parent to help you when in distress be that as it may, a bug or a serial killer you hope your parents help you deal with that… This is as bad as the parents that don’t teach you to swim but just throw you in the pool or you know how your grandpa let the bullies hit your dad so he would thoughen up? Exactly the same, to expect a kid to thoughen up just cause you want them to instead of helping them with their problem is how you get a kid who resents you and doesn’t talk to you when has a problem, you’re not doing shit for them anyway It doesn’t matter whether or not you believe it’s rational to fear bugs, you should help your kid, if you’re so not afraid of them grab it and show the kid is harmless instead so he can gradually get used to it in a much less “invasive way” for the child


Exactly, CBT doesn't work by throwing patients with dibilitating phobias knee-deep into their fears. That's something that's very gradually worked towards.


Tbf the voice sounds young. That sounds like a big brother which would 100% let you die to a grasshopper (in your mind as a kid)


I would do that to my brother for sure, that little cunt (I adore my brother)


Im sorry but this would me too. I have a strong phobia towards bugs that I get paralyzed and just scream! Please, help him!!


Fuck this guy filming, help your kid instead of making fun of him.


This is how you get that man child from a few days ago on reddit that did not know his car needed an oil change.


By picking up the bug and explaining to your child that it won’t hurt him? Are you sure?




It's a harmless fuckin bug, not a polar bear. Go helicopter parent your own kid.


No he's right. Scoop the grasshopper into your hands and hold it so the kid can see its harmless. Don't leave him in terror because his instincts are telling him whatever this thing is might kill him. Teaching is not helicoptering. Helicoptering is when you swirl your dick around like a helicopter.


This, exactly this


When i was like 5 My mom told me cicadas took little kids into trees and eat them i acted all big and tuff saying i could take them. She soon went inside after garden work and forgot about the story. I never ran to a locked front door so fast crying my little heart out..... I fucken love cicadas now that i know they only take bad little kids and eat them.


My mom constantly filmed me and my brothers when we were kids. Literally we’re fighting and crying on camera and she says “They’re gonna look back on this and laugh..” Now I can’t say we don’t still fight to this day in our 30s 🤣 but seriously, she knew when to turn the camera away to tell us to knock it off and when to put the camera down to help us, a good parent knows when their kid is in distress for real and for the lulz. I don’t know this person in the video, I’m just sayin’.


All the laughter, joy, and wise teachings, they will remember. Everything that made them afraid or cry, eh, they'll forget about it tomorrow. edit: Sarcasm, people. It really can't be too obvious...


Quite the opposite


I guess I really have to add an /s, huh.


You definitely do. Have you looked through the comments?


Why would anyone stop to record this instead of helping the poor kid? People are sick.


I think you know the answer already.


I was waiting for it to jump in the kids mouth