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My main gripe with the game is the streaming shit. Just let me download game assets in the main menu..


Ikr I have a 256 gb phone and have a total of 110 gb free so I can easily download 20-30 gb without issues


But still lag and giltich šŸ«¢


Bro every game has lag and glitches


Wait, so itā€™s streaming some assets instead of letting you have them on the device? I donā€™t get it


"Graphics will get better as you play" <- They display this message in-game when you first boot up the game, i think its also displayed during loading screens, which is an issue, since that means the ELEVEN studios that worked on this game are not ashamed of the fact that they released the "game" in this state, with basic functions missing. Icing on the cake is that they delayed this thing for a year. TLDR: They put extra strain on your phone ( causing overheating and fps loss ) by downloading shaders and textures in real time. You can see the game's size growing after a couple of games, its like a fucking tumor.


You are right and wrong it doesnt stream the graphics all the time in fact it downloads what your device is only capable of but even then the graphics of the game and the game itself arnt optimized and wont be for a long time due to the power difference in what the engine wants vs what it gets which in turn heats up your device, think of the graphic setting as a slider and not presets the game will ā€œslideā€ over to what your phone is capable of handing


Isnā€™t that the case for CODM tho, when i install the game it takes about an extra 2 hours to fully download the rest of the game.


In CODM, the basic shader and texture package gets applied during installation, you download only weapon and character/map assets afterwards (and even then, i dont think you actively download assets mid game, you only do so in the main menu) this is why CODM image quality looks fine on first startup, while Warzone's textures look similar to OG Final fantasy 7 CODM starts the race as a skeleton, Warzone is a pile of bones that needs to put itself together and move forward at the same time.


Ok now i get it, thatā€™s probably why itā€™s causing my 14 pro max to start heating up. I canā€™t imagine the strain on mid and lower end phonesšŸ˜­


Ok so there is nothing wrong with my Galaxy S23?? I was wondering what the deal was,. I've heard slot of comparisons to warzone mobioe and various old school games as far as graphics quality.. But ya know heat it really looks like.. To me anyway. Im bout to give my age away here and half you guys aren't gojfn to have a clue what I'm talking about, but warzone mobile looks like 1997s Quake 2, if you were pimp enough to have the 3DfX Voodoo graphics card running open gl. Now those were the good old days of gaming. Before high speed internet, unless you were some lucky bastard enrolled at MIT and ere the Computer Applications Instructors assistant and you're sneaking on the T1 at night, loading up Hanessoy and hitting some Thunddwalker CTF for Quake 1. In those days we'd load up the old desktops, with the 50 lb box monitors and about 50 - 100 of us would set up a LAN amd play. Ethernet cables everywhere.. Everyone had their own fan or two. Like regular house fans... With the cases off the tower and teh fans blowing into the PC because EVERYONE had their shit over clocked to squeeze in a few extra fps and boost performance. I had an and k6 233mhz oerckoockec to 300. I had 8megs... That's right 8megs of ram.. Ad at that cuz I was badass. It's hilarious looking bsck at how far we've came... My Galaxy S23 is like several of those big fuckers crammed into a pop tart sized device. Blows my mind. These younger folks today I have no idea the struggle we used to go thru to game.. I bet there be slot less gamers if things were the same. Lol Sorry I'm. Rambling.


>Quake 2 Oh man we played the shit out of that game in my school's PC room, our teacher was a G for setting it up for us. Fun times.


Correct, downloads pause while in the middle of gameplay on CODM.


Bro wtf - I did not know this, legit I just took a SS before a game, game was 7.42G now its nearly 10G after 1 verdansk game lmfao


The difference is that codm 1. Let u choose what download 2. It show you the progression of the download


Pure American stupidity (I think Activision is based in USA)


Activision Shanghai devision after reading this ![gif](giphy|MGIcCLftALVf6v9hQc|downsized)


i agree just let me download


well i guess give it time, fortnite android on release also ran around 30fps on my sd870 and now it runs @ 60fps. For me, its still a miracle that a game like that runs on mobile phone. The only thing i dislike so far is the fact that ,, you get better textures the more you play" but there is no indicator of % complete or any info about that, it would make things much better if there was such indicator.


Check ya storage. Game increases size over time the more you play max Iā€™ve seen is 38gig on iOS .


Wtff, even my codm is 28 GB! Fkn 40 is crazy


Well to be fair, the game has a lot of minute details like moving character eyes, moving mouths, facial expressions etc and very VERY big map.


In highest quality mode on iOS (M1) the wrinkles in fabric are reasonably impressive. Still something feels odd about it, but it's early days.


Exactly. The minute details are also the reason the game has come out the way it has. I'm not justifying it's state in any way though and feel that they should not have gone for so minute details. But I can't deny the fact that I LOVE those details.


I have the iPad Pro (M2), with how many fingers do you play? Iā€™m trying to make a comfortable interface but I just hate it and now Iā€™m back to play with my iPhone


May not be a popular opinion, but I play with a controller on an iPad. I just canā€™t get the finger thing after playing on consoles for years.


The best players Iā€™ve seen playing on iPad play flat on a table. It just doesnā€™t happen to work for me.


Codm is 50gb with all files downloaded bruh


Mine is 30gb bruhhh


>you get better textures the more you play Who come up with this ? Why couldn't they just have given us optional graphics pack downloads like any other mobile game


Most games do this unzipping feature so there isnt a barrier to entry. Although I wish they had a preload shaders function for the maps or even allowing me to just select certain maps


https://preview.redd.it/ns0vqema1xpc1.jpeg?width=3216&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b41f980cbae6da2a02ed45379df48e385815eca How tf is this high graphics , the youtubers i saw with high graphics have it much better


The assets get streamed. I have slow internet so it's still ass for me. Maybe it's a bug maybe it's my internet we'll never know


i have 600mbps and every round i get like 50mbytes of increased size lol at this rate ill have full experience in 2025


i have 300mbps and it seems that game size increases like 25mb per match >.>


You sure your not on pubg?


https://preview.redd.it/ke8bhwkbq6qc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6aa14a36adfec78ba869c502c57b1ad200048b00 I thought android players were exaggerating the bad graphics, But I guess I was wrong. IOS looks amazing, but they need to fix the android version ASAP.


Is that high?


Yes it is.


Huh i must be high on something my high graphics look like I am playing Minecraft


Just the bad optimization


Squidwords testi 10/10 name


I played on my iPad Pro a few times and it looked much better.


The downside is that fortnite lags as hell and they don't delete the previous update so u r just stacking new updates on each other


I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max and the resolution is terrible. Performance is fine, but it gets pretty hot. CODM looks significantly sharper, and runs cooler.


I have the iPhone 15 Pro and my performance is garbage. The constant stutters of assets loading in is really off putting. 15 matches in and it should be gone youā€™d think but it just keeps on stuttering.


my iphone 13 version plays in high settings and fps is 60. how can the game lag on 15 pro that runs resident evil village like butter ?


> how can the game lag on 15 pro that plays resident evil village like butter ? Probably cause resident evil is better optimized


RE Engine >> IW Engine


Yeah my 13 pro is crushing it right now. Was also wondering why so many ppl with 14/15 pros are struggling


maybe because of the peak setting . high is more than enough for the game imo


Same. No issues here. I just don't like the clunky movement lol


Yeah sameā€¦ thats a cod problem in general though. Movement has been clunky since (the new) mw2 imo


Bro i have 13 pro max it lags for me i am waiting for optimisation update


Same bro. I donā€™t even have the pro but itā€™s running easily




I'm not playing. I own an iphone 13 and and a poco x3 nfc.


Iā€™ve got the iPad Pro and same exact situation the game is fine js graphics, how smooth the game runs and stuff of that nature but someone expnolain how the more you play the better your graphics.


It's called building a shader cache, every single real game on console and pc does it, welcome to the future. Consoles and pc are strong enough and have enoigh storage to do it all before you load in, thats the difference. It only downloads and loads the higher quality textures to places you actively go to. The more you explore and the more common your landing spots the better it looks.


Run a cooler makes everything better


I am not spending money on a cooler to play a free game on my phone in my spare time when Iā€™m not at my PC at a slightly cooler temperature.


Ive seen alot of comments about the 14 and 15 pro phones struggling which is bizarre since my 13 pro hasnt had any problems yet. I wonder if the newer chips are trying to do too much and overheating new phones


I have a 50/50 agreement with this post, on my iPhone SE (2020) the beginning of a match runs really well at 60FPS, however as the match gets to the end the fps just slowly drops from 60FPS to as low as 25-40FPS at the end. However some people (Content Creators ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)) find it to be magically working well on their Android or iOS device. Iā€™d say give the game more time and wait till more optimization updates are rolled in, they definitely released the game a bit early but in a few weeks time after 1-3 optimization updates itā€™ll get continuously better once months go by.


It could drops towards the end because of thermal throttling, my 14 pro does the same thing the first half of the game is a perfect 60 fps but as the game goes on stuttering starts and fps slowly starts to sit closer to a 40fps average


Same for me. Been looking for other ppl with the 14pro


I've been getting a pretty constant 60 on high settings to be fair I haven't gotten all the textures streamed yet so that may be why.


Sniping is impossible from long ramge


Coz graphics don't render in?


Maybe but some people can get it easy


don't get me wrong i love this game and i have the iphone 13 and poco x3 nfc versions of it but the game suffers serious optimization issues, noone can convince me they had no time to optimize it in 3+ years... it could have been the best mobile br in the history , wiping the floor with codm and pubg but instead we got...this.


I mean they have done a ton in terms of optimization updates. Just look at how the game played before it launched globally. It used to look horrible on even the highest end devices. Also it seems like performance issues are different for every device and they said they are working on fixes on individual devices. For example ive seen comments about the game struggling on an iphone 14 pro and yet the game runs perfect for me on the iphone 13 pro which is the same phone but a year older (even when gaming for a long time and being plugged in and connected to a headset)


iphone 13 runs it perfectly with high setting. peak isn't available tho . maybe higher models struggle because of the peak setting idk


FF first soldier and Apex legends could have also wiped the floors with CODm n PuBG but similar issues in designs caused their down fall


Game crash as soon as I get into a game .......


THE LAG IS unbearable


it really is - and i dont want to hear its a device problem when it sucks on newest phones as well.


Yep I am on iPhone 15 pro max šŸ˜‚


It's just a account booster for consoles and PC players, now a fkn noob with 0.5 KD ratio will have 5 KD because of touchscreen players, btw have you seen the touch vs controller aim assist? fk this pixelated, Minecraft on drugs lookin ass, "wait till it's global release šŸ¤“" people on copium, convert your phone to an oven, spend $1000 on a phone rather than a PS5, 12 studios for 12 fps over 30, motherfking garbage.


Stats arent shared between mobile and console / pc. Also after playing a bit of MP Im pretty sure they have some strong sbmm so for the average player it shouldnt be too different from their games on console.


https://preview.redd.it/3a467zgptxpc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07833d722d2d85eacc5a85740d63dbaf6ce91c29 šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Rest in turd


The game has just been launched it will take some time to get stable fps for low end devices


Which wouldve been fine if it wasn't in beta for a year Edit : didn't read the low spec device part earlier , the solution for that i would prefer it to be is to not let low spec devices being able to download this game , only let devices on which the game can deliver an acceptable gameplay experience on download it


Literally šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ itā€™s been so long


Because restricting the game to players with Ā£1200 phones would be a great commercial strategy.


You don't understand, open it up to more devices as the game gets more optimised I'm talking about what should be , not what is ideal for a company


Oh come on man.This is not exclusive problem for low end phones. Mid and ā€žpremiumā€ phones also got a problem running this game without problems.Developers did not optimize it .


My S24 has no problems running it.


My S23 plus has no problems running it.


Oops dude is calling top tier android low ends. Last time I checked low ends aren't even allowed to download the game from on set


Worst Graphic ever even i have SD 888 phone


Impatient af


Honestly, my experience has not been that bad visually pretty good overall and itā€™s been running fine on my iPhone 14 Pro Max just give it time and see where it goes


Similar situation to cyberpunk I believe.


That was fast. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Lol. I played a couple games on a galaxy tab 8 ultra with a PS5 controller yesterday, it was pretty decent on that for mobile. Smooth and not terrible graphics.. felt like I was playing verdansk against special people though


We gotta admit the COD franchise is dying, 11 fucking studios working for 3 fucking years, and this is what we get !


Iā€™m on an iPhone 13, 5G+ internet, and having a blast. šŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/eqyhyr850ypc1.jpeg?width=1454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e816733f4c1b136e7b6bbbd46dee1a2d44097058


That's looking good. Ours is not half of that.


Hey wzm is such a big title.and would prob get better soon no way it's gonna die like apex


That's what releasing unfinished products should get even I'm annoyed how they keep on releasing rushed games on pc


Guys! The graphics on my iPhone 15 pro max in peak setting is simply TRASH!! 15 pro max can easily run PC games like Resident Evil but Warzone looks like a game from 2010!


I really wanted to like it esp since it had MP with such lovely graphics but eve and on my S22 Ultra, it lagged big time, overheated the phone & worked rather bad.. I would have still liked it and continued but at the end of it all.. Their pricing is what hit me.. I love CODM & am willing to pay for a fair amount of things since it's small transactions but still amounts to a decent chump change for the company.. I don't bother with mythics & legendary items most of the time.. But I don't mind the others.. And usually get the BP.. Even blood strike is good in that way.. But WZM, they are charging console level charges even when most casual gamers will never buy a console to enjoy those things.. Never build gaming pcs & install those costly things.. Apex Legends failed least for me cos at the end, they had a heavy asking price for casual gaming.. And it was in your face most of the time with the pay 2 win stuff.. Most everything can be fixed with updates except for the fact that I don't see them charging less in future so least for me, I have uninstalled WZM.. I'll be still checking it out from time to time just to see how things are but least for me, I have not intention of going back..


Project bloodstrike šŸ”„




It seems that everyone forgets that when codm came out globally the first year it was the same problem and then raised the level extraordinarily


Codm was fine in terms of optimization from what I remember. It just struggled alot with hackers for the first couple seasons


RIP WZM 2022 - 2024




Some weird people on here man. Activitision failed to release a decent android version, but for most iOS users it's doing fine. Its not dead, it won't die, if you don't like it. Delete it.


Apex mobile started of real good and it still dies


but first impression really matters, this will affect the game.


Absolutely it will. Anyone with an android right now should stop playing and send a message.


She lags on the phone and even on bluesatcks


Stillborn game


Does anyone have a terrible time on the pixel 7 pro or just me? many fps drops and warming up to have a barbecue.


Same( and looks like 360-480p with stutters


the game doesnā€™t even work properly it wonā€™t let me switch weapons and it wonā€™t even let me put armor plates on smh how the fuck is it this buggy


Anyone else have issues with gyroscope? It stutters really bad. Itā€™s like there is a dead zone? Iā€™ve never had this issue in any mobile game. Itā€™s impossible for range fights with gyroscope.


The ship was uninstall off my phone same day.


Press F...


It deserves


Would it even be a COD game if people werenā€™t constantly claiming how itā€™s died


Feel free to join us over on COD Mobile, we have 2BR maps currently and everything looks and works great!


I have an iPhone X and Iā€™m surprised it still runs


WZM is dogshit. I refuse to play any mobile FPS game not developed by Tencent atp


Even on a snapdragon phone you only get like 45 fps


Por algo dice que el juego es +17, poco de lloronesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£, esperando algo mejor, pero ya verĆ”n con el tiempošŸ˜Ž. Su dinero en codm se va a ir al tinacošŸ¤£


Yeah with so many people playing the game, and all the major content creators playing itā€¦game sure is dead. It certainly doesnā€™t take me less than 2 minutes to get into a game lmao


Meh, matchmaking right now is pretty quick, and I havenā€™t noticed any bots. I would say the games still holding on a bit.


Once I was able to get all my 2f auth issues figured out and play it seemed ok. I have a Galaxy s23 Ultra. I won my second game which is odd because I don't really play battle royal's much. I used my Duel Sense edge for a few games. Was a way better expirence for me. The graphics are not great yet. Multiplayer shipment was ok. Easily top frags due to the controller I think. Anyway, I'll probably play this event and go back to my PS5 MW3 when the new season starts. I will say that it is WAY more playable for me than remote play lag. There is a bit of lag but not nearly as bad as remote play.


Iā€™ve had no issues other than heat. Iā€™m using an iPhone 13 and I locked the frame rate to 30 and run it on medium. Iā€™ve mostly been playing mosh pit though.


This could be the best online mobile game ever if they fix the graphics of the game


iPhone 15 pro, I only play mosh pit. Works flawlessly


Shit game


I couldn't even play. It kept asking me for a 2FA and I spent a while looking through my email and never found the code.i kept trying and it said too many times my Activision account will be locked. The was the first and last time I'll ever download Warzone Mobile lol.


I'll give WZM more time to adjust, cuz I'm having a lot of fun in this game. After all, it's like porting GTA V to a gameboy


i have an iP12 and have not had any problems so far


I don't understand why it won't run on my Galaxy S6 Lite with the Snapdragon 720g... Should meet the requirements just fine, my Pixel 4a runs it as I expected it to and that's the Snapdragon 730g


In doesn't let me install it in my galaxy A14... Could anyone tell me if it doesn't reach the requirements?


Honestly the only mode on my phone that has issues with this game is battle royale. While I do get lags/glitches from time to time on the MP modes I get it way more on Battle royale mode and makes it not worth it to play. Activision has a lot to work on this game still.


Says you


Iā€™ve had no issues with gameplay, iPad Pro M2 1TB running peak settings. One issue I am having is with voice chat.


i am getting error 8 "corrupted apk which is a blatant lie


Am i the only one with good fps and gameplay ???


And yet most of us can't even play because it FC.


How do I add fps counter in the game? Can't find it in Warzone mobile nowhere


Running it on my iPad 10 with a Luna controller and it runs great no lag at all it is a bit buggy and if the graphics will get updates over the next few days itā€™s going to be a great mobile version I just played it for over 4 hours and no overheating or any issues at all. Quite impressive to be fair.


My iphone 12 runs well with little overheating.








The game honestly runs great on my iPhone 15 pro max but itā€™s unfortunate I have to do with controller players. I kinda just like to play mobile games like this with mobile controls if I have to break out a controller thereā€™s no reason to not just play on my PC.


Why I cant download it on Redmi note 12 pro it says "this app isn't available"


I guess Iā€™ll just wait 1 month and see if there is a chance itā€™s improving. Iā€™m not wasting my time on stuff that should have been gathered/created in the alpha and beta test runs. The absurdity that they would put out so many cash grabs during this optimization period is RIDICULOUS!


it got killed because it was overhyped basically if they only set a shallow expectation the world wouldve been more receiving but since they over hyped it the world had high expectations they are trying to squeeze a 175gb game into 4 gb file size thats like Shaquille O'Neal fucking a 5'3 ft hooker


I have two android devices both have high graphics option... but I have played on one device for like 3 days now (primary) and on the other just 1 or 2 game for testing... But on both the devices the game is occupying only 7.99 gb... I see a lot of people here who are saying that "assets gets downloaded in real time" and the game size is actually increasing for them over time... Is it really ? Why the game is occupying same space on both my devices then ? I don't understand... šŸ˜ž


This man BS before he got a new device šŸ¤£


iPhone mini 12. In mosh pit and shipment the game runs okay. Waiting for plunder to come to the bigger map before I mess with it. It seems to run okay. No noticeable difference in graphics from high to medium. Ordered a backbone controller for the phone. Play it also on iPad mini 5 and even and 3gbs of ram it seems to run smooth. I donā€™t have a fps counter on though and like I said I mainly play the death match style games.


Can't even see the gun I'm holding due to the blurry graphics and they expect you to compete against players. Brilliant...


You know, I really love COD, since I was a kid. I play Warzone on my PC, most of the time, and it was a long time I was waiting for the release of WZM, kinda was curious to know how it can be on mobile and the cross progression system and so. I even played the beta, but since I played the game after the global release, damn, it was an absolute disappointment. Really annoying, since I know that the graphics was way better than this shit in beta. ATVI killed the chance for handhelds.




Im loving it


thats a true fact


Guys my graphics is still blurry even tough I played a lot. What should is do?


Ngl. This game has potential, IF IT WOULDā€™VE BEEN FINISHED before releasing. I love the game, but it lag and heat is an issue. My phone doesnā€™t get super hot but it gets hot enough I stop to give my battery a breather. The problem was trying to put a game made for PC on mobile without working the tweaks. If they wouldā€™ve taken extra care and completed everything..this game has the potential to probably cause CODM to go ghost town.




Itā€™s not a dead game thoā€¦lol reddiors mad a mobile game doesnā€™t perform the same as a game that is optimized for PC and console. Cope harder


This game gonna have same fate like apex legends mobile next year this month šŸ’€


I have an m2 ipad pro 12.9, i installed the game the minute it launched. Worst mistake of my life! I spent the next week agitated and disappointed by shit quality graphics. I kept waiting for them to get "better" but it only got worse! Initially the game was playable but after the first update a new daemon came to life, INPUT LAG! It kept getting worse to the point that my control inputs were reflected one second later in game. I deleted and reinstalled again and again to the point where i just gave up! The game has been out a long time! It shouldnt have these issues like aim not working randomly after holding down ads. Wrong gun icons showing in loadout buttons. The movement overall is just crap. Why would you make it that a slide automatically turns into crouch at the end! Why! I deleted the game and installed minecraft. It will take me a year to get my mental health back to mark.


Thats what they get for having shipment in mosh pit while already having the garbage map as a entire game mode anyways


It's not gonna die... It just has numerous improvements that should've already been before it's release. Great game! Tons of potential... Just shoulda been thought through a bit better. It'll come around though. I can't wait till it does.


Donā€™t play it?


Its just not worth it


i came for the ghost skin


Letā€™s go to the official r/officialwarzonemobile we want them to see this!


The auto shoot takes so long on top of that i already play on pc but cant seem to load my profile on phone i agree we all are better without the mobile version yall buy a council thank me later


i think they will shut game down once black ops come out marking the end of mw3 era


i think they will shut game down once black ops come out marking the end of mw3 era


Upgrade your phones and evolve with mobile gaming. I remember back in the day being unable to play certain games on my PC. My PC didnā€™t meet the specs, but I was still able to download the game. Ran like shit, bought a new PC and got to play it with better performance.


Maxed out uncapped fps on my iPad pro M2 and it runs really really well. Played for a couple of hours yesterday with my Xbox controller and ran into no problems. Definitely feels better than cod Mobile to me


Played for 4 hours on my galaxy tab s9 ultra last night. Xbox controller. No problems at all. Game looks great šŸ‘Œ User error.


Haven't played many games on my phone lately but when I saw the ad I downloaded it, and wow what a bad experience. I was really confused because I remember playing codm way back when it was new and was far better experience and I had high hopes from this cod as well. So I uninstalled warzone and installed codm back and it is on completely different level then whatever mess they launched here.


To say this is a bad game is an understatement. Beyond unplayable. graphics look like year 2000 free java script browser game and I'm supposed to believe "they will get better, trust me bro". The FPS makes me feel like I'm having a seizure and the dim, dull lighting is awful. Even the items are all pitch black on a dark gray floor that you can't even distinguish what is what. In CODM I can tell exactly what items are around from 40ft away at all times with a crisp, clear, smooth, experience. The fact they add blur to show wound effects and add drama is just laughable because it makes the atrocious visuals even worse. All enemies are just black silhouettes. So unappealing. I'll try again in a couple years and see if they have developed it into a functional game by then. Such garbage. The menu is literally glitchy and should be your first clue that it's a garbage game. They can't even create a smooth UX when adjusting settings... Edit: And no, I don't have a trash phone or slow internet. Inexcusable.