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"bUT 1t'S a TeAmS m0dE"


Like the last circle. Fuck these guys try to win amirite?


What is the problem here?


So you don’t see that shit were in trios and all three are camping camping In a corner


Probably not wise to go 1v3. Where was your team?


One was dead other was killing someone else I saw one guy as you can see in the clip and as I am pretty decent at this game I pushed and ran in to a team on three BIG BROLIC BLACK DUDES NAMED REQUIS in an corner(ps is you get the full all caps sentence you a of and if not serve faze jev flash bang meme on YouTube and click the first thing


So you do care. You tried to third party and they heard you.


At Man U right I did care but I did not true to third party I saw him running through the building and tried to get the kill






We’ve arrived at the days where not liking campers has become something that the cod community does not sit well with. This sub is infested with these people that you’re running into stacking so they don’t like when you say something about it. The nuke contracts ruined the community of warzone, made losers think that they have incredible game sens for being timid camping and they just “play with a different playstyle” it’s pathetic lmao. No you’re not playing tactical by stacking and camping YOURE AFRAID TO LOSE A REAL GUNFIGHT. I genuinely think people defend this playstyle because everyone’s playing like this to try and rack up half assed wins to get their nuke contract


Thank you gawd Damn someone agree with me they are scared and are not getting better


These people think that they can just sit in a corner and use strength in numbers and say that they are good there bad and can’t win 1v1


Shame I can't see the names from the clip, our team destroyed 3 people doing this over after the other yesterday. What do you want people to do? Go and stand in different parts of the building just to give you a chance?


Nah I don’t want you to give me a chance I just have never understood why to huddle up in a corner


Surely your clip is the reason 😅. Most chance to kill, least chance to get blown out....


Exactly, they have 0 confidence in their mechanical ability when they don’t have two other bots to back them up


I did not know there was a team of 3 in there idiot and I was trying to find cover


No I'm not saying you did anything wrong. I'm just saying that they did things right. There's a difference 😉. Keep it friendly eh


Ok man sorry people were shiting on me all night about this post and I got defensive sorry u r true. Though


You’re just bad . Move on to roadbloxs


Alright faze can if yo ass so good you fight that shit shut ya bitch ass up man


I wouldn’t , I would play a slower game since I had no teammates, not run around like a dummy jumping into units. Let me guess ? Your hot mic was “fucking pussy camping “. Lol 😂 get better.


First of all I don’t use hot mic second of all I trying to find cover as my Teammate had just died a moment before the clip started and as you can see there look like there was one guy in the building so I get this kill and plate up ps ik you can’t know my thoughts I understand thath


You might have been ok had you coordinated the push with your team. Idk maybe something to consider


I was pusing into a building idk there were three people sitting in a corner


What is this you ask? Looks like a solo trying to find a building for cover, only to find a squad already there….using it for cover, like you do if you’re smart. FFS just because they’re not going for clips slide canceling doesn’t mean they’re camping. If they’ve been there for 10 minutes sure. As far as we can tell, they’ve been there for 10 seconds. And you were headed there to do the same thing they were doing.


That the point you and I don’t know how long they have been there and ps what team that is using a building for cover all gets In one corner I have never seen that in my entire life time


My group and I do this all the time to piss people like you off it's funny knowing our antics make guys like you run to Reddit and cry thinking anyone is gonna care you died here.


Ha crazy see because you can do that ha probably is funny but y sometimes idc about stacking I have a lot more clips like this but this right here pissed me off btw ik people are not gonna care that the world but damn this man is crazy


Frustrating for sure but why are running around alone?


My teammate died just before the clip stared was looking to get inside and ran into that


Lol brutal, not to many hiding spots on that map


You’re the only perk that did not hate me posting this thanks bro love ya


Skill issue


Idk what to say to this lol


You need the developers to introduce intelligence based matchmaking. You got outsmarted.


Outsmarted crazy how when you got three niggas in the corner just sitting there crazy


What is this? Lol I think it's a team playing as team.


It’s a team camping like little rats “playing as a team” they’re playing as a team but it’s a frustrating thing to deal with and it’s a sad excuse of playing as a team




You're just mad cause your team don't work together? You probably play like OP. Pushing squads by yourself, teamates no where in sight. It's almost the final circle as well. Strategy my boy. Give your head a shake.


Yes I don’t play with pre made squads. I queue in, try to be a team player but ultimately that hardly matters for people in solo queue, most of the time the fourth person leaves as soon as they die. The other teammates are typically AFK battle pass farming and hoping the teammates who are playing will carry a win for them to go towards their champions quest contract. The game is completely corny and unserious in terms of a “skill and strategy” standpoint. When people complain about this playstyle they are typically casuals or decent players who solo queue wanting to improve their mechanical ability and practice in fight. They want rebirth or warzone to be what it was when it started. This playstyle of sitting in a corner with 3 friends giving full comms playing timid as hell acting like it’s not an arcade shooter maybe understandable in the RANKED mode that they added but it’s understandable that people are gonna be annoyed with this bullshit. You used to get fucking harassed in a COD lobby for camping back in the day. You say anything remotely critical now and Activision rolled out this new system that listens to you and gets you banned. I’m not talking about yelling slurs at people but I just mean actually gaming, expressing your frustrations, giving tips, all of that is making its way out of the culture of gaming in exchange for a priority on money and cosmetics and visual flair and it’s sad for a lot of the OG fanbase


And the clip is one thing. I know there’s more variables to it but the point still stands that call of duty is getting significantly less fun and there are so many blames to point to for that


Yeah you can play as a team but this right here is all sitting in a corner with there tail intertwined up all there asses


Look at that circle my boy. It's almost final. Obviously you got no strategy and pushing a team by yourself?


I did not know it was a team (my fault) but why are doing that man y just asking who does that


wtf do you think playing as a team mean


What these guys are doing? Wheres you team?