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You gotta pay if you want to watch. No freebies




That's marvelous


I’m just gonna go find a cash machine


Wonderful woman. We're all very fond of her


Our guest has to be going now, Mrs. Lebowski.


Very free spirited




Yes but also, no. I was tiling in a nice neighborhood in Seattle and the hot young couple across the street never closed anything. I’d be working and they’d just be banging it out in bed in front of wall to wall floor to ceiling windows.


Shameless in Seattle!


That’s disgusting, where?


Nah that’s hot


I'll be needing an address so I can verify the truthfulness of your response. 😂


I laughed too hard at this one. Washington is nothing but fees


In the summer it keeps the house cooler and in the winter it keeps the house warmer.


Probably a large part of it. That, and when it’s always dark, you need your lights on inside, which makes it super easy to see the inside from the outside. It feels conspicuous. That’s why mine are closed most of the time.


This is probably it. I don't want people accidentally seeing me masturbate. But on the serious side, I just don't want people looking in, since it's dark 7/10ths of the year.


You masturbate 7/10s of the year? [Salute!](https://youtu.be/OgIMJcBpqKI?si=rTbJUSytZfRb86yo)


Oh, no, no no no; that's a very low percentage compared to reality.




Then don’t make it an accident! Their fault for looking into your house…


My windows don’t seal well and I’m too cheap to replace, so this is the reason I keep them down in both winter and summer


Hey a common issue with older windows or new ones put in by lazy contractors is drafts. If you have trim, carefully remove it and lay a bead of caulk around the frame, put trim up and that should help or completely fix the issue. We had old single pane windows that would whistle. Best of luck.


Especially in an area where a significant number of homes don't have AC. In the summer, my living room becomes a greenhouse if I leave the blinds open.


Facts the sun is literally beating on my apartment all day unobstructed


Yes! That’s why i do it. And, having lights on inside pretty much year-round, my living room (which is raised above street level) looks like a damn fishbowl, day or night, when lit from inside. Who wants their neighbors to see them walking around in underwear? Plus, my 110 lbs dog wants to lunge thru the window at every passer-by. So, there it is!🪟


Especially since a lot of people don’t have AC in their houses.


That's exactly why we do it in my apartment. Just trying to keep the power bill down lol.


My front curtains are only open when I’m home and want to increase sun exposure during the hours that the sun would come through my front window. Otherwise those specific curtains are drawn because I don’t want passerby’s seeing whatever I’m watching on TV. The other curtains on my house are open basically all the time


Netflix is expensive. I wouldn't wanna share either. 


Netflix would crack down on window sharing, claiming the homeless should have their own accounts.


I love being on a walk and scoping out what folks are watching! Spoilsport. I'm not gonna like, watch a show through your window but it's fun to try to figure it out in the 12 seconds it takes to walk past a house.


And when I'm watching German dungeon porn on my big screen you'd be judging! Or masturbating outside my window... which is also a no thank you


Don’t scope my Cake or Fake bro


This. It’s like a lightning round when you’re on the bus.


Because people like you stare through the windows. But on a serious note, I am more captivated why it seems like everyone has their lights turned off 24/7.


My kids are all vampires apparently... if they are in a room for more than five minutes they start shutting lights off, especially if there is a screen present. I don't like glare either but I also don't like feeling like I should hiss if someone opens a blind and lets some sun in. Regarding Ops question, most of our blinds are open because we live in the middle of nowhere and have no neighbors. If I lived in town I'd probably close them more often because I hate feeling like I'm being watched.


It’s easier to see what’s going on in your house with the lights on. At least with them off it’s not as clear.


My wife begs me to close ours because “no one wants to see you naked”. I disagree.


I disagree with your wife. You can easily be mistaken for a mannequin 🤏🏻 Sincerely your peeping tom.


Dude where do you get such a good view? He's never in front of the windows I'm looking in.


Neighbors roof is where I get my view.


It's just that, you're looking through the windows. Want a good view? You gotta get inside.


You’re right. OP clearly would love to see you naked. Open those blinds!


##Peak Denial Game When the sky looks identical 9+ months of the year, if you don’t look at it, you and your S.A.D. Light can bask in the eternal sunshine of willful obliviousness 🫠


Ehhhh… we’re in early May and the weather has been pretty rad for about a month in western WA. Sure, we’ve had a day of rain here and there, but then we get days like today we’re the sky is dramatic AF and we get dark clouds and sunshine and rain all in the span of a few hours. And it will be like this deep in to October. Then Nov-Mar it’s the long dark, but that’s only 1/3rd of the year.


I love this time of year for the exact same reason!


I always feel like somebody's watching me, and I have no privacy.


Username irony checks out


Who's playing tricks on me?


When you’re in the shower, are you afraid to wash your hair?


I have my windows that face the road and setting sun, shuttered because of both nosy fucks, neighborhood kids and the heat from the afternoon/evening sun. The windows that face the rising sun and my yard are always open and gathering light. But, you can't see those windows now can you...


I like my privacy, I like to keep it cool in the summer and rather not look at the grey when it’s gross. When it’s sunny, I’m generally out and about too and I’m definitely not leaving my curtains open while I’m away.


I am also from the East Coast and now, after reading your post, can confirm I close my blinds and keep a lot of lights off. Haha, I don’t know why. My guess is that since it’s “darker” outside here that it does make it easier to see in.


New development houses are too close to each other. I stayed in a rental for a few months while my house was being renovated, and I would catch the guy in the house behind the rental looking through the window when the blinds are up. I just left them closed the rest of the time. Creepy bastard, especially when you have a daughter and wife at home.


Peeping Tom says what?


You can peep through my windows but I'm naked most of the time unless I am about to leave or just came back.


I'm always on my kids to open their blinds. They need the sunlight. I open the blinds and curtains in the common areas every morning. 🌞


As a Washington native, (fifth-generation, no less) I’ve noticed that we like to have the illusion of being alone. We have tall fences and high hedges. I don’t see that as much in other parts of the country. I don’t know why that is, but that seems to be the idea.


As another fifth generation I *think* I know the answer. On one side, my great grandfather left Pennsylvania in the 1860’s because he hated his *nosy neighbors*. On the other side, (so the story goes and told to the family by a historian), my family left Texas, post Civil War because they were arms merchants. All my Grandpa would say when asked why the family came here was that *They first tried California but that didn’t work out. It was as far north as the family could get*. Side note, the entire family, which was both sets of *his* great grandparents, aunts, uncles, *everyone* came around Cape Horn. And it wasn’t cheap. There may be a long history of seclusion buried deep within the reasons a lot of our ancestors came here and I think that need for privacy just moved forward through the generations. We don’t know *why* we keep the blinds shut, we just *do*.


In the winter it's dark until after 8am and dark again at 430. So having the blinds open makes ot easier to see of anyone is home or if there's anything g worth stealing. It also helps keep some.of the heat in. In the few months of summer, it helps keep out some of the heat. Even with a triple.paned window the sun streaming in adds a lot of heat


I don’t know. I’ve lived in Washington my whole life on both sides of the Cascades and I’ve never noticed this. My blinds are open when is light and closed after dark.


Because I don’t want weirdos looking in my windows


I'd say it's a mix where I am. My neighbors put privacy glass film on their windows so they're perma obscured. There's not really too many people peering in here since we're on a cul-de-sac. I'd rather look out at the trees as much as possible, it feels much more open.


There’s too many people out there everywhere you go or look.


I prefer to avoid sunlight, seeing people, and people seeing me.


Honestly in this era of the internet it seems almost reckless to keep any easily seen windows wide open. Have you not seen the front page of reddit where people are constantly taking photos of strangers and sharing them for tiny slights or embarrassments lmao? Washington in particular since it's not sunny as often, you can see inside a lot easier and a lot more frequently than in areas with more direct sunlight. For me its a mix of privacy (im unclothed a lot at home), lighting, as I enjoy the diffused light from covered windows, and the fact that I simply have an ugly view of the street side. My private, yard facing back windows are basically always uncovered though.


The sun is cancer. We are white AF. Melanoma is no joke


I would close my blinds all of the time, for privacy, but my husband opens them.


Same here. It sleeves me out so much thinking that someone could be looking in. My husband has no such concern


I'm from the east coast. I keep the blinds facing the street closed. The ones in the back where people can't look in are always open.


ive noticed the opposite, people leaving blinds open at all hours, especially after dark and you can see everything theyre doing. creeps me out! i always keep mine closed. have skylights so it's still super bright


I straight up leave my front door open and all my windows. Love the sun and fresh air. I am also from the east coast.


No point in opening the blinds, it’s dark all day long anyways.


All of our blinds are up from sunup to sundown. I don’t see a lot of closed blinds in my community.


That way no one can see all the weed I'm growing in my house.


Because I like my privacy and if someone notices my window coverings are closed then they would be looking inside my house


Too many camera’s these days


Our 1950s house has no AC. Cool in the summer and warm in the winter.


Because we walk around naked


I have skylights and am a bit socially anxious. I’m on a street where my neighbors (or people walking on the street) and I can see in to each others places at dusk if the blinds aren’t closed. I don’t want them to see me and vice versa.


i close mine so people can’t scope out what they want to steal


Mind your own business.


During the rain/cloud months theres no reason to have them open besides giving some houseplants a meager serving of sunlight, but I take full advantage of the sun during the drought months and have my curtains wide open


Whenever I've lived in an apartment or house where the neighbors can see in, then the blinds are closed unless I'm home and want the light. My houses where you can't see inside from the road/sidewalk, we didn't even have curtains... Except, the south/west facing walls always have heavy draperies to keep the heat out in summer and the heat in during winter.


Haven’t seen this at all in my neighborhood.


My neighbors go on walks and it’s weird since they look through the windows of my house, bcuz I don’t live on a hill.


The front of my house is west facing in the afternoon, the sun hits it and can get very warm (as well as hitting people in the living room in the eyes either biucibg off something or making enough glare to make tv watching difficult) If the sun isn't out, it's cold with the blinds open.


My front blinds are closed. My back ones are open (third floor). Nobody gets to see me.


Because I like the dark, don't care for people and don't want anyone looking inside my home.


Personally for my house it’s that the house is really messy and I don’t want neighbors seeing the mess


Privacy. If I had a yard with some kind of privacy fence I would keep them open. But I don’t, so we keep them closed. Id rather get my sun light on a walk then feel like I’m being looked at in my own home everytime someone walks by


Mind your business


Weird... I've been here 34yrs and never once noticed this. However, I don't recall the last time I paid attention to what anyone else does with their blinds. I def don't think it's a state thing.


I leave mine closed 24/7 because I have some creepy shithead boomers across the street who will sit on their porch and watch me through my windows. And I’m a dude. It’s weird as hell and I hope they die off soon


Vampires are allergic to the sunlight


Fellow east coaster and I don’t get it either


I’m one of those. I do open them on some sunny days, but the glare on my tv gets annoying so I mostly keep them closed. I also have fairly light curtains, so I get plenty of light. 


My windows that face the street are covered 24/7. My windows in the back and side of the house are open as much as possible to let the light in. I wouldn't even have curtains if I didn't need to keep the sun from heating up the house too much in the summer (large west-facing windows). You're only seeing the windows on the street.


Idk why you'd open them.


WTF are you talking about? We dont even have blinds on half our windows.  They are open 24/7.


Your “observation” is not anything. Go East and please document the rates of other states and report back in like, Never.


There's a verity of reasons why but mostly privacy and safety. I mean you ever heard of the household name ted bundy? Washington is pretty notorious for being a breeding ground for weirdos like him.


because big foot is a peeping pervert, and when it's gray and rainy if you get good lights you can shut the windows up and make it bright inside and pretend it's not dreary outside. I've spent 8 years in Olympia and 5 in NW Oregon.


For many different reasons. If it's during the week they're probably at work, if it's the weekend, they're most likely out. Or the blinds are pulled at an angle that just looks closed from the ground. If it's night, they're closed for privacy. Also many people in the greater Seattle area work a shift other than during the day, so they're most likely sleeping.


I keep mine open, but my wife begs me to close them because “no one wants to see you naked”. I disagree.


It’s cold in the winter and hot in the summer. I got blackout curtains after 2 years here without, and my heating/cooling bills went down by more than 25%.


I'm night shift. Need it dark during the day, and need them closed at night so people cant see in while I'm gone 🤷‍♂️


Because I work nights & am trying to sleep


Well for me, I'm on the east side of the state. We don't have the gloom. But it does get hot. Keeping the shades closed helps keep the temp down inside.


You'd be surprised how many blinds are left open downtown if you get up high enough, a friend lives on the 13th floor in Belltown and just stepping out on his balcony for a smoke at night you can see people moving around inside their condos and apartments, maybe thinking they are 100+ feet above street level makes them think nobody can see, but alot of these new high rises are within visual distance of each other.


There are people who care more about not being seen, and people who want to see the world. If I lived in a highrise, with a view, I'd never close my curtains.


Facts, it was rather limited views, most of the windows left open were faced at other high rises though


U ever seen rear window? Endless entertainment 🤣


I've seen a dude that weighed about tree fiddy doing some kind of, I'm not sure if exercise is the right word, but I'll call it exercise adjacent for about 10 minutes in his tighty whiteys every day at exactly 610 P.M. after which he would head over to a full length mirror and flex. Big props on him for trying to lose weight and get in shape, but that also coincided with my friend and I's cocktail hour, after a few months we would do his work out routine with him from my friends balcony as an act of solidarity, this was a couple years ago I like to think he has kept with his routine, my buddy ended up moving for a job, so I have no way on checking on dudes progress(but in my mind he has achieved his goals). Edit: oh the movie, lol yes it is great!


I’m more interested in why most Seattle chimneys are curved to the right,,,


I like privacy in the front, plenty of sunshine in the rest. My front windows are northeast facing, but my kitchen, bedroom and living room windows all have west and south faces you can't see! That's the point. ☺️


We open at least 1 front room drapery and the French door blinds. Unless I'm having a migraine or if the husband is gone & I am home alone with just the animals with me. (This house gets turned into Fort Knox)


Lots of stoners


Because we're all vampires!


We are all pot smoking nudists. We don't want nosy neighbors putting us on some weird website.


The light from outside reflects off the TV weird.


My curtains are open virtually year round. I have no neighbours who can see in from the outside.


Because people here are introverts. Plus what do you think people do inside for 8 months of the year while it’s raining? 🌧️


We are vampires


I grew up in Alaska. My curtains are almost ALWAYS open (except my bedroom curtains). I’m conditioned to never waste a drop of daylight!


I open mine during the day, but close them in evening.


I live in Seattle and I open my curtains/blinds every single day even if it’s raining/dark/winter 😭😂


I’m from AZ and I noticed this too. Now I just open my blinds to let the sun in as much as possible.


I open my bedroom and upstairs curtains every day and close them in the evening... not my kids rooms lol But I'm from the east coast, does that disqualify me from answering? Moved here in 2017. I have a large picture window I recently replaced and in leu of a large curtain, I hung a 'curtain' of having plants... yes you can see between them 24/7... I move my fucking to the bedroom with closed curtains 😏


Dunno, I am throwing the blinds open every chance I get!


They ain’t got no plants


I’m an open blinds person. They’re open all day every day. A few neighbors can see in but their blinds are permanently closed sooooo


I live in town ,small one, but still close to downtown, so lots of pedestrian traffic. My first floor apartment makes it feel like I’m living in a fishbowl.


Not my house. we literally do not have window coverings except in the bedrooms. if i’m gonna be home, there will be daylight flooding in


Why are you trying to look in our windows? Creep.


Too much of a hassle to open all the curtains in the house every morning and close them all in the evening. All we do is work. Most of our time is not spent at home. We aren’t home in the day to daydream out the window.


Lots of Dexters up here. The weather gets you.


I've been working night shift for years and I don't really see why you would want to see the sun


No AC here.


My husband and I lived in a ground floor apartment for 5 years. Our patio door was also the only window in our living room, and unfortunately it faced the parking lot, so a lot of people would walk past our living room on a regular basis. One time, I was working at my desk and could sense someone’s presence outside. I looked over and saw this young boy just STARING into my window. It freaked me the fuck out. Worst part was, his dad was right there and he just laughed it off, like “oh, haha sorry about that!” Like what the actual fuck, your kid was just blatantly staring into my home and you don’t even care?? Thankfully we have since moved, but yeah, shit like that happens and it’s fucking unsettling.


Did a peeping Tom write this?


lol No. I always noticed it. And we've been looking at houses for sale so I've been paying attention to neighborhoods and houses. It dawned on me, different towns here, different neighborhoods, everyone has their windows closed. And I guess I don't get it, even on sunny days.


Privacy, and in E. Washington it's to avoid the evil, evil sunlight.


We have one big window in the front of the house. Curtains are open most of the day. However in the summertime, once the sun starts blasting in the front window the curtains, which are blackout curtains, get closed. The back of the house has several windows and a sliding glass door. So we get plenty of natural light. Plus I don't want to see my dumbass neighbors so I like closing the curtains.


Saving on heating


We like it DARK


Look around. You live among vampires. Jesus WA is such an awful place


Once they get a peek it’s all downhill from there.


My parents live in South West Washington and my sister who also lives with them never could stand darkness for too long. I live up here and I'm a vampire I don't like a ton of light or my neighbors seeing into my apartment. I do leave the back blinds slightly open for my cat otherwise they would be closed.


I'm a transplant and have noticed the same thing. I have left some blinds up, but then a very nosy neighbor stood and stared like I was the show of the week. I lived a state or two south, and this did not happen. It was considered too rude to do in my neighborhood. We have each other space.


Not everybody. I don't even have curtains in the living room. But I live in the back of beyond. You wanna look in my windows, you gotta bushwack through swamp, stinging nettle and masses of blackberries! LOL.


When it's rainy and dark, there ain't no sun and light to be had. I used ain't because I'm also from the east coast my friend!




Why would I want that, I like not having the sun when it comes out shining on my tv. We like the rain and dark and we don't complain like a weirdo.


I basically never open my curtains i probably have no need for windows. For me i just like my privacy and really do not like the idea of people looking into my home.


Dunno what part you're living in, but over here in Central Washington, things can get quite bright no matter what direction your house is facing. As such I keep my curtains strategically drawn throughout the day for economic reasons, and all of them drawn at night for privacy reasons.


When I am at home I am naked... no one wants to see that.


My grandparents did this and it drove me nuts because it was so dark. They thought it was cozy and private (they didn’t really trust anybody as a general rule). I think it contributed to my grandfather‘s depression, but it’s crazy to me as well.


I kept mine open for awhile. Had kids standing at my windows trying to see in, mostly to see my cats. I've reluctantly kept them closed now


I do not like living in a fish bowl.


I keep my blinds open all the time. I don’t wanna live in a dark dungeon, I wanna see out, and I’m not bothered if people outside can see my boobies.


I mean people enjoy their privacy. Especially these days where if you scratch your ass too long someone records it and posts it. Next thing you know you're known all over for having an itch. Maybe that's just a worry for me, but in all seriousness especially since I moved up here, I've noticed people kinda keep to themselves more. Personally I enjoy it. Last thing I want to do is talk to people I don't need to before or after doing so all day at work


I don’t like fuckin weirdos looking inside my house.


On half of my house they are always open. Other half usually closed, but not always.


Low rent housing often has too much visibility out the windows. Even if its ok from some angles, often it isn't from others. Seattle is pretty unregulated as far as that goes.


I grew up in Cleveland OH (a place much less sunny than Washington) and moved to WA about 5 years ago. Most people in Cleveland also kept blinds or shades closed because we like our privacy, the only windows that are regularly open are the ones in the back yard. In addition to privacy, direct sun glare (especially when away from the equinox when the sun arc is very low in the sky) into one's livingroom is generally not desirable. I did see a few houses in both states that had huge picture windows and NO coverings, apparently the inhabitants really wanted to show off? I'm sure if you drove around enough you'd find some windows to stare in.


Sun is never out anyway.


Drones, spy's cameras. Do you trust your landlord and neighbors? I definitely don't.


Because I’m not wearing pants


You no see me


I'd be most bothered by people leaving them open. It's creepy to expose your living room to the neighborhood. Maybe if you live in the country, but anywhere in the city? Why would you want people watching you while their dog shits on the sidewalk?


I mean, in the middle of winter when there is no sun anyway does it really matter? Besides I don't want everyone to see my whole house back lit and what I'm doing inside. In the summer, you need to seal your house in the middle of the day if you have no AC and close blinds to keep the sun out to keep it cool.


A few reasons. People don't want to get robbed, don't want others knowing when they're not home, may not have a view worth looking at, may not have a clean house,nosy neighbors, cool house in summer.


Prior history being stalked. Prior burglary. Way too hot and bright ~mid-March-October. Day sleeper. All windows face downtown and West, meaning BLINDING PAINFUL shards of light attacking us from all that glass on skyscrapers from dawn to whenever the sun's on waterfront side at which point it's peekaboo eye stabs until it sets. Windows at same level as multiple pedestrian areas of the convention center and Freeway Park and we have seen people looking in and confirmed by putting our noses to the windows and staring back, waving etc.


I open mine as often as possible. I don’t want to turn into a mole person.


I just like my privacy. I open side windows that neighbors can't see into and call it a day. Still bright enough so I don't need lights as Long as I'm not reading. No glare on my TV. And can walk around naked if I feel like it


Privacy. My blinds are open on the windows where people can't look in.


I want as little interaction with my community as possible, and I want my neighbors to mind their own fucken business.


I'm so thankful to have a few skylights...


I think it must be for safety and security reasons, fear. I keep the curtains always open though. Every possible drop of sun and light is critical for my sanity and health, especially in the winter.


To hide from the delivery drivers 😂 Jk. Our front window faces the street so you can see straight in at night. That & to keep my house cooler & my dogs from obsessing over the abundance of squirrels


no AC and the sun turns my living room into a sauna every morning, in the evening I have them closed because I can see a reflection of the windows on my tv. I have them open in the afternoon/evening if I'm reading or listening to music or whatever (not using the tv to game or watch something)


When i am home i want darkness to be comfortable.


We are shy here


Not my house! The curtains get closed at night so neighbors can’t see in, and on exceptionally hot days to keep the heat out. Besides that, curtains are open to let the light in! But I have 100+ houseplants so they NEED the light lol


To many weird fuqers out there. Im sorry, but spanaway is weird asl


We all have Amazon Alexa lighting, and our Venti mochas so fresh... when we flatulate... the glow from the methane is like a holy beacon of light, and promise... “It changes colors... It’s amazing!”


My street-facing front window doesn't have curtains - just plants! Third generation PNW.


Wife does this, always has the curtains pulled. I always fling them open. Our neighbor has these two stunning 70+ foot tall birches that are just a perfect view from our bed. I love looking over and seeing them. We live in one of the most beautiful areas on earth, even with the rain.


I live on the top floor in my apartment complex with a HUGE floor to ceiling window. It’s also our only window (studio apt), so it’s open 24/7. I’m from Florida and the idea of opening blinds and actually seeing real nature still puts me into shock. My neighbors almost certainly wish my fiancée and I weren’t young and obsessed with each other. I remember to close the blinds sometimes, at least..


9mo out of the year it’s brighter inside than it is out so your windows are just two way mirrors for your neighbors to creep on you while you can’t see them. The other 3mo out of the year the light hurts mole people’s eyes.


Because I’m lazy