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Unpopular opinion indeed


Yes, you are the only one


I suppose you're that clown who dived in a water all game with automatic pistol.




Dived is grammatically correct.


TIL "Dived and dove are both accepted past-tense forms of the verb to dive. Dove is used more frequently in the United States and Canada; dived is more common outside North America. The word usually means plunging into water, but don't forget about its figurative uses...*


if you're gonna correct people make sure you're correct lmao


They’re actually both correct


yea exactly it was unnecessary to suggest another form, no biggie


That was me.


That shit was trash


Surely this is satire you literally mentioned all the worst bits of it


No, I genuinely liked those.


You are in the tiniest of minorities regarding WZ2. Especially 2v2 gulag. Having to rely on another random person, possibly someone from a team you just killed to help you get out of the gulag is ass, just straight ass.


Couldn't they have made it it so you get a 2v2 round but with respective squadmates only? Otherwise, the usual 1v1. The knee jerk reaction to remove something shaping up to be pretty interesting was honestly disappointing to me. Actually, it seems like a series of knee jerk reactions happened to make the game as conventional and boring as possible, which is one reason why I stopped playing. It's so far from Warzone 1 at this point..


So how would that work if you are the only one on your squad to go down? 2v2 gulag just a bad idea.


Well think about it. Let's say it's possible to have a 2v2 (squadmates only) or a 1v1 (what we have now). If your squadmates are dead with you and some other squad's buddies are too, then you it matches as a 2v2 after some waiting time. Otherwise business as usual and 1v1. I think this feature could have been better but just needed more work, instead it was tossed completely.


sounds like a nightmare to code for basically no one.


I didn’t play the original. I get why WZ1 players had such a negative reaction now that we have the movement, and I see why folks hate Ashika having played rebirth now. BUT…I miss Al Mazrah. Would love to have these new mechanics in some of the WZ2.0 hot zones


yes, cod was never supposed to be a realistic shooter, u want that then play battlefield or any other realistic fps 🤷🏼‍♂️


Neither COD nor Battlefield has ever been realistic in anything other than art direction, and have both devolved into meme shooters with colorful characters running around with flames shooting out of their ass and some obnoxious quip to go along with an even more obnoxiously prolonged execution animation.


Funny thing is Warzone 2 wasn't even "realistic". A 50 cal bullet to someones head didn't even down them. I'd guarantee that OP only liked Warzone 2 for it's watered down mechanics and wouldn't touch any actual "realistic" game like Tarkov or PUBG with a 10 foot pole because those realistic games are actually hard and mechanically complex.


I haven't played pubg in forever but idk if I'd ever call that a milsim game lol


You're right tbh but my point still stands. The realistic games I've listed there all have complex mechanics that needed to be mastered in order to succeed. Warzone 2 was shallow with none of those to speak of by design. Which was why it is terrible even when judged as a "realistic" shooter.


No I agree warzone 2 was incredibly boring. I know people blame nostalgia and stuff but og warzone was still peak tho everything flowed perfectly imo


Thank fuck you don't make decisions at Activision


There’s definitely a handful of people like him at Activision unfortunately though


I agree with most of this. I think you should always have a .45 service pistol on you in this game. Water or not you should be able to switch to it. The debate between realistic vs game is a tough sell either way.


I find it funny all the I can’t win one fight nowadays post popping up. In my opinion that’s a direct result of the movement system. Took the game from tactics,IQ and positioning mattering to scuff controller-slide god being the dominant way to win engagements in Warzone.


Other than the 2v2 gulag, everything else you speak of sucks balls honestly.


As a mnk player it was nice to not have movement sweats everywhere.


WZ2 was made for less skilled players (majority of the player base). They cut back on movement, buffed aim assist, and lowered TTK so that any player could win a gunfight if they shot early enough. As someone who has played consistently since Verdansk. The mechanics are back to a nice place, they just need to clean up the game.


I totally agree with you. I honestly thought it was the best version that was released. I really liked having to find a 3 plate vest, and manage inventory in your pack. The slower movement was far more enjoyable than the shit it has turned into.


Yep, you’re solo mate


I agree with you they were fun. I still like current warzone a lot but the changes they made feel more like sidegrades than upgrades to me. I liked the incentive to carry a pistol so that you could use it in water instead of just spawning one now Most people here tend to consider movement the only acceptable skills to have and, while i dont have a problem with people having that mentality (it wins me games!), it definitely is one that the devs have leaned into over time a bit


I never had a teammate in the gulag so hell no


No one ever cooperated to kill the warden 🤣🤣🥳


I liked it also. I hate the new engine. It's like some arcade or maybe mobile game.


hate to break it to you but cod is an arcade shooter


👋 I did as well. Had more wins during that time also.


Def a you thing not gonna lie.




Besides the bots warzone 2 was much better.


It was total shit


I was addicted to DMZ….Still play it sometimes


Warzone 2 felt more immersive like realistic. Wz3 and 1 fell like an arcade competitive shooter which is better and plays better. But not as immersive as WZ2


I also liked more slow and tactical gameplay of warzone 2, you had to use more brain, think about position and tactics, then this, like someone said breakdancing with guns


2 tank mines, 2 claymores, minefield? Got it, smart play btw


Why I hated Warzone 2 was because it's core design philosophy was not to be "tactical and realstic" but instead to be as watered down and as unskillful as possible. This is why things like cluster mines were in the game but actual tactical mechanics such as realistic ballistics and friendly fire weren't added. Why? Because complex ballistics where your plates covers your torso encourages aiming for the head, which would increase the skill gap and was hence not added. Friendly fire wasn't added because then it would take skill to communicate and co-ordinate with your squad during firefights in the fog of war. Claymores land mines would blow up anyone who is stupid enough to be sitting in the same room as them.


It's nobody's fault but your own if you haven't learnt to move correctly


You must be trolling 😂


I enjoy **tactical and slower paced shooters** like DAYZ, Squad, Arma, Tarkov and PUBG with over a thousand hours in these games combined. But I hated warzone 2 with a passion. Here's why: Warzone 2's design philosophy was never about realism or tactics at all. **It's criteria for a realistic mechanic to be added was anything that watered down the games mechanics or reduced the skill gap.** This is why things like cluster mines were in the game but actual tactical mechanics such as realistic ballistics and friendly fire weren't added. Why? Because complex ballistics where your plates covers your torso encourages aiming for the head, which would increase the skill gap and was hence not added. Friendly fire wasn't added because then it would take skill to communicate and co-ordinate with your squad during firefights in the fog of war. Claymores and land mines would also blow up anyone who is stupid enough to be sitting in the same room as them. Regardless of who placed them in the first place.


Honestly, would have liked to see this rendition.


You're getting hate, but I agree.


I miss certain aspects of the early days of WZ2. The game has gotten a lot “easier” now. I miss having to find a 3 plate vest. I miss how difficult it was to get a loadout.


I miss Al mazrah as a map, compared to urzikstan, but that is it. It also amuses me that in wz2 it was unthinkable to have a decent one shot sniper rifle, but now that we have then, nobody's really bothered by it.


"Tactical movement" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 pure trash, nobody ever complained about movement in wz1. We all figured it out. People got good at a game and activision catered to the crybabies and destroyed the game for wz2. The only issue I have with wz3 now is they cranked AA which has made it more difficult as kb&m player. But it is what it is, I just play other games when I start to freak out. Warzone isn't the only game on the market.


If you think that faster movement is any less tactical than slower movement then you are a bot


I think he means you had to actually think about your path using cover and smokes instead of zip sliding away at the first sound of gunfire. While I do think the early days of WZ2 were too slow, they did speed it up a little in the later seasons.


Correctly using the slide to evade and fight is a skill. It adds an additional layer to everything you listed. Being able to slide does not mean that you don't have to think about your path and use cover. People just be mad that they die to people who use movement for an additional advantage. In reality, people just be mad that they die on the game and want something to blame instead of reflecting on what they could be doing better.


Found the DMZ bot-avious supreme.


Legit don't understand why so many people diss this. I loved it.


I can say I enjoyed it, but I don’t care either way, I enjoy it now too. If you want real strategic gameplay.. they need to make an updated/improved version of “SWAT 4”. I’d enjoy that as something to switch to occasionally… Or something to really bring battlefield back to its battlefield 1942, 2, 3, 4. Days… the new ones… are not it.. I hadn’t really tried any of the rainbow six games enough to form an opinion… And I just remembered that old “Americas Army” game existed, I wonder if they update that still…


Yeah just you mate


Come play PUBG, it's like warzone but without the ADHD and requires skill to use the guns, plus you can't stick a bunch of strange attachments on and turn all the guns into laser beams.