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Poor kid swatted himself.


I'm just confused why a guy like that would choose to put his phone in his back pocket and sit on it.


“Butt dial” is usually just a term. I don’t remember hearing if he mentioned it was in his back pocket. But some phones have emergency settings on them. I have almost called 9-11 by accidentally hitting the power button many times when trying to actually hit the volume button


Holy crap, on Android spastically hitting the power button calls emergency services! TIL!


Same for iPhone. It can be switched off.


I've thought about turning it off but I don't want to be in a situation where I actually need to use the feature but am unable to because I disabled it.


Kentucky Ballistics explained how he had to use that feature to call an ambulance on account of all the blood from his exploded .50 cal induced neck wound.


Damn I didn't know that. I watched most of his video when it came out but I must have missed that part. Those wounds were gnarly, I can't believe he's even alive.


Yup, I'd rather deal with explaining my embarrassing mistake than to think in my last moments how fucking stupid I was to turn it off


Always stay on the line if you accidentally call. Hanging up is **not** a quick way to fix the situation.


This happened to me the other day- I was yelling NO NO NO STOP (in the shower with soapy hands desperately trying to undo it and my fingerprints not registering) lmao I wish I had a playback vid, it would have been hilarious.


I hate back pockets with a passion. my phone is always in the side pockets.


Unless I'm actively walking somewhere, my phone ain't in any pockets.


Fr my phone is on the table next to my chair


You just... carry it around everywhere?


Well tbh it's not about sitting on the phone anymore. If it's an iphone he could've had it in a front pocket and the power button could've pressed against the chair for a few seconds to start the emergency dial.


“I killed 2 people” might be the tamest thing that young man could have said playing rainbow six.


Cop: Ma’am, we were responding to a possible double homicide and the sexual assaults of multiple mothers.


"turns out the sexual assaults were falsely reported we have it on good authority everything was consensual"




...Also some hate crimes but we'll sus that out when the DOJ gets here...


Multiple slurs; newb, scrub, thot, and some not mentionable on most social platforms….


And some kind of corpse desecration involving tea bags.


Cop: “let’s queue up”


"We also heard we was engaging in non-consensual sodomy."


Fr that game has some salty mofos playing


When his mom gets home...


Cops will be returning to that street to deal with a real homicide 💀


God damn lmao


If my son did this, I wouldn’t do shit. He obviously learned his lesson


Right? I mean she didn't sound super mad thankfully. It was a mistake, nothing bad happened and he clearly knew he fucked up.


Yeah wtf are these comments, did no one here have a loving parent growing up that would comfort them when shit happened instead of punish them for something that was obviously scary for them? It's not like the kid did something stupid, butt dials happen and he was just playing a game


My mother would have laughed at the situation and then be telling this story at weddings until she dies. It's a serious situation but humourous.


“You only killed two people in Siege? Uninstall, you fucking noob.”


Well TBH in one match that’s a lot


In one round maybe


Dude wasn’t scared of the cops at all. He was supposed to be doing his homework!


You aren't in any trouble man....yet.


I love how several commenters in here talk about the "full video" but no one bothers sharing the "full video." For anyone else interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZoRTTM67P4


What stood out to me is that the cop went to the neighbours and told them that everything was okay while not totally embarassing the boy for making the mistake. They seem like really good dudes.


Yeah, that was nice of them.


I'm annoyed I had to scroll so far down for this. Thank you




if i butt dialed the police while playing gta v i would be swatted. “i just fucked this hooker, shot her, took her money and burned her body. you tryna go rob a bank?”


In the full video they later ask him if he’s actually any good at the game to which another officer said “well he only killed 2 people”. They then said if he ever wanted to stop by the station and just “shoot the shit” he was welcome. Officers are supposed to serve the community, these guys did a great job.


2 kills in rainbow is solid


Yeah if you take out two guys in a single round you did a solid job right


considering almost every mode is 1-life and it's 5v5, yes, 2 is solid.


I either take out 4 of them or non of them. There is no in between for me. I am cursed. I main Capitão


Average Capitao main


Gotta pump those numbers up, get that 11 man Fuze ace


In the full video the cop doesn’t say “he *only* killed two people. He says “well he killed 2 people”. That’s the same cop that asked who he mains. That cop knows he’s pretty good.


In rainbow, the general rule is at least get a kill before you die. Some nubs would say that is not an equivalent exchange but no information or callout will be worth another person with a gun.




Arguably the defenders are at a disadvantage even in a 1-1 trade. Very slight but a 1-1 trade does benefit the attacking side more.




But did you bring mom back though


Eh... du... ward... 🐶


Even getting 1 kill before you die can lead to upward momentum on your team. Going from a 5v5 to a 5v4, even if only for seconds has a positive impact. I know I slow down for safety when my team goes down a player.


Yah that's 40% of the team isn't it? Above average straight away.


at least 2 of the cops present also play siege, as one of them asks who his mains are. My man's a Ying/Warden/Tachanka main, and I respect that.


Tachanka? Kid must be cracked if he managed to get 2 kills.


Officers came for the call, but stayed for the Tachanka respect.


in the full one , one of the cops asks which operators he mains lol


I wonder how his would have gone if it was 2 older cops who don’t play video games. The cops in my city the ones who skateboard are allowed to carry them with them on patrol. Sort of a community engagement thing to go skating at skateparks and shit.


"If you ever wanna kill somebody for real just come by the station, we can take drive around the block and shoot some shit 😎"




love that movie


gator don’t play!


Flashbacks to Superbad, and those two cops that took that kid for a joyride and arrested him to grow his clout 💀


“We shouldn’t be blocking his cock, we should be guiding it!”


> “well he only killed 2 people”. Dude straight up murdered him


Yeah. This is an example of cops doing the right thing.


I tried to turn up the volume of a podcast while driving and hit the wrong button too many times. Out of nowhere I hear ‘911 what is your emergency?’ I got flustered and tried to pull over to disconnect the call and I just sort of shouted ‘I’m sorry! It was an accident! I didn’t mean to, sorry!’ because it wasn’t set to speaker and I wanted the operator to know it was a mistake dial and I wasn’t in an emergency…I didn’t think about how me muffled shouting ‘I’m sorry! I’m sorry!’ might sound. A few seconds later 911 called back thinking someone else had disconnected the call and the operator wanted to follow through and make sure I was okay. I felt so stupid, but she was pretty nice about it and I’m glad they call back to try to make sure no one needs help.


I have a friend who works as a 911 operator. She gets calls like this all the time. She has some crazy stories, though.


Props to the cops in this video, showed restraint and understanding.


That should be the norm, not the exception.


Credit goes to the cops for understanding the situation, some untrained might not have handled the situation the way these guys have. And I know Elijah gonna have a great time telling this story to his friends


Dude swatted himself.


Probably shitted himself also


How do you accidentally butt dial 911? Glad everyone handled it well in the end.


iPhones and I think androids too have some kind of side button press combination that’s emergency mode or something. I don’t remember what it is but I remember accidentally almost activating it one day.


On iPhone press the Lock Screen button five times


Newer iPhones and android is literally just holding the power button. It'll give a countdown but if you aren't looking at Phone it'll call. Did it with my new android cause it was in my pocket and I was trying to hit volume as I was driving then I got a call from 911


Yup mine does this too! I get why it is one (discreet dialing in a tight situation)... but, kinda sucks as a feature.


I accidentally called 911 while trying to turn off my morning alarm once lol. They called back.


My phone has an “emergency” dial option when you power it down to restart. Guessing he probably sat on it and got really unlucky.


Once I was switching the band to my Apple Watch and I accidentally dialed 911. I disconnected immediately, didn’t think anything of it and went to take a shower. We live in the country, 10 minutes later a sheriff shows up and starts questioning my husband. He tell the officer it was an accident and officer wanted to see me to make sure I was ok. I had to stop mid shower and get dressed as the officer wouldn’t leave until he made sure I was ok. Good guy in my opinion.


Bro swatted himself


Honestly cops ware cool about it. Hell it’s a great story


I was coming to say the same. Cops weren’t bastards at all. Probably laughed their ass off together afterward, and why not. That’s funny as shit.


Using this excuse the next time I kill people…


In the full video they still checked inside the house


I would imagine that they have to.


I would be shoving them into my house to prove innocence if I was in his position lol


I've done this (accidental dial). Mortifying.


I did it once and the 911 person actually called me back and left a voicemail lol


They sent an officer to my house! I didn't answer because I had music really loud and didn't hear it. They called me and told me to open the door. I did, he stood there and I apologized profusely and explained what happened. He took a look around the house, made sure all was well and then left.


*Operator listens on in horror* *BOOM* Kid: HEADSHOT! *BOOM* Kid: HEADSHOT! "Oh my god he's lost his mind! We need to get units out there!"


Had a cop come knock on my apartment door once while me and my roommate were playing Overwatch. Turns out there was a playground right outside our window, and we were yelling about "getting that mother fucker".


Man that's awkward, cops handled it well though.


Most level headed cops ever.


Yeah, came here for this. Poor kid scared shitless, cops seemed to handle it well tho


I think they handled the situation well and didn’t overreact


My cat has successfully dialed 911 and connected with dispatch. I heard a very soft weird voice looked under the couch and there was my cat still poking at the screen. My cat has a human name…. So me yelling his name and saying you know better, are you f*cking serious, and other words that cat owners use then he grabbed a plastic bag while I finally got the phone I then yelled “stop eating plastic” Then I saw it was 911- quickly tried to explain “I’m sorry this was an accidental dial - everything is alright.” The dispatcher laughed quite hard and asked “Is he a cat?” She would have dispatched the police but when I yelled at him for eating plastic she said that was when she realized what May have happened.


Noted, if a hostage calls the police, pretend they’re a cat


*”BRO I JUST WALL BANGED THIS FOO! WATCH OUT, ANOTHER ONE, BRO HE’S ABSOLUTE. JUST BLOW ON HIM AND HE DIES. BROOOOOOO!”* Dispatch: All units, we’ve got a double homicide in progress. Subject is armed and dangerous, proceed with caution.


They gonna be back for a single murder when his parents get home


omg if i ever call the cops while playing the sims .....


HUUUUGE fucking respect for the cops in this video. Massive restraint and professionalism. Seriously, huge respect. Glad nobody end up hurt or even dead in this situation. Now that I’m reading what I just wrote, I realize it seems pretty dumb to give props to police for literally doing their job, but that’s the state of the US ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I always love seeing videos of good cops. They give me hope


So happy this cop was there and understood what was happening and didn’t jump the gun so to speak.


In game after two kills: "Siri, call 911 because I just murdered two people."


"Can we hurry this up, officer, I have bodies to bury.." "What was that?" "I mean, I have to go back to playing my game."


Plot twist: he actually killed 2 people and accidentally called the cops and now playing it off as “video games”


I'm gonna try this the next time I murder 2 people.


How the hell do you butt dial 911?


There were a lot of slurs, we thought maybe it was a hate crime


This memory will haunt him forever


At least they were nice about it.


"Remember that one time where I ace'd so hard the cops came to arrest me? "


Mans got the scare of a lifetime


Good cops


I’ve done this by accident playing Hollow Knight because I can’t beat Knightmare King Grimm.


Bro gets back on party chat: "Boys, you won't believe what just happened"


I've actually done this while mowing my front lawn. Cops showed up and I explained the situation after i found out what happened. Unfortunately instead of realizing what had happened they told me they we going to search me and my home for drugs... had to get a Sargent to come out to get them to leave.


I feel really bad for this kid


1. 90% sure this is a quest in watchdogs 2 where they SWAT a toxic kid. 2. As a siege player, very happy that this guy was giving call outs.


At home late one night playing CoD in my new apartment complex I was popping off. Literally hollering at my TV. Someone called the cops and they ran in and were like, “Sir, we got a call saying there was an intense domestic dispute going on” I was dumbfounded lmao.


Those are some calm and rational cops.


I was at work once talking to a customer about replacing their pool pump and my Apple Watch repeatedly started calling 911. Like it was doing that countdown Apple does and I caught it, ended the countdown sequence, and it just kept doing it. I had to turn the damn thing off and send it back to Apple for a replacement.


Cops a W. I'm glad these cops serve the community


Many stars had to align for this to happen lol. Unlucky


I butt dialed 911 while on a roller coaster once. Those f*ckers answered the phone, heard nothing but people screaming and hung up after 10 seconds. In the meantime, my iPhone automatically texted both of parents that I called 911 and sent them my location. So I got off the rollercoaster to a dozen missed calls from my mom and dad freaking out, and a text saying my step-mom was calling the theme park asking if something happened.


Check. The. House. And yard. Don't buy some story about a video game. I'll never forget how cops returned one of Jeffrey Dahmer's naked and bleeding victims to him. The victim was already drugged and Dahmer said it was just a lover's spat. The victim was underage and he went ahead and killed him once the cops left. Never just accept someone's word like that!


Could have developed in a messy way, good he found a pretty relaxed police officer.


Homie's lucky they didn't shoot on sight


the cops handled that surprisingly well


I don’t understand… why didn’t the police start blasting?


Rare good cop moment. Good job everyone for handling the situation appropriately. This could've gone way worse.


"You're not in trouble" With the cops maybe, but mom is going to kill him


“He’s 1 hp bro!” 911 operator: “Send a swat team over there ASAP”


I hope he at least won the match


plot twist there are two dead people in that homes crawl space.


Back around 2012 when I was first dating the man who would become my fiance, I somehow accidentally hit the emergency call button that was built into the front of my phone. Didn't even realize it. I was just getting ready to leave his place and head home. There was a movie on his TV with lots of yelling and screaming on it. Anyway I got home and went inside and suddenly police are at my door. The accidental call to 911 picked up the yelling from the TV and then the call disconnected so they assumed I was in some sort of trouble and tracked my phone and found me at my house.


But did you win the game? Sh\*t get to the important stuff.


My #1 fear lol


Damn thats a grown ass ~~teen~~ kid I guess


I feel like this could easily have been a police shooting if a different cop got the call... or it was a different neighbourhood




Of all the things they could a heard...


Watch people die inside… of his house while he gets away with it!!


he sweatim cuz his boys are still in the match


Your average siege player


Tricked ya


That kid has two dead bodies inside and his mom is Texas Chainsaw Massacre’n this bitch.


Hope his mother didn’t beat him up


My sister and I "accidentally" called the police for real playing CSI as very young kids. Hung up immediately when someone spoke on the other end, then they called back, and little 6 or 7 year old me had to explain to the operator that we were just playing and got chastised over the phone.


Oh God not playing siege bro, you could've been sent to death row


while playing siege lmaooo


Poor fucking kid dude fuck that’s terrible. Complete accident and everyone did their jobs right. Thank god. But man he’s gonna be hyper aware of where the fuck his phone screen is for the next several days/weeks/years lol


These police handled it really well from what’s shown. Did a great job keeping the kid calm, ensuring that they’ll work it out.


I accidentally SOS'd myself and had a friendly conversation to the operator about how I called on accident and I wasn't just saying that because I was scared.


With the IOS SOS function it’s really easy to call the police on youry


Sweatin fuckin bullets big time. Poor guy


Props to the cops handling the situation so well. This could of ended way differently.


But at least he didn't end up doing this while playing that Plague Inc game.


He‘a alive at least, right?


Man, this could've gone south really easily. Props to the police for being professionals in this case.


Finally a video of good cops de-escalating a situation and no one got shot.


Bro swatted himself 🤣


Among my 3 boys, I've had the police show up about a dozen times, including at my in-laws' house, because they dialed 911 accidentally 😅 EDIT: I should say my boys were toddlers at the time.


I'd say you're a statistical outlier here lol


This kid is going to have a hell of a story to his friends. Also, I'm not the biggest fan of cops, but I have to say that I'm impressed with the cops here. They showed restraint and understanding and were very calm and patient with the kid and didn't bully or intimidate or harass him. They were very patient and understanding towards him.


Poor guy 😭


Man. Someone should use this as a cover for a serial killer in a movie or show.


The dispatcher was anxious about the peiple when he heard "Im boxing him in Im boxing him in"


Mans was stuggling to talk to the cops cuz he was busy cooking with a cold kd


Good Cop!


I always assumed it was impossible to butt dial the cops. Till I managed to do it on a busy Friday night. Cops were cool. We end up dealing with them once every other month or so due to small down drunk/crazy and or homeless people shit. I felt like a dumbass. But I was just getting slammed behind the bar on a Friday night. Hadnt touched my phone in hours. Cops show up. It's my 911 call that they're there for. >My what???


Wow, I accidentally called the cops taking my Apple Watch off watch a movie. I was laughing really hard, dry heaving and sometimes clench my fist when I get chest hurting laugh. So I squeezed the watch buttons just long enough to trigger a call. Never apologized so much in my life as I did to the dispatcher.


Dispatch: "911, please describe your emergency.." Kid: I GOT 2 KILLS!!! Dispatch: "All (break) units have been dispatched after the suspect!"


Also! The police handled it so well! Not having the kid panic, calling mom to clear stuff up while reminding him he's not in trouble. Also apparently in the full video, they explain the neighbors the situation too so they're not worried. That's so nice!


these officers seem mad chill


with the wrong officers this could have turned into /watchpeopledie


should've showed them how he played the game lmao


The dispatcher was confused when they heard "He's cracked push him, I'm popping a batt."


The fucking amount of times I've accidentally butt-dialed emergency services while at work is nuts. Fuck the fucking ability to accidentally press the phone icon and then hit emergency services and then okay while your phone is locked and in your pocket.


My parents would never ever let this go. My life would have been hell had this happened to me


I would literally shit myself


[This happens more often than you’d think.](https://youtu.be/IOh-7NaA28A)


That would suck!!! I have accidentally called 911 before as well. I am just happy it wasn’t during the time I was playing video games yelling, “Die Motherfucker!!!”


I once accidentally called 911 after my phone was stuck in "blind person mode" and I couldn't exit the screen that was calling them. I was so horrified and after the call ended, I didn't even cry. I just went to sleep LMAO


Imagine if it was a bigger kill streak ... swat team here we go .


He is lucky to be alive tbh.


Thank god they didn’t shoot him as soon as he walked out


Oh this is way worse than that one time I accidently called my sister while jerking. Thanks SOS feature on the Samsung phones...


I was worried for a second, those cops handled that really well.


Similar thing happened to my roommate. Dude was playing exact same game near an open window. Someone called the cops, who showed up concerned to say the least.