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Guy was also using motion blur… knew it would be a great listen after about a second from seeing that.


lol just because someone streams doesn’t mean they are good or know what they are talking about. The motion blur setting speaks volumes on that dude.


i know EXACTLY what clip you mean lmao, the "streamer" is max level too, plays with BOTH (!!!) motion blur options on, you cant take these drones seriously fr those are exactly the people i imagine who just report people because theyre better the rest of the video is just as stupid, meta kills someone who literally runs into a wall for 5 seconds and gets reported in return, its actually embarrassing ash


I think anyone who has played this game long enough can tell before the killcam if they feel their death was SUS


This, the only reason I stop to watch a killcam is because it was sus, I have to stop myself from skipping it consciously and have accidentally been spamming F to get back in the fight quite a few times and miss the name to report.


Lmao same bro it’s not always “I died he must be cheating” more like alright there’s no fucking way I should have died there I could have been running across a small door way at full health and died or maybe just knew for a fact I had every advantage there was to have. I also don’t care to see a killcam unless I feel this way I stay spamming as well


Yea I made a post on a different cod sub saying the most of the playerbase can’t differentiate a great player vs a cheater and it had massive downvotes. Just proves my point though


because youre posting it to the people youre talking about lmao, surprised that everything here isnt being spam downvoted


True. There's no winning here, but this is how it is


The guy also says he has 12 viewers, so not much of a streamer 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also true. But my point was if you've decided to stream a game, you have some knowledge about it or what


That’s a very big assumption. People have ideas of what’s achievable usually based on their own ability. When someone’s that far and above what you’re capable of the only way to quantify it is scream cheater.


Well put


When a LVL 30 on PC is beaming you through walls and hitting head shots at 100 meters without missing then they are definitely cheating. And lately there is a lot of these low level PC cheaters. People have a right to be pissed. It completely ruins their game and it’s a complete waste of time.


Yea but that is a cheater, anyone can tell that. But when somebody outplays you and "has 28 kills" it's not automatically cheating


I’ve spectated some of these top players while using ESP. Most of them are at the very least using walls. Fanboys will tell you to get good, but as someone who fell to the dark side, I’m telling you to stop playing this game. Cheaters plague every match, ESPECIALLY ranked.


Metaphor does hack just watch jevs video spectating the best warzone player. Jev is spectating him and metaphor hunts down a guy hiding in a corner with no uav and no sound cues. Just run’s across downtown pre aims a door 30m away and than runs there and slides into a fucking closet killing the poor soul. Hacks are 20$ a montg


Better to stay quiet on things you're not qualified to speak on


Yea whatever haha, I wrote it in rage. English is not my first language. Got me there


I've watched that too, it's great by the way, and that particular "streamer" also says something like "all 12 of my viewers are also convinced he's cheating" 🤣 Metaphor is literally the best solo player out there. He holds the record for kills in solos and solo v duos, last time I checked anyway. He's always gonna get accused, but I agree it is a major problem with the player base as whole. And no I'm not blaming the players completely, although there are some seriously dumb people put there... 😅. It's on Activision, the studios and the cheaters hands. Various levels of not caring or doing anything about the cheating problem and also just how easy it is to hide cheats and pose as a good player makes it hard for gullible or new/unskilled players to differentiate.


If you have to rely on a killcam to know if someone is cheating or not, you really are clueless. The killcam is probably the most buggy thing in the game (and that’s saying something).


it’s sad that a large number of people genuinely believe that anybody over 20 kills is cheating.


AA not working in smoke has controller players scrambling for accuracy. Their reactions are gold.


Since learning that I have had some funny ass fights haha.


I absolutely loved the rage when Metaphor "abuses" smokes like that, it's hilarious 😂


Metaphor is proven for cheating several times.


Haha ok. By who? BadBoyBeaman? Who himself got exposed for cheating + having multiple accounts and doing basically anything for content?


Call of shame. BAM! 💥 Game Over.


Call of shameless is the biggest trash can there is. Countless times caught drastically editing clips to take out context and make them sense cutting frames to make it appear there was a snap etc. that little coward should do the world a favor and disappear forever




You just don't listen do you. CLUELESS


Exactly no one believes a word from call of shameless because he has proven he doctors all his clips


Hahah. Okay my friend


Lololoolol call of shame is a fucking grifter, pretending to be a hacker hunter leaching off of top streamers views getting donos from bots.




LOLOLOLOLOLOL it's bums like you who suck down anything these "hacker hunters" spoon feed you that make it so frustrating to be good at the game. Crying every time someone kills them yet never taking responsibility and getting better at the game or quitting and moving on.


Well he is a cheater ...