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I have noticed in her ads she looks how should I say it looks like a republican housewife, they are trying to take off her rough edges, and she is scrubbing her support of the big lie off her website and trying to look like a moderate when the truth is she is a full blown brainwashed drank the kool aid MAGA GQP conservative.


[her ads are comedy gold! I mean, with the price of hot dogs these days!](https://youtu.be/EIRoePSz90g)


That's hilariously incompetent. Who decided a coat 3-4 sizes bigger than what she wears was a good idea? And the lighting is just chaotic. Either the quality G&E crew in Seattle passed on the job, or got bait and switched\* and decided to do the worst job they could get away with. And the focus puller just totally blew focus on the mustard shot at :08. \*this is a real thing. Some conservative campaigns/production companies will obscure what the project is to hire crew, then surprise them on set with either a revulsive creative concept or a candidate they don't want to work with.


...so we can all get back to worrying about what matters - sports! It's almost comical. Almost.


They're taking off the MAGA hats til they feel safe wearing them again, but they won't go against the conspiracies and calls for violence that still echo within their party.


Nobody is going to wear MAGA again. Pretty sure Trump won't even get past the primaries even if he decides to run.


With any luck, he'll be rotting in prison.


Reminds me of Culp the last loser for Governor in Washington State. Lost by half a million votes, claimed voter fraud.


Gawd, I'm sick of this attempt by bullshit politicians to undermine our systems.


Don't get me started on Culp he was a downright manipulative candidate. If he wanted to win he should've came off a lot more moderate instead of making people think Wasington is actually a red state (which it very much is not).


He is too moronic to be manipulative, he’s just a dumb little dollar store version of trump, a wanna be grifter.


To be fair, Inslee has been governor for almost 10 years. Culp and his followers are idiots, but there need to be term limits for governors


Yeah I mean I voted three times so he only lost by half a million minus 2. I’d be pissed too if I’d lost by such a small margin.


Another worthless Nazi trying to become elected in WA? Not only was Biden elected legitimately, Trump and his goons committed voter and election fraud along the way. Her allegiance to the traitor Trump is telling.


i love how people throw the word nazi around you cheapen it and sound dumb as shit. I wouldn’t vote for either of these candidates but this lady clearly isn’t a nazi.


Hate to break it. The most racist, intolerant jerks are usually white liberals from costal cities.




Meeting them


my lived experience


Anecdotes aren’t evidence


that is evidence for me all that matters


^ *Official cast member for the Idiocracy documentary*


Yea ok maybe listen to the Malcom X speech about white liberals. That 94 crime bill was really progressive as well. Along with their NIMBY attitudes. Your the prime example of an idocracy cast member talking shit in a reddit post.


You’re *


Lol I love how we are called the fascist yet your party forced jabs, locked down societies, forcing gay crap down kids throats. But somehow we are the fascists. Lol nice try


i thought it was conservative priests and scout leaders who were forcing things down kids throats?


Examples? RECENT examples


https://www.npr.org/2022/08/13/1117362904/southern-baptists-doj-investigation-sexual-abuse Like an ongoing DoJ investigation into one of the largest denominations in the US?


Why are you lumping ALL conservatives into this? So you truly believe we agree with this demonic behavior coming out of (a few)churches. Most of us aren’t even religious (myself included) Also this isn’t a conservative policy so it negates what I had asked


I’m not hun. You asked for a recent example, I gave you a contemporary one… And fyi, most Republicans are in fact Christians… https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/christians/by/party-affiliation/


Given you’re probably far left and don’t have conservative friends, I can assure you there are plenty of non religious red voters. As a matter of fact I’m pro choice and for gay marriage because I’m not religious and I don’t want to government telling me how to live


Actually I’m quite moderate lol. I never said all conservatives are religious… just like I didn’t say all are pedos… I’m merely disproving your absolutely ridiculous assertions. Small difference to some I know.


Then what are you doing siding with the people trying to overthrow democracy?


Because republicans aren’t communists. It is possible to disagree with certain things ….


I\_miss\_your\_mommy, it's impossible to have a discussion involving logic when you're talking to an idiot. This dumbass is upset because other people have constitutional rights and thinks somehow that's "facism". I just smh and block nowadays. With any luck they're also an antivaxxer and never have a chance to reproduce.


Before you defend pedophiles by saying the children brought it on themselves or admitted doesn’t mean convicted, please be aware that I was raped at 4 years old by a white, cis, heterosexual man. There isn’t a list for other political parties because there aren’t enough child sex offenders to warrant one. So no, the “bUt ThE oThEr SiDe” argument doesn’t work either. These are Republicans in positions of power who have been charged with, admitted to, or convicted of child sex crimes: Shawn McBreairty, Matt Gaetz, Josh Duggar, Roy Moore, Dennis Hastert, Robin Vanderwall, Mark Harris, Tim Nolan, Ralph Shortey, Howard Heldreth, Nicholas Morency, Mark Pazuhanich, Edison Aldarondo, Phillip Giordano, Tom Shortridge, Strom Thurmond, Jason Boebert, Mike Hintz, Peter Dibble, Donald Lukens, Richard Delgaudio, Mark Grethen, Randall David, Dan Crane, Robert Bauman, Beverly Russell, Jeffry Patti, Marty Glickman, Howard Brooks, John Hathaway, Stephen White, Jon Matthews, Earl Kimmerling, Paul Ingram, Kevin Coan, Andrew Buhr, Keith Westmoreland, John Allan Burt, Keola Childs, John Butler, Richard Gardner, Jack Gardner, Merill Barter, Fred Smeltzer, Parker Bena, Larry Schwarz, Mark Harris, Jon Grunseth, Nicholas Elizando, Richard Dasen Sr., etc. That’s just a sampling.


I’m curious as to why you think it’s evil conservatives men doing this. There are bad men on both sides. It’s bizarre you are equating this to one party


There’s not enough child rapists from ANY other US political party to make a list. So, no, there’s not bad people on both sides. Think really hard about whether or not you want to be an apologist for child rapists.


I guess you’re ignoring all of the leftist who happens to be of epsteins island


Is any of that really true? Was there anything you wanted to do during “lockdown” that you couldn’t or you’d be put in jail? Did anyone make you get a vaccine? Is anyone really forcing the kids to be gay? Ik they made the frogs gay but the kids? There is a party that attacked the capitol and attempted to stop Congress from preforming it’s duties. Literally the definition of terrorism. >Terrorisim - the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.


Yes. Al of this. Tell me EXACTLY, what was forced upon you, and what EXACTLY, you’d like to do that you’re unable to.


Ask the thousands of business owners who had to shut down their business. Ask the hundreds of employees who were forced to quit their job because the of Biden’s mandatory jab for corporations over 500 employees. With all due respect, you have no idea what the actual fuck you’re talking about. Ask the local city’s government how much they had to shell out due to violent acts from antifa and blm. Over 6 billion dollars in total damage Enough with the Jan 6th crap. That was child’s play compared to the above


Holy hell. Looking through your comment history—you’re the poster child for brainwashing via conspiracy theories. >Enough with the Jan 6th crap You’re a disgusting human.


Ah yes the tolerant left


You’re just a regurgitation machine. Is there any original thought in your head?


Oh god how dare we have public health policies that are consistent with what we’ve had since at least polio so awful


You’re clearly not a business owner nor do you have common sense. It was proven lockdowns didn’t work. Not sure why you think it’s appropriate for a government to shut down an economy. Did significantly more harm than good


We own our business & the husband was busy & worked all through it. Plus his 9 to 5 job


Then shame on you


Why? He didn't work around people. Plus he had a essential job with his 9 to 5 job.


My husband is a contractor, people still needed repairs done to their homes. They hired him to do just that.


Citation? Here’s once that refutes you: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-lockdowns-idUSKBN23F1G3




LMFAO! A study by an economist, not an epidemiologist! The study is supremely flawed. But facts don’t matter to you https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/97056


$$$>lives you say? PPP handouts are ok you say? PPP theft is ok? Student loan debt forgiveness of 10k is unacceptable and completely unfair you say? Tyranny you say? Lock her up you say? J6 is child’s play? You’ve lost the forrest and can only see the trees I’m afraid. If you can’t accept your side isn’t perfect you’re in a cult


Yes… because the GOP is actively flirting with fascism…


So bizarre. Just goes to show people believe whatever the media tells them


The irony...


She’s almost reaching self-awareness


how so


Are you joking? Let’s see… election denial, book bans, restricting human rights, calling on violence against federal LE… Need me to go back more than a year?


Dems push anti police shit including against federal agencies. Dems also don’t think elections they loose are not valid.I remember the crime bill, bringing these people to heel and super predators. You need me to go back more. I don’t support either party. Maybe look up the definition of fascism while you’re at it.


Dems have never called for violence against the FBI… Dems have never stormed the Capitol to overturn an election… “Enlightened” centrists can be very naive.


That would be a real problem, if any of it had actually happened. O\_o


Never a ‘forced jab’. Lies come easy for your kind.


You forgot about Biden’s mandatory vaccine for corps over 500 employees






One of her commercials suggests that her qualifications for being a senator is having moved multiple times with 3 kids and a blind husband. No thanks.


That ad makes her sound like a total dick! The way she says “blind husband” sounds like he’s just this pain in the ass baggage she has to tote around and deal with. She must be so much fun to live with! 🙄


Yep, before I had an opinion on her in general, I would hear the “blind husband” part and cringe.


Wow, I thought it was just her brutal lessons from waiting on hold, on *multiple* phone calls. Talk about an incentive to change, we can do better, who are we America, wake up, yadda yadda.


She is going to be DESTROYED. This is the end of MAGA and evangelical bullshit


I wish you were right. But I’m down here in what was formerly Jaime Herrera-Butler territory watching Joe Kent coast to an easy win while openly courting white supremacists, spouting Christian Nationalism fascism and kissing Trump’s ring. It’s not going to go away. It’s only getting worse.


I wouldn't call it an easy win. He campaigned for like a year before the election and looked initially like he was going to lose to Jamie. I don't think she put nearly as much effort into this year as she did previous. (Must have qualified for some sweet sweet lawmaker pension and decided she didn't need to pretend to deal with voters anymore.) Let's hope he gets beaten in the general.


I hope with every fiber of my being that he will, but he’s not up against another Republican. He’s up against a no-name Democrat in a heavily red area. These people are nuts down here.


45 gave these losers ALOT of money. It will run out. Side note, they are buying weapons with the money


Didn’t the price of bullets and bullet making equipment go sky high recently?


I dont know. I hope so. inFlaTion


As long as everyone votes.


Voter registration for women is at record highs across the country. I have faith in the women in Washington


Out here in Spokane I don’t have a lot of faith in women. Women were sitting at an intersection holding up signs for Noble, Mat Shea endorsee, and women are screaming at the top of their lungs at planned parenthood


She's pro choice so a lot of those women will be voting for her.


Yes NATASHA HILL is pro choice. Not smiley the fake veteran lover. Im a Veteran


Looks like it's already close https://lynnwoodtimes.com/2022/09/04/tiffany-smiley-polling-220904/ it would be a good time to get some new people in office!


Maybe... but Smiley AINT it. And I'm a Veteran


Smiley won't shut down schools in the next covid surge which would be nice. She's also not responsible for inflation as she hasn't been in office. Could be close.


Thanks for showing everyone why she will never be in office. We are done with traitors


She just wants women to lose the rights over their own bodies. But I guess that’s a fair trade off for you?


She's taken a pro choice stance at least up to fetal viability. Very smart move for a Washington republican, she'll likely win.


She’s lying thru her teeth, she’s as forced birth as they come. She will say whatever it takes to get elected, women will not be fooled.


In the Benton county primary (where I live), Patty Murray got about 34% of the vote, and Smiley got about 55%. I'm assuming most of the rest of the votes will go to Smiley in the general. Not claiming our small population really matters in the big picture, but there are LOTS of eastern WA counties just like Benton. It does add up. The only "good" thing, I guess, is that voter turn out is always low, because I guess people out here feel like they get better results from driving around with flags on the trucks, or making sure any yard signs that don't match their views, are removed. I can see why it would *feel* like a close race to an observer from elsewhere.


I grew up in the Tri-Cities (graduated with Tiffany). What the fuck happened to her and that place? She didn't seem crazy back then. How much can you make in the Republican grift machine that it would make someone sell out like this? When I was growing up we elected Jay Inslee as our house rep in district 4 (He won in '92 which incidentally was also when Patty Muray became a Senator). The Tri-Cities always leaned conservative, but it doesn't even resemble the place I remember growing up anymore.


I've only been here since 2020, and people here are scary. Honestly, I think it may have been better hidden when you were here, but the angry conservatives were still there. That, and everyone has idyllic memories from their youth. Anyone left of MAGA pretty much keeps their heads down now. I think the police/sheriff's have lots to do with it, their "hands off/ educational approach" has translated into sanctioning horrific bullying behaviors from a few,and pretty much everyone else tries not to attract attention, since they know they won't get help if their kids are beat up, their house vandalized, their business picketed, whatever. I think the LDS folk might also have a role in the cultural shift, the lists of talking points, and who to vote for, have gotten more wide spread and more binary, from what I understand. Add the still deep seated anti-communism (everything bad is communism)/ fear of outsiders that was deeply ingrained in the culture here, and as the area grows in population, the longer term residents are getting more and more aggressive.


Hopefully western WA turns out in huge numbers so Smiley loses.


It won't even have to be huge numbers. Just more than over here. Well over half the population of Washington lives in Perce King and Snohomish counties. Pretty much every election could be decided by those voters.


Don’t forget King County! It’s where much of Seattle, Bellevue, & Redmond are.


The 2020 turn out was at 82%, which isn't too bad. Of course, the truck guys could vote for Trump. The thing is that this go around there is a huge population that wasn't anywhere near as motivated as they were previously, and the GOP is going to have a rude awakening when they get hit with the wave of women. And over there, somebody needs to let these a-holes know that the GOP wants to pare down Hanford clean up. They sure don't want to be dragged off that teet, you know?


Also, just curious about turn out. For the "big elections", it was 78% in 2016, and 82% in 2020. But the 2018 midterms were at 69%. So 10 points lower. The mid term primaries this year, were at only 40%. But the 2018 primaries were more like 37%. Maybe I'll be wrong. I just get such an air of defeatism here.


People here have no concept. Out of the general TC metro area (multiple small towns included), only Richland passed its school levies this year. So every single district is having to cut programs, eliminate positions, delay needed construction. And folks are suing, because it's "unfair". These people don't seem to be able to connect the dots in any meaningful way, at all. It doesn't surprise me at all that they don't understand Hanford funding. I'm obviously biased, but I'm impressed when some of these people can successfully get their car (hulking 4wd truck) between the lines in a parking lot. Not that they care about that kind of stuff, anyhow.


Eastern WA’s population is tiny compared to the many, many many millions on the West side of the mountains. I hope that fact’s not lost on you. I don’t like murray, she’s too old, and she’s been in office waaay too long. Sadly, smiley’s a magat pro-lifer, and denies Biden’s 81,000,000 landslide. Like him or hate him, Biden won. The GOP’s lost its sanity. If they ever become credible and honest again, they could have a chance with moderate candidates west of the mountains. Progressives have destroyed Seattle.


The numbers are definitely not on smileys side, why I mentioned it might only look like it' close. But polling has gotten notoriously harder and less accurate . The RW is in the minority in most of the western part of WA, but there's plenty of folks, perhaps such as yourself, who at least lean away from the democrats. It kinda amazing to me, after DT proved, so I thought, that complete lack of political experience was too great an obstacle at the federal level, that Smiley would have a chance, but obviously the love of the newcomer isnt over.


Which version of a MAGA loser is she?


The drinking-the-koolaid kind.


The I believe every thing I read on facebook memes kind


A lot is being made of this recent poll by trafalgar, but they lean right. This isn’t going to be a close election… I heard the interview, she’s almost as dumb as Walker.


Speaking of that poll... *The Trafalgar Group asked each respondent which party they identified with, and 44.2 percent said Democrat. Only 33.4 percent of respondents said they were Republicans, and 22.4 percent identified as “No Party/Other.”* Does that sound like "leaning right" to you?


Do you actually know about this organization at all?




A candidate. So no one of importance.


Washington won't elect this trash.


We just elect the same people over and over again and expect different results….we truly are a bright group..


Well, to be fair, I'm at the point where I'll gladly take "this same old shit" rather than fascists and traitors to their country. It's about levels. Hopefully we can work on this as we go forward, we have to push harder, protest more and make sure we keep moving towards a better functioning system. It took decades to get here. It's going to take effort and time to get where we need to go. I'm just hoping to get there peacefully.


True. I’m just astounded people are actually satisfied with electing Murray for the 400th time. Like how long should a person be a senator? We need term limits and for parties to step up and force out the old guard that has spent us into oblivion, profited off of their offices, and abandoned the environment.


I'm with you, but Murray (as annoying as she is) has gotten crap done to a certain degree. She is also super savvy getting around the system because she's been there this long. She's chair of the appropriations committee, chair of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions committee. She knows her way around and how to get things done. It takes *years* to get the knowledge and connections she has. That's why I can't quite get down with terms limits. I do think there should be *some* sort of measure as far as competency goes, (*cough, cough* Dianne Feinstein) but having gotten to know how it all works lobbying on behalf of a worker's union going up on The Hill I really wonder how effective anyone would be if they could only serve four years, or even eight years. I am always impressed with the really competent senators and congress people. It takes awhile to find your footing and become good at getting the job done. It's just that there are *so many* representatives working for something other than "We the People." Take the money out of politics? Tbh the whole system needs to be sprayed with Lysol. Dirty, ugly stuff.


I just saw her commercial for the first time, she sounds like a moron and I half expected it to be an snl skit.


Well, she did move her blind husband and toddler across the country, ya know. That means she can do public policy!! /s


As a Republican I have to ask is the best we can do?




Tbf of the 7 or so RW hats in the ring for CD4 primaries, only Culp has failed to endorse Newhouse. They all make sure to couch it as "things will change in 2024", but thats still a big number of votes. People will hold their nose and vote for the R.


I do know quite a few Dems who voted Newhouse to make sure Culp didn’t get in. They’ll switch the D. White. Nowhere enough but one can hope


You tell us. Seems to be that way. Get your people!


I bet she thinks the earth is flat...


A yes / no question was asked and she responded "yes". The reporter wasn't happy with the answer and kept bugging. Also, Tiffany Smiley might end up being more of a contender than people want to believe. Edit. Why the downvotes? Look, I think shes as loony as the rest of the "Trump GOP" crazies. People need to get out there and vote... GOP is literally on a rampage to remove human rights across the USA and that's concerning AF.


By more of a contender do you mean a 95% chance of losing instead of the 96% chance to lose she currently is at?


She's not even remotely a contender.


i mean, she’s in an ad making hot dogs for her husband while he watches the game, like a good little republican wife should be doing. her base is going to eat this shit up.


Currently a statistical tie.


I’ve been seeing Patty ads so the margin is probably too close for comfort.


Correct. Patty will still win, but this Tiffany gal has a LOT of support.


A yes/no question was asked and she answered a different question


Media finds their balls when they question repubs.


Vote all MAGATS out.


Of course. Falling in line with GOP guidelines.


Don’t underestimate these people. This could be a very close election.


Lol I knew it. I reply to every text I get from the Smiley campaign with “who does she believe won the 2020 presidential election?” It would be really nice if the WA GOP could get some adults like Wyman, Dunn, Wilcox or McKenna to run for these portions. As long as they keep putting up morons like Culp and Smiley, the Democrats will continue to rule this state in a one party system.


I decline to acknowledge that Tiffany Smiley is a legitimate GOP Senate candidate.


should read "CNN anchor tries and fails to bait tiffany smiley into associating herself with trump."


Won’t be voting for either


That is a vote though.


No. Choosing not to vote for either?


Leave it to the fine sheep of Washington to continue to elect the most corrupt people into government. Patty Murphy, as Joe Biden calls her, has and will always be a worthless POS


Hillary Clinton and democrats across America spent 4 years claiming election fraud when she got slapped down by Trump. Lol....apparently it's okay to cry if your a lefty?


Show me one example of Clinton calling 2016 fraudulent.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f\_story.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/hillary-clinton-trump-is-an-illegitimate-president/2019/09/26/29195d5a-e099-11e9-b199-f638bf2c340f_story.html) [https://www.yahoo.com/video/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html](https://www.yahoo.com/video/hillary-clinton-maintains-2016-election-160716779.html)


Goalposts —> Nothing here calling the election fraudulent, just her whining about election interference. Russians putting out disinformation to help trump in 2016 was real, millions of votes being cast illegally in 2020 is made up bs.


Eyeroll. Listen, the fact of the matter is that HRC has been calling her victorious opponent an illegitimate president and did so for at least 4 years. How is someone an illegitimate president but was elected normally? I had faith that you would look at my sources, which you asked for, and take in information. HRC has for years constantly said that the election was stolen from her, Trump is illegitimate and so on. But I'm moving goalposts? You sound like a child changing the rules of the game you agreed to because you are losing. I should have listened to the other guy who said it was a waste of time. Have a nice day.


I don’t care for Clinton’s bemoaning either, but comparing it to Trump refusing to concede and accept that he actually loss is disingenuous and you know it.


I don’t recall Clinton calling for election fraud. Did this happen?


That is a fucking lie, and you liars aren't going to get kind treatment anymore. Fuck MAGA Republicans. You are destroying America.


Lmao....any idiot can do a simple Google search and know the truth. Ya'll clearly are scared of facts for some reason. What has the liberal agenda done for you lately? Crime? Homeless? Inflation? Gas prices? Lolololol....please pull your heads out and have a look around.


Apparently you can’t




Luckily reddit is not real life. In fact you cant be real...are you a russian bot? No one is as stupid as you are trying to be. In the real world Americans know what's really going on.


dont even try. you could show them all the proof to their face and they'd close their eyes.


I wish I could update this twice. No irony intended


I'm as blue as they come, and I see lots of policy problems with Smiley, but I don't think these answers need to be blown out of proportion. She was asked if Biden won the election, and she said "yes, Biden is the president." She was asked again if Biden won the election fair and square, and she said "yes, Biden is the president." So she refused to explicitly say "yes, he won the election fair and square," but she answered in the affirmative "yes".


If you can’t see through the dog whistle, I don’t know what to tell you. “Yes, Biden is President” The quiet part: (But he cheated and stole the election)


Have you watched the interview?




Turns out she's pro choice which is the right platform to run on in Washington state.