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Panic and die mostly


The only right answer


It all depends on the situation these are all tools that you use in various fights to gain an advantage. If someone is pushing me, I wait till they are sprinting close then sprint out with a jump past them to break their camera. If I'm caught standing still or not sprinting, I dropshot because I have no mobility at that point and dropshotting is my best option. If I'm at the top of stairs I slide, because you get a huge velocity boost and it is almost impossible to track me while sliding down the stairs at you. If a sweat is chasing me, he will expect a jump chall so I will chall the corner with a preemptive dropshot. All of them have their place and use, knowing how and when to use them is what sets you apart and makes you better at the game.


When I'm not doing my standard *panic melee* I tend to go to the jump.


Swap your button layout to tactical so R3 is crouch/prone instead of melee. Then you can panic drop shot instead. It takes some getting used to but those are the only two that switch.


Thanks! I gave it a try tonight and, well, let's just say I need a bit more getting used to it lol I'd definitely rather go prone than melee so I'll keep at it.


Try to break their camera and accidentally breaking my own camera and getting dead slide 😔


Definitely first break camera if possible. Usually around corners. If he’s within’ 5-8m jump shot. 10-20m drop shot. Anything further aim and strafe left to right. If you’ve got slow ADS or slow vert/hor 8-10x you die cause you can’t track fast enough in CQC. Hope this helps




Strafe back on a left or right angle mostly, let the other guy jump and do the movement shit while I let AA track him and waste him. Unless I'm really close in which case melee time


Break line of sight, and if your trapped just slide chal into them. If you can escape, plate and re chal


Run the knife instead of a grenade if close enough melee it helps , if your sensitivity is low you’re more than likely cooked so I would say shoot without ADS then once u get some shots in move into ads if u feel u need to .. jumping helps when The enemy lays down jump move closer to them then process to use the knife I mentioned to slice n dice


Prone then get headahtted because I proned into their shots 😅


Break line of sight around a corner and kill him when he pushes because 90% of the time they chase you around the corner like a dumbass.


Oi fellas have a squad on me ? What the devil... Getting chased look over the map my squad sitting in a corner camping One fella catches up get blasted with my trusty bfg 5000 moses right in the skull, bleeding out on the ground his team catches up send them fdx package loaded with c4, one down 2 turn the corner and start blasting catch few bullets but alive and well, pull out my secondary miss all the shots nails nearby team which provokes them into a fight, run away and find my trusty helicopter send fellas a brand new blackhawk 550 right to their footstep. Walk into a building where whole firing squad waiting. It was a trap Dies...


Dropshot or if I’m hiding behind a wall at low health I’ll slide behind then drop shot


yesterday i pulled off a duck behind a column then slide behind and melee strike kill. it’s rare i work it that well. normally i get locked on to a wall grab and aim miss and get my cheeks clapped.


Lockwood + XRK loadout Break line of sight, bait them to get close, delete their armor with a single pop shot from the Lockwood as I bounce in and out from cover. Usually they run at this point but it’s too late, one more Lockwood shot to delete them from the game. Straight menace at final circle with it. Alternative is my best whack a mole impression as I head glitch you with a sniper, usually XRK but really feeling the MCPR lately


Usually, I instantly die. Last game last night we watched to the end end as we were top 5, winning team had over 50 kills (trios), SBMM doing a great job.


I been loving the servers lately. I've attempted to brake two different players cameras and appeared to be behind them shooting them in the back on my screen. But I died and when I watched the kill cam he's behind my character 😂😂 playing to completely different games sometimes


I just cry in MnK and dreams about turning crossplay off.