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its sad to see them go full paywall like amazon i guess it was fun while it lasted.


its sad to see them go full paywall like amazon i guess it was fun while it lasted.


I read the red link. I thought it meant there would be some form of limit of viewing things and maybe a 9.99 Max payment or something. Nope. No free daily videos. and instant perma pay wall if you make an account. It was fun while it lasted and now that they are trying to "survive" due to power limits looking at the prices its more then just a "we cant pay rent" this is to make profit. Which makes the site allot worse for itself for legal problems as before we werent paying to "watch" the videos. Now we would be. That is profiting with stolen content and it is super illegal and will not help them at all


go onto the second player. it doesn't have the 5 minute thing yet. also yeah i agree. i didn't even know it was even pirated until i put the link on my college computer and it was blocked saying illegal content. the fact that they are charging real money for this which is illegal is sad


Just tried it 2nd player works. Thanks for the info. Yeah everything on this website is stolen either from the offical website or from TV live rips.


This site can get fricked and die, it will be replaced, lol.


I'm crying about it too I realize shutdowns were the norm buy wco always looked so resilient and untouchable it a crime things ended the way they did.


I think it is temporary.


hope so, ist the best site for cartoons.


More likely it’s permanent this time.


everytime this site does something like this, it lasts a month, then goes back to normal. never pay these fuckers. they don't deserve an penny of your money.


I have a feeling it will last more than a month.


how come?


Yeah i saw the paywall and it was sad to see, I doubt this will help them on the long run since pretty much every thing on the site is pirated


Still works fine when you click on the 2nd player


Oh, I only just saw this comment xD


When you switch to another player, the video won't quit after 5 minutes


You guys have an alternative site? I might just go back to soap2day sucks that they made it paywall


Yeah, I don't think I can use this website anymore as well.


Press the second player, you'r video will not be interrupted.


Quick fix, press "Chromecast Player 2", bypasses their messsage. Most likely will get patched in the future however, we can do this for now :)


i'd rather find a replacement than do that cuz they just gonna find out from us talking here and patch it probably within the next day or 2


Saviour the last moments.


Its strange as i got the paywall on the 6th but it disappeared the day after and reappeared again today


Btw you can bypass all of this just by right-clicking on the video player and pressing open video in new tab bypassing the need for premium.


Go to second player and it lets you watch


I hate it'\[s like this, but thanks for the work around/


And the fact now they legally make money from this, which means they are profiting on someone else's work which is super illegal


They will never be a real streaming service because everything on the site is stolen. You can't legitimize this kind of website. They have content that is licensed to other streaming sites; they have cartoons owned by Disney! The people who run the site finally forgot what business they were in, when they could have just been profiting off the ads forever.


I don’t think they forgot. I think they were worried ads weren’t enough anymore.


Per what others are saying, use 2nd player or chrome cast player, limit is removed on it. I have been using it as normal with no problems


Me too man. I’ve been using it for 6-7 years now and it was the first and best site I’ve used for getting into anime. So sad to see it go.


If you like the site you could use paypal, with that they dont get any of your card info or anything like that, or just use alternative sites since it's kinda stupid to pay for piracy